Education up to two years: developing, observing, guiding. Proper development of a child after one year and up to two years Sleep and nutrition

This section covers the second and third years of a child’s life. Colic, first feeding and night vigils are replaced by a conscious desire to actively develop in all respects. The most basic desire of a baby at this age is the desire for independence: the baby begins to walk, tries to hold a spoon on his own, speak, interact with others and explore the world around him in all ways within his control.

In the subsection " Child learns to speak“tells how after a year baby babble will gradually be replaced by formalized speech, what needs to be done to stimulate this process, to help the child enrich his vocabulary. You will learn why reading short fairy tales, poems, viewing book illustrations and listening to audio books together is so important for a 1-2 year old child. How the accumulated “passive” vocabulary will develop into “active”, and when the child finally makes a new leap in speech development and speaks in phrases and sentences, improving his speech and pronunciation with each phrase.

What natural growth difficulties parents will encounter in the second and third years of a baby’s life are described in the subsections dedicated to these ages: “ Child 1.5 years old», « Child 2 years old», « Child 2.5 years old" Expert psychologists will explain what a “2-year-old crisis” is, how it manifests itself and what parents should do to get out of it without psychological losses for themselves and the baby. Read there about how to cope with hysterics, whims and stubbornness at this age, and how to direct your child’s energy in a productive direction.

Experts in early child development They tell you how to develop a child’s strengths and reveal his talents. One and a half year old children often develop an interest in music. They love to listen to songs, try to sing, dance to the beat of the melody. We have devoted several interesting articles to the topic of developing a child’s musical and artistic abilities. Read about the best way to teach your child to draw and play musical instruments.

The period from one year until the child turns 3 is also important for the child’s intellectual development. The main thing here is not to rush development, but also to create the ground for growth in time. Should a child be taught to read at age 1 or 2? About methods of early learning to read, count, about various schools of early development - from Montessori to Waldorf school, from Zaitsev cubes before Glen Doman method, - you will find all this in the subsection “ Early development».

A child from one to three years old learns not only drawing and counting. He masters the most important activity for his age - play. He plays with toys and makes his first play friends. What should toys be like at this age? What games should your baby play? Is it possible to introduce a child to gadgets at this age? How do psychologists and early childhood development specialists feel about “developmental” applications for the iPad and other tablets for babies? Read the articles in the “Child 1-2 years old” section.

After a year, the number of products “allowed” for children increases significantly, which allows parents to diversify the menu. For information on how to introduce new foods into a child’s diet after one year, what exactly and in what quantity can be given to the baby in the second and third years of life, read in the section “Baby Nutrition After One Year.”

In the section “Child 1-2 years old” you will also find important information about baby's health after one year. What tests and examinations does a baby need to undergo in the second and third years of life and how often? Which vaccinations do they do at this age? ABOUT prevention of acute respiratory infections and ARVI, we also talk about hardening methods and strengthening the immune system in this section.

Many children love to eat bananas at any time of the year. You can take advantage of this and offer equally healthy yogurt along with your favorite fruit. Unnoticed...

Heavy rain in summer is not such a rare occurrence. However, this is not a reason to be bored. Here are some crafts you can do at home with your child. And if the weather gets better - and in the fresh air.

A slow cooker is a good thing. I dropped off the groceries and you can go wash the floor, for example. All that remains is to choose a mode.

Reading time: 8 minutes.

Childhood is the most crucial period in the development of the personality of each of us. Of course, in the first months after birth, adults must provide the baby with proper care, provide adequate nutrition, give love, warmth and care, and stimulate development. But the real upbringing of a child begins after 1 year, when you can influence his behavior and instill the necessary principles and norms. It’s rare that any parent doesn’t wonder how to raise a one-year-old baby or an older child. It is especially difficult if this is the first-born. It is important for mom and dad to learn to maintain a balance between strictness and adherence to order, on the one hand, and loyalty, relying on the individual characteristics of their child, on the other. Here are the main aspects of how to raise a child from one to two years of age.

What should the education of a 1-2 year old child be aimed at?

  • Building trust in the world and people around you.
  • Development of mental processes (thinking, speech, memory, perception of colors, shapes, etc.)
  • Attentive attitude to the health and nutrition of the baby.
  • Development of independence and self-confidence.
  • Self-care skills training.
  • Formation of cognitive interest.
  • Instilling the “first” rules and norms of behavior (what is “good” and what is “bad”).
  • Unlocking the child's creative potential.

The Foundation for Successful Parenting

The point is that certain conditions (“if”) of interaction with a baby from birth to one year later influence his development, obedience and acquisition of new skills. So, raising a child from 1 year and older will be more favorable if, from the first days of his life:

  • a healthy attachment has formed between you and the child;
  • you treated the baby with love and tenderness, showed care;
  • responded to his needs;
  • they didn’t leave him to cry alone, but were there and tried to calm him down and help him;
  • gave positive emotions, smiled at the child;
  • constantly maintained physical contact (picked, hugged, kissed, massaged, etc.)

If the parents were sincerely able to display this behavior, then they were able to establish positive emotional contact and a trusting relationship with the child. This means that it will be easier to direct his behavior in the right direction in the future.

If something was missed, and “gaps” were revealed in interaction with the baby, then difficulties may arise in upbringing. And the sooner you notice them and want to correct them, the easier it will be to correct the situation.

Features of children 1-2 years old

  1. The child’s motor activity increases as he begins to walk independently, becomes more dexterous and able to control his body.
  2. The child gradually begins to master speech, his thinking develops, he better recognizes colors and shapes.
  3. He learns to manipulate objects. He grabs them and tries, following the adults, to use them for their intended purpose. At this age, play becomes an important way of understanding the world around us.
  4. There is a desire to eat independently, the baby learns to properly handle cutlery and drink from a mug.
  5. Most children at this age begin to use the potty.
  6. In the period from one to two years, the child is most often weaned from the breast, and a complete transition to “adult” food occurs.
  7. The child begins to understand your simple requests (“bring it”, “let’s put it away”, etc.), distinguishes between instructions “possible” and “not allowed”.
  8. A 1-2 year old child still has a strong dependence on his parents, so communication with them (and close relatives) is quite enough for him for now. At this age, he is usually not drawn to peers, because he perceives them not as other children, but as some moving objects that can be examined, touched, pushed. The kids don’t yet want to play and communicate with each other.
  9. The child is still very impulsive, needs a constant change of activity, and quickly gets tired of activities.
  10. His nascent desire for independence is often expressed in refusals: he says “no”, “I don’t want”, breaks away from his hands, runs away if adults ask him for something or order him to do something. In many children, such negativism begins to manifest itself at the age of 1.5 years. This resistance and the word “no” uttered by the child should be understood in most cases not as “bad character” and capriciousness, but as a desire to express one’s own opinion and demonstrate strong-willed qualities.
  11. Usually, after a year, the baby begins to show interest in certain creative activities: drawing, modeling from plasticine, putting together puzzles, mosaics, creating any structures, music, dancing, etc. It is important to observe your child in order to identify a tendency towards one or another activities.

Mistakes parents make when raising children after 1 year

It is important to remember how you cannot raise a child at 1-2 years old, and to exclude the following methods of interacting with him from your behavior as early as possible.

So, mistakes in parenting that interfere with the harmonious development of a child’s personality:

  • Perceive your child as a smaller copy of an adult, get annoyed when he does not respond to your serious admonitions and arguments. A child at any age is a person, but with his own inner world and understanding of everything that surrounds him. To communicate with him, there must be a special “language”, which parents need to master, and not try to force the baby to understand dry “adult” thoughts and words.
  • Not paying enough attention.
  • Stop the child’s initiative and independence. It’s better to stop yourself once again when you want to tell him: “You don’t know how to do this. Let me do it better."
  • Let the baby's development take its course. The more useful activities you do with him, the better for the educational process as a whole and the establishment of a strong emotional connection with the child.

Raising a 1-2 year old child

And finally, about the positive. Below are recommendations regarding how to properly raise a 1-2 year old child.

  1. Pay as much attention as possible. At this age, the baby definitely needs it. He wants to share his emotions with you, show you what he has learned, receive your approval, rejoice together, communicate a lot, play, etc. No gadgets, cartoons or super toys can replace you. The child needs your presence and attention. Give yourself to him, because this period is very valuable for both of you.
  2. Encourage your child to learn basic self-care skills: going to the potty, washing hands, eating and dressing independently. It is important that by the time he starts attending kindergarten, he knows how to do all this.
  3. Stimulate speech development. Conduct special classes, talk to your baby emotionally, use different intonations, clearly pronounce the words you teach him. Communicate more with your child, comment on everything around him: when you are walking, showing a book or magazine, watching a cartoon, or just playing.
  4. Help your baby learn to fall asleep on his own. Certain rituals contribute to this: singing a song, reading a fairy tale, telling a story, putting toys to bed, etc. It is important to ensure that the child falls asleep without your breast, without rocking and is in his own crib.
  5. Encourage the development of independence. The correct position of adults in this case is to observe, guide, help, support, and give confidence (if the child’s actions are not dangerous to his health and do not contradict his upbringing). But be sure to be close, your control is still necessary here.
  6. Give mini-tasks that are understandable for the baby: “Please bring…”, “Let’s collect toys”, “Put the pencils in a box”, “Put on...” At the same time, try to introduce him to order and neatness. Praise for well-completed tasks.
  7. Alternate quiet activities with active games. Switch your child’s attention from one activity to another more often. Don't forget about exercise and exercise. The baby needs to move a lot.
  8. Encourage the expression of feelings. This way you will help your child cope with surging emotions, teach him to better understand himself and other people. Describe his behavior in words, for example: “You are angry” or “You laugh so cheerfully!”
  9. Don't yell or use physical punishment. Be patient. It’s better to calmly explain 10 times that “this is not possible” than to shout once. Watch your words. The baby feels everything and is easily offended.
  10. Encourage your child to interact with other children. Observe how he behaves in the presence of his peers. Explain how to communicate with comrades, that you need to help and be friends. Give examples from books and cartoons.
  11. Spend more time in crowded places, as guests, and help your child get used to others and not be afraid of your relatives and friends. Gradually we need to prepare him to attend kindergarten.
  12. You and your behavior are an example for a child. Your actions must match your words. In this case, education will be clear and effective. The baby reads your emotions, gets infected by your mood and often copies your actions. Try not to be contradictory. Demonstrate optimism, confidence, kindness and empathy.

All in our hands. The more mature methods of education we choose, the more mature the child’s personality becomes.

After the first birthday, a new, more conscious stage begins in the baby’s life. We tell you which areas in the development of the baby should be given the main attention at this time.

Physical development

Motor function

A one-year-old baby is already confidently standing on his feet, and many children are walking. From this moment the active development of motor function begins. In order for the child to quickly adapt to new conditions and improve his skills, adults need to help the child, but in moderation. You shouldn’t do for a baby what he can do himself. Otherwise, excessive parental activity will slow down this process. When your walking steps are still uncertain, place your index fingers in the child’s palm rather than holding the wrists with your whole hand. Carefully study the child’s possible “home” routes and remove from his path all unnecessary objects that could interfere with free passage or injure the baby.

Psychomotor development

When a child is already actively walking, sitting down and standing up without assistance, it is worth teaching him more complex movements: jumping, squatting, climbing. The development of these skills will be facilitated by regular and tireless games-tasks. For example, you can start the morning with a light exercise and warm-up, and during the day you can dance to your favorite children’s tunes, stomp your feet and clap your hands after your mother. After all, children during this period actively imitate adults and copy all their actions. Also an excellent option for games that develop gross motor skills are hide and seek, tag or ball games. Mobile sports corners for little ones are very popular among parents: with crossbars, wall bars, ladders and mats. But remember, any new activity should be understandable and simple, and not cause severe difficulties for the child. Adults should always first explain and show the child the main aspects of the game, and then involve him in this activity.


  • Play football with your child. Teach him to hit the ball with either his right or left foot;
  • Do a warm-up together. Bend left and right, pull your arms up and to the sides, sit down and hug your knees, and so on.

Particular attention should be paid to fine motor skills. To develop it, include various sorters, large puzzles, and educational boards in your daily games: busy boards, geodesks. Make the tasks more difficult as your child gets older. Craft and come up with your own educational activities with your little ones: sort cereals, collect beads and bracelets, play finger games. But be careful. At this age, babies continue to taste everything; make sure that the child does not swallow a small part.


  • The child must use two fingers to transfer each bean from the plate to the mug;
  • Together with his mother, the baby rolls plasticine balls, sculpts them onto paper in any order, and then decorates each plasticine cake with a colored button;
  • The baby paints flowers with finger paints: with horizontal movements he draws stems and leaves, and with his fingertips he draws the petals and center of the flower.


By the age of one and a half years, the child can already cope with simple tasks for coordinating movements. For such games, you can use any available means: toys, dishes, clothes, books or sports equipment: balls, skittles, jump rope, hoop, gradually complicating it and adding new elements.


  • Ask your child to collect balls (or other objects) and place them in the center of the hoop (or pan);
  • Invite the little one to move the books from the stack one by one to another place.
  • Gradually complicate the tasks: ask the child to step over without touching the stick (jump rope), jump into a hoop, throw a ball into a basket and other games.

What about talking?

At the age of one year, in addition to the simple and most significant “mom, dad, baba,” the baby’s vocabulary contains other words that can consist of an arbitrary set of sounds, letters or individual syllables. But in order for a child’s speech and cognitive skills to develop at a good pace, parents must help him enrich his active and passive vocabulary.
Every day, read poems and fairy tales with your baby, look at pictures and explain their meanings, show your little one new objects, talk about their properties and qualities. Children often get used to being understood in half a word or even just one letter and do not try to pronounce words completely. Therefore, in order to motivate the baby to develop speech skills, mothers and fathers must stop speaking their “baby language” in time. Remember that up to the age of one and a half years, children develop the function of understanding speech, and after that - replenishing their vocabulary. Moreover, if at the age of one year a baby uses only a dozen words, by the age of two he already has several hundred of them in his arsenal.


  • Talk to your child more, describing current events and surrounding objects;
  • Name objects for your baby so that he shows them in pictures;
  • Ask your baby to choose from the pile of toys exactly the one you named;
  • Add more activities to develop fine motor skills: sorting small objects, finger games, modeling from plasticine, dough and kinetic sand, finger painting;
  • Remember about games with educational boards, sensory pictures with different surfaces.

Development of logical thinking and memory

In the second year of life, the baby begins to distinguish objects, highlight their properties and qualities. The child can already independently sort toys according to certain criteria: animals, plants, shapes, colors, the baby acquires the skill of matching. Simple task games will help you consolidate and improve your new skills.
To do this, you can use colorful manuals with ready-made exercises in the form of cards, boards with slots in the shape of geometric shapes, insert frames, pyramids, colored cubes, and construction sets with large parts. First, the child needs to be explained the meaning of the task and given the opportunity to do everything himself. Remember that the pace at which your baby masters new material may differ from your expectations, and it may take more than one week to consolidate a particular skill. Be patient, but be moderately persistent and disciplined - practice regularly.


  • Build a tower of 4-6 cubes yourself and ask your child to repeat after you;
  • Make a pyramid from colored rings of different diameters;
  • Game “Find a mother for the baby”

Here you will need cards with animals: on one - an adult, on the other - cubs;

  • "Warm-cold"

Boil two eggs: cool one quickly, place the second on a plate. As soon as the hot egg becomes moderately warm, remove the cooled one from the water and let the baby touch it, explaining where it is warm and where it is cold (just always check the hot objects yourself first so that the child does not get burned).

Development of household skills

At the age of 1-2 years, the baby begins to actively copy adults. He tries to imitate mom and dad in everything, so parents should carefully monitor their speech and actions. After all, even if the child does not speak yet, he hears everything and remembers it even better. At the same time, the baby tries to show his character and show independence. Don’t stop his initiative, let him learn to eat with a spoon, comb his hair or knead dough if he wants to. The little one's help should be appreciated by you, even if after it you have twice as much cleaning to do - but the child will remember your gratitude for a long time with a smile on his face and feel needed.


  • "Panicle". Give the baby a broom and let him exercise;
  • "Little Chef" Coarsely chop the potatoes and carrots, pour water into the pan. Let the baby cook soup for the dolls (it’s better to “play cook” in the bathroom);
  • "Mini cleaning" Ask your child to wipe the dust - give him a damp cloth (just under no circumstances wet it with cleaning product - the child may want to taste the cloth).

Role-playing games

An important aspect of a child’s development between the ages of one and two years is the skill of role relationships. The easiest way to form it is with the help of plot and dramatic games. They not only develop creative thinking and artistry, but also accustom the child to the conditions of adult independent life. Among the role-playing games, the most popular are “mothers and daughters”, “hospital”, “chauffeur”.
Even at the age of one and a half to two years, a child can already feed a doll, treat a teddy bear, or transport cubes in a truck. As for dramatic games, here the baby acts within the framework of a given plot, without the possibility of changing it. These are various home productions or matinees in early development schools, where even kids learn their simple but main “roles.” This theater practice trains memory and develops public speaking skills.

In this article:

The road from wet diapers to a conscious warning about the desire to go to the toilet and the search for your potty takes no less than a whole year. Maybe for friends other people's children grow up very quickly, but for you it was a whole little life with its own obstacles and problems. With sleepless nights, endless laundry, hourly feedings and worries about colic. And now your baby has grown up and is going to walk on two legs on his own. Or maybe he has already left. Children from one to two years old are very active, sleep little, eat a lot, require attention to themselves, play together, and communicate. For them, our world is still amazing, new and more and more interesting every day.

While developing coordination, the child will try to stomp, stand still without support, and try to run. Grasping movements are already fixed. He happily eats with a spoon and drinks from a mug. He plays pyramids and cubes on his own and tries to start a spinning top.
The child's sensory development continues, and new parts are required for play. The child masters prefabricated toys: boxes, nesting dolls, transforming robots, educational boxes with slots for different figures, suitable in shape and size.

Even if your child can play independently, approach him from time to time, praise him, show him a shorter path to the goal, so that the child has a sense of company, so that he can quickly understand that the same toys can be played in different ways.

Regular communication with the child and explanation of actions give a big impetus to development from one to two years. During this period, the baby tends to remember everything that happens around him and associate it with objects. If you say you're going out, son will bring a walking suit from his room, and the daughter will return with a dress in her hands.

By the second year, the child should get used to following basic hygiene rules: washing his hands, rinsing his mouth, and going to the bath before going to bed. He can already take off his clothes on his own and put on simple items: a jacket, a hat. Wears shoes without laces. Show him that after eating he needs to put the dishes near the sink, and after playing, the toys are put away in a special drawer. This way you will teach your baby consistency and accuracy.

General psychological state of a child under 2 years of age

By the age of two, a child’s hobbies expand noticeably, and in order to learn as much as possible, the baby begins to quickly switch from one interesting task to another. Parents often use this to distract their child from not entirely useful interests. If a child sees candy and frantically asks for it, you need to find a less harmful alternative and be able to keep your baby occupied. There is no candy, but there is a wind-up toy - hold it, see how beautiful it is and how it sings. There is a chance to distract the baby from the desire to eat a forbidden product.

By talking to your child, you improve his speech skills and speed up the development process. If up to the age of one and a half children practice memory in speech activity, memorizing words and addresses, then by the age of two, using the same memory, they try to use words and phrases. So far this is not always possible, and children use gestures. If your baby slams his hand on the chair and yells “na,” it may mean that he wants a chair in another room or that he wants to sit here with everyone. It is better to ask your child what he specifically wants before taking action. Most likely, he will nod to the right question. When you comply with his request, repeat the actions out loud: “Do you want to sit on this chair, Anton? Okay, come here, now mom will put you on a chair. Here, now let’s sit on the chair with us.”

Mom and dad understand the baby, but his language is foreign to others. Even his peers often cannot carry on a conversation about how “ziza a-aaa..vzhzh and dad bang, hop, she’s banging here.” This happens because each child develops in his own environment. And, accordingly, his speech is formed on the basis of the objects around him. Your child’s friend may not have “ziza-vzhi”, but he has “ava”, she is “mani and pipi na kayol papa and mama ugali iyo.”

Of course, such baby talk sounds cute, and many parents become like children, starting to speak their language. The problem is that you need to do everything exactly the opposite: you must constantly tell the child the right words so that he understands that “de” is a tree, “kava” is a cow. After each of his incorrect words, you should simply pronounce it correctly and ask again: “Are you saying fly? Yes? Give me some candy. Is Feta your candy? At the same time, you cannot tell the child that he is communicating incorrectly. Your comments will lead to his isolation and may even provoke autism. After all, mom and dad are the closest people to the baby, and if he disappoints them, This is incredibly stressful for him. In addition, if you are ahead of the child and guess his desires, he does not consider it necessary to develop communication skills and begins to simply point with his finger.

If you do not observe any mistakes in your upbringing and think that you are communicating with your child as expected, but he does not speak yet or does so reluctantly and sluggishly, contact your pediatrician. But don't panic! Boys always start talking later, and girls often burr and add non-existent words to phrases until the age of 3-4. In any case, you need a monthly examination by a pediatrician. When visiting your doctor, talk about your concerns and get professional advice.

With normal speech development, both thinking and logic progress. The child begins to play with two toys, connecting them with each other through an invented story and dialogues. But don’t demand logical and correct stories from him right away. The game will more likely resemble “lala-da-bah-bass-ku-ku”, and here the main thing is not speech, but the actions themselves, which make up the interaction of objects. The child can take care of the doll: feed it, put it to bed. Then he will “bring a dog to visit” the doll, feed it too, and wash the toys’ paws.

The child’s thought process does not yet give a clear concept of the generalization of different objects, but the baby thinks logically and knows how to compare similar things. If he says "cube" it could be a drawn square, a dresser shape, a cube itself, a banquette, or anything that is square like his favorite toy. The same story happens with the ball - the ball.

At the moment, the child cannot tell you about his experiences and thoughts. But believe me: ideas are already being generated in his head and logical chains are being built regarding different situations. That is why, in front of your child, try to behave as an educated, well-mannered person should. Don't forget about mutual respect in communication so that your child does not feel tension and negativity between mom and dad.

If you notice that your baby is often left alone with himself, does not respond to your offers to play together, if he has a need to frequently and strongly sway from side to side and has inexplicable whims, you should contact a child specialist as soon as possible to find out the cause. your baby's nervous disorder.

Children's games for children under two years old

In order for your child to develop harmoniously and grow up as a happy person, he simply needs your care and attention. Playing with your child doesn’t take much time now, but it can give your baby a lot.

Joint games develop psychomotor sensory skills, speech, and thought processes. And the right games that are appropriate for your child’s age will bring him a lot of pleasure and many fun discoveries.

Memory and logical thinking exercises. Speech development

You can start memorizing short poems. First, the child must repeat after you gestures that correspond to the content of the text, then he can complete sentences for you in short words. After all these actions are completed, calmly and with a smile, you can skip words in the middle of the rhyme so that the child can and is able to independently repeat what you teach with him.

Child sensory development

Show your baby a colored pyramid. Take it apart before his eyes, and then put it back together again. Invite your child to do the same.
Do not take the toy away from him until he gets tired of taking it apart and putting it back together. If a child assembles a pyramid out of sequence, gently address him, take two rings in his hands, show that one ring is larger than the other, and invite the child to collect a beautiful pyramid in the correct order. Clap your hands and praise the child if he managed to assemble the pyramid correctly or put on at least a couple of rings.

Development of the ability to compare

Take sticks and attach ribbons of different lengths to them. Show your child how beautiful they turned out. Offer to play wrapping the ribbon on a stick and give the child a long ribbon. After you win, unwind both sticks and show your child that his ribbon was long, so it would take much longer to wind it around the stick. Exchange chopsticks and play for the child. Then Unfold the ribbons again and compare their lengths. This is an exercise in attentiveness, intelligence and understanding of more and less.

Entertaining box with figures
For a two-year-old child, such a box will be the most joyful gift. The box is a colored or regular wooden box with various kinds of holes inside. The box comes with several molds made of plastic or wood. The child’s main task is to find its own hole for each figure. The figurine will not fit into other people's holes.

Memory development and learning colors

To develop a child's memory, take 4-5 different objects that are known to the baby and place them on the table. Then ask the child to turn away and remove one of the objects from the table. Will he notice it's missing?

To continue the game, you can take several identical objects: plastic cups, cubes, sticks - but so that they are of different colors. Tell your child which object is which color and ask him to hand him one of the objects. If the child makes a mistake, you need to correct him: “I ask you for a blue cube, and you give me a yellow cube. Let's find the blue one together?"


The development of a child also depends on mobility. If you do fun exercises every day, jump together, play repeat games or just dance, your baby will grow up to be a healthy, strong and smart person.

Children love to play hide and seek - this is a great exercise in logic and attentiveness. A two-year-old child does not
You'll be able to hide well. And frankly, you better keep an eye on where he is while you count to ten. But children are great at searching – unless, of course, you climb a tree behind the neighbor’s fence. The delight of discovering the hem of your clothes sticking out from under the table will be intense and genuine.

Play rock climbers and peak conquerors with your child. Place the bear cub on the highest pillow on the sofa and start rescuing him, climbing from the floor, together overcoming “obstacles” on the way to his plush friend.


In order to speed up the development of coordination and consolidate what you already have, play ball with your child. Sit on the floor and roll the ball away from each other. You can try throwing a small ball into each other's hands at a tiny distance. Draw everything you see outside the window, draw each other, a big ice cream, whatever. Celebrate imaginary holidays, wear hats and blow out candles on your rescued teddy bear's birthday.

Your child's childhood will pass even faster than your own. Therefore, hurry to enjoy every moment while you are together and while you can teach your child everything that your own parents gave you.

The successes of your own children evoke the most exciting and joyful emotions. If you are the parents of a two-year-old child, then you are probably in seventh heaven, because during this period your child is developing so rapidly that an adult can only dream of this. The next year will require even more endurance and calmness from you, but remember that the results will pay off all your efforts.

Physiological features

The development of a 2-year-old child is already at such a level that the baby confidently jumps and runs. His body, perfectly coordinated in space, has already become quite strong. Children at this age are very active. The task of parents is to provide children with every opportunity for active play. It is recommended to regularly spend time outside, where there is more motivation and space. The development of a 2-year-old child will improve significantly if, for example, he steps over or walks on a tree lying on the ground, thereby honing his sense of balance. On the street you can feed the birds, hang on the horizontal bar, climb up and down stairs... At home, the baby has much less to do. The physical development of children (2 years is the age under consideration) during this period, more than ever, promotes familiarity with the outside world. Try to get your baby to regularly do the following exercises:

Baby psychology

The development of a 2-year-old child allows the psyche to fully open up to receive new information. Of course, before your child was also interested in many things, but curiosity of this kind was subordinate to instincts, not reason. The psychological development of a 2-year-old child has reached the stage when he instantly assimilates new information and practically does not forget anything. This is the most fertile period for maximum effective development. Mastering skills is quite easy, and they are remembered for the rest of your life.

The mental development of 2-year-old children allows them to well understand simple stories from adults, for example, about events that have happened. In the game, kids reproduce simple logical actions. They happily take on the construction of towers or pyramids.

The development of a child at 2 years old is such that he can already hold a pen (pencil). The time has come to introduce him to creativity. Collaborative drawing lessons are very useful. Guide your baby's hand and let him make some squiggles on his own. Despite the fact that the first drawings are illegible and abstract, their role in the development of the baby can hardly be disputed. At first, it is recommended to give your child felt-tip pens - they are not only bright, but also very light, so working with them will not require significant effort.

A two-year-old child is already much more diligent than 6-12 months ago. He will be able to keep his attention on any action even for half an hour, especially if you are involved in the process. During this period, it is recommended to purchase your baby’s first puzzles and construction sets (however, do not choose toys with small parts). Girls will enjoy playing with dolls. Kids are already able to figure out what they like and what they don’t. It is not easy to distract them from an activity they like and it is also difficult to interest them in a new one.

Children as young as two years old readily take part in adult activities. This period is the best suited for unobtrusive labor education. It is possible to transform joint work around the house into a system. In this case, parents will need great patience, because it is much easier, for example, to wipe the dust themselves, but the baby also needs to learn. Let's list the basic everyday skills:

  • The baby washes his face, washes his hands and uses a towel with a little help from his mother.
  • Helps adults clear the table after meals.
  • Spilled liquid can be wiped off with a sponge.
  • Eats thick food on its own.
  • Watering flowers.
  • He tidies up his room and puts away his toys.

Basic skills and abilities

Features of the development of a 2-year-old child are as follows:

Features of life organization

Considering the development of a 2-year-old child, we note that during this period the baby may have difficulty falling asleep during the day or even refuse daytime rest. In this case, it is recommended to give him at least an hour of quiet time reading books, for example. However, you should not completely give up daytime sleep, as this is harmful to the baby's health.

Don't forget to alternate your child's activities during walks and games. His attention can be focused on one thing for thirty minutes.

Two-year-old children, as a rule, already ask to go to the potty themselves. But still plant them before a walk and after a nap.

Working on motor skills

The development method for a 2-year-old child involves holding fun competitions (for example, who can sit down/stand up from a lying position the fastest). They help develop the baby's gross motor skills. For such exercises, it is recommended to use soft bedding.

An equally exciting activity is riding a baby on the shoulders of an adult. When you are sure that your child is not afraid of heights, dance or do some squats. This exercise will develop muscles for both of you.

As for the development of fine motor skills, activities with small boxes filled with buttons or small toys will be indispensable. Show your baby how fun it is to transfer things from one container to another. At the same time, be sure to ensure that he does not swallow anything. Another option for fine motor skills exercises is finger painting or brush painting. While playing in the sandbox, invite your child not just to dig with a shovel, but to make Easter cakes, dig a garage for a car and pave a road to it. At home, arrange bathing procedures for your favorite toy, while simultaneously studying bathing items - washcloth, soap, towel, shampoo. At the same time, you can show your child what kind of water flows from the tap - warm, hot or cold.

Early child development (2 years). Paying attention to articulation

  • Show your child how to properly blow out candles, blow soap bubbles, etc. This is an individual skill; not everyone masters it at an early age. Don't worry if your baby isn't doing well yet.
  • Perform the exercise “Slow and fast breeze” (the baby should blow with all his strength or smoothly).
  • Make funny faces in front of the mirror together. Stick your tongue out and twist it in all directions.
  • Teach your child to make bubbles in water by blowing air through a straw.
  • Say sounds or words at different volumes with your child.

Remember that the most effective classes are not conducted under duress. Your child will quickly acquire useful skills if he completes tasks with pleasure.


  • Let your baby feel objects of different textures. Discuss their properties.
  • Organize games like “Find a Pair” (to successfully complete the task, the child must correctly match white knitwear, a cotton pad, hard cardboard, soft paper, etc.).
  • Closer to three years, the baby should already try to identify things by touch, with his eyes closed, pulling fruits, vegetables, and toys out of the bag.
  • Conduct classes to familiarize your child with smells and tastes.

Child 2 years old. Speech development

All the methods listed below are suitable for those kids who already know how to pronounce individual words (even if in a special “children’s” language).

  • Ask your child questions about what is happening around (on the street and at home), what is shown in the pictures.
  • Discuss current events in detail. Thus, there will be a gradual replenishment of your child’s passive vocabulary.
  • Sing songs to your baby, read him poems and fairy tales.
  • Act out scenes together (for example, from the fairy tale “Teremok”, when the child plays the role of a mouse sitting in a house). During the lesson, it is important to encourage the baby to perform various actions.
  • Listen and sing songs.
  • Study adjectives. Use them when communicating with your baby, describing various objects.
  • Learn different adverbs, prepositions and pronouns.
  • When mastering various lexical topics, focus on what parts objects are made of. For example, a house has windows, a roof, doors, etc.

Tasks for children who have not yet mastered speech

But what to do if a 2-year-old child does not speak yet? The baby’s speech development should proceed according to the following scenario:

What does the baby learn?

The development of a child at 2 years old allows him to study several properties of objects simultaneously. You can, for example, put yellow balls in one box and blue cubes in another. Create situations where your child will need to think through a solution to a problem. How, for example, can you remove a ball that has rolled under the sofa? Let your child find a way out of the situation on his own.

At this age you can buy your first books with simple riddles. To make it easier for your child to guess them, it is recommended to show him a toy or a picture depicting the hidden object. At the end of the game, remind your child to put all things back in their place.

Features of behavior

The age of two is the time for the active development of creative abilities and initiative. The baby has already learned a lot - he eats and dresses himself. At the same time, it is important not to interfere with his independence.

A child can react differently to certain life events, sometimes too violently. At the same time, it is important to pay special attention to how people from his immediate environment behave, because children at this age are instantly infected with emotions.

The main task of parents

The development of a 2-year-old child should be carried out with the obligatory encouragement of various manifestations of creativity. More often, invite your child to sculpt, act out scenes with dolls, draw, etc. At the same time, do not forget to sincerely praise the child. Teach your child to communicate kindly with peers. Explain to him how important it is to be able to share and respect the property of other children. Show your baby how to feel sorry and empathize (for example, pet a boy who has fallen and is crying bitterly).


The development process of a two-year-old baby should be under the control of parents. During this period, it is important to support the child and explain to him incomprehensible moments. In order to achieve success, you must have patience in order to calmly accept the failures of your own child. Do not elevate early development into a cult, so as not to traumatize the baby’s psyche.


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