Interesting way to celebrate a birthday. Competitions, scenarios and entertainment for birthdays

Birthday is a special holiday not only for children, but also for adults. Each of us always looks forward to this day, and so that the usual feast is not repeated every year, we invite you to take advantage of funny and unusual scenarios for a birthday. Here you will find holiday scenarios, which is right for you and your birthday will definitely be remembered by everyone.

Scenario for a woman: “Fairytale Cruise”

The guests are in the banquet hall, standing in a row. The birthday girl enters.

- Our dear (name, patronymic)!
We love you, respect you,
And we’ve known you for a long time,
We kindly ask you to start


Several people in folk costumes come forward from among the guests. If possible, you can parody the ensemble of Nadezhda Babkina. Three congratulatory ditties are sung to the soundtrack or live music.
1. We have gathered today
Not to the rally at all
Everyone has come to the court here,
Come in, guests!
To pronounce the last word, or better yet the entire phrase of this ditty, a microphone is brought to the birthday girl. She invites the guests to come in. You can let her read the phrase from a piece of paper.
Music plays, guests take their seats.

2. Oh again, once again,
Today we have a holiday here,
Who will tell the whole truth
About (name) us now?
While singing ditties, guests are given pieces of paper with a written poem. It emphasizes the phrase that the guest must read out loud. The guest follows the poem. When it’s his turn, he reads his line. Then the next one and so on. It turns out to be a whole poem.
Lines in the poem:
"They said it right,
Or it’s the other way around,” sing the ditties.

At home our (name) is a bunny,
The ideal hostess
And the shock worker of labor
At work, as always.
They said it right, here it is
Or it's the other way around.
Endowed with beauty
And I’m not alone in life,
My husband is still in love
And surrounded by love.
They said it right, here it is
Or it's the other way around.
If my husband has a devil in his side,
Suddenly to the left oh-ho-ho,
Immediately (name) finds out
And, as it should, he caresses!
They said it right, here it is
Or is it the other way around?
Our (name) talents
It’s impossible to count at all
Writes, sews, cooks manti
So, lick the saucer!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
How good are you!
(These two lines are read in chorus.)

The ditties continue:
1. I’ll go dance
I'll stamp my foot
Everyone who came with envy
Let them burst today!
2. Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden
(Name) was walking,
The princess herself is in front of her
I bowed my head!
3. I’ll have a glass and borrow
To avoid problems,
Congratulations, congratulations
Happy coming of age!

The first toast is raised “To the birthday girl.” The guests drink and eat.

- The holiday has just begun, and already so many good words have been said to the birthday girl. And for good reason. After all, today is her main holiday, a holiday that comes from her childhood. In this case, nothing and no one will prevent us all from plunging a little into the world of childhood today. And in childhood, many of us probably wanted to get into a fairy tale. Today such an opportunity will present itself. On this wonderful day we will find ourselves in a fairy tale, not even one, but several at once. And with your permission, I will play the role of a certain storyteller.
And the first fairy tale in which we have already found ourselves... But, however, let the birthday girl herself guess which fairy tale we are in.
The guest comes out. It is better if a young girl plays this role. In her hands is a flower glued together from colored paper. The flower has 7 petals of different colors.

- What kind of fairy tale do you think we are in? ("Seven-flowered flower.")

Girl with a flower:
- There is a riddle written on each petal of this magical flower. We will give it to the birthday girl. She will tear off a petal and ask riddles to the guests. Answers to them are our greatest desires. And one petal is empty. The birthday girl will be the last to tear it off and make her deepest wish. We will all raise our filled glasses and drink to him.
6 riddles written on petals:
1. Without legs, but they walk. (Money.)
2. He looks at everyone, but doesn’t look at himself. (Sun, sunlight.)
3. It is different for a woman and a man, and everyone finds it in each other. (Happiness)
4. Her smile inspires much more than all the Red Bulls combined. (Luck)
5. What determines the weather in the house? (Good mood.)
6. A magnet attracts iron to itself, and it attracts people to each other. (Love.)
The birthday girl tears off the last petal, makes a wish, and glasses are raised for its fulfillment.

- Amazing. But you can get to the next fairy tale only through... The dance floor! Everybody dance!
There is a musical pause.
At the end of the musical break, three people wearing bear masks appear on the dance floor.

- And here are our hosts of the next fairy tale! What fairy tale have we found ourselves in? (Masha and the bears.)
Certainly. Masha ran away from these bears, so they are very angry and will hunt us all. Whoever is caught will be turned into a bear. But they will hunt for a reason. These bears are related to each other. They have one hand tied. And your task is to break into pairs or triplets as desired and join hands. The bears will stand in the center of the hall. You must run from one part of the hall to another so that the bears cannot touch you. The winner is the pair or three that remain undeterred until the end.
Markings are placed in the hall: from where and where you need to get, so that the bears don’t bother you. Those who have been insulted sit down at the table. After the game, all guests sit down at the table.

- And now, sitting at the table, we find ourselves in the next fairy tale. And this fairy tale is called...?
The presenter takes out a round piece of bread.

- "Kolobok".

- That's right, the fairy tale "Kolobok".
Our Kolobok traveled and traveled around the world and returned back to his parents.
And who should I thank for the fact that he was able to escape safely from the hare, and from the bear, and from the wolf? Who taught him all the wisdom of life?

- To the parents.
The third toast is raised - to the parents. And the round bread is passed along the table, everyone breaks off a small piece and eats it. Thus, there is enough round bread for everyone present.
Carlson enters (“flies”) into the hall. Heads straight to the birthday girl. This is a guest in disguise. It is better if it is the husband of the birthday girl.

- Oh, incomparable (name)! (He gets down on one knee.) Let me kiss your hand! I, a man in the prime of his life, am smitten by your beauty and charm. Let me invite you to dance!
The game "Dance on the Newspaper" is played. Not only the birthday girl and Carlson take part in it, but also all the guests. After the game there is a musical break.
Then the guests are seated at the table.

- And now we find ourselves in a fairy tale for 12 months. In this fairy tale, some interesting adventures also await us. In order to overcome them, it will take 12 brave people.
12 people go to the center of the hall.

- Now each of you will pull out a piece of paper with the name of the month written on it. After this, your task will be to depict this month using facial expressions and gestures so that others understand what kind of month it is. You can show flowers that bloom this month, play up events, holidays that happen this month, and so on. Words and sounds are excluded.
A pantomime competition is being held to guess the months.

- So all 12 months have been solved, which means another year away. And we are already celebrating another birthday. And what a feast would be without a real Russian song!
But we will sing for a reason. I will be the conductor, and the rest will be the choir. According to the gesture of my hand, the choir will sing more quietly or loudly. Hand high, sing loudly, in the middle - medium, and below - quietly. The song chosen is any folk song known to everyone. For example, “Oh, frost, frost.” Everyone sings according to the conductor's hand.

- We have just a magnificent choir. But this was only a warm-up, that is, a chant.
And now, in honor of the birthday girl, we sing the song “Happy Birthday” to a soundtrack (or live music). The song “Happy Birthday, love until dizziness…” is performed by the guests.
There is applause. The answer is given to the birthday girl.
(After each competition, the winners may be awarded small incentive prizes.)

Happy holiday!

Scenario-feast for adults “Happy Birthday, dear friend”

Scenario for adults for a holiday in the form of a feast.

Presenter: On this significant day, everyone came to congratulate you, dear birthday boy, on your birthday! I am sure that every guest has something to say to the hero of the occasion. It is with this interesting moment that we will begin our evening!

Birthday is a glorious holiday,
A good, long-awaited holiday.
On this day I wish everyone well,
Light, joy, happiness, warmth!

So that the birthday boy knows all the good things that you came to him with, I propose to make a collective toast. I start a toast, but at the most interesting moment I suggest that my neighbor at the table continue it. Thus, you will get a long toast with a great, and most importantly interesting, meaning. The main thing is that the last person finishes the toast logically. Well, in what order the toast will be said, we will find out with the help of lots.

1. Collective toast
After such a luxurious toast, it will be useful to have a snack. And, of course, drink to the health of our birthday boy.


And now I invite all guests, including the birthday boy, to take part in a frank blitz survey, which will not be complete without a bit of humor. So, each person pulls two pieces of paper out of the box - one with an intriguing question written on it, and the other with a suggested answer. Thus, we will learn about the deepest secrets and secrets of everyone present. Everyone draws out their own question and answer so that everything is fair.

2. Blitz survey
Cards with questions:
Do you often wake up in bed with a Georgian stranger?
Do you dream of a love meeting with a black man?
Do you like to sing while you wash your hair?
Do you sleep in a bunny suit?
How often do people around you see you picking your nose?
Do you like to read novels on the toilet?

Answer cards:
Only on payday
I don't know, but my subconscious tells me that of course
I can't believe my ears! How did you find out?
It's true, these are the best moments of my life
This happens when I eat at night.
Only after a wine-beer-vodka cocktail!

Host: It's time to have a snack again, otherwise our guests will leave the holiday hungry!

Have you had a snack? Great! Then I suggest moving a little. Our men, who don’t even know what it’s like to be pregnant, take part in the next game!

3. Competition “Ninth month of pregnancy”
Rules: Each man is given balloons, which must be hidden under his shirt. This way you will get a decent tummy. The task of each man is to collect as many matches scattered on the floor as possible. The main thing is that the balloons do not burst! Thus, we will find out which man will be the most dexterous.

Host: Great! And now I propose to show a film called “Modern Silent Cinema” for our birthday boy. Each guest is given a piece of paper with a word written on it. You need to use gestures and facial expressions to show this word to the birthday person. The birthday boy, naturally, must reveal all the secrets of the silent genre by guessing the treasured word.

Suggested words: holiday, rose, bouquet, birthday, gift, surprise.

4. Game "Silent Movie"
And finally, I would like to say:
Birthday is a bright holiday
A day of fun and goodness!
Invite your friends and girlfriends
Let the kids stand in a circle
Set the table quickly
We all have more fun together!

Scenario “Happy birthday, beautiful and great Woman!”

The scenario is designed for a woman’s birthday (anniversary). Congratulations can be heard both during an evening in a restaurant and at home. In this scenario, birthday greetings are presented by rulers of different eras, states and even galaxies. It’s worth taking care of the appropriate “outfits” in advance, as well as gifts.

Presenter: Our dear Woman (instead of the word woman, the name of the birthday girl is written according to the script)! Today is a special day - the day of your honor and praise. Today, rulers from different states, galaxies, and even from various eras of world history have come to visit us. Accept their congratulations and gifts! And the first to cross the threshold of this hall is Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible!

(The music sounds - languid and majestic, befitting the era of Tsarist Russia. The “Tsar” enters. Mandatory attire is a scepter, an orb, a hat and a caftan. Gifts are an element of the wardrobe that the birthday girl has long dreamed of, for example, a fur coat, a jacket, boots, etc. d. All the words of the “king” are written on the corresponding parchment in the handwriting characteristic of that time).

Tsar: “I am the great Tsar and Prince of All Rus' John Vasilyevich on this day, I congratulate you, Princess Woman, on your holiday - your birthday. I wish you good health, to shine with beauty and outshine all the servants sitting here, to have obedient children, and a hard-working man. Accept, princess, a gift from the royal shoulder!

He gives a gift and leaves.

Presenter: And now the ruler of the East has come to us - the sensitive and incomparable Sultan!

(Oriental music sounds. The “Sultan” enters. It is better for the birthday girl’s husband to congratulate the Sultan. The outfit is a turban, light trousers - bloomers, a colorful shirt. Gifts - flowers, a chest with a huge number of 10-kopeck coins, since they are most similar for gold, a box of chocolates in the shape of a heart. You must find the music for the song “If I Were a Sultan” in advance.

The Sultan sings the song:
If I were a sultan,
I wish I had a palace
And in my palace
There would be a hundred rings.
It would be better then
Chose for you -
Gold b, pearls
I would give it!

Chorus (2 times):
Not too bad
Congratulations to you
Much better -
Give gifts!
If I were a sultan,
I would be rich
I would give it to you
There's a whole garden of flowers!
But since I'm a husband,
That's all,
I will give you happiness and love!
Chorus (2 times).

Gifts are given according to the appropriate words. Having performed the song, the Sultan kisses the hero of the occasion and leaves!

Presenter: Rumors about your birthday have reached even the galactically distant planets of our Universe. The Lord of the planet Alpha - Centauri - Gorfield has come to congratulate you.

(Electronic music sounds better than the band “Space”. An alien enters. It’s worth taking care of an alien costume in advance; if you couldn’t find one, make a green face mask yourself and throw on a shiny cloak. Gifts - a set of CDs with the birthday girl’s favorite music or films ).

Alien (burrs like an alien): Oh, Woman! You, as a representative of the human race, would be uniquely suitable for us to experiment with due to your excellent intelligence, fortitude and energy. But just because today is such a holiday and because your heart is bright, your soul is kind, and your eyes glow with warmth, we will not touch you. Accept gifts from our planet. Here you will find all the information that is selected according to your tastes and style!

Gives a gift. Leaves.

Presenter: But not only from the far corners of the Universe, but also from the far corners of the planet, representatives of different nations rush to congratulate you, our incomparable Woman. The leader of the African tribe Chingachkuk also came to us today! Meet!

(African motifs sound. The “leader” enters. You can also make a mask or put a black stocking on your head. Put leaves on your belt. Gifts - a figurine, money from Feng Shui, a “singing wind” - an accessory that is hung above the door and which rings when someone comes inside. It’s worth taking care of the soundtrack for the song “Chunga-Changa” in advance).

The leader sings a song:
Chunga-changa, I give you
Chunga-changa, breeze in hand,
Chunga-changa, and tatem also,
May he give happiness and warmth!
Chorus (2 times):
Congratulations to Chunga-chang,
Chunga-changa and I wish,
I wish you happiness, joy,
Chunga-changa, I give you
Chunga-changa, a couple of coins,
May they bring good luck
And let peace, peace reign around!
Chorus (2 times)

Presents gifts to the corresponding words in the song. Leaves.

Presenter: And our galaxy of congratulations ends with the Supreme God of Olympus himself - Zeus!

(Music from the “sounds of nature” series is playing. Zeus enters, wrapped in a sheet instead of a robe, with a laurel wreath on his head. Gifts - an exclusive bottle of wine, cognac or other alcoholic drink.)

Zeus: I, as the God of Olympus, not only address great and loud words of congratulations in your honor, but also consider it an honor to present you with a cup of wine, which is not only tasted on Olympus, but has also been tasted by representatives of the highest castes of the human race. Taste it - purify your thoughts, strive for obedience, be beautiful and healthy! All the most majestic and impetuous!

Gives a gift. Leaves.

Presenter: For the words of the most prominent representatives of peoples, powers, Galaxies, you need to drink and eat. Let's continue the fun and celebration!


At the beginning of the birthday, all guests are warned that throughout the holiday there will be a competition for the best draw. Of course, guests should be notified of this in advance so that they can better prepare. And at the end of the party, the winner will be awarded an original prize, preferably one that is also humorous. After the first competition, all participants are invited to the festive table, which should preferably be decorated in an original form corresponding to the theme of the celebration. For example, artificial dishes disguised as natural can be added to original recipes. Nowadays you can find fruits that are no different in the degree of naturalism from the real ones. The traditional competition is a joke competition. But since in every company there is bound to be an avid hunter of this kind of entertainment, the format of the competition must be limited. After the feast comes the turn of real jokes, competitions and games, which must be alternated for variety. Degree of sobriety A fairly simple and at the same time fun game. The presenter quickly names nouns, and the guests compete in speed to come up with a diminutive form of this word. For example, mom - mommy, bag - handbag, goat - goat, sofa - sofa, pen - pen. The final word will be water. As a rule, guests choose vodka for it, although vodka would be more correct. In this case, the host gives the guests a logical diagnosis: “increased bottleism.” Traffic police drawing For this drawing, the presenter invites three or four of the bravest participants and announces that they will have to cover a section of the distance on “ultra-modern racing cars.” As aerodynamic “cars,” participants are given basins in which they must quickly reach the finish line, where a “traffic police inspector” is already waiting for them, who asks the fastest driver to “show documents.” Since the winner does not have documents, the traffic cop asks to breathe into a tube, the role of which in this case is played by a balloon. You need to breathe until the ball bursts with a roar. Since the tube turned out to be irreparably damaged, the winner must perform the following procedure - go through a row of bottles placed in a straight line at a short distance from each other. While the player is blindfolded, the assistants quickly remove the bottles. And amid a general explosion of fun, the “violator” describes intricate zigzags. The last test for the winner of the race will be to repeat the tongue twister “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.” After this, the traffic cop declares the winner of the race completely drunk, since he has not passed a single sobriety test, and as a consolation prize he is awarded a “reinforcement fluid” - a bottle of vodka, wine or beer. What is MPS? Everyone is invited to participate in this drawing. The presenter seats the participants in a circle and explains that each of them has an MPS, and they need to find it. In this case, you can ask the presenter leading questions, which he may not answer if they lead to an answer too quickly. The game continues until someone guesses what MPS is. And this is an abbreviation for the words “my right neighbor.” Reflection The bravest participant in the next drawing is given a felt-tip pen, paper and a mirror. The player’s task is to connect ten dots on paper with straight lines, while looking at the reflection of the sheet in the mirror. During the art process, the presenter, standing in the back, writes down all the words said by the player while drawing. When the task is completed, the presenter reads out loud to the guests the full “speech” of the newly-minted artist and announces that these were the words the participant uttered to his beloved on the first night of the newlyweds. Fortune telling During the dance program, a gypsy unexpectedly enters the hall and offers fortune telling to everyone who wants it. Examples of the gypsy’s predictions: - Contagious diseases await you, various diseases. And not because the hand lines are bad, but because they are too dirty - Oh, honey! I didn’t want to say it, but I will say: a heavy blow awaits you! (After a pause) In the morning, when you step on the scale. - Wow, I know everything, I see everything. In the morning you will run for beer, in the evening - for girls. - You will sleep softly and sweetly, dear... Until the cake is pulled out from under you. - I see how they will set their eyes on you. And a heart and liver to boot. And on top there is something long... Oh, I see it’s a herring! And in my pants... Anyone can take part in this competition. Each participant must name his favorite movie to his neighbor sitting on the right. After which everyone takes turns saying the phrase “And in my pants...” and the name of the film that the neighbor told him. Catch, fish, catch! Interested men are invited and then lined up. Participants in the competition must perform all the actions that the presenter will call. Meanwhile, the presenter says the text: - You come to the river to catch a fish (participants pretend to be walking with a fishing rod thrown over their shoulder). Look around - a great place! You taste the water - wow, it’s cold. Unwind your fishing rods. Puts a worm on a hook. Throw your gear. And if you stand on this pebble, you can cast the fishing rod even further. To prevent the waves from wetting your pants, it is better to roll them up. The water is getting higher and higher, roll up your pant leg some more! After which you turn to the guests and say: And now a competition is being announced for the most beautiful legs! Zoo For this entertainment, you need to prepare pieces of paper on which to write the names of the animals. Prepared pieces of paper are distributed to everyone who wishes. Each participant reads their piece of paper secretly from the others. The presenter announces the rules of the game: as soon as he names the animal, the participant who has this name written on the sheet must quickly sit down on the floor. Then the game itself begins. The presenter begins his story about a trip to the zoo, about what animals he saw there. As soon as the name of a certain animal is heard, all players, as one, plop down on the floor, since they all have the same name. Quite a hilarious sight. You can also come up with tricky prizes as prizes for participants in competitions and games. For example: - a small souvenir, wrapped in a large number of packages and externally huge in size; - a necklace made from good candies; - a head of cabbage with the stalk cut out, in place of which a piece of paper was inserted with the inscription: “So big, but you still believe in fairy tales!”; - realtor’s guide – children’s fairy tale “Kolobok”; - a mirror with the inscription “It’s you”; - a gift for a “beginning musician” – a whistle; - a purely male set - a newspaper and a bottle of beer. But the main goal of the host is to make the guests laugh, and not to laugh at the individual participant in the draw. Therefore, if you know that there are touchy people among those present, do not allow him to play games where he could become a victim of a prank.


Congratulation. You need to start your birthday with congratulations. The birthday boy will be pleased if a poem or song is composed especially for him. However, the usual congratulations in prose would be appropriate, the main thing is that it is sincere.

After serious congratulations, you can offer this kind of fun. The text of congratulations is written on a large postcard, and all adjectives in it are omitted. One of the organizers of the holiday asks the birthday person or everyone present to name several adjectives. The named adjectives are written in the blank spaces on the postcard (words must be written in with a pen of a different color). After this, the card is given to the birthday person, who reads the resulting congratulation out loud.
In order for this entertainment to be truly successful, an original initial text and the imagination of the participants in coming up with adjectives are required.

Template for playing with adjectives.
"Our... and... Peter Alekseevich (here you must enter the name of the birthday boy). Congratulations on this... holiday. We wish you success in your... work and in... life. May all your... endeavors have... finals. With respect and... wishes, your... colleagues." In order to create your own template, write a standard congratulation and cross out all the epithets from it.

Search for a gift. The gift can be given immediately after congratulations. However, if the birthday person is young at heart and has a prettier sense of humor, you can come up with a more original way of giving.

For example, you can wrap a gift in paper and ask the birthday person to guess what it is.

Another option is to hide the gift in the room where the holiday is taking place, and describe the path to it on sheets of paper also hidden in the room. The birthday boy receives the first piece of paper and from it learns about the location of the next note. The last note leads him to a gift.

You can also invite the birthday person to complete several comic tasks to check whether this gift can be given to him. In this case, the gift really should be expensive and necessary for the birthday person.

Banquet. After receiving the gift, everyone present can sit down at the festive table. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the reason for the feast and try to make the birthday person feel that he is the center of attention at all times.

For your first birthday. The first participant says: “For my first birthday they gave me...” and names any object. The second participant must repeat what the first one said and say:

“On my second birthday they gave me...”, naming any other item. So, each subsequent participant lists the messages of other players and names a new gift. The participant who makes a mistake is eliminated. The participant who remains in the game wins.
The interest of the game largely depends on the originality of the gift names invented by the participants.

Game example:
Player 1: “For my first birthday I was given a pack of diapers.”

Player 2: “For my first birthday, I was given a pack of diapers. For my second birthday, I was given a toy car.”

Player 3: “On my first birthday, I was given a pack of diapers. On my second birthday, I was given a toy car. On my third birthday, I was given markers.”

Player 4: “On my first birthday, I was given a pack of diapers. On my second birthday, I was given a toy car. On my third birthday, I was given markers. On my fourth birthday, I was given a drum.” Etc.

Your gift. Participants are divided into two teams. Team players take turns showing the pantomime team of the opposing team some object - a “gift”. If the players of the second team guess what the item is, they receive a bonus point.
After all members of one team have presented their gifts, the teams change roles.
The team with the most points wins.

Comic fortune telling "Magic bag". At the end of the holiday, you can offer all participants a comic fortune telling, allowing you to guess what their own birthday will be like. The birthday boy can also participate in this entertainment by telling fortunes about his next holiday.

For fortune telling, various items are placed in a bag or opaque plastic bag. Participants take turns, without looking, pull out any object! Each item has a specific meaning.

Examples of objects and their meanings:
Souvenir or chocolate bottle with alcohol. There will be a big party at the birthday party.

Small chocolate or candy. There will be an incredibly tasty treat at your birthday party.

Chewing gum. The holiday will be very, very long.

Firecracker. There will be a lot of noisy fun at the holiday.

Matchbox. Your birthday will be full of bright moments and exciting entertainment.

Participants take the received items as gifts.

Useful tips: If in order to receive a gift, the birthday person will have to make some efforts to find it, it is necessary that this gift really brings joy and does not disappoint the hero of the occasion. Therefore, in such cases, the gift must be selected most carefully, taking into account the wishes of the birthday person and his hobbies.

Regardless of the entertainment, it is necessary to make this holiday so that the birthday person feels that this is his holiday. When preparing the script, it is necessary to find out the opinion of the birthday boy and his wishes. At the same time, some moments of the holiday should become pleasant surprises for the hero of the occasion.

The presenter can be one of your close friends, or a husband if the birthday girl is married, or maybe a specially hired person. The scripted celebration can be held in a banquet hall or in a spacious room at home, depending on the number of people invited.

an envelope with a phrase, a photograph of the birthday girl, cards with inscriptions, sweets, prizes for competitions, several certificates, album sheets, two Whatman paper, two markers, two blindfolds, a gift bottle,

The host greets all guests.

Dear guests, hello! I am glad to see each of you at this magnificent holiday, which is organized in honor of our dear (name of the birthday girl). On this day, the world had a special honor to recognize this amazing, incomparable woman. I ask everyone to take their seats. We begin.

As you may have guessed, this evening is under my leadership! But, there are many of you, and I am alone, so I will need my personal assistant! Please look under your chair, everyone who finds the envelope will be my assistant for the evening!

(An envelope with a short phrase is attached to the chair, for example “wow”; the person who finds the envelope will loudly pronounce this phrase before each toast)

Like every social event, our holiday has its own rules that everyone must follow! Now I will read them:
1. Have fun until you drop;
2. Don’t be sad, don’t be discouraged at the table and beyond;
3. Say beautiful toasts;
4. Drink whatever is poured;
5. Take part in all conversations;
6. Dance, dance, dance;
7. Obey the leader in everything.

Everyone has gathered a long time ago,
It's time to raise everyone's glasses,
For the beautiful birthday girl,
It's time to say congratulations to us!

While you are all having a bite to eat, I want to remind you that you can leave the hall only with the permission of our beautiful Queen of the evening and only in your things.

(Name of the birthday girl) They say that in the East there is one wisdom that I really want to voice:
Conquering your age is not difficult,
You can't refuse it
Although in principle it is possible
If you have friends next to you!
May you be 100 or 200,
But your soul is young
Pour the glasses quickly
Drink to your youth (name of the birthday girl) to the dregs!

Do you know how wonderful it is sometimes to immerse yourself in memories of your childhood, youth, youth. Probably, not everyone remembers what kind of girl our hero of the occasion was, but now, thanks to the efforts of her close friends (children, family, husband, parents, depending on who takes on this creative process), you can plunge into her past, and see what she was and what she became.

(Prepare a collage with photographs or a presentation about the birthday girl in advance. It is important to make this surprise bright and cheerful. You can insert a few jokes, photographs into pictures, write a few funny facts and life stories)

But without (names of the birthday girl’s parents) this event simply would not have happened. Therefore, I propose to raise a glass to them, for the fact that they gave us such a wonderful woman who fills the lives of each of you with happiness!

In the meantime, you have a snack, I would like to tell you one story that you may know, which you may hear for the first time. So, this happened several decades ago. In one town, in the most ordinary apartment, a miracle happened, out of nowhere a tiny girl appeared and stayed to live there. The girl grew, grew, grew, grew and grew! Many different people appeared on her path, but she forever settled the most special ones in her heart. And so, so many years of desperate searches have led her to those with whom she shares her holiday today, to those whose love and support are most important in the world. For friends, comrades, for you!

You eat, eat, and in the meantime I’ll hold a small auction! So, friends, there are three special lots up for grabs, including a photograph of the birthday girl, a dance with the birthday girl and a hug lasting a full minute! Let `s start?

(Auction of “Compliments”. To win, the guest needs to name compliments. Whoever says the most compliments receives the lot. Props: photo of the birthday girl)

I offer you a drink for your compliments,
Which touched the birthday girl's soul,
Fill your glasses quickly
And reinforce everything you said!

Traitor, please pay attention! I recently passed by a magic shop and bought cards. But these are not simple cards, but magical ones. They will tell you what the people sitting at this table think about you. Pull your card, gentlemen!

(Cards are prepared in advance on which one of the qualities of the birthday girl is written. For example, “I think you know how to put a kettle on perfectly” (if the hero of the occasion does not know how to cook). The inscriptions should be cheerful, but at the same time truthful. You can also make cards with predictions. Props: cards with inscriptions)

It’s a pity that our magic session was not long, but it made it clear what the guests were thinking. Now, I would like to talk about love, about the wonderful feeling that fills our soul (name of the birthday girl). And now the man of her life will tell her about his feelings. As far as I know, he prepared .

(The husband or boyfriend is invited, if there is no one and the birthday girl’s heart is free, the point is skipped, or they simply raise their glasses to love)

Dear guests,
It's your turn
Congratulate our birthday girl,
Everyone is welcome here!

(Guests take turns saying wishes and).

While you are having a snack, I want to hold a small competition, the winner of which will receive a valuable prize. I will ask questions about our birthday girl, for each correct answer - candy, the one who collects the most candy will win!

(Details: sweets, certificate of honor)

1. On what day of the week was she born?
2. How much did you weigh on your birthday?
3. How much does he weigh now?
4. How long did she spend most of her time on the phone?
5. Favorite color?
6. Does she mope in the fall?
7. How old are you?
8. What grade did she get in algebra?
9. Favorite sweet?
10. How much time does he devote to sports?
11. How many pairs of shoes are in her wardrobe?
12. Does he like to chew at night?
13. Does he smoke?
14. First guy's name?
15. Favorite flowers?
16. Favorite music?
17. Favorite movie?
18. Excitement, her faithful ally?
19. What did she dream about in 1st grade?
20. Who was the first to receive a kiss?

(The questions may not necessarily be these; it is important to get the answers first so that you know who guessed correctly. The questions are read loudly and quickly)

Somehow you all stayed too long,
We need to fix this
Did you want what you wanted?
Let's dance quickly!

(The presenter announces a dance break)

And now, my dears, I suggest you play a little. You all dance well, and I want to invite you to diversify your steps a little.

Competition "Repeaters".
Each guest must repeat the movements after the other; whoever copies it better wins a prize.

The glasses are waiting, it's time for the table,
Let's go back to the dance floor,
It's time to wish you health, happiness,
Friends, follow me!

Now, I would like to torture our men a little. More precisely, I want to test their dexterity! Ladies, what do you think of this?

Competition "Kisses".
Men are given sheets of paper. In half a minute they must collect the kisses of the ladies who came; whoever collects the most wins a prize!
Props: sheets.

I would not like to be distracted from our hero of the occasion, but it seems to me that our men also deserve our attention, I propose to raise a toast to them!

Dear guests, I suggest you draw a little! But the drawings will be unusual. You will have to portray the birthday girl!

Guests are divided into two teams. The first participant is blindfolded, and so on down the chain. The team with the best drawing will receive a prize.
Requisites: two Whatman paper, two markers, two blindfolds.

Now stand in a row
We will play with you,
Let's, let's have fun,
An evening to remember for a long time!

(The presenter announces the “Shores” competition. There are two code words “Shore”, “Water”. With the word “Shore”, everyone jumps forward, with the word “Water” they jump back. You can also use other words: land, sea, beach, ocean, etc. Those who are inattentive fall out, the most attentive one gets a prize. It is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of the participants; if necessary, you can use another one).

Now, I invite you to be in the role of singers! The task is not difficult, you must sing for our dear birthday girl!

(The presenter names the word with which the song should begin. The one who sings the most will win)

I want to raise this toast
For happiness, for health,
So that the birthday girl always blooms,
So that all bad things recede!

Now it's time to give us gifts,
And to make it more interesting,
You must describe your gift,
Will the Princess guess him?

(Guests take turns giving gifts, while describing them, but not naming them)

But the gift is common, it is from everyone,
It will become a good memory
It is recommended to open it after 10 years,
And treat the guests who came!

(The presenter hands the birthday girl a bottle of good wine or cognac. You can decorate the bottle and, instead of a label, stick a photo of the hostess of the evening)

The congratulations sounded wonderful,
Beautiful toasts you all said,
It's time for the birthday girl to say,
Thank you for visiting!

(The birthday girl gives her speech, thanks the guests for coming)

(Addressing the birthday girl) did you manage to make a wish? Think carefully, because now is the time to blow out the candles!

(They bring out the birthday cake)

Friends, our glorious evening is coming to an end. I'm sorry to part with you, but I still have to. I would like to finally wish our beautiful birthday girl the usual feminine happiness and cheerful, prosperous days! Thank you for the atmosphere and good mood!

Spend your holiday in an unusual way, unlike everyone else's, be it a Birthday, New Year, or any other holiday! To do this, organize entertaining competitions. First, buy a dozen inexpensive things, for example: souvenirs, keychains, jewelry, in a word, everything that can serve as a prize for winning a competition. When the guests are already tipsy, have an awesome party with fun competitions and don’t forget to film it!

A newspaper is taken, placed on the floor, several young couples are invited and they are told to dance on it while the song plays. They must never stand up for the newspaper; if they do, they are out. After a short dance, the music stops and the newspaper is folded in half. This continues until there is only one couple left, tired on a rolled-up newspaper and at the same time dancing.

Guess! Who?
The player's task is to guess, blindfolded, by touch, who is standing in front of him. To make this as difficult as possible, you can change clothes.

Several participants are called, the presenter shows them the positions:
1 - the right hand holds the left earlobe, and the left hand holds the tip of the nose;
2 - right hand - tip of the nose, left hand - right earlobe.
At the leader's command "clap!" everyone must change position to another. The tempo of the "claps" is gradually increasing. The winner is the one who performs the movements correctly the longest. Laughter among spectators and participants is guaranteed

Players are given cards with certain letters. The participants’ task is to attach (and hold) all the cards to those parts of the body whose names begin with the indicated letters. The winner is the one who can place the most without dropping it.

Two teams are formed: one is men, the other is women. At the signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay them out in a line. Each team has its own line. The team that makes the longest line of clothing wins.

Participants are divided into two teams and line up behind each other.
Each team is given a stack of paper, and two baskets are placed at a distance of 20 m.
At the leader’s command, the first team members take a sheet of paper, crumple it into a “snow” ball, throw it into the basket and run to the end of their line. The turn to throw the snowball goes to the next participant. The winner is the team that throws the fastest and most “snowballs” into the basket.

The players are divided into teams, but it is possible without this. Players are given two cardboard cards (or plain paper). The task is to move along these cardboard “bumps”, moving from one to another, to get across the “swamp” as quickly as possible.

Quatrains are selected in advance and the first two lines are read. The participants’ task is to continue the quatrain by composing the second two lines. Then the originals are read and compared. It is not uncommon that as a result of this competition, a poet is unexpectedly found in the team.

You will need: tennis balls.
Several pairs are called, each pair is given a tennis ball. Girls should roll this ball through their partner's pants (for example, put it in the left pant leg, roll it up and pull it out through the right pant leg). Boys should then do the same through the girls' blouse.
The first couple to complete the task wins.

Participants stand in a line, bottles are placed 10 meters from them.
Participants use a homemade lasso to catch bottles.
Whoever catches the most and faster wins.

An old children's game, but adults also play it fun :) Take 10 pieces of paper, on each of which you write where the next one is. Then almost all the notes are hidden in different places, and one is given to the players. Their task is to find and collect all the notes. This game is good to play at a birthday party, when the last one says where the gift itself is hidden.

A purely table game. Depending on what is poured, it can be called “general vodka”, “general whiskey”, general “amaretto” and so on. Competitors must pronounce the text without error, accompanying it with certain actions. “The general of moonshine drinks moonshine once.” Take one sip, wipe the imaginary or actual mustache with your finger once (hussar gesture!), tap the glass on the table once, stamp your foot once. “The General drinks moonshine, drinks - say twice! - moonshine for the second time.” Take two sips, wipe your mustache with your finger twice, tap your glass on the table twice, stamp your foot twice.
“The general of moonshine drinks, drinks, drinks moonshine for the third time.” Take three sips, wipe your mustache with your finger three times, tap your glass on the table three times, stamp your foot three times! Ugh! All!
Whoever makes a mistake gives way to the next one. Few people manage to fulfill all the conditions the first time. Let's also take into account that the one who was closest to success was the most intoxicated. And that means it will be more difficult for him to concentrate next time.

Future singers are given cards on which the names of political leaders of different years are written (Gorbachev, Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnev, Yeltsin, Zhirinovsky, etc.). The players' task is to perform the song in the image indicated on the card. The lyrics of the songs that are offered for performance should be familiar, and even better, printed on the cards on the back.

Competitors receive boxing gloves. They are given the task of bursting a certain number of balloons as quickly as possible within the time allotted by the presenter.

There are two or four participants in the game. The entire auditorium will help them. Players are given one card each - an ace of any suit. The remaining cards are dealt in the hall. The task of the “aces” is to collect all the cards of their suit from “six” to “king” as quickly as possible. Card holders - spectators - can run to the “ace” only after the previous card is already next to it.

Brown bear
Two players compete. Necessary props: Coca-Cola, vodka, 2 glasses. Cola is poured into the players' glasses. This is a brown bear. He needs to be turned white. This is done as follows. The player takes a sip, and the liquid in the glass is topped up with vodka to the previous level. The player takes a sip again - the level returns to the original level again by pouring in vodka. This is repeated until the liquid in the glass turns white. If the players are still able to continue the game, then it goes in reverse order. He takes a sip of vodka and tops up with cola until the glass turns completely brown. The winner... The “Lucky” one is told that he won only the next morning after a difficult awakening. Attention: you should not play this game if you are not confident in your own abilities and do not know your norm. Be aware of the possibility of alcohol poisoning.

Competitions, scripts and entertainment for birthdays

King of the glass
Two people participate. On two chairs there is a bowl of water and one spoon each. A few steps away there are two more chairs, and on them an empty glass. Whoever fills the empty glass first wins.

The players stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder, away from fragile and sharp objects, so as not to injure themselves or spoil the situation. The leader stands at the beginning of the line. Everyone repeats his movements and words. The leader extends his hand forward and says “I see a bear!”, waits until the last participant repeats this, then squats down with his hand outstretched and asks “where?”, again waits until the ritual is completed, and then, shouting “there!”, pushes his neighbor with such force that the entire line fell down. The game ends with a friendly fight. It is recommended to place the weakest players at the end of the line.

Spoon with orange
The game involves two people. Everyone holds a spoon with an orange or potato in their teeth. Hands behind your back. The task is to drop your opponent's orange with your spoon and not let him drop yours. For the bravest owners, use an egg instead of an orange.

There are two sundresses and two scarves on the chair. Whoever puts on a sundress and ties a scarf faster is the winner.

Step on the ball
Two people are given one inflatable ball, which they tie to their left leg. With your right foot you need to crush your opponent’s ball.

Baba Yaga
Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, and a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds the bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, you need to walk the entire distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.

Before sitting down at the table, each invitee cuts out from paper what he would like to give or wish to the hero of the occasion. For example, a car, a key to a new apartment, a baby, a banknote, a new dress. All “gifts” are attached with threads to a rope or fishing line, which is stretched approximately at chest level.
The birthday boy is blindfolded and given scissors. Under the approving cries of those present, he must approach the rope and cut off the “souvenir”. What was in the hands of the birthday boy will definitely appear before the end of the year.
To involve the guests, you can invite the hero of the occasion to guess whose wish it is. If he succeeds, the guest performs some kind of trick: sings a song, tells a joke.

The guests are sitting at the table. At the command of the host, one of the guests places a button on his index finger and, turning to his neighbor, invites him to move the button to his index finger. You are not allowed to use other fingers. And so on in a circle. The one who drops is eliminated from the game, and so the last players have to stretch across the entire table. The last two participants win and receive a prize.

Fairy tale characters
When a person gets a job, he usually writes an autobiography. Imagine what she might look like and write their autobiographies on behalf of some famous people. Among these celebrities: Baba Yaga, Carlson, Old Man Hottabych, Baron Munchausen, Koschey the Immortal.

Two teams participate: an even number. The team lines up in a column: man - woman - man - woman - man, etc. Each player is given a match. Task: at the command of the leader, the players take a match with their lips, and the first participants in the team have a ring hung on their back. After the signal, you need to transfer this ring from one participant to another, back and forth without using your hands from match to match.

Two guys sit at a table opposite each other. An egg is placed in front of them. The guys are asked to blow the egg onto the opponent's side with their eyes closed. The eyes are blindfolded, and instead of the egg, a plate of flour is quietly placed. On command, the participants begin to blow hard, with good fans this is the effect! Everyone is happy, and often the participants are too. Why boys and not girls? As a rule, girls look too good at holidays

Open bottle
Several couples (male-female) participate simultaneously or in turns, depending on the number of open bottles. The man is given a bottle, the lady is given a container (glass, glass, etc.). The players hold these objects between their legs, and the man tries to pour the lady a drink, and she helps him. Everything happens hands-free. One “but”: it is better not to use red wine for this game, as sometimes the contents of the bottle end up on the clothes of the players.

Unnecessary clothes
The game requires two or more volunteers (but no less spectators) and one presenter. The latter makes the players sit cross-legged on the floor and throws a blanket or blanket over everyone’s shoulders, demanding that they wrap themselves up so that nothing is visible except their heads. Then each player is given the condition to remove the most unnecessary thing in this position and put it on the floor. As a rule, they start with the clock, and only then... Rarely do they quickly think of throwing off the blanket. A prize can be given to the most resourceful person.

To play, you will need a large box or bag (opaque) into which various items of clothing are placed: size 56 panties, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with a nose, etc. funny things.
The presenter invites those present to update their wardrobe by taking something out of the box, with the condition not to take it off for the next half hour.
At the host’s signal, the guests pass the box to the music. As soon as the music stops, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing he comes across and puts it on himself. The view is amazing!

To play you need a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and remove it from the water.

Chicken paw
You must write the given word - “like a chicken with its paw.” Participants have markers attached to their feet; Whoever wrote it faster and more clearly wins the game.

This is a team game. Participants are divided into pairs.
Each couple chooses a pre-prepared package containing a set of clothes (the number and complexity of items must be the same). All participants in the game are blindfolded. On command, one of the pair must put clothes on the other from the package he received by touch in one minute. The winner is the couple that “dresses” faster and more correctly than others. It's fun when there are two men in a couple and they get a bag of purely women's clothing!

In secret from the hero (or culprit) of the holiday, make a full-length silhouette of a human figure from cardboard. Glue a photo of the birthday boy or girl in place of the face. Put on this mannequin all possible items of clothing: from panties to a hat. They can be either real or made of paper. Just pin the paper ones to the mannequin. Then the host asks the guests questions about the hero of the day: when he was born, favorite dish, etc. If the guest makes a mistake, he must remove any item of clothing from the mannequin. The most intimate parts can be covered with fig leaves made of green paper. And, if you are sure that the birthday person will not be offended, you can write humorous wishes on these pieces of paper.

Body parts
They write pieces of paper with the names of body parts and fold them so that they cannot be read and put them in some kind of bag. Then the first two people each take a piece of paper. And they press together with those parts of the body that are indicated on the papers. Then the second person pulls out a second piece of paper, where it is written which place the third person should touch. Next, the third one pulls out his piece of paper (or rather, two, but one at a time). And in this way along the chain until all participants in the game are finished, then everything begins in the second circle, without disengaging. The first one grabs the last one, the second one grabs the first one, and until the papers run out or until there is enough flexibility. The funniest thing is for the presenter who sees this gobbledygook

Two glasses
You will need: two glasses and a straw for each participant.
Two glasses are placed on a hard surface in front of each player - empty and filled with some liquid (water, vodka, wine, etc.). Each person is given a straw (or a straw for cocktails). The task of the competitors is to use this straw to pour the contents from one glass to another as quickly as possible, preferably without losing a drop of precious liquid. The one who does it earlier and better wins.

You will need: transparent glasses or glasses, drinking straws.
Everyone is invited to attend. Each person is given a glass with liquid poured into it and a straw. It is announced that all glasses except one contain water. Vodka is poured into one. Players must drink all the liquid through a straw so that no one can guess what is in their glass. Spectators are invited to guess which of those present got a glass of vodka. The secret of the game is that vodka is poured into all glasses.

At the signal from the leader, all women in the hall are dragged by men (two or three competitors) to their territory.
The one who has more women in his “harem” wins.

Participants are asked to create a story from the titles of newspaper articles cut out and attached to cards. The participant who writes the most interesting story wins.

You will need: several pairs of boxing gloves, wrapped candies (according to the number of participants).
Men are called up who want to fight for the glory of the Beautiful Lady. Everyone wears boxing gloves. Then everyone is given a piece of candy. At the presenter’s signal, the contestants must, whoever is fastest, unwrap the candy and feed it to their lady.

2-3 people play. The presenter reads the text: I’ll tell you a story in one and a half dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately. “Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, not just one, but seven.” When you want to memorize poems, don’t cram them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - twice, or better yet 10 times." "A seasoned guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be tricky at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march! “Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours...” (if they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it). “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.”

Along the edges of the site, 6-8 triangles are drawn - “rocket launch sites”. Inside each of them they draw circles - “rockets”, but always several circles less than the players. All participants stand in a circle in the center of the site. At the command of the leader, they walk in a circle, holding hands, saying the words: “Fast rockets for walking around the planets are waiting for us. We’ll fly to whichever one we want! But there’s one secret in the game: there’s no room for latecomers!” After that, everyone runs to the “rocket launch site” and takes their places in the “rocket”. Those who do not have time to take a place are eliminated from the game.

To play you need 6 people, 3 guys and 3 girls. Each player receives his own number. The first player rolls a dice with numbers from 1 to 6. The number that appears shows what he will do if the number is 1 - kiss, 2 - suck, 3 - chew, 4 - plant, 5 - bite, 6 - lick. The same player rolls the die a second time. The number drawn shows which part of the body he will do this with: 1 - lips, 2 - nose, 3 - right ear, 4 - cheek, 5 - right ear, 6 - left ear. The player rolls the dice a third time. The number drawn shows which person he is doing this with - the number corresponds to the player's number. When the first player has done everything, the second player takes the die, etc.

The presenter invites everyone playing in turn to name five objects of the same color (blue, yellow, red, etc.) - So he will go through different colors. Anyone who cannot remember five objects of the named color in one minute leaves the game. It is not allowed to repeat items already named. The presenter randomly selects an object, for example a table. Now the players must take turns saying how it can be used. You can't repeat yourself! Since the standard options (“you can sit at it,” “do your homework,” “have lunch,” etc.) quickly run out, participants have to be creative. The one who could not answer leaves the game. The one remaining wins. The application of the subject does not have to be good, correct from the point of view of common sense, the main thing is that it is theoretically possible. The game can be complicated; in this case, the leader sets not one, but two objects, and the participants must come up with options for how they can be used together.

There are two slits for hands on a piece of whatman paper. Participants take each sheet of paper, insert their hands into the slots, and draw a self-portrait with a brush without looking. Whoever has the most successful “masterpiece” takes the prize.

The point is that everyone becomes a train and begins to move forward to the music. The presenter turns the music on and off. The presenter abruptly turns off the music, everyone must stop. The one who “sticks” his nose into the back of the person in front (for the first one, breaks away from everyone else) is eliminated. The music also suddenly turns on - whoever breaks the chain flies out. For convenience, there can be two presenters: the one who plays the music, and the one who is the actual “locomotive”. The more people, the better. It cannot be done without landfills. The main thing is to choose the right music and not make even intervals on/off

Mountain of shoes
Guests are divided into two teams. Each one has a captain selected. Teams sit opposite each other, take off one shoe or shoe at a time and throw it in the center on one pile; You can put extra shoes. The captains don't see this. The captain's task is to quickly put on shoes for his team.
The first team to wear shoes wins.

To play you need a bar, i.e. some kind of long stick under which the players will walk. The point is this: two people hold the bar, quite low, and the players must walk under it on their feet without falling. Gradually the bar drops lower and lower. It's especially good to play after drinking. They say that if a girl in a skirt starts walking under the bar, you can see her... I won’t tell you, play and see for yourself :)))

A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. 3-4 girls in skirts are selected. A 1-2 meter long mat is placed on the floor. Women are asked to walk with their legs wide apart, without stepping on it. After the first attempt, they are asked to repeat, but blindfolded. Having completed this not a tricky task A blindfolded woman discovers that a man is lying on the path. The man stands up and declares the winner to be the one who blushed the most.

Almost childish, but very fun when adults play too. Two participants. Two chairs with their backs facing each other in the middle of the room. There are 10 things scattered throughout the room (slippers, toys, etc.). The task is to pick up as many things as possible and put them on YOURS! chair. It's a lot of fun to watch from the sidelines! Yes and play too

We take several bottles and pens or pencils with pieces of thread tied to them. The second end is tied to those who want to play for the belt. The task is to get into the bottle by squatting with a pencil. Whoever is first wins.

Participants in the game are given plasticine or clay. The presenter shows or names a letter, and the players must, as quickly as possible, create an object whose name begins with this letter.

Obstacle table run
To play, you will need cocktail straws and tennis balls (if you don’t have it, you can crumple up napkins) according to the number of participants in the race. Preparation: courses are prepared on the table according to the number of participants, i.e. glasses, bottles, etc. are placed in a row at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. Players with a straw in their mouth and a ball are ready to start. At the leader’s signal, the participants must, blowing through a tube onto the ball, lead it along the entire distance, bending around oncoming objects. The first player to reach the finish line wins.

Lady's legs
In the room, ladies sit on chairs, 4-5 people. the man is shown that his wife (friend, acquaintance) is sitting among them, and he is taken to another room, where he is tightly blindfolded. At this moment, all the women change seats, and a couple of men sit next to them. Everyone bares one leg (just above the knees) and lets in a man with a bandage. He is on his haunches, touching everyone’s bare leg with his hands, one by one, to recognize his other half. Men wear stockings on their legs for camouflage.

During the winter holidays, we finally have time to get together with family or a large company, and sometimes to celebrate an anniversary widely. We offer you a scenario that is suitable for celebrating a woman’s or man’s anniversary, any family celebration, corporate or New Year’s party.

What is an anniversary?

From Latin this word is translated as “year of jubilee.” An anniversary is a celebration of a person's 25th, 50th, or 100th birthday or activity. This is how it happened historically. But in our time, any “round” one, i.e. A date ending with "5" or "0" is called an anniversary. Starting from the child’s 5th birthday, all such years are celebrated as jubilees. What is the reason for highlighting "special" dates? Apparently, in the love of all people for the holidays.

Since ancient times, everything round in human life has been considered special, closely connected with natural and cosmic forces. Even before it was discovered that the Earth was round, the pagans revered the sun, which brought them warmth and light. A variety of rituals were dedicated to this round luminary - wooden wheels or hoops were lit and rolled down the mountains; girls wove round wreaths, and a belt shaped like a circle was considered a talisman by many peoples. People cast a magic circle around themselves against evil forces. Even a round dance, adopted not only by the Slavs, has ritual significance.

The same is true with round dates. They require a particularly reverent attitude towards themselves, as they mark a certain milestone in life. An anniversary is usually celebrated more widely than annual birthdays, with more guests and original entertainment.

All anniversary dates divisible by “4”, i.e. 20, 40, 60, 80 years, etc., should be celebrated especially brightly, cheerfully and at richly laid tables. During these years, Jupiter is strong, giving happiness and material wealth.
Anniversary dates divisible by 7 - 35 and 70 - are good to celebrate in an unusual, informal setting, since the number seven is ruled by Uranus, the planet of surprises. You can go on a trip.
Anniversaries ending in 5, as well as 30 and 50 years are celebrated among the best friends and loved ones in a pleasant, romantic atmosphere. These years are under the influence of Saturn, the planet of stability, or Neptune, responsible for mutual feelings and sexual harmony.

Festive decoration

First of all, in the interior, with the help of beautiful inscriptions, balloons, flowers, you can beat the number of the anniversary itself - for example, 25, 45 or 55, etc. But this is only possible if the hero of the day is a man. Not every woman wants to see her age number everywhere.

Opposite the entrance you can hang a stand with the inscription: “If I were a wizard...” You need to attach a marker to it, with which all invitees can add a phrase, thus making wishes for the hero of the occasion.

On another stand at the top there should be the inscription “100 reasons (you can indicate the age of the hero of the day) why we love you...” And the guests, in turn, indicate these reasons. To prevent the stands from looking boring, they can be painted.

To conduct competitions and prize draws, numbers are prepared from colored cardboard for guests. Those who come to the celebration take them without looking and keep them until the end of the evening.

Holiday scenario

The host of the celebration becomes a wizard. There is a cap on his head, a shiny wand and a large book in his hands. Dance breaks are made at the discretion of the leader.

HOST: How we love birthdays! And especially such an anniversary! (The presenter begins to tell a parable.) “Once Molla was asked what the name of cooled pilaf is in Arabic. But Molla didn’t know and answered: Arabs never let pilaf cool.”

Then all guests are invited to the festive table.

HOST: Today's celebration is dedicated to a special round date, which means it becomes a little magical. Guests also touched the magic, leaving their wishes at a special stand.

Then Johann Strauss's "Waltz of the Flowers" is announced. First, the hero of the day dances (with his wife/husband), then everyone joins.

The hero of the day, our friend,
Sit for a while
Hey, pour a shot glass quickly!
Accept congratulations from friends
On your wonderful anniversary!

Poetry competition

The presenter announces the competition by putting on a cap and waving his wand. Then he looks into the “magic” book and announces that for the competition he needs one guest who pulled out the number 5.

On a piece of paper you can write some not very well-known classic poem with missing epithets, adjectives and pronouns.

The competition participant’s task is to insert the most suitable words from those offered within a certain time. After which the entire poem is read out in full. The guests applaud.

Mythological competition

Turning again to his “magic” book, the host announces that all present guests will participate in the next competition, but divided into two teams.

The presenter reads out questions related to mythology, and the teams answer.

  1. Why did the gods punish the young man by turning him into a daffodil? (Because he indulged in narcissism.)
  2. Before the gods turned the young man Hyacinth into a flower, who was he? (The son of the king of Sparta, a friend of Apollo, who accidentally killed him during sports games.)
  3. Why is the chrysanthemum so revered in Japanese mythology? (Because it is associated with the origin of the country. Japan's highest award is the Order of the Chrysanthemum.)
  4. What does the word "aster" mean in Latin? (Star.)
  5. In Slavic mythology there is a flower that is named after a woman. What kind of flower is this? (Pansies.)
  6. Cornflower is considered a royal flower, why? (Because in Greek the word is "basileus", which translates as "king".)
  7. Which people's mythology speaks of a non-existent fern flower? (In Slavic mythology it is said that it blooms in the wilderness once a year - on the night of Ivan Kupala - and the one who finds it gains wealth for life.)

Rhythmic competition

The host looks into his book again and says that only even numbers will participate in this competition, which takes us back to pagan times. The odd numbers remain in their places and help the game run by cheering loudly. One of the odd-numbered guests can be given a baby drum to create rhythm.

So, the participants go to the center of the hall and sit on chairs arranged in a circle.

The presenter sits on a chair and asks everyone to put their hands on their knees so that the right hand is on the knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left hand is on the neighbor on the left.

The participants’ task is to, while maintaining order, lightly hit their neighbor’s knee with their hand. The leader starts the game with his left hand and then his neighbor with his right hand, then his neighbor on the right with his left hand, etc. The blows should form a kind of magical rhythm.

And guests who are not participating in the competition, clapping their hands, set the pace, speeding it up.

Anecdotal competition

The presenter begins his story with the fact that round objects always have a special magical effect on people, and tells an anecdote.

A new Russian was getting ready to get married. And before the wedding he came to the architect:

- I need a completely round house.
The architect clarifies:
- Round?!
- Well, I said: absolutely round!
- What about the floor, ceiling and everything else?
- I told you they should be round!
- But why?! - the architect is amazed.
- Yes, my mother-in-law says: “You and I have a corner...”

Then the presenter announces a competition of “round jokes”, for example about a kolobok, the sun, etc. All guests participate.

Shadow competition

HOST: Guess what there is in the world that is as big as the Eiffel Tower, but weighs nothing? That's right, the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. Our competition is called "Guess the Shadow".

To carry it out, the hero of the day is seated on a chair facing the wall, and guests of the festive evening with numbers 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27 prepare to participate. The overhead light is turned off (the host can do this by waving his hand with a magic wand, using the help of a volunteer from the guests), and a table lamp is installed behind the hero of the day. On the wall in front of him you can see the shadow of the person standing behind him. The hero of the occasion's task is to guess whose shadow it is when the players begin to pass between him and the lamp. Participants must try to prevent the hero of the day from recognizing them - they can change their gait, attach a clown nose to themselves, or make funny gestures. The one whom the hero of the day guessed replaces him in the chair. During the competition, you can play cheerful, quiet music.

Congratulatory competition

Participants with numbers 4, 6, 8, 14 are invited to participate. They are divided into 2 teams of 2 people. They are given a task: in 5-10 minutes. write a story for the hero of the day using one letter. For example, when all words begin with the letter "O" or "P". The story should have a small plot and a caption.

If the participants find it difficult, the facilitator can help them with such mini stories:

“One day a very educated monkey went to explore the surrounding area.

"ABOUT! Charming monkey!” The monkey was resting near the lake: “Oh, charming monkey!” They kissed each other. A charming charmer will appreciate a very frank opus.

Especially witty Olga and Oleg."

"An elderly peacock met a decent guy. They drank, danced, swam. Then they walked through the desert, asking for a drink. Later they crossed by ferry. The right promising guy will understand the invented work.

Pioneers of the past period."

The stories are read to the hero of the day one by one. Participants are rewarded with applause.

Digital competition

The HOST says that today's celebration is connected with the magic of numbers. And in the next competition the tasks will be related to numbers. Guests numbered 26-36 are invited to participate. It is advisable to hold the competition with fun, fast music.

Exercise 1. Dedicated to the number 3. It is required to name all known works, including fairy tales whose titles contain this number: “Three Comrades”, “Three in a Boat, Not Counting the Dog”, “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers”, “The Three Little Pigs” , “Three heroes”, “Three fat men”, etc.

Task 2. Dedicated to the number 7. Here you need to give examples of how often this number is used in our lives. For example, seven notes, seven days of the week, the proverbs “Measure twice - cut once” and “Seven do not wait for one”, the word “family” - seven “I”, etc.

Task 3. Dedicated to the number 5. It is necessary to list 5 animals whose names consist of five letters. For example, squirrel, zebra, cat, wild boar, marmot.

Task 4. Dedicated to the number 4. Participants must count to 40, without naming the number 4, but replacing it with the word “next”.

2 minutes are allocated for each task.

Namesakes Competition

The host, looking in his book, invites guests numbered 16, 17, 18, 19 to play. They must, with the help of the host, remember all the famous namesakes of the birthday boy, and compose a small horoscope for him on this basis.

For example, if the birthday boy’s name is Yuri, you should remember Yuri Dolgoruky, Yuri Gagarin, Yuri Nikulin and come up with the following “horoscope”: “The birthday boy has a strong character, and his influence extends so far that it even reaches outer space. At the same time, our hero of the day is not without sense of humor and loves to be first in everything!”

If the hero of the day is Sergei, then the images of Sergei Yesenin and Sergius of Radonezh will help here. If the name of the hero of the day is Alexander, there is a complete revelry of fantasy: Macedonian, Nevsky, Pushkin, Russian emperors. Ivan has “cool” namesakes - Ivan the Terrible, as well as Ivan the Fool and Ivan Tsarevich. The image of Mikhail will be created by the actor Derzhavin, the Russian Tsar Mikhail - the first in the Romanov dynasty, as well as the good Russian Mikhailo Potapych. Guests can associate the name Gennady with Gennady Khazanov and the good crocodile Gena. Valery is an artistic name, it is worn by such famous singers as Meladze and Leontyev. Vladimir is, undoubtedly, numerous courageous great Russian princes, and perhaps Vladimir Ilyich.

Similar horoscopes are easy to create for women. Natalya - Natasha Rostova, Natalya is the boyar's daughter. Catherine - two Russian empresses; Elizabeth - both Russian and English empresses; Julia can be associated with Julius Caesar, as well as with the Italian Juliet; Olga's character will remind guests of Princess Olga or actress Olga Ostroumova; Maria are images of the Virgin Mary, as well as many of Pushkin’s heroines - Masha Dubrovskaya, the captain’s daughter. Tatiana Larina, Saint Tatiana, the patroness of all students, will help you create Tatiana’s horoscope.

The competition usually arouses great interest in any audience.

The evening is over. The presenter takes off his cap, puts his magic wand in it, a book next to it and makes a final toast “to the road”.

A cool birthday scenario “Everything for you” is intended for celebrating at home with family and friends. Suitable for women of any age and designed for a company of up to 30 people.

Additionally, you need to organize funny congratulations from unexpected guests, gifts from children, and other entertainment - this will help create the right mood for everyone present. Guests and the birthday girl will receive a charge of humor, positive emotions and vivid memories of a fun birthday.


It is important to pay special attention to decorating the room in which the celebration is planned to create a festive atmosphere. There is a “Happy Birthday” banner hanging on the wall; from photographs of the birthday girl you can make an applique in the form of a number - the age of the hero of the occasion. Guests will be interested to see how the birthday girl has changed with age.

You can entertain your guests with a photo zone, which you can easily make with your own hands. For example, create a wall of paper flowers of different sizes or decorate with balls. You can download a photo zone template on the Internet and make a large-format print.


Plays an important role at any holiday. The repertoire should be thought out in advance, including the tastes of all invited guests. Music helps you get in the mood for the celebration, so it’s best to turn it on as soon as guests arrive. While waiting for latecomers, music lifts the mood.


  • 3 helium balloons;
  • broom with bow;
  • photo frame with a family photo;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • medal or cup “The Best Mom”;
  • a bag of tasks;
  • photo frame size 50x40;
  • multi-colored markers.

For Japanese:

  • robe;
  • wide belt;
  • sushi sticks or pencils to do your hair.


Leading: Words cannot describe how beautiful you are. And on this day of your birthday, we want to wish you many sunny days, radiant smiles, sincere friends and women's happiness. Be ready to accept congratulations all day long!
Dear guests, the rules of today’s holiday are simple, please read:

1. Put sadness and sadness aside.
2. There is no need to be shy, dance until you drop.
3. Don’t get too drunk, don’t meet under the table, don’t kiss the salad.
4. Raise toasts to the birthday girl more often.
5. Don’t forget to give gifts.

We will punish violators to the fullest extent of the law. Dear guests, today there will be many more wishes addressed to the birthday girl. I know each of you has something to say! I propose to raise the first toast to the birthday girl. Let this day be remembered by you as one of the best, brightest, and most cheerful. We have gathered here for you. Happy birthday!

(Short break for a snack after the first toast)

Leading: Friends, who knows why men drink to women while standing?

(Guests express their guesses)

Leading: Good options, but in fact, men drink while standing so as not to hear the phrase “Stop, you’ve had enough” from the ladies sitting next to you. So, men, I ask you to stand up and drink to the ladies present here - women friends and relatives of the birthday girl!

Leading: I hope you had time to have a little snack and talk, because now a surprise awaits you. Dear (name), having learned about your birthday, a special guest flew in from a very distant country. He did not fly alone, but with a translator, because he does not speak Russian at all. Are you ready to accept congratulations?

Congratulations from the Japanese

We need two: a Japanese and a translator. It is advisable to change clothes: a robe, a wide belt, and a hairstyle will do. The Japanese man has a broom hidden in his hands - a gift for the birthday girl.

Japanese: Nihau good-natured mare and mare san
Translator: Greetings, dear ladies and gentlemen!
Japanese: Watashi shine a light into Yaponidze's eye.
Translator: I am a representative of the land of the rising sun - Japan.
Japanese: For some reason Pepper's mother is Japanese.
Translator: I came to congratulate (name) on his birthday on behalf of the entire Japanese people.
Japanese: The bast shines, the mare’s dignity cannot be changed.
Translator: I wish you a lot of happiness, good luck, family well-being.
Japanese: Don't show off your snot, don't break the dishes.
Translator: May every day be filled with joy.
Japanese: Fuck the Euro, let the lotus bloom on your head.
Translator: A lot of money in your wallet, pure thoughts in your head.
Japanese: You want autumn.
Translator: I am glad to be present at this wonderful holiday today.
Japanese: Kharya is our Japanese mother.
Translator: On behalf of the entire Japanese people.
Japanese: I would like to give away this idleness.
Translator: Allow me to present you with this expensive gift.
Japanese: Get rid of whining.
Translator: Let him protect your home from sadness and adversity.
Japanese: Bloom like sakura!
Translator: Happy Birthday!

Leading: I think it’s a very good congratulations. (Name), let's invite the representative of the Japanese state and his assistant to the table, and drink to friendship between peoples!


Leading: Here we are all gathered at this table for the sake of our dear birthday girl. Family, friends, and work colleagues are present here. Each of you knows something about (name) that others do not know. It's time to show your cards! Everyone should tell some fact about the birthday girl, starting with the phrase “I know that (name of the birthday girl) ....” For example, I know that (name) is celebrating his birthday today.

(The game begins, during which the guests try to praise the birthday girl as much as possible.)

Leading: Our beloved (name), you have heard so much about yourself, all your secrets have been revealed. Tell me, don’t you regret inviting us? We are ready to make amends with a good toast, it will be said by the eldest representative of your family. Attention, the floor is given to grandmother (grandfather, mother, etc.).

(A toast sounds)

Leading: Today a lot of good wishes have already been made, but a birthday is not only congratulations, but also gifts. Dear, get ready to receive gifts from the people closest to you - your children.
Children prepare gifts in advance, the presentation of which is accompanied by poetry.

Congratulations from the children

We will always remain children for you,
There was so much between us.
We'll keep it all
Save the best moments too, mom. (Photo frame with photo)

To our beloved mother
Only the best flowers.
Always be so beautiful
Let your dreams come true. (Bouquet of flowers)

Thank you, mommy, for everything:
Care, tenderness and love.
Responsible for your words
We are the children of the best mother in the world. (Medal or cup “The best mother”)

Leading: From a very distant and little-known country, the Sopranos came to congratulate the birthday girl, modest chorus girls. They are very shy and worried, let's support them with applause.

Congratulations from fairy-tale heroes

Before leaving, the host distributes a helium balloon to 3 guests. You need to draw in air to make your voice high. The characters perform a song adaptation to the tune of “Here’s someone coming down the hill”:

We came to congratulate you on your birthday
And wish from the bottom of my heart
Good luck, joy, luck
And never lose heart.

It doesn't matter how many years have passed
Everything is also good (name).
Continue to bloom like a rose
And let your soul sing.

Good health and money,
Mutual and great love
And many, many birthdays
Also note young.

We sang this song
Without falsehood, imaginary and lies,
And in conclusion they wanted
Say “Bloom, (name), bloom!”

Leading: Today we raised our glasses to the birthday girl. They wished a lot of good things. And to make things more fun, I propose to drink to the guests!

(Pause for snack)

Leading: A holiday is not only about sitting around the table, but also about movement, fun, and laughter. I suggest stretching out a little and dancing.

(Dancing begins)

Leading: Each of you came here to wish (name) a happy birthday, right? But that’s not true! You can't fool the presenter. The presenter knows everything and will bring anyone to clean water. I have in my hands magic cards that can read people's thoughts!

I came to my birthday because...

The host selectively approaches the guests and invites everyone to choose one card on which the true reason for the guest’s presence at the holiday will be written.

1. I wanted to drink for free.
2. It was necessary to hide from my wife/husband.
3. Not a single holiday is complete without me.
4. I have something to say to the birthday girl.
5. The door to my apartment slammed, but the keys remained inside.
6. I want to find my soulmate here.
7. I am a secret agent and collect dirt on everyone.
8. I was forced.
9. The food here is delicious.
10. The birthday girl means a lot to me and I want to share such an event with her.

Leading: Don’t be in a hurry to get bored, let’s continue playing.

Game "Special bag"

The guests are sitting at the table. Music plays, they pass each other a bag with tasks in any order. Whoever the music stops on takes the task out of the bag and completes it. If someone refuses to complete a task, he should make a nice toast. If the guests agree that the toast is good, the bag is passed on.

Task options:

1. Depict the flight of an eagle.
2. Like a cockerel, crow 3 times in the early morning.
3. Say the tongue twister “Art Ferrari will be promoted in a spiral” without mistakes.
4. Emotionally confess your love to your neighbor on the right.
5. Sing an excerpt from a birthday song.
6. Kiss the birthday girl.
7. Take off one thing.
8. Make a toast such that all words begin with the letter “D”.
9. Come up with and sing a ditty that contains the words “congratulate”, “I wish”, “from the heart”.
10. Dance the dance so that the guests can guess what type of dance it is.

Leading: Today we danced, congratulated, gave gifts, raised toasts to the happiness and health of the birthday girl. Each of you graced this holiday with your presence. And the memories of this day will remain in the memory for a long time. I have a frame in my hands, inside is a blank white sheet. Let's give our (name) her own portrait, because there is an artist inside each of us. Does the birthday girl mind?

(The host distributes a felt-tip pen to all guests; they must be multi-colored. Guests take turns drawing the birthday girl in full growth, one guest - one part of the body)

Leading: (Name), we tried very hard, drew with love, we hope we managed to create your portrait. Hang it in a prominent place so that this piece of art will bring joy to you every day and serve as a reminder that you have a loving family, true friends, reliable colleagues, and we all love you very much. Happy birthday!


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