Autumn color type: description and subtypes. Makeup for the autumn color type What suits the autumn color type

The autumn color type is a riot of rich, warm colors, giving its owner a special charm and charm. Such a woman easily stands out from the crowd and will never become a “gray mouse.” The representative can be recognized by her bright, expressive eyes, honey skin, often decorated with golden freckles. And the main uniqueness of a girl with an autumn color type is her thick red hair. They can be light brown or chestnut, but with a golden tint. Sometimes inept makeup or an incorrectly chosen palette of clothes drown out the bright, natural beauty. Therefore, it is necessary to know the appropriate colors for the autumn color type of appearance.

Let's talk in more detail about the description and subtypes of the autumn category, and give photo examples of celebrities. Let's find out which shades are suitable for hair coloring, a successful eye makeup palette, and lipstick colors. We will select a basic wardrobe for the autumn color type, a combination of colors in clothes, summer and evening looks. Let's add charm with the right decoration and perfume.

Autumn color type: description and subtypes

Representatives of the bright category have no reason to be sad or worry about their appearance. Nature generously rewarded them with expressive facial features.

What does an autumn girl look like:

  • Hair: sunny, sometimes fiery colors. Common shades: bronze, copper, red-chestnut, golden brown. In any case, a radiant warm undertone can be seen. Eyelashes and eyebrows are slightly lighter or match the hair.
  • Eyes: deep, expressive, often with a golden rim on the iris and shining inclusions. Mischievous rays can be traced in the warm gaze. The eye color of the autumn color type is brown, green, blue, indigo, and amber.
  • Leather: from light, ivory to dark, honey shades. A peach-colored face often has red or golden freckles. Such skin is not friendly to tanning and burns when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Dark-skinned women become even brighter after sunbathing, and their tan goes on evenly. There is no blush on the face; in the cold the skin turns completely red.

Autumn color type: photo examples of celebrities

Bright representatives easily manage to determine their belonging to the color type. And for girls with calmer natural characteristics, a description of the subtypes of the autumn category will help.

Color type soft autumn

The color type is also called light autumn or early. It borders on summer. Therefore, representatives sometimes have a light brown shade of hair. But unlike summer girls with cold features, autumn is characterized by warm colors. Strands can be golden brown, honey chestnut. Ivory or beige skin with warm undertones. Eyes of calm shades: gray-blue, green, tea. The appearance of such a girl is fraught with mystery; she is associated with romantic images.

Actress Drew Barrymore is a representative of soft autumn

Warm autumn color type

The category is also called natural autumn; it represents the golden middle of the season. Natural colors have a classic combination, without sharp contrasts. Hair shades: light copper, bright red, chestnut with a golden tint. The skin is peachy or ivory, and golden freckles are often scattered on the face. Radiant eyes with iridescence: cognac, amber, hazel or green shades. Women of the warm season are characterized by natural beauty; they are beautiful in elegant looks.

Actress Lindsay Lohan is a representative of natural autumn

Color type dark, deep autumn

Representatives are girls with bright, contrasting appearance features. They are attributed to late autumn, turning into winter. These are women with bronze, dark skin, brown-chocolate hair and piercing eyes. The eye color of the owners can be dark green, rich brown, sometimes black. The girl, corresponding to the later months of the season, is distinguished by her sophistication and sensual image.

Actress Keira Knightley is a representative of deep autumn

If you don’t recognize yourself in the autumn subtypes, determine your category using the test at the end of the article:

Autumn color type: suitable hair colors, photo

It’s hard for girls with bright red hair to change the shade, and is it even worth it? But those who like to experiment, often those with a muted palette, are not recommended to change radically. Hair dye should not compete with natural characteristics; it is used to highlight the appearance and give a winning shade.

Blonde hair colors for soft autumn:

  • golden nut;
  • amber honey;
  • caramel;
  • cognac;
  • cinnamon.

Representatives of natural autumn or girls with bright eyes will suit reddish hair shades:

  • ruby;
  • terracotta;
  • fiery red;
  • chocolate red;
  • wild Cherry.

What hair colors suit the dark fall color type:

  • chocolate;
  • golden coffee;
  • honey brown;
  • chestnut.

Women of the autumn color type often have thick, dense hair. Therefore, natural styling with light curls suits them. This gives the image a playful feel.

Makeup palette for autumn color type

The main thing to remember when choosing decorative cosmetics is that the palette should be warm. Cold shades will bring disharmony and drown out the natural charm. An autumn girl is beautiful without makeup, and the right colors will add charm and sensuality to the look.

The ideal cosmetic bag for a woman representing the autumn color type:

  1. Foundation: liquid, translucent, peach-beige tones. Apply a thin, light layer. Powder is often not needed or is used to match the tone.
  2. Blush: from light salmon to brown-terracotta shades. Must have a brick undertone, cold pink blush is not acceptable. It is acceptable to use a bronzer, and for the evening - a light, radiant concealer.
  3. Eyeshadow Palette: the shades are varied. All natural, autumn colors are included: green, brown, burgundy, lilac, gold. Beige-honey, peach and lavender shades are good for the base.
  4. Mascara and eyeliner. Mascara of the eye color will ideally highlight your look: brown or emerald. Black will be a universal choice. The pencil is taken to match the color of the mascara. For evening makeup, choose black eyeliner. Do not use gray-blue shades.
  5. Pencil and lipstick. The autumn color type is suitable for caramel, rich peach-coral, garnet-red, and chocolate shades. Cool lipstick colors do not suit: pearlescent pink or matte lilac.

Autumn color type: combination of colors in clothes

Clothes for the autumn color type should be warm, natural colors. No paleness, blurriness or coldness. Girls can afford rich, rich shades even in an everyday look:

  • light green;
  • deep green;
  • solar;
  • orange;
  • terracotta;
  • chocolate.

Autumn girl is beautiful in red and burgundy colors:

  • blackberry;
  • wine;
  • lingonberry;
  • plum;
  • brick

For a calm basic wardrobe, you can choose golden beige shades and the color of camel hair. In this case, the accent is given by an accessory or a separate item of clothing.

Summer looks should radiate light and add bright colors. For the warm season use:

  • citric;
  • carrot;
  • strawberry;
  • crimson;
  • azure;
  • light green.

A girl who personifies the autumn color type is usually slender, with a proportional figure. Therefore, representatives wear plain fabrics, complex prints, as well as multi-layered clothing. Suitable style: classic, romantic, country, safari. The ideal material for clothing and accessories will be: lace, velvet, suede, corduroy, tweed, boucle, angora.

Let's complete the look with jewelry and perfume.

For women of the autumn color type, voluminous jewelry is suitable. These can be ethnic beads, long earrings, multi-layer bracelets. Natural metals chosen are gold, copper, and bronze.

Stones suitable for the color type:

  • amber;
  • onyx;
  • malachite;
  • emerald;
  • topaz;
  • ruby.

The aroma for the autumn color type should be sensual and rich. Ideal notes for eau de toilette or perfume would be notes of oriental spices, patchouli, musk, ylang-ylang. To add charm to a bright appearance, you will need a complex aroma.

A woman of the autumn color type is a sophisticated flower created by nature. It needs proper care to smell fragrant. The beauty is emphasized by sunny colors and a natural palette of colors, as if collected from fresh berries, fruits and coniferous trees. The autumn girl does not go unnoticed in the crowd; she leaves a mysterious trail of perfume aroma.

It’s hard not to love autumn, because it is at this time that nature dresses in the most incredible colors - yellow, orange, red. Despite the brightness of the surroundings, the atmosphere is warm and gentle, in such an environment you just want to become a little more affectionate and kinder, to bring people a little warmth and kindness. Women of the autumn color type give approximately the same warm and almost magical feelings to those around them - their appearance is bright, but not harsh, they give warmth and tenderness with their mere presence. Within the framework of the autumn type of appearance, there are a number of subtypes, and identifying a specific one will help not only to correctly create makeup, but also to select harmonious clothes and accessories.

Subtypes of autumn color type and photo examples

Autumn in all its manifestations can be different, and appearance color types are no exception. Experts distinguish three main types of appearance of autumn girls, each of which has its own special features.

Soft autumn

Soft autumn has its own specific features that make it stand out from other subtypes of appearance. This coloring always implies smoky colors, slightly muted, the saturation is average, and the palette is natural and as close to natural as possible. This option can be compared to the beginning of autumn weather - it’s already a little cool and new colors are appearing on the trees, but summer is still clearly felt.

So it is with the color type: warm notes in hair color (typical colors are chestnut, ash, blond, light brown, possibly with a slight gray tint), eyes are dull green, brown or blue-green. There is a lot of gray in the image, but far from inconspicuous and pale; the gray of autumn girls is noble and rich, its reflections can be seen in the hair and eye color. There is the contrast inherent in summer, but it is a little blurred, not so flashy. Soft autumn is, without a doubt, a warm color type; for makeup artists it is neutral, as it goes well with a large number of colors.

Natural (warm)

The main features are the predominance of exclusively warm shades, having a certain softness and density. Natural autumn is rich in soft colors, it is difficult not to notice and confuse it with another color type. Do you want to see an autumn representative of the warm type? Remember Julia Roberts - a radiant beauty, whose appearance is best described within the framework of this type of appearance. So, the main signs:

  • slightly dark skin of light beige shades, often with freckles;
  • brown and deep green, grayish-green, sometimes mixed with blue eyes;
  • hair is chestnut, dark blond, with a copper tint, red.

Dark (deep)

The dark autumn color type implies the presence of rich and deep shades, the colors are natural, but mostly dark and warm. Despite such restrictions, playing with tones can create a wide variety of moods - from gloomy to confident and bold. A representative of deep autumn should have dark hair colors - it can be chestnut, reddish, light brown shades.

There are no restrictions regarding eye color; in autumn they can be either green or brown, but only without cold notes, even if we are talking about gray. Typical skin tone is beige. Such a phenomenon as freckles is often found in autumn girls, regardless of which subtype their appearance belongs to.

What is suitable in makeup for women with the Autumn color type?

Makeup, regardless of the reason for its creation, should not conflict with the natural color shades of the skin and color type in general. The purpose of makeup is not to cover up, but to emphasize natural beauty, making it more expressive and noticeable to others.

Foundation and powder

The choice of foundation is determined by the original skin color; it is important that the product matches it as closely as possible. Therefore, when purchasing, a drop of tone is applied to the border of the lower jaw and carefully shaded - this way you can understand whether the color is suitable or not. In general, the tone should not be noticeable at all, it should create the appearance of healthy and soft skin and give it a natural glow. Due to the peculiarities of their color type, it is best for autumn girls to give preference to foundations and powders with light and warm golden notes. This solution will allow you to favorably emphasize the peculiarity of your appearance. Concealer to mask imperfections should have a yellowish tint.

The powder should be as light a shade as possible - beige, natural; for an evening out, you can purchase a golden version. When choosing the texture of products to create an even skin tone, you need to pay attention not to the color type, but to the condition of the skin itself. Thus, for oily skin types, thick products with a mattifying effect are suitable, and for dry skin, a moisturizing and nourishing tone with a lighter texture is suitable.

Lipstick shades for autumn type of appearance

All warm shades will look great on autumn lips, both pale and bright - it all depends on the occasion. So, you can safely use lipstick in champagne colors, beige tones, coral, red with a bronze tint, copper, cherry, and even bold red-eggplant. As for pink and lilac tones, including the color of the function, they should be avoided.

The Autumn color type is not so widespread, but having such an appearance is quite advantageous - there are no difficulties in emphasizing your advantages, you can safely afford even the brightest images and styles.

Choosing the right eye shadow

An autumn woman can safely afford to use rich shades in her eye makeup - bronze, emerald green, eggplant, gray. A dark frame will add expressiveness to the look, complementing the natural charm. If you want to give your image femininity and tenderness, then you should use lighter colors - peach, lavender, beige, cinnamon, copper brown. It is better to avoid cold pastel colors; they are not suitable for Autumn.

Special attention should be paid to mascara - experts recommend that Autumn representatives not be afraid to experiment with its color. Unusual contrasting solutions in shades of burgundy, green, brown and even purple will help make hazy eye color clearer and brighter.

Depending on the situation, you can use different options for applying mascara - completely over the entire length of the hairs, or only at the ends, on top of the classic black product. As for eyebrows, do not use a black pencil under any circumstances - this will greatly ruin the appearance. The ideal option is brown, maybe with a reddish tint.

Ideal hair color for girls of the Autumn color type

The most suitable hair colors for autumn are dark brown and red. Often, the shade given by nature completely satisfies women - for autumn women it is rich and expressive, so in most cases there is simply no need to improve it. In an effort to experiment, many representatives of the fair sex still dye their hair, but here, too, one should not ignore the innate color type. It doesn’t matter what color will be the main one, the most important thing is that it has a warm tone and tints of reddish or red-brown color - this is the only way the autumn look will look beautiful and harmonious. Blue pigment in any of its manifestations (ash, lilac and plum paints) is best avoided.

Combination of colors in clothes

When choosing clothes, you need to rely on the autumn palette. Women with this appearance look best in red-brown tones, or other warm, but not very bright ones. Experts recommend paying attention to all shades of beige: both light beige and golden options and rich, dark brown tones will look advantageous. Shades of green and warm versions of pink flowers are also suitable. When choosing clothes, it is important to consider a simple rule: the darker the natural hair color, the darker the colors you can purchase. For fair-haired beauties, very dark clothes will not help create a harmonious image - they will contrast strongly, “clouding” the natural tones of the face.

It is better to avoid cold shades in clothes; they are not at all in harmony with the warm appearance of autumn girls. The worst will look blue, blue tones close to black, and other frankly winter colors. Pure black and pure white should also be avoided, it is better to choose something with a tint. So, ivory, light beige and milky colors are perfect to replace white.

How to create a harmonious image for girls with an autumn color type? Our recommendations will help you emphasize that your beauty is worth its weight in gold! The fact that each person has “his own” colors that suit him has been noted for a long time. However, it was only in the twentieth century that this knowledge was streamlined, and the theory of color types had several authors. Maximilian Faktorovich, founder of the American cosmetics brand Max Factor and inventor of French manicure, painting teachers Albert Munsel (USA) and Johannes Itten (Switzerland), colorists Gisela Watermann and Franziska Zingel (Germany) suggested that the correspondence of appearance types to certain seasons of the year should be considered the basis of a person’s image.

Get into the suit! Determining your color type

Step one. We wash off our makeup, remove our hair from our face, and sit in front of the mirror in natural light.

Step two. We apply test colors to the face one by one (you can take scarves, pieces of fabric, and even colored paper). Recommended set in pairs: gold and silver, violet (lilac) and violet, pistachio green and bronze green (khaki), pure pink and salmon pink. We “reject” those colors that emphasize the imperfections of the face, give it an earthy tone, and create the effect of circles under the eyes.

Step three. We use nature's hints. Blue, violet, black, gray and hazel eyes, veins with a bluish tint, and ashy hair shine give you a “cold” appearance. Green, turquoise, brown and amber eyes, veins greenish in the light, golden or copper tint of hair are treasures of warm color types.

Step four. We evaluate the results. The “Spring” and “Autumn” color types are warm, with a predominance of golden-yellow and salmon-pink undertones (the autumn range is biased towards reddish, reddish tones). “Winter” and “Summer” are cold, with bluish, ashy, silver, gray-pink shades in their base.

“Autumn” and “Winter” naturally have spectacular color contrasts, but “Summer” and “Spring” do not. Let us explain: in the second case, the tone of the skin of the face and the natural color of hair, eyebrows, the color of the pupil and the white of the eye seem to merge, and in the first they are different, like a canvas and a frame. You need to choose a wardrobe and do makeup to suit your color type in order to look harmonious. But! Hair coloring and corrective make-up, clothing combined with a new look can change your natural color type to its opposite.

In order to accurately determine this color type, I will describe it in more detail.

Hair: copper-brown, bronze, copper-brown, golden-brown.
Eyes: dark brown-green, amber-brown, green-blue.
Skin: peach, yellow-beige, pinkish-beige.

Autumn color type - colors in clothes

To " autumn“looked the most impressive and in order for her natural colors to play in full force, she needs to choose the right colors of clothes.
First of all, the colors of autumn are necessarily warm, deep shades. Imagine a golden autumn. Red-yellow foliage, burnt grass, warming “low” sun. The color scheme of the “autumn” appearance has similar characteristics:
shades are warm, earthy, rich, not bright; basic color brick red, others - mustard, eggplant, blue-green (petrol), etc.

In picture 1 " autumn” framed by “their” shades. They seem to complement her natural image. A blush appears, the eyes seem greener, the hair is even brighter, the skin is fresher.
In picture 2 " autumn" framed. They have completely different qualities. “Autumn” fades in them, the face takes on a gray tint, the blush becomes slightly brown, the look becomes tired.
Thus, you can again see how important it is to know “your” shades. The colors visually interact with each other, and the effect is visible, as they say, in person!

If it’s autumn, choose the following shades in clothes, especially near the face: brown-red, golden-honey, orange-red, copper, plum, sea green, olive, etc. Women of the autumn color type in all their ways they personify the warmth of golden autumn.

Remember that pure cold colors are not suitable for the autumn color type. Replace boiling white with white with a peach tint. Black color is also not recommended; it is better to replace it with reddish brown or dark olive shades. Pure blue and blue-violet colors are also contraindicated for Autumn Color Imp. They can be replaced by greenish-blue kerosene ones. Red for autumn is the warm, deep color of a ripe tomato, not a piercing scarlet. The most advantageous color of the autumn color type is orange and all its variations: the color of juicy mango, ripe carrots. But at the same time, avoid neon orange shades.

The same principles for choosing shades apply to hair color. For a warm, deep autumn color of appearance, ash-light tones, blue-black, i.e., are absolutely not suitable. shades with cool undertones. Against the background of cool hair color, natural “autumn” freckles take on a red-brown tint, in other words, they begin to “burn” on the face. The effect of sunburned skin is created. In “their own” red or copper hair color, “autumn” skin seems to calm down, freckles fade into the background and become less noticeable, the skin takes on a peach tint. “Autumn” framed by red hair looks harmonious and impressive.

Makeup for the “Autumn” color type

The autumn girl has an incredibly expressive appearance - her hair shimmers with a warm red color, her skin seems transparent and golden, and her eyes are filled with radiance. Makeup for girls of the autumn color type is a way to emphasize your luxurious appearance, giving it romance and elegance.

Foundation and blush

Representatives of autumn may have light or dark skin, but the tone will always be warm. When choosing a foundation, stick to warm shades. Suitable for you:

  • Beige shade
  • Peach tone
  • To disguise under-eye circles or age spots, use a concealer with a slight yellow tint.
  • Transparent and lightweight foundations that go on in an invisible layer

The powder should also be transparent and colorless, especially if you have very fair skin. If you are an autumn type with dark skin, choose powder in a light beige shade. By the way, you can also use powder as a blush - for your type of appearance, it is enough to highlight the line of your cheekbones with bronzer or dark powder. If you are choosing blush, stop at apricot and salmon shades. For girls with dark skin, brown-gold and terracotta blush tones are suitable. Avoid in your makeup:

  • Cool shades of powder and foundation, especially with a gray tint
  • Pink shades of blush and foundation
  • Dark brown powder


The autumn girl is naturally blessed with expressive eye color. And the main feature of your color type is that you can safely leave your eyes without makeup. It is quite appropriate to apply only mascara or eyeliner during the day, but for evening makeup you can use shadows. Suitable for you:

  • Emerald green shades
  • Golden
  • Peach
  • Lilac and eggplant
  • Light beige
  • Brown and copper brown
  • Bronze
  • Lavender shades

Avoid calm tones and cold shades. Also, the popular “smoky eye” effect will not suit you - such makeup will look too rich and heavy.


Like the rest of your “cosmetic arsenal,” you should choose a warm shade of lipstick. For example:

  • Light brown
  • Creme brulee shade
  • Caramel color
  • Coral
  • Medny
  • Orange-red tone

Lilac, pink and purple shades of lipsticks should be avoided. An autumn girl can afford bright makeup, but the emphasis should be placed either on the eyes or on the lips.

Determining your color type on your own is very difficult. Even professional image consultants use special tools for this, namely test scarves. The color type can also be determined from photographs, but only a professional can do this.

You can order service for determining your color type via the Internet. Write to me in a way convenient for you. For consultation I will need several of your photographs. I will explain their number and format to you personally.

You can order - the cost is 5500 rubles, which includes:

  • color testing
  • color type determination
  • drawing up a color palette

Fiery, bright, passionate. This is exactly how men describe red-haired women.

In the language of professional stylists and makeup artists, this type is called “autumn.” It is a warm color type and is also less common than others. This is probably why a woman of autumn color type has a certain magnetism.

You can literally look at her without looking away. And at the same time, a lady does not have to be “the face from the cover.”

Autumn color type, signs. The autumn girl is the owner of red hair of various shades, from light honey to rich Titian.

The skin color is transparent and always has a warm golden undertone. Often, representatives of this type suffer from numerous freckles. And completely in vain. Most men consider them a piquant feature.

The color range of the eyes is wide, ranging from blue and gray to green and dark brown; a feature of the eyes of this color type can be called their expressiveness and brightness.

Depending on the specific shades of hair, skin and eyes, “autumn” is divided into subtypes.

Autumn color type, characteristics

Let's get acquainted: soft autumn color type (photo)

The most gentle and calm subspecies is called “soft autumn”.

It is very often confused due to the similarity of colors. In fact, this type is a kind of “mix” of autumn and summer palettes.

As a rule, a woman has a soft autumn color type with gray or green eyes. A little less often, there are girls with amber or light brown eyes. The hair color is the same muted, with an almost indistinguishable addition of an ashy shade: light bronze, honey, delicate chestnut.

Let me introduce: warm autumn color type

Another name for this color group is real, true autumn. The appearance of such girls is dominated by a warm and at the same time “dense” color palette.

The hair color is often rich chestnut or red.

Unlike others, the warm autumn color type is not characterized by any special, specific eye shade. Representatives of the type can be brown-eyed, blue-eyed, gray-eyed, or have blue-green eyes. But the undertone of their skin must certainly be warm.

Recognizing the dark autumn color type

Quite often it is called somewhat differently - “deep autumn color type”.

The main distinguishing feature of this type is at the same time the presence of dark and warm shades, in contrast to the dark and cold shades of “winter”, this “autumn” is bright and rich. Most often, the eyes and hair of these representatives are a rich dark color, and the skin tone is from beige to dark.

The dark autumn color type is most common.

What colors suit the autumn color type?

Representatives of this type are characterized by a unique charm and inner beauty. To emphasize them, you should definitely know which colors are suitable for the autumn color type, but which ones, on the contrary, should be avoided. It's not difficult at all. You just need to remember the universal rule: soft red-brown colors, as well as blurry warm shades, ideally complement this color type.

Clothes for the autumn color type

In addition to the color palette, when selecting items, stylists also advise paying attention to their design, taking into account the type. The ideal clothes for the autumn color type are made in country, safari, and ethnic styles. Representatives of “autumn” are very suitable for outfits with a complex cut and colors. It is highly recommended to wear clothes made of thick, even coarse fabrics. In addition, stylists warn that you should not use more than two shades at the same time in an ensemble. This is explained by the “bright appearance” of the type.

If we talk specifically about the color palette of clothes, we should take into account: brown, red, yellow tones. Also shown are golden beige and dark green.

One hundred percent taboo is pure cold shades. You should not spend money on pure white and blue clothes, or on gray business suits).

Makeup for autumn color type, photo

Makeup can work wonders. Executed according to all the rules, it will further emphasize the natural beauty of autumn.

Look how successful makeup can be for an autumn color type, photo.

This is how the stars skillfully highlight their beauty with the help of well-chosen makeup for the autumn color type.

Lipstick for autumn color type

Girls with this color type are very suitable for any warm lipstick: caramel, creme brulee, copper, rich orange and others included in a similar palette.

But lipstick for the autumn color type, which is absolutely not suitable - lilac, pink, purple.

Blush for autumn color type

Blush is a must-have when creating both daytime and evening makeup. Without them, the makeup looks unfinished. What blush should I use for the autumn color type? Girls of this type should use an apricot, peach, and salmon palette. If your skin is dark, terracotta, gold, and coral blushes are perfect.

Shadows for autumn color type

Most makeup artists are lenient when it comes to using eyeshadow for this type of appearance. And they advise you to do without them altogether, limiting yourself to creating eye makeup only with mascara or pencil. However, if you really want to, you can use such shadows for the autumn color type : golden, brown, coral, green, olive.

We select mascara, powder, foundation

It is recommended to use a transparent beige or peach color as a base for makeup and foundation. It will give the skin a natural glow.

Taboo – cool shades with blue or pink undertones. The same rules apply when selecting powder. They will make your face look painful. The concealer must be yellowish in color.

The finishing touch to any makeup look is the use of mascara. The following palette is preferable for the autumn color type: brown, dark purple, dark green.

Color type autumn hair color

Hair color for the autumn color type is, so to speak, the calling card of the image.

For such girls, curls of absolutely all shades of red are suitable: copper, red-brown, fiery and even carrot.

Often, in the autumn color type, the hair color is also represented by a rusty, chestnut, brown tone.

In addition to the color, owners of this type also have a special curl structure. They are thick, dense, can be smooth, but most often curly.

Color type autumn accessories

In addition to clothes and makeup, special attention should be paid to accessories. Stylists recommend placing emphasis on copper and gold jewelry.

As for textures, decorations made of wood and stone will complement the outfits in an original way. The fall color type can afford virtually any accessories. But beads, as well as elongated earrings, are required to be worn.

Shoes and bags should be chosen in a dark brown or warm beige palette. Leopard-print accessories will effectively complement the image of such a girl.

Autumn color type photo examples

It seems that the large army of glamorous blondes is slowly beginning to be replaced by equally sexy and numerous redheads. Among them are such famous celebrities as:

Julianne Moore

Julia Roberts

Jennifer Lopez

Jessica Alba

Gisele Bündchen

There are worthy representatives in our show business. Opening any gloss, we will certainly find women of the autumn color type, photo examples. Among them:

Ekaterina Guseva

Alla Pugacheva

Irina Zabiyaka

Margarita Terekhova

Albina Dzhanabaeva

This list can be continued indefinitely. It’s not for nothing that the fiery shade of hair has been at the peak of popularity for several seasons now. It seems that this trend will continue for quite a long time.

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