Decoration of bottles for men in decoupage. Decoupage of bottles or a master class on turning an ordinary bottle into an original vase

At the request of our readers, we prepared a master class in which we examined step-by-step how to decoupage a bottle with napkins with your own hands.

The lesson is suitable for beginner craftsmen of all ages. The basis is a gift for a man, hence the corresponding design. However, you can choose a different design and decorate containers of any shape using the same principle. Try it! It's very exciting, beautiful and really simple and fast!

Preparation of the material part

To do decoupage, prepare materials and tools:

  • glass half-liter bottle, the same as for the marine style and leather;
  • a three-layer napkin with a thematic picture (it’s better to buy a special one);
  • white acrylic water-dispersion paint;
  • PVA glue;
  • glossy water-soluble varnish;
  • a new sponge for washing dishes;
  • soft brush;
  • decorative rope;
  • large beads or pendants;
  • scissors;
  • nail polish remover;
  • cotton wool;
  • disposable containers for glue.

How to make decoupage from napkins on a bottle

First, soak the waste bottle in warm water for one hour to soak the label paper. Remove any paper from the glass.

As a rule, glue remains on the surface, which is difficult to wash off with water. To completely remove residue, use nail polish remover. Dry the vessel.

Cut the dish sponge into two parts.

Before decoupaging a glass bottle with a napkin, create a uniform background. This will hide possible errors when gluing the pattern. Apply white acrylic waterborne paint to the surface.

Paint do not apply with a sponge, but make frequent tangential movements, as if “smacking.” Wait until the paint is completely dry.

Select a picture. A suitable option could be photos of cities, cars, all kinds of geographical maps, images of large and strong animals and fish. Consider the man’s character, his hobbies and your relationship with him.

If this is a loved one, then romance is acceptable; if it is a colleague or boss, then everything should be in a strict style. Carefully peel off the top layer.

Wrap a colored layer of napkin around the bottle and determine which fragment will be needed for decoupage. Gently tear it off with your fingers. You can cut it off, but then the edge will be clearly visible on the craft. It’s better to cut with a margin, and then tear off the edges.

Dilute PVA glue with water in a one-to-one ratio in a disposable container. Place the fragment face down on a stationery file. Gently stretching the napkin, apply diluted PVA glue with a brush.

Attach the drawing on the file to the glass. Carefully remove the file. Use a brush with glue to correct the drawing where necessary.

While the glue dries, prepare the pendant for decoration.

Since the image of one of the cities of Cuba was chosen, which at the beginning of the last century was the center of the gambling business, beads in the form of dice and chips were taken as pendants in this bottle decoupage master class.

Cover the surface of the craft with varnish.

Tie the pendant by tying several rows of rope around the neck.

Decorate the cork if you like. It also needs to be pre-coated with acrylic paint.

A master class on decoupage from napkins on a bottle for beginners was prepared specifically for the online magazine “Women’s Hobbies”. See other decoupage tutorials at. Handicrafts are ideal for those who do not know how to draw, but want to create masterpieces.

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Did you know that an ordinary glass bottle can be turned into an exclusive one? This does not require significant financial expenditure or innate talents - make an original accessory Anyone can do it using available means. Let's see how it is possible.

Anything can be suitable for stylish decoupage of bottles: twines, ribbons, shells, leather, beads, salt, napkins, cereals and even egg shells - it all depends on your imagination and desire to create. You can decorate bottles in terra, rustic, or vintage style.

Bottle decor options

  • Decorating the inside of bottles. To do this, you will need transparent bottles, preferably of an unusual shape, with various recesses, notches and tubercles. You can decorate bottles with flowers, wax or.
  • Decorating the outside of bottles. Many ways of external decor suitable for decorating gift drinks - the bottle can be opened and its contents removed after decoration is completed.

DIY bottle decor: painting from the inside

An easy way to add some flair to a bottle's ribbed body. Pour paint of the desired shade into the vessel, shake the bottle, twist it at different angles, and then fix it with the bottom up. Excess paint will flow out and the first layer will dry. Repeat the procedure so that there are no unpainted fragments left.

Decor of bottles with salt

Decorating bottles with salt is a fairly popular option, since it does not require much money or time, but allows you to show your imagination to the maximum.

Decorating with salt - option No. 1

Pour salt into a heat-resistant bowl, add acrylic paint and mix, kneading the resulting paste with a fork. Place the mixture in the oven (100 degrees), take it out after an hour, knead it again with a fork and sift through a sieve. It turns out something similar to colored sand. We make several types of such “sands” - different colors.

Advice! To get interesting shades, mix several colors of paint before adding it to the salt, mashing the resulting paste with a fork.

Take a funnel and pour salt into the bottle, alternating colors. It is important that the bottle inside is completely dry. When the vessel is filled to the top, close the bottle with a cork and decorate it as desired.

Decorating with salt - option No. 2

Now we will decorate the outside of the bottle. We remove the labels and wrap an elastic band at least 5 mm wide around the body of the bottle - in the form of a spiral or in a random order.

Cover the bottle evenly white with paint, and after it dries, apply glue. Place a bottle coated with glue on the salt scattered on the paper and gently roll it. When the glue dries, remove the elastic band and get a bottle with patterns. You can dilute this bottle decor with sparkles and rhinestones. In this way you can decorate bottles with semolina or other, more original things.

Decor of cereals and pasta

Decorating bottles with cereals is another interesting option for decorating a vessel. Main stages of work: remove all labels and degrease the glass with alcohol. We apply glue to the bottle and create several layers with a border in the form of a wavy line - glue peas below, use rice, lentils, buckwheat and any other cereals above. From shaped pasta (bows, shells, leaves, etc.) create an ornament or a thematic design. We fix the pasta with glue on top of the layers of cereal, and also decorate the lid with pasta. We paint the resulting creation - here it is better to use aerosol paint with a metallic effect.

Bottle decor with napkins

Decorate bottles with napkins or decoupage on glass does not require large financial investments, but everyone will be able to express themselves by choosing this design option, making the most of their capabilities.

Napkin with a pattern - option No. 1

We will need a piece of fabric, a man's handkerchief will do. We impregnate the material with glue and wrap it around a previously defatted bottle, giving it arbitrary shapes. After the glue has dried, cover the product with white acrylic paint. Take a napkin with a pattern, select the fragment you like, cut it out and separate the top layer (most often napkins with a pattern are multi-layered). Glue a piece of napkin onto the bottle and apply a base coat of paint of the chosen color. After the paint has dried, coat the folds created when decorating the bottles with fabric with acrylic mother-of-pearl and cover the entire bottle with acrylic varnish.

Napkin with a pattern - option No. 2

Bottle decor with tights

For such an option as decorating bottles with nylon tights, you may need more than just napkins. This time we use nylon stocking instead of fabric. We saturate it with glue and put it on the bottle. We also create chaotic folds, while the cork can be covered with nylon, or you can stretch the stocking only to the neck of the bottle - after completing all stages of the work, it will seem that the bottle is in a kind of bag. We dry the glue and dry it again. Glue on a fragment of a napkin, let it dry, and paint the bottle in the main color.

We complete the decor with a ribbon, bow, braid, and sparkles. Decorating bottles with tights is a great option not to throw away a damaged item, but to use it in a new quality.

Toilet paper as decoration

Take a dark glass bottle and white acrylic paint. We degrease the glass and apply a random design, wait until it dries. We impregnate small pieces of toilet paper with glue and use them to create voluminous irregularities on the fragments covered with paint.

After the paper has dried, re-coat the drawing area with paint. Now you can add rhinestones and open the entire product with varnish. Bottle decoration can be used instead of toilet paper.

Bottle decor with twine

Decorating bottles with twine looks incredibly stylish and original. The main task with this type of decoration is to wrap it around the bottle as evenly and accurately as possible. After the first attempts, problems with winding should not arise. The glue must be applied to the neck of the bottle and in a spiral over the entire surface with a distance of a couple of centimeters between the glue strips. The twine sticks quickly enough, so you need to work quickly and carefully. You can complement the decor in a variety of ways.

Advice! To get the job done as neatly as possible, use tweezers.

Bottle decor with rope

The decor of bottles with rope is created using approximately the same technology as with twine. The difference in decor can be not only in other options for additional decoration and the use of accessories, but also in the use of multi-colored ropes or ropes with different thicknesses and densities. The tip of the rope must be glued to the bottom coated with glue. Twist the rope in a spiral. Next, from bottom to top, a rope is wound around the entire surface of the bottle; it must also be glued at the neck and secured and closed with the help of additional elements.

Decorating bottles with twine

Decorating bottles with twine also has the same performance characteristics as decorating with rope and twine. Glue is applied to the bottle, cleaned of stickers. It is best to wind the twine starting from the bottom of the bottle. It is inconvenient to completely coat the bottle with glue; it is better to do it gradually or apply glue in a spiral at intervals to comfortably hold the vessel. You can complement the decor with small circles, which are also made of twine.

Bottle decor with ribbons

In order to recreate the decor of bottles with ribbons, you will need ribbons, glue, and additional decorations. The total length of the source material will ultimately depend on the thickness of the tape itself. The finished product can be supplemented with beads, shells, or additional bottle decor with lace can be used.

Bottle decor with satin ribbons

Decorating bottles with satin ribbons is an opportunity to create a stylish decoration for, or: it all depends on color combinations and the desire to create a special design element in the room. In order for the work to turn out neat, you should not use a lot of glue; you should apply the tape closely, with strong tension. Each subsequent layer must be adjusted in length. When narrowing the tape, you need to make sure that the edge is even along the neck.

Bottle decor with eggshells

Decorating bottles with eggshells is used to give the vessel a cracked effect and will visually help achieve an antique look. You can also decorate bottles stained glass paints. The shell must be washed and the film removed from it, dried and broken into pieces of the required size. On the finished bottle, decorated, for example, with a napkin, you need to apply pieces of shell with a minimum gap between them. When the glue has dried, the shell needs to be painted in accordance with the shades and overall style of the bottle. Then you need to paint the cracks between the pieces for a more realistic look and varnish.

Bottle decor with salt dough

Decorating bottles with salt dough will be an interesting activity to work with your child. To do this you will need a bottle, glue, napkins, and salt dough. From the salt dough you need to create the desired decoration, for example, flowers or an image of an animal, apply glue to the surface and press firmly onto the finished and dried bottle with napkin decor. After complete drying, which may take 2-3 days, the salt dough can be colored and supplemented with beads, colored salt or any other elements. The same principle is used to decorate bottles with polymer clay.

Memories of a summer holiday at sea can be preserved for a long time by creating such a simple souvenir

Bottle decor in a marine style

The decor of bottles in a marine style combines a variety of options. This could be a bottle decorated with twine, on which shells are beautifully placed, or an accessory such as an anchor, which can be made from polymer clay or salt dough. Decorating a bottle using salt, sand and shells can also be an excellent solution.

Bottle decor for men

The decor of bottles for men depends on what holiday the gift will be prepared for or what interests the recipient has. If a man is interested in fishing, then a harmonious choice would be in favor of a drawing on the theme of fishing. Add decoupage Especially for Jack Daniels lovers: don’t rush to throw away the empty bottle, because you can make an original table lamp or soap container by adding a special dispenser

Bottle decor with threads

Decorating bottles with threads is done according to the same principle as in the case of rope or twine. The only difference will be that you can start wrapping either from the bottom or from the neck of the bottle. It is better to use transparent glue; it will not stain the thin thread and will not change its color. The thread can be thin or woolen, it all depends on the original idea of ​​the decor.

Bottle decor with leather

Bottle decor can be considered one of the most labor-intensive decoupage processes, which requires the greatest material costs, although if you have pieces of leather in your arsenal, the option will be economical. To work you will need a bottle, glue, scissors and leather. It is better to take thick but soft leather, then it will be convenient to work with it, and the effect will be the most luxurious. It is better to apply glue directly to the skin and place a piece against the bottle. Leather can be used to make patterns,

Bottle strength. Master Class


I filmed it myself, incl. the quality leaves much to be desired. Well, now the order of work:

1. I washed the bottle, covered it with acrylic paint for walls and ceilings, to which I added color (camel color) and PVA.

2. I cut bricks from cardboard. Double-layer corrugated cardboard and glued to PVA. The fact that the cardboard was two-layered turned out to be very inconvenient - it delaminated. It's better to take regular cardboard. And one more thing... I glued each brick separately - I was constantly in the glue for a long time. It would be better to apply glue to 1 row around the entire perimeter and then glue the entire row of bricks at once.

3. I went over the entire brickwork using PVA. Let it dry. Then I used acrylic paint again, but made it a little darker (added black and a little red ink).

4. Made a roof. I found a medical bandage (large woven, used), dipped it in the same paint and wrapped it around the top of the bottle and the cap with the pimp.

5. When it was dry, I covered it with dark brown paint (I also added black ink). I painted it with chpokas.

6. I marked the window frame with a black outline (there was no other outline). The glass was covered with pink acrylic stained glass paint. When it was a little dry, I touched it with a dry brush. The window becomes iridescent. I did not do reverse decoupage, as in MK. I took the bottle from a friend in the closet, where it stood for who knows how many years and I simply could not wash it. Boiling in activated soda, vinegar and daily soaking in Domestos did not help. The whitish spots did not go away - I had to hide everything with whatever I could.

7. When everything was dry, I coated it with varnish. Spray varnish for cars (there was no other). Varnished 3 times.

That's all.

And now MK, which I used, but not one to one (I simply forgot about semolina and eggshells).

Decoupage translated from French means “cutting”. It means a technique that involves cutting out images from leather, wood, fabric, napkins, which are subsequently pasted for decoration on dishes, furniture, textiles and any other surface. We have already offered you master classes on, now we offer you to decorate the bottle.

One of the favorite objects of decoupage masters is a bottle. Absolutely any bottle is suitable for decoration: from olive oil, alcoholic beverages, etc.

Decorating bottles with napkins is a fascinating process that requires patience and perseverance when gluing the bottle.

What do you need to decoupage a bottle?

To create a masterpiece of “napkin technique” using bottles, you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • glass bottle with a smooth surface without bulges;
  • special cards for decoupage, magazine clippings, three-layer napkins;
  • means for removing grease from glass surfaces (solvent, alcohol, acetone);
  • acrylic paints for priming and painting the surface;
  • PVA glue or decoupage glue;
  • synthetic brushes of various thicknesses;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • additional details for decoration: rhinestones, beads, stickers;
  • craquelure varnish - to create an antique effect;
  • nail scissors;
  • masking tape;
  • a small piece of foam rubber;
  • disposable plates intended for diluting paint;
  • rags;
  • sandpaper.

Before making decoupage on a bottle, you need to prepare not only the necessary material for work, but also a work place so that you can decorate bottles with napkins for a long time and not feel tired. You need to do decoupage on a large table, on which it will be convenient to place the required tools and items. The room should be well lit and ventilated, since when decorating a bottle using the decoupage technique, special products are used that have a pungent odor.

DIY decoupage of bottles with napkins: master class for beginners

After the necessary material has been prepared, you can proceed directly to decorating the bottle:

In order to understand how to decorate a bottle with napkins, no special skills are required. It is enough to be careful when gluing the napkin to the bottle. Such a creative craft can serve not only as decoration, but also as a holiday gift. At the same time, you can decorate the bottle in accordance with the theme of the holiday, for example, for New Year, Family Day and any other holiday.

Gifts made by yourself have always been valued more than ordinary, purchased ones: such gifts can demonstrate your special attitude towards the recipient, because not only money was spent on their creation, but also your own time and effort. In addition, handmade gifts can show how well you know the recipient: his hobbies, character. Therefore, handmade products are a win-win option for gifts for both women and men. Read the article on how to decoupage bottles for a man.

A bottle as a gift for a man can be decorated using decoupage technique with absolutely any materials (you can use napkins, textiles, polymer clay, etc.). The main thing is to choose the right design theme. So, depending on the man’s hobbies, the bottle can be decorated with napkins with images of the sea, ships, cars, airplanes, etc.; hand-made items (anchors, twines, decorative nets, etc.) can be used as additional decor. P.).

You should choose a decoupage technique based on the reason for the gift: for example, to congratulate a man on his professional holiday, a bottle decorated in the theme of his occupation will be suitable (a law enforcement officer can be presented with a bottle, the decoupage of which is made with ribbons imitating the shape), and for a gift to the birthday boy, you can choose more personal design (decoupage using a joint photograph, congratulation text, etc.).

Bottle design for a man: master class on traditional decoupage

In order to perform decoupage using the traditional technique, we will need a tall rectangular bottle, black acrylic, a rice napkin with a print in black and beige tones (for example, an image of a wolf, a black panther, a sailboat, etc.), pastel crayons to match the acrylic , brushes, foam sponge, file, PVA, varnish.

In order to design a bottle you need:

  1. Apply black acrylic to the previously prepared surface of the bottle in several layers using a foam sponge. Layers must be applied with intermediate drying of the product.
  2. Take the file and place the napkin face down on it.
  3. Gently moisten the file with a napkin with water.
  4. Attach the file to the bottle, placing the image in the center
  5. Remove the file and cover the applique with PVA.
  6. Soften the edges of the drawing with pastel crayons. The pastel should be applied with your fingers, as if driving in the color.
  7. Coat the product with finishing varnish.

The design on the rice napkin must be torn out by hand: this way, the picture will blend better with the background and will not create unnecessary relief. This master class is suitable for decor in any theme. The main thing is to choose a suitable napkin and background color.

A castle with a “window” using decoupage technique for a man’s birthday

In order to decorate a gift for a man’s anniversary or birthday using the decoupage technique with a “window”, we will need: a rectangular bottle, a napkin with an unclear pattern in muted tones, brown acrylic, bronze pigment, nylon stockings, corrugated cardboard, semolina, twine , labels and text of congratulations, foam sponge, brushes, PVA, Moment-gel, finishing varnish.

Before decoupage, you should prepare a bottle (clean the surface, degrease the glass), labels with congratulations (print on cardboard in calligraphic font or glue congratulations), bricks for the castle (cut out rectangular bricks from corrugated cardboard for the main decor and trapezoidal ones for the design of a semicircular window).

Let's start decoupage:

  1. We apply a napkin to one of the front surfaces of the bottle with the pattern facing inward, and cover it with PVA on top.
  2. We cover the neck of the bottle with a nylon stocking soaked in PVA, forming folds with our fingers.
  3. Leave the bottle for 24 hours to dry completely.
  4. We paint the drapery with brown acrylic.
  5. We design the side opposite to the napkin in the form of a semicircular, elongated window: we cover the upper arc of the window with trapezoidal cardboard stones (we glue the corrugated cardboard with Moment-glue).
  6. We decorate the entire surface of the bottle with rectangular elements cut out of corrugated cardboard.
  7. Coat the bottle with PVA and sprinkle with semolina.
  8. On the dried surface, using a foam sponge, apply acrylic in several layers with intermediate drying.
  9. We use bronze pigment to cover the protruding folds of the drapery on the neck, the top of the window arc, the bottom and corners of the bottle.
  10. We coat the product with varnish.

We tie the neck of the dried product with twine with congratulatory tags. The gift is ready!

Men's theme: decoupage bottles as a gift for February 23

To design a congratulatory bottle, we will need primer, military-colored textiles, congratulation words printed on a sheet, a picture corresponding to the theme, twine, a foam sponge, bronze pigment, and spray varnish.

We design the bottle step by step:

  1. Apply primer to the degreased surface with a sponge.
  2. Cover the bottle tightly with a cloth soaked in PVA. We apply the fabric in pieces: we separately wrap the cork and neck, the main part, and the bottom.
  3. We reapply glue over the entire surface of the drapery and leave the bottle to dry for a day.
  4. We apply the applique to a dry cloth and coat it with PVA on top: glue a picture on the front part, and words of congratulations on the back.
  5. We frame the appliques along the contour with twine.
  6. We decorate the applications with bronze pigment, applying the color with our fingers.
  7. We fix the result with spray varnish.

Decoupage of cognac bottles for men with leather

To decoupage cognac bottles with leather, in addition to the material itself, you need PVA glue, twine, brown aero paint, gold acrylic, brushes, stars for shoulder straps, cling film, decorative oil-adhesive putty, pencil, knife.

Decorating the bottle:

  1. We cover the bottle with leather soaked in PVA, forming folds with our fingers and leaving an empty space for congratulations.
  2. Glue the stars on the skin, decorate the bottle with twine (we frame the stars, empty space).
  3. Apply putty to the free area and cover it with film, forming folds.
  4. After the putty has dried, remove the film and write congratulations on the surface with a pencil.
  5. We cut out the words on the putty using a knife.
  6. We cover the product with air paint and wipe it with a napkin with a solvent so that the color remains only on the folds of the skin and the putty.
  7. Using a dry brush, we pick up gold and cover the protruding surfaces of the folds in some places with it and putty (the embossed words should remain without sputtering).

The man's bottle is ready! To fix the result, you can open the product with varnish.

Stylish decoupage of a bottle for a man (video)

Decorated bottles of alcohol are a great opportunity to pleasantly surprise a man with an original and non-standard gift. Moreover, decoupage of bottles for men does not set boundaries or frames: the technique and theme for design can be absolutely anything. It all depends only on your imagination!


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