Interesting facts from the history of the comb. Presentation "what types of combs there are" Signs and superstitions associated with combs

Do you know... the history of the comb?

Nowadays you can often hear about the beauty of long, silky, shiny hair. This canon of beauty might not have appeared if our ancient ancestors had not come up with such a simple, but so necessary for most inhabitants of the Earth, item as a comb.
A comb is a very simple device with “teeth” that goes through the hair to make it neat.
The ancestor of the modern comb is a fish skeleton. It is unknown when the first comb was made, but one of the most ancient combs was found during excavations on the territory of Ancient Rome. It was a comb with a handle (the handle was made from a wide animal bone) and with eight cut teeth (the teeth were located at a distance of 0.2 cm from each other).

Later, combs were made from coral, turtle shell, ivory, horns of various animals and wood. Such inhumane, in relation to nature, material was used until the middle of the 19th century.

Throughout its history, the comb has performed various functions, depending on the era and country - from a simple means of detangling strands to an elegant accessory.
In ancient times, Eastern women used fish bone as a comb. The first combs found in Europe date back to the Stone Age. Combs were made from cow horn: the inner part of the horn was removed, it was steamed, cut into two parts, straightened under a press and dried, and then the teeth were cut out by hand. Over time, combs and combs became the pride of wealthy people. They were made of precious metals and ivory, and decorated with gems.

Since ancient times, Slavic peoples wore long hair and beards, and women wore braids, which they used combs to comb. Combs were considered magical objects; they were an indispensable attribute of Russian fairy tales, and witches and sorcerers often used combs in their witchcraft. Remember: “The sorceress stuck a comb into the head of Finist the Bright Falcon, and he fell asleep like a dead sleep”? Fleeing from pursuit, the heroines of fairy tales threw the comb behind them, and it turned into a forest.

In mysterious Japan, a young man himself had to make a comb and give it to his chosen one, and if a girl pinned her hair with it, it meant that she was ready to respond to his feelings. In Japan, samurai also used combs, not only to strengthen their hair, but also as weapons. For example, some combs could easily serve as throwing knives.

In the Middle Ages, combs made of ivory and gold were valued. Angels and mythological animals were carved on them. Around this time, brushes made from pork bristles and hedgehog needles appeared.

During the Renaissance, there were huge wire frames and hoops that held incredibly tall hairstyles. Women who created real works of art on their heads usually combed their hair at home with the help of servants, and carried special combs with long handles with them to make it easier to straighten their hair.

In the 17th century, a special guild of comb masters was formed. It took at least ten years to master the art of making combs. One master could make 10-15 combs per day. With their help, combs became more functional, with different purposes. Combs appeared to create partings, to maintain volume, and combs used for shaving. Wood began to be used primarily for production; later, tortoiseshells served as the basis for expensive combs.
In 1862, with the invention of plastic, combs became a popular household item; both rich and poor began to use them.

In 1869, brothers Isaiah and John Hiatt invented celluloid. Thanks to this, animals and corals were saved from the fate of becoming a comb, and people were able to use cheap combs made from materials that look very similar to ivory and turtle shells.

Time passed, history changed, and with it the shape and material from which combs were made. But, as you know, the new is just the well-forgotten old.

Even ancient people noticed that the best way to take care of hair is with combs made of wood. The life and warmth of the wood is transferred to the comb, and with it to the hair: it becomes soft, elastic, silky. Look through the Druid horoscope: which tree protects your vitality and health? Oak? Birch? Linden? For example, birch combs activate the effect of healing and nutritious infusions and masks on the hair and improve the energy of the hair. Oak, on the contrary, seems to “calm” the hair - it does not become electrified. However, you should not purchase wooden combs coated with varnish or paint. There will be no healing effect.

Yuletide fortune-telling with a comb is widely known in Rus'. When going to bed on one of the holy nights, girls put a new comb under their pillow. And they say three times: “Betrothed-mummer, come comb your curls” or “Come, come, comb your hair, comb your hair.” Look at me, show yourself." After this, they will definitely dream of the future groom, and if they are lucky, in the morning they can find a strand of the groom’s hair on the comb, by which they can determine whether he is blond, brunette or brown-haired.

A love spell using a comb is very popular in villages. The love spell is done on a comb that your loved one uses or on a new comb, which you then need to give to him. The spell sounds like this:

“Comb-comb, head staff,
hair-hair, dear friend.
You yourself, brothers, help me,
Bring my dear one into my arms.
I will care for you, cherish you,
wash with spring water, but in return I want
to meet and greet a dear one on your doorstep.
Hair-hair, comb-comb,
Instill my love into my dear one.
Day after day, night after night,
let him remember me and miss me,
and soon he will come to me again.
Ears are witnesses, heart is the key,
mouth is a lock.

But if you dreamed that your comb has too many teeth and it can’t handle your hair, this means that in real life your behavior gives too many reasons for gossip. If in a dream you buy a new comb, then in reality it is possible that a new admirer or admirer will appear. A dream in which a comb broke while you were doing your hair means that you should be wary of illnesses and illnesses.

    COMB, combs, women. 1. units only Action under Ch. comb in 1 value comb. Bad flax comb. 2. Comb (simple). Celluloid comb. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Comb, combs, combs, combs, comb, combs, comb, combs, comb, comb, combs, comb, combs (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

    COMB, and, female. 1. see comb. 2. Comb for combing hair. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Yes, get out of here! Jarg. they say The requirement to leave, to leave from where. Maksimov, 363 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    comb- comb, etc. p.m. tsp juice... Russian spelling dictionary

    comb- COMB, ski, pl. juice, date skam, g Device for combing hair an oblong (usually curved) plate with a row of teeth on one side; Syn: comb. On his large, slightly pockmarked, shaved face there was a lighter ... mustache, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

    comb- And; pl. genus. juice, date scam; and. see also comb 1) to comb 1) comb Comb hair. Linen, wool comb. 2) Comb for combing, combing hair... Dictionary of many expressions

History of the comb

Undoubtedly, the comb became one of the first personal care items. Its ancestor is a fish skeleton. Various improvised means were used to comb hair: sticks, burdock thorns, etc. But hairstyles became more and more complex. Ancient Roman women, for example, removed their heads several times a day, and this fad was so popular that even marble busts and sculptures had removable parts to change their hairstyles! Of course, the fish spine as a tool was no longer suitable for complex hairstyles. A special device was needed to comb long hair. This is how the comb appeared.They learned to cut and grind it from wood, bone, coral, turtle shell, and very often from the horns of various animals (the inner part of the horn was removed, steamed, cut into two parts, straightened under a press and dried, and then the teeth were cut out by hand). One of the most ancient combs was found during excavations on the territory of Ancient Rome. It was a comb with a handle (the handle was made from a wide animal bone) and with eight cut teeth (the teeth were located at a distance of 0. 2 cm apart).

Over time, combs became a source of pride for wealthy people. The ivory combs, made by the ancient Greeks in the 2nd millennium BC, are so exquisite that they can be considered works of art.

In the Middle Ages, combs made of ivory and gold were valued. Angels and mythological animals were carved on them. Around this time, brushes made from pork bristles and hedgehog needles appeared.

In the 17th century, a special guild of comb masters was formed. It took at least ten years to master the art of making combs. One master could make 10-15 combs per day. With their help, combs became more functional, with different purposes. Combs appeared to create partings, to maintain volume, and combs used for shaving. Wood began to be used primarily for production; later, tortoiseshells served as the basis for expensive combs.

In the 19th century, with the invention of plastic, combs became a popular household item; both rich and poor began to use them.

There are a lot of types and categories of combs, but first of all they are divided into combs and brushes. Comb combs are suitable for daily combing; they are also good for applying masks and styling products, backcombing.

Brushes (they are also called massagers) are the most common option today. They gained worldwide love for their outstanding ability to comb hair and at the same time massage the head. But don’t think that the massager is a universal comb that suits everyone: it’s not. In particular, it is better not to use it for those with oily scalp: the massage effect significantly increases the scale of sebum production.

Now let's look at the types of combs and brushes, because every self-respecting woman should have several combs!


Plastic comb without handle, often divided into two parts: on one side there are sparse teeth, and on the other there are frequent teeth. Convenient to carry and easily fits in your purse. The side with sparse teeth can be used for combing, and the side with frequent teeth can be backcombed.

(width of teeth 3 – 4 mm, distance between them 6 – 7 mm). It's a must have for those with curly hair. Also indispensable for combing wet hair and hair after perm.

To prevent thick curls from turning into fluff when combing, use. It will highlight the waves and easily deal with thick hair.

Comb with a long narrow handle and teeth of different heights used for backcombing, separating thin strands when winding on curlers and giving the parting a zigzag shape.

Comb with fork teeth or stiletto handle(thin and long) and with frequent teeth is needed for styling, modeling bangs and parting.


Flat brush with natural bristles Suitable for those who have thick, straight hair, it will smooth the hair and remove unnecessary volume. This brush is also used for evening massage.

– round brushes with natural bristles or metal (plastic) teeth. They are indispensable for blow-drying hair and straightening fine curly hair. When choosing the size of a brush, you need to remember a simple principle: the longer the hair, the larger the comb you need to choose.

"Fish bone"(skeleton comb) – a flat brush with horizontal holes,

Through which hot air from the hair dryer circulates freely without burning the skin or overheating the hair.Ideal for adding volume to the roots when drying hair with a hairdryer. Suitable for backcombing.

Semicircular brushes with wide teeth Ideal for styling short haircuts.

Brush with thick and sparse bristles needed to detangle natural curls or unruly hair.

(hair dryers) are becoming more and more popular now. They include a brush attachment, and sometimes several brushes of various diameters and shapes, each of which is designed to perform a specific function (for straightening, for curling, for adding volume to the hair, etc.). When choosing hair dryers, it is better to choose an option with a power of 1000 W or more, as well as those with a cold blow function. The presence of this function allows you to consolidate the achieved effect and guarantees that the styled curls will retain their shape for a long time.

Comb hair dryers are most suitable for styling thin and damaged hair; with their help it is convenient to lift the hair at the roots and smooth out individual strands. However, they are not very convenient for drying and styling thick and long hair. Often, during the curling process, hair gets tangled and tangled on the brush. It should also be taken into account that comb hair dryers have maximum contact with the hair, so even at low temperatures and power they can damage the hair structure.

Laser comb can be a very good help in the fight for beautiful hair. Studies conducted by trichologists in different countries have shown that laser activates healthy hair growth, strengthens roots, eliminates dandruff and heals the scalp. However, as experts admit, the effectiveness of a laser comb varies from person to person. There are a great many reasons for hair loss, and not in all cases the effect of a laser on the hair roots can get rid of this problem. Indications for use of a laser comb: hair loss; oily and dry dandruff; weakened, dull hair. Manufacturers of these devices and trichologists recommend using a laser comb three times a week. The optimal session duration is from 10 to 20 minutes. Turn on the comb, very slowly and smoothly “slide” it over the scalp, pausing at each point for 4-5 seconds. Experts advise moving in the direction opposite to hair growth - this way the effect on the hair follicles will be more intense. It is important to keep your hair and scalp clean.

Ionizing massage comb Repairs hair with negative oxygen ions and reduces hair damage caused by static electricity. Gives smoothness, shine to hair and a healthy appearance to the scalp. Powered by a rechargeable battery.

When choosing a comb, you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made..

Natural combs– combs made from natural materials (bristles, bones, horns, wood). They are considered beneficial for hair as they do not damage it or injure the scalp.

Bristles, bone and horn. One of the most expensive and at the same time high-quality bristles is considered to be natural (pork) bristles. Natural bristle brushes are most convenient for long straight hair; they will help your hair look smooth and shiny. In addition to their main function, combing itself, they gently massage the scalp and evenly distribute sebum along the entire length of the strands. Although even better are brushes with mixed bristles, which are suitable for almost all hair types.

Horn and bone combs are also considered the most useful. A comb with the addition of tourmaline crumbs will even cure headaches.

Tree. It is believed that wooden combs provide excellent hair care and are recommended to almost everyone: hair splits less, shines brighter and breaks less. Wood is good because it does not react with hair cosmetic products, be it a mask or dye. Therefore, you can apply any composition to your head with a birch or beech comb without fear of an unexpected result. And birch combs even activate the effect of nutritional ingredients. In addition, they eliminate dandruff, but, unlike beech trees, they are short-lived. Combs made of oak wood have an antistatic effect, and juniper combs have an anti-stress effect. All this applies only to specimens untouched by varnish. Otherwise, there is zero benefit.

Another opinion:“If you knew how much we trichologists hate natural bristle brushes! – says Irina Popova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, member of the American Academy of Trichology, member of the European Society for Hair Research. - They are only suitable for styling. I responsibly declare: brushes made of natural bristles, wood and metal are the worst enemies of hair. The ideal comb is a massage comb made of high-quality plastic. It will remove excess electricity from the surface of the hair, help smooth out the scales and carefully remove tangled areas.”

Synthetic combs

Plastic. The plastic combs that we have been accustomed to since childhood are now considered far from the best, because they create static electricity to the greatest extent, which is harmful to the hair, quickly become damaged and scratch the hair shaft with unnoticeable irregularities on the teeth. However, you should not completely abandon the use of plastic combs, because they are easily cleaned of dirt and do not tangle your hair. They are also indispensable when coloring hair. And it’s best to comb wet hair with a plastic comb with wide teeth. You just need to choose a comb made of high-quality plastic from well-known companies that produce hair and nail accessories. When choosing a comb, use a very simple test: run the teeth or bristles along your hand from the back, more sensitive side of your hand. If there are no scratches left on the skin, then everything is in order, you can buy and use.

Carbon. An interesting new product from professional brands - a carbon comb - made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic with ceramic coating. It comes in various sizes with frequently and widely spaced teeth. This comb combs the hair very delicately, makes the hair smooth, and also retains its properties for a long time, is not afraid of dirt and does not require special care. A carbon comb can be used for cutting, coloring, backcombing, lifting strands and distributing curls. Thanks to the material, the comb literally glides through the hair without damaging its structure, does not become electrified, and does not enter into a chemical reaction with the preparations when dyeing.

Silicone. Today a new class of combs has appeared. They are often called silicone, but they are actually made from an alloy of plastic and silicone. They are usually cream colored. These combs do not electrify your hair. They are usually engraved “antistatic”. In addition, they are very easy to wash. The silicone comb is suitable for cutting and coloring; it is convenient to comb curly hair and separate it into separate neat strands. A silicone comb will evenly distribute the mask, foam or mousse along the entire length of the hair.

Nylon. Suitable for almost all hair types and types: from thin short to thick curly. It outperforms even brushes with natural bristles due to its exceptional softness and delicacy. Nylon brush is great for weak, damaged and children's hair

Ebonite. Hard rubber combs amazingly add shine to your curls and remove static electricity. A rubber comb is also suitable for combing hair while washing. Such a hair comb will be the least traumatic, because wet hair and scalp are much more vulnerable than dry ones, and they require very careful care.

Metal. A metal comb with a series of fine teeth is good for creating a backcomb and separating curls. A comb with rounded teeth can handle even the most tangled hair. A metal comb removes static electricity, but hairdressers do not recommend using such a comb every day. A metal comb treats your hair in the most unceremonious way: it breaks, tears and scratches the scalp. If there are no protective “balls” on the metal teeth of the comb, you need to be careful with it so as not to pull out hair. In addition, we must take into account that the metal reacts chemically with hair dye and can change color.

In addition to the material of the comb itself, pay attention to what the comb handle is made of. Rubberized or silicone handles are considered the best. They do not slip out of your hands when drying your hair with a hairdryer.

An equally important role is played by the “pillow” from which the teeth and bristles protrude. If you take a comb with a rubber base, then check whether it is properly attached to the base and whether it is torn at the edges. By the way, since the rubber one doesn’t glide well over the hair, and the plastic one gives an electric shock, it is better to give preference to the option made of thick textiles.

How to choose a comb

In order to make the right choice of a comb, you need to understand for what purpose we are buying it and whether it is suitable specifically for our hair type. All combs, regardless of the material from which they are made and their purpose, differ in the frequency and length of the teeth or bristles, as well as in diameter and size. There are not so many rules here either, and they are quite simple:

Soft hair is better friends with soft materials used to make the comb, and vice versa. Thus, if your hair is thin, delicate, and even more so brittle and damaged, give preference to silicone, wood, and brushes with nylon bristles. Owners of hard and strong curls can afford plastic, ebonite, bone, and natural bristles.

The frequency of the teeth on the comb is inversely related to the thickness of the hair. That is, rich, unruly curls will be easiest to tidy up using a comb or brush with wide teeth and bristles.

The volume of the styling brush is directly dependent on the length of the hair. Choose a brush with a large diameter if you have a waist-length braid, and for those with short hair, a “skinny” comb is better.

How to care for your comb?

-Don't forget to keep your comb clean, wash it at least once a week, and if you have hair that is prone to getting dirty and greasy, it is better to wash your comb every day.

There should be no loose hair left on the comb; remove it regularly. You can clear the brush of hair stuck in it using another comb or toothpick. There are also special brushes for cleaning combs. An old toothbrush is useful for removing dirt from the bristles. After this, rinse the brush with warm water and a small amount of shampoo, shake and let dry with the bristles down. If the brush is very dirty, and in big cities this is far from uncommon, then wet wipes are a good choice, which are very convenient for removing dirt from each tooth.

A comb is a personal hygiene product, so it is not recommended to give it to another person for use.

You can change your comb once a year, but only if it is of high quality and made of good material. Otherwise, change the comb more often as it “wears out.”

Signs and superstitions associated with the comb

In the old days, people's lives were inextricably linked by their beliefs. And for many peoples, the comb had much more significance than just a hygiene item.

Among the ancient Slavs, the comb was perceived as a feminine and erotic symbol, and was also an attribute of mermaids, goddesses, etc. And even more: it related to magical objects and, in particular, protective ones. It was associated with the magic of hair, as if it had the power to prevent witchcraft, the evil eye and damage. However, it was believed that the comb could not only protect, but also harm, transmitting evil intentions from the witch to the victim. Echoes of this attitude can be read in fairy tales. So, “the sorceress stuck a comb into the head of Finist the Bright Falcon, and he fell asleep like a dead sleep”... But initially the symbolism of the plate with teeth was associated with the rays of the sun and streams of rain. True, some authors add to this a connection with the symbolism of the boat, but this is too complex a question to unambiguously accept such a point of view.

It was precisely because of its magical and protective purpose that the comb was used in a large number of ritual actions, not exclusively for everyday purposes. There were also rules for handling it in everyday life. Here are some of them.

After combing the hair, the comb (comb) is put away in a secluded place so that it is not in sight.

The fact is that with the help of hair you can do a lot of evil to a person magically. After all, hair carries information about a person. Therefore, under no circumstances should your personal comb or comb be easily accessible to those who come into your home.

With a new comb, they first combed the dog or cat, and only then combed themselves.

It was believed that if you comb an animal with a comb, the teeth of the comb would not break for a long time. And when a person combs his hair, each broken tooth on the comb foreshadows very immediate problems with his hair. This includes hair loss, split ends, and the inability to get your hair in order. And if the comb retains its original appearance longer, then everything will be fine for the person.

If your hair falls out, you need to comb it with a spinning comb.

This sign is connected with the fact that the animal wool from which the yarn was spun is very thick. Therefore, it was believed that hair combed with a spinning comb would not fall out and would be very thick. But today it is hardly possible to find a spinning wheel or a spinning comb. This is a real rarity. But there is another way to protect your hair from loss. You need to comb your hair with your comb, looking out the window, and say: “My comb is to my head, my hair grows, but does not fall out.”

A comb given as a wedding gift brings happiness.

It is believed that it is best to use the comb that was given as a gift. It not only helps to make hair healthy, but is also used in all kinds of rituals to attract wealth. Usually the following formulas are used in conspiracies: “how many hairs are on my head, so much money will I have” or “until the last hair falls from my head, I will not be poor.” Usually the donated comb is kept where no one will see it. Not only a stranger, but also your family members. You can, of course, buy yourself a comb for such manipulations. But you need to do this only on Wednesday before lunch, and under no circumstances take change from the seller.

To ensure that the baby sleeps peacefully and does not cry, a comb and a spindle are placed in the cradle.

And this is not a simple superstition. When a woman combs her hair with a comb, she sits in front of the mirror, absolutely calm. This calmness is “recorded” on this ridge. When they were spinning yarn, they were also in no hurry. That is, there is no rush, no fuss, in either case. Therefore, objects placed in the cradle convey peace of mind to the baby.

To make fortune telling come true, place a comb under the pillow.

When going to bed on one of the holy nights, girls put a new comb under their pillow. And they say three times: “Betrothed-mummer, come comb your curls” or “Come, come, comb your hair, comb your hair.” Look at me, show yourself." After this, they will definitely dream of the future groom, and if they are lucky, in the morning they can find a strand of the groom’s hair on the comb, by which they can determine whether he is blond, brunette or brown-haired. You can also tell fortunes on your birthday. To do this, read a special spell onto the comb and place it under the pillow. The one who combs your hair with your comb in your dream will be your groom in the future. It should be noted that if a girl is destined to get married two or three times, then in her dream she will see not the first, but the last. The one with whom she will live out her life.

The comb used to comb the deceased is considered unclean.

Many ritual objects that are used during funerals are considered dangerous for a living person. Such a comb must either be buried, or placed in the coffin of the deceased, or floated on water.

The comb could also serve as protection against witchcraft.

To identify the witch, they made a “drying” with two combs. If the suspect really was a witch, she simply could not help but come asking to separate them, because in the connected position they caused her unbearable pain. If they feared persecution, travelers would throw the comb behind them. In many fairy tales, heroes, and more often heroines, did this, and an impenetrable forest grew behind them!

Why do you dream about a comb?

Seeing a comb in a dream means that you will soon experience light, harmless flirting.

If you dreamed that you were combing your hair with a comb, then you have a very serious explanation with a representative of the opposite sex.

If you dreamed of a comb full of hair, then a lot of pleasant worries will fall on your head.

Seeing a broken comb is a sign of joy and pleasant troubles.

If you dreamed that your comb has too many teeth and it can’t handle your hair, this means that in real life your behavior gives too many reasons for gossip.

If in a dream you buy a new comb, then in reality it is possible that a new admirer or admirer will appear.

Combs and hairbrushes are objects that seem to have always existed. Braun hair dryer brushes are special devices. Not only do they dry your hair and style it at the same time, but the German brand’s hair dryer brushes give beauty and strength to every strand.

Almost all such Braun devices have the Iontec system, the essence of which is as follows: a flow of negative ions neutralizes the positive charge on the hair. The result is strands that shine with health. The cold drying function and the presence of 2 temperature modes guarantee that your hairstyle will be flawless. Special attachments for adding volume and creating different curls allow you to achieve amazing styling results. Do you want your hair to be perfect? Choose a hair dryer brush from Braun. The German brand also offers combs with ionicization, which will make split ends healthy and soft.

After purchasing such an item, do not rush to throw away your old comb, because it has served you for a long time. We think you will be interested in learning a few interesting facts about the history of the thing that no person can do without.

  • Scientists believe that the ancestor of the modern comb was a fish skeleton.
  • In the Middle Ages, wealthy people in Europe used combs made of precious metals, decorated with gems and rubies. Such items were the pride of the owners.
  • In medieval Europe, it was believed that combing your hair at night was harmful - you would wake up with a headache.
  • In Rus', the comb was considered a magical object and was an indispensable attribute of fairy tales.
  • In ancient times in Japan, a young man had to make a comb himself and give it to his beloved. If the girl accepted his feelings, she pinned her hair with a comb. Samurai also used combs, but not only to strengthen their hair. Some of their varieties could well serve as weapons.
  • In the 17th century, special guilds of craftsmen began to form who made combs. This craft was taught for approximately 10 years. A master could make 10-15 combs per day. Craftsmen made objects more functional. Combs appeared for creating partings and combing the beard.
  • In 1869, brothers Isaiah and John Highbutt invented celluloid. Humanity now has the opportunity to use cheap combs.
  • Combs made of wood have a healing effect. Oak combs will help get rid of the problem of hair electrification; birch combs will improve the effect of the masks and infusions you use.
  • In modern England, employers use a comb to test applicants for bad habits. He is asked to comb his hair and show the comb. Volosok declassifies information about how often a candidate for a position uses alcohol and drugs.

Do you know... the history of the comb?

Nowadays you can often hear about the beauty of long, silky, shiny hair. This canon of beauty might not have appeared if our ancient ancestors had not come up with such a simple, but so necessary for most inhabitants of the Earth, item as a comb.
A comb is a very simple device with “teeth” that goes through the hair to make it neat.
The ancestor of the modern comb is a fish skeleton. It is unknown when the first comb was made, but one of the most ancient combs was found during excavations on the territory of Ancient Rome. It was a comb with a handle (the handle was made from a wide animal bone) and with eight cut teeth (the teeth were located at a distance of 0.2 cm from each other).

Later, combs were made from coral, turtle shell, ivory, horns of various animals and wood. Such inhumane, in relation to nature, material was used until the middle of the 19th century.

Throughout its history, the comb has performed various functions, depending on the era and country - from a simple means of detangling strands to an elegant accessory.
In ancient times, Eastern women used fish bone as a comb. The first combs found in Europe date back to the Stone Age. Combs were made from cow horn: the inner part of the horn was removed, it was steamed, cut into two parts, straightened under a press and dried, and then the teeth were cut out by hand. Over time, combs and combs became the pride of wealthy people. They were made of precious metals and ivory, and decorated with gems.

Since ancient times, Slavic peoples wore long hair and beards, and women wore braids, which they used combs to comb. Combs were considered magical objects; they were an indispensable attribute of Russian fairy tales, and witches and sorcerers often used combs in their witchcraft. Remember: “The sorceress stuck a comb into the head of Finist the Bright Falcon, and he fell asleep like a dead sleep”? Fleeing from pursuit, the heroines of fairy tales threw the comb behind them, and it turned into a forest.

In mysterious Japan, a young man himself had to make a comb and give it to his chosen one, and if a girl pinned her hair with it, it meant that she was ready to respond to his feelings. In Japan, samurai also used combs, not only to strengthen their hair, but also as weapons. For example, some combs could easily serve as throwing knives.

In the Middle Ages, combs made of ivory and gold were valued. Angels and mythological animals were carved on them. Around this time, brushes made from pork bristles and hedgehog needles appeared.

During the Renaissance, there were huge wire frames and hoops that held incredibly tall hairstyles. Women who created real works of art on their heads usually combed their hair at home with the help of servants, and carried special combs with long handles with them to make it easier to straighten their hair.

In the 17th century, a special guild of comb masters was formed. It took at least ten years to master the art of making combs. One master could make 10-15 combs per day. With their help, combs became more functional, with different purposes. Combs appeared to create partings, to maintain volume, and combs used for shaving. Wood began to be used primarily for production; later, tortoiseshells served as the basis for expensive combs.
In 1862, with the invention of plastic, combs became a popular household item; both rich and poor began to use them.

In 1869, brothers Isaiah and John Hiatt invented celluloid. Thanks to this, animals and corals were saved from the fate of becoming a comb, and people were able to use cheap combs made from materials that look very similar to ivory and turtle shells.

Time passed, history changed, and with it the shape and material from which combs were made. But, as you know, the new is just the well-forgotten old.

Even ancient people noticed that the best way to take care of hair is with combs made of wood. The life and warmth of the wood is transferred to the comb, and with it to the hair: it becomes soft, elastic, silky. Look through the Druid horoscope: which tree protects your vitality and health? Oak? Birch? Linden? For example, birch combs activate the effect of healing and nutritious infusions and masks on the hair and improve the energy of the hair. Oak, on the contrary, seems to “calm” the hair - it does not become electrified. However, you should not purchase wooden combs coated with varnish or paint. There will be no healing effect.

Yuletide fortune-telling with a comb is widely known in Rus'. When going to bed on one of the holy nights, girls put a new comb under their pillow. And they say three times: “Betrothed-mummer, come comb your curls” or “Come, come, comb your hair, comb your hair.” Look at me, show yourself." After this, they will definitely dream of the future groom, and if they are lucky, in the morning they can find a strand of the groom’s hair on the comb, by which they can determine whether he is blond, brunette or brown-haired.

A love spell using a comb is very popular in villages. The love spell is done on a comb that your loved one uses or on a new comb, which you then need to give to him. The spell sounds like this:

“Comb-comb, head staff,
hair-hair, dear friend.
You yourself, brothers, help me,
Bring my dear one into my arms.
I will care for you, cherish you,
wash with spring water, but in return I want
to meet and greet a dear one on your doorstep.
Hair-hair, comb-comb,
Instill my love into my dear one.
Day after day, night after night,
let him remember me and miss me,
and soon he will come to me again.
Ears are witnesses, heart is the key,
mouth is a lock.

But if you dreamed that your comb has too many teeth and it can’t handle your hair, this means that in real life your behavior gives too many reasons for gossip. If in a dream you buy a new comb, then in reality it is possible that a new admirer or admirer will appear. A dream in which a comb broke while you were doing your hair means that you should be wary of illnesses and illnesses.


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