• Decoration of kindergarten. Decorating a group in a kindergarten with your own hands Features of information stands for parents

15 ideas for decorating stands for parents and children in kindergarten. Samples of the design of children's stands for preschool educational institutions: psychologist and speech therapist, Happy Birthday, musical, for children's drawings and others.

Nowadays in kindergarten there is a lot of information that the teacher must introduce parents to. A board with universal pockets will help here, where you can place the necessary information: a photo of the group, the children’s achievements, schedule, congratulations, daily routine, menu (it is very important that it is in each group, and the parent always knows what the child ate today), relevant regulatory documents and announcements.

The stand presented in the figure is suitable for a reception area or a parent’s corner, which has Khokhloma painting or arrangement in folk style in its design. The stand is a continuation of the design of a reception room, museum, group, and not just a notice board.

It can consist of one part or be composed of three parts. At the top of the central part of the stand you can indicate the name of the group and its motto.

The pockets have different sizes from A6 to A4, as well as an A4 flip-over system, which significantly increases the volume of stored information.

It will be very good if the information material itself is compatible with the design of the stand.

Stand ideas for an English classroom

It is important to create the atmosphere of the country being studied in the office. If these are preschoolers or elementary school students, then first they need to be introduced to English-speaking countries and their culture.

Then the material being studied - children need to reinforce the alphabet, names of colors and numbers.

For elementary school or kindergarten students, a stand for written work with awards in the form of titles or certificates will be useful. On the board in the background there are certificates in English, in the center of each certificate there is a pocket where the student’s work or photograph is inserted.

These can be different certificates, for example:

  1. Award for the best work on grammar: Grammar Award
  2. Vocabulary Explorer Award: Vocabulary Explorer Award
  3. Best Writing Award: Imaginative Writer Award

Such a stand will certainly motivate children to further master a foreign language.

For the background of the English stand, you can take, which have become symbols of Great Britain, a red telephone booth or a double-decker bus. Bus windows and booths - pockets for placing A4 or A5 sheets. These can be pictures from the Internet signed by the students themselves in English, or “reminders” prepared in advance by the teacher, designed in the same style. You can also use children's coloring books or workbooks for learning English as templates. This way, the children themselves will participate in the production of materials for the stand.

DIY stand “Fine motor skills”

The idea of ​​a children's stand for the development of fine motor skills. To make it, it really takes good, skillful hands, but the reward - the joy of the kids - is worth it. Children explore everything, the stand provides them with a safe way to explore all sorts of latches, valves, taps, etc. This will be of great benefit for your child, both play, learning and interaction.
The main thing is that the kids will have their own educational model, made with love by caring mothers and fathers.

The idea of ​​a handmade layout is very simple: a child urgently needs to develop fine motor skills, which stimulate the brain and participate in all life processes, even something as simple as tying shoelaces.

DIY children's stand "Fine motor skills"

Our model not only develops fine motor skills, but also teaches how to independently tie shoelaces, buttons, rivets, dial and remember numbers. It’s easy to make; you just need a board, laces, buttons with elastic bands, rivets, an old phone display or an old mobile keyboard. Latches, old locks, clothespins with a piece of rope, switches and much more can also be used. All these items are attached in random order to the educational game layout. Develop your children!

Stand Health Corner

The stand is intended for parents of young children, informing about the health activities carried out in the preschool educational institution, the plan for vaccinations and medical examinations, and advice to parents about proper nutrition and hygiene.

It is made in the form of a wall shield and is placed in front of the medical office of a kindergarten, as well as in children's sports centers.

The corner is made from aluminum profile or MDF using full-color large-format printing applied over the entire area.
The corner is equipped with pockets in the required number, made of transparent plastic to accommodate information.

The first graduation in a child's life is a kindergarten graduation. On this day, children say goodbye to their teachers and each other. A new stage in their lives is coming - they are preparing to become schoolchildren.

It is worth preparing a graduates' stand for this day. It is a board with pockets. You can print a picture on the board, for example, letters and animals that you studied with the teachers. You can also make a personal inscription like “Graduates of kindergarten No...” or simply “Our graduates.”

Photos of children and teachers, poems, congratulations, the best drawings of children, photographs of significant and funny moments from the life of the group are placed in the pockets.

But what to do with this stand when the guys leave? Funny stories from the children's lives, their best works will be good advertising for the kindergarten throughout the year.

Musical stands in kindergarten are used for the lyrics of songs that children need to learn for the holiday, as well as those that children learn in music classes, and parents can repeat with them at home.
In addition to training, this is a place to post announcements about music clubs and matinees.
One of the striking examples of a successful solution is this information board, which has the following characteristics:

Stand Road Safety

The stand is proposed to be placed in the corridor or locker room of the group for familiarization and repetition by kindergarten students while going for a walk.

It is decorated with bright pictures and texts explaining the traffic situations depicted on it.

The corner helps to clearly explain to young children the rules of safe behavior on the road.

The corner is made of aluminum profile or MDF with attached A4 pockets made of plastic transparent material, allowing you to insert additional information on A4 paper sheets.

MENU stand for kindergarten

A kindergarten must provide parents with comprehensive information about their children’s stay in the institution; the daily menu is no exception. To notify parents about the child’s menu within the preschool educational institution during the day, information is posted on the kindergarten information board.

See how even official information can decorate a kindergarten with the help of a children's Menu stand.

The menu is updated daily, so the board has a pocket for A4 format, made of transparent plastic.
The background of the wall board is a combination of warm colors with a drawing of an animal or a fairy-tale hero known to all children.

Stand for parents “In our kindergarten”

A stand for parents of children entering kindergarten. It is placed in the most visible place, at the entrance doors, in the hall, or in front of the doors of the kindergarten manager’s office.

Thematic blocks, made in the form of A4 plastic pockets, are placed throughout the entire area of ​​the board for information on paper.

The information is grouped and divided into blocks, the blocks are signed.

For example, a pocket “How to prepare a child for attending kindergarten” may contain information: what a child should be able to do, what he should know, and advice to parents on how to help the child adapt to a new environment.

Made using warm and bright colors of full-color large-format printing on an MDF profile. The background around the posted information can be complemented by a bright, colorful story with a positive attitude.

Psychologist's stand in kindergarten

A psychologist’s wall stand is a good tool for interacting with parents, inviting them to familiarize themselves with the specialist’s ongoing developmental and correctional work with children, and other supporting materials for early identification of problems and their solution.

It can be designed on a specific topic, taking into account the work plan of the psychologist at the preschool educational institution.

The number of A4 pockets is determined by the degree of participation of the psychologist in the educational process. The wall product is made of aluminum profile with large-format printing in warm colors.

Babies still have difficulty pronouncing sounds that are difficult for them. Parents should know at what age they need to start working with the sounds: “Zh”, “Sh”, “R”, “L”, “Ch”, “Shch”, “S”, “3”, “C”. Specialist office hours for consultations can also be located here.

Regular lessons help children master speech much faster, so examples of exercises for each sound are posted on the information board. After the children have mastered the material, the assignment topics can be changed to new ones.

Stand for parents “Life in our group”

Parents don't see their babies all day. At the same time, they really want to know what they are doing in the kindergarten.

A stand decorated in a children's style will attract the attention of the children, and will help their parents understand how the child lives without questioning the teacher. Using a board with pockets for changing information, teachers can talk about children's achievements every day.

Design of children's stands in the style of "Seasons"

The decoration of children's institutions with bright drawings is done not only so that children feel the holiday atmosphere. Elements of kindergarten design are also a handy teaching aid.
It’s a good idea to design a series of “Seasons” stands; children will get acquainted with each season, holidays at each time of the year, the characteristics of the life of animals and plants, and learn other useful information. The stand's pockets allow you to lay out current materials during the educational process.

Stand for children's drawings "Art Competition"

Stands for children's work are used when holding competitions in children's institutions. The most common type is a rectangular board with plastic pockets. Each of them can easily fit a landscape sheet. The position of the pocket can be any.

A thematic print is applied to the stand canvas. The name can be general, for example: “Our works” or provide a replaceable block for the name of the competition.
Children draw on a given topic, all works are hung on a common stand, everyone is a winner!

Stand "Happy Birthday!" - congratulations to the whole group

A bright background with cartoon characters will definitely attract the attention of children to the stand.

The stand has a pocket measuring 15x10 cm for a photo of the birthday boy.

If desired, the designer can scale the background and around the photo of the birthday boy, without covering the main composition, you can place several A4 pockets for congratulating the children and drawings.

The success of the educational process in kindergarten directly depends on the degree of coordination between teachers and parents. In this connection, the exchange of information and experience, the search for interesting ways to organize work with children, as well as awareness of the results of the educational activities of children are very important. All these aspects of cooperation are reflected in the corner for parents. And the teacher’s task is to formalize it methodically, competently and aesthetically.

Goals of creating a corner for parents

A stand or shelf, as well as tablets and mats, which are located in the reception area and are intended to familiarize parents with the life of the group where their child is being raised, are called a corner for parents. The purposes of its creation are:

  • awakening the family’s interest in the life of the group and the garden (materials on planned excursions, creative projects, etc.);
  • demonstration of the results of work on the training, development and upbringing of children (photos, photo collages, drawings by children, crafts, including those made with parents, etc.);
  • familiarization with regulatory documents relating to parenthood (information about the rights of the child, a list of the rights and responsibilities of parents, the charter of a preschool institution, etc.).

The corner for parents should be neat and meaningful

Material supply form

In order for the corner to fulfill its purpose as much as possible, its design should be varied, but not redundant. Based on the methodological experience of generations of educators, we can conclude that for a beautiful and meaningful parent corner it is enough to choose one of the following items:

  • 1–2 stands;
  • 3–4 tablets (the size is selected according to the dimensions of the corner);
  • 1 table or shelf for the exhibition of children's works (they are conveniently placed in the mat);
  • posters or images of silhouettes of toys, fairy-tale characters.

Children's drawings, bright pictures, photographs of children during activities and walks - this is only part of the design of a corner for parents, the content of which can be divided into two groups of materials: permanent and temporary. The first include:

  • annually updated age characteristics of children;
  • a list of age-appropriate skills and abilities (rewritten every year);
  • daily routine for the current academic year;
  • menu;
  • rules “Every parent should know this”;
  • information about the program under which the preschool child care institution operates;
  • telephone numbers of the teacher, assistant teacher, social service, ambulance, helpline;
  • information from specialists (their names, office hours, phone numbers);
  • tips for training fine motor skills, logic, memory, speaking;
  • notes on disease prevention (organized, for example, in a folder);
  • table with data on weighing and measuring the height of babies;
  • letters of gratitude for parents (for helping the group, kindergarten, etc.).

It’s convenient when a place is allocated in the parent’s corner for a lost and found area for children’s lost things.

Temporary materials require the following information:

  • list of birthday people for the month;
  • health sheet with information for a specific day;
  • a list of activities for the whole week (with topics, tasks and a brief description of the content);
  • information about the results of the children’s work (exhibition of works, results of psychological and pedagogical tests, etc.);
  • a list of topics that need to be repeated with children (for example, learn a riddle, poem, proverb);
  • a list of activities for a period of the academic period (usually a month);
  • news from the life of kindergarten;
  • information about upcoming competitions (for example, “Summer vacation for my family”, “Weekend with dad”, etc.)

Where to place

It is best if the corner is located near the window. Any well-lit area of ​​the room will also work.

In many kindergartens, information for parents is placed above the lockers.


As with all educational materials, there are several requirements for the parents’ corner:

  • the names of the headings are highlighted in bright, for example, red;
  • the text must be divided into paragraphs;
  • availability of constant and updated information;
  • The main principle of presenting material is lapidary.

This is interesting. Lapidary - extremely short, condensed.

Regarding the issue of information content, the relevance of the information is important. And the task is not only to match the material to a given moment in the life of the group, such as a report on events, a work plan for the week or a menu, but to create a selection of useful recommendations for parents of a specific age group. So, it will be useful for parents of children in the first junior group to read about the daily routine in kindergarten, so that family members at home can build a similar rhythm to facilitate the child’s adaptation to new living conditions in the group. But for mothers and fathers of preschoolers in the preparatory group, for example, it is very important to learn in advance about tests for first-graders, as well as about the work that is carried out in kindergarten to prepare children for the first tests.

If the sheets of information are not protected by a frame covering, the information will not stay on the stand for long

Design example

There can be many options for creating a corner. It all depends on the creativity of the teacher and the capabilities of the kindergarten’s material and technical base. In other words, using available materials to realize creative ideas, you can design a corner for parents in a unique author’s style. Let's consider the most accessible form in terms of materials, simple in execution and easy to use in the form of train carriages.


  • ceiling tiles;
  • narrow plinth for the ceiling;
  • cardboard (thick);
  • colored self-adhesive;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors and paper knife;
  • colored paper;
  • A4 size plastic pockets.

To create a corner for parents with your own hands, you will need quite affordable materials.


  1. We cut out rectangles of the required size from the ceiling tiles (it all depends on the size of the corner, as well as on the dimensions of the train and the number of cars in it).
  2. Glue the blanks onto cardboard.
  3. Cover with self-adhesive tape.
  4. We place the ceiling plinth on the edges. It can also be used to imitate frames for sheets of information (instead of plastic pockets).
  5. Using a stapler or glue, we attach plastic pockets to the cars.

    Cutting out a locomotive is quite a troublesome task, because it must be proportional to the rest of the cars

  6. We cut out flowers from colored paper, which we use to tie the trailers together.
  7. We print the information on A4 sheets and place it in pockets.

    You can decorate the corner with paper clouds located above the train

Scheme of work analysis and design of a corner for parents

The indicators by which the effectiveness of visual collaboration with parents is assessed are determined by the methodological council of the preschool children's institution, taking into account the specifics of the educational direction of the kindergarten (for example, the organization of the educational process for children with visual impairments). The website of the Educational Resources Database (ERB) provides a sample by which you can evaluate the compliance of the content and form of visual work with the family with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard).

Table: plan for pedagogical analysis of the parent corner

Indicators Points

A preschool educational organization is obliged to convey information to parents, children, and employees and create conditions for this. Stands that will attract attention and present information in an accessible way will help her with this.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain requirements for the content and design of such information posters, unlike the website of a preschool institution, the requirements for which are established by Article 29 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ.

An example of regional regulation of stand design

In the Komi Republic, the requirements for kindergarten design with safe route schemes is established by a joint order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Komi Republic and the Ministry of Education of the Komi Republic dated June 5, 2015 No. 210/435.

The site is intended for education workers

Articles in full are available only to registered users.
After registration you receive:

  • Access to 9,000+ professional materials;
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  • 2,000 expert comments to regulatory documents.

Download the book “Management in preschool educational institutions”
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Thus, educational organizations place stands with diagrams of safe routes “home - school - home” or “home - kindergarten - home” in the foyer. They contain photographs with traffic features in the territory adjacent to the educational organization, complex transport interchanges.

In addition to information, these stands perform an educational function as visual material that teachers use during lessons and thematic events.

What types of stands are there and how to design them

Information stands are divided by topic. It determines what exactly will be placed on such stands.

How to arrange information stands?

Answers Elena Pulyaeva, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation

In kindergarten you can place stands:

  • informational;
  • thematic;
  • didactic.

Stand with official information

At the stand with official information about the preschool organization, place copies of:

  • charter;
  • activity licenses;
  • certificates of state accreditation;
  • documents that regulate the organization and implementation of educational activities, the rights and obligations of students and parents, internal rules of students;
  • documents for admission to a preschool organization: rules for admission, transfer and expulsion of students, including the procedure for individual selection (if any), the administrative act of the founder on the assigned territory, sample applications;

Also post the following information on your stand:

  • about available places for reception;
  • about educational programs and educational services: type, level of education, duration of study, planned learning outcomes, etc.;
  • about parental fees for supervision and care in a kindergarten or child care center, including the terms and methods of payment, payment benefits, and directions for spending the fees.

Advice: Present the information material briefly and clearly for parents and students so that it is easy to understand. For clarity, use diagrams and infographics, for example, from Rosobrnadzor.

Career guidance stands

Place stands dedicated to career guidance for students. They will allow children to more easily decide on their future profession and direction of activity.

Place the following information on your stand:

  1. About the abilities and psychological characteristics that are important for a particular profession, recommendations for choosing professions, typical mistakes when choosing a profession, about the possibility and conditions of passing professional testing.
  2. About interesting facts about professions, outstanding work achievements, quizzes, announcements, results and best works of career guidance competitions.
  3. About social partners, commercial companies that cooperate with educational organizations within the framework of career guidance for students.

Post a calendar of career guidance events, as well as an announcement of meetings with different people.

Advice: place information on the VPR on the stand, taking into account the disciplines in which you will carry out work. Display your work schedule and practical tips on how to best prepare for the test. Use the infographics prepared by Rosobrnadzor or develop your own.

Stands in kindergarten

Make information stands for kindergarten simple and accessible. One stand - one type of information. Stands can be mounted or floor-mounted. However, floor stands are used less often in kindergartens, as they take up more space and can injure children. Decorate your stand brightly to attract the attention of children and other visitors.

Based on the purpose of creating stands in kindergartens, they are divided into:

1. For informational- contain information for parents about approaches to raising a child, his development and age characteristics, announcements. Sometimes they are called “Parents’ Corners” and they hold competitions for the best corner in kindergarten.

On such a stand place:

  • daily regime;
  • rules and instructions for parents;
  • reception hours for kindergarten administration;
  • announcements about upcoming events;
  • other information.

Organize a pedagogical section of the stand to familiarize parents with the educational work of the kindergarten.

  • Place mini-reports on the implementation of the educational program on your stand.
  • Hang up photographs, photo collages of events, children's sayings.
  • Replenish the contents of your stand at least once a month;

2. Thematic- carry information on a specific topic, for example about the seasons, classes in kindergarten, birthdays of children in a group, competitions;

3. Didactic or developmental- installed for children so that they can independently place information there and use stands in play activities. Design such stands in an unusual form, for example, in the form of a book - for a corner of a young reader, in the form of a cook with a pocket - to place information about the menu and those on duty in the dining room.

Advice: Also arrange sliding folders and screens in the group. Place there brief tips and recommendations for parents on specific issues, for example, methods for guiding children's games, describing the conditions for developing self-care skills in preschoolers, conducting observations in nature, etc.

You can also place other stands. Dedicate them:

  • road safety for students;
  • labor protection of workers;
  • psychological development of children, including preschool age.

General design principles

When designing your stand, adhere to the general principles:

1. Determine the purpose of the stand- what information it will contain and what audience it is intended for. This affects its design and placement. If you make stands with a special theme, then place them near the corresponding area or office. For example, place stands for an exhibition of sports achievements near the gym or on the street next to the physical education and sports area;

2. Separate your stands by topic- one stand is dedicated to a specific goal and topic. For example, do not post safety information on information boards about the organization;

3. Follow the style designing a stand taking into account its purpose, for example, when designing stands with official information about the organization, do not use handwritten posters, improvised means of decoration, or children's drawings. Adhere to a formal style and present information in official language. And vice versa, when you design stands about children's creativity, use any materials, fonts, and decorative elements. It would be good if children and parents took part in the design of such stands;

4. Dose and systematize information on the stand - the number of visual accents should be small, because human attention is selective. Place emphasis so that the reader sees the main information first, and then the auxiliary information. Use illustrations, photographs, diagrams, infographics, because people perceive visual information better;

5. Provide information the stand so that it is clearly visible: in a lighted, accessible place, at a height that allows you to familiarize yourself with the contents of the entire stand. Place it in an area where a lot of people pass to attract more attention;

6. Make sure that the stands have up-to-date information- replace all news and announcements with fresh messages in a timely manner. If you place certificates and letters of commendation on the stand, then hang the recent ones in a visible place. In this way you will show that the organization is developing, taking prizes, and increasing its rating;

7. Design stands taking into account the design and style of the interior. This will create a unified information and style space;

8. Use stands with pockets, place questionnaires, questionnaires, and reminders there for students and parents, thereby establishing feedback with participants in the educational process.

Every family with a child needs knowledge on raising children. Improving the pedagogical culture and educating parents are important tasks of the kindergarten. A visual means of interaction between educators and families is the design of a parent’s corner in a kindergarten. A parent stand in kindergarten is a must for any group.

The parent's corner in kindergarten should contain the group's daily routine, the schedule and topics of classes, and the daily menu. In it, teachers introduce parents to methods of education, help them with advice and consultation, and provide other important information. Information in the parent corner should be carefully selected and designed so that it attracts attention and becomes truly useful for parents of preschoolers.

We place a parent's corner in kindergarten

A corner for parents in kindergarten should be located in the reception area of ​​each group. Set aside one of the walls, a special stand or shelf for it. In order for such an information stand in a kindergarten to be noticeable and attract the attention of mothers and fathers, it is best to place it in the group’s locker room, for example, above the children’s lockers or opposite the entrance to the group.

Consider the design of the corner in accordance with the name of the group and its design style.

Most often, do-it-yourself stands for parents in kindergartens are made from plywood. A collapsible version of the stand is very convenient, which can be reduced or enlarged (depending on the amount of information placed on it). Of course, if possible, it is better to purchase a ready-made version of the stand or order an individual one, suitable for the group’s interior.

What should the information for parents look like on the stand?

  1. Select materials for the parents' corner in accordance with the age group and time of year.
  2. Present the information colorfully and aesthetically, illustrating it with thematic pictures and photographs.
  3. The font of the text must be such that the words can be read from a distance of a meter (at least 14 point, spacing 1.5).
  4. Highlight sections and message titles in a contrasting color.
  5. Break the text into small paragraphs.
  6. Present article material concisely.
  7. Information in the corner for parents should be written in intelligible, understandable language, so there is no need to use complex scientific terms.

Corners for parents in kindergarten should have constant information and information that is updated regularly.

Parents' corners in kindergarten (pictures - design examples)

Permanent materials for the parent corner

Materials that should be in the parent corner throughout the school year:

  • characteristics of the age characteristics of children attending the group;
  • daily regime;
  • Timetable of classes;
  • internal rules of the kindergarten;
  • information about the program according to which the pedagogical process is carried out;
  • introductory information about employees: name and patronymic of the teacher, assistant teacher, head of the kindergarten, methodologist.

Temporary materials for the stand for parents

Bulletin board

The ad text can be edged with braid or strips of paper so that it attracts attention with a beautiful design. If the advertisement invites you to a holiday, it is placed with a picture, for example, with a picture of a mimosa bouquet on March 8th.

Specialists Corner

It should contain materials from a medical worker, educational psychologist and speech therapist:

  • names and patronymics of specialists, as well as their reception hours;
  • notes on disease prevention and children's health;
  • charts of recent height and weight measurements for children;
  • articulation gymnastics exercises;
  • Tips for developing fine motor skills, attention, memory.

Getting to know nature

The material must be updated every month. Visualization is prepared in accordance with the age of the children. Such information in the parent corner in the younger group should differ significantly from the older group. You can use nursery rhymes and jokes that correspond to the time of year.

The design of a parent's corner in the middle group may include exhibitions of children's books, poems by Russian poets, and tasks for observing living and inanimate nature that children can complete with their parents.

In accordance with the season, reminders are posted on how best to dress girls and boys depending on the temperature outside and indoors.

Box of forgotten things

It is designed in the form of a toy with a basket, box or pocket on the stomach. There is a harmless message on the box encouraging you to look for your lost items here.

Who lost a sock?

Who didn't take the handkerchief?

Don't look in vain

And take it in your pocket!

Additional sections for the parent corner

In addition to constant information, the parents’ corner in kindergarten may contain necessary and interesting information that helps educators cover different aspects of raising children and answer questions that are relevant to parents.

Consultations for parents in mobile folders

To attract the attention of parents, topics should be updated regularly. It would be nice if it was original, creatively presented information for parents.

For example, in the parent’s corner in the senior group, you can offer the following topics:

  • "Family in a child's drawings";
  • "Modern fairy tales and the child";
  • "Experiments and experiments in the bathroom."

Exhibitions of handicrafts for children with parents

The best option here is to design a corner for parents in the form of a beautiful shelf, suitable for placing a large number of children's crafts.

To attract parents to joint creative activities with their children, thematic creative competitions should be regularly announced:

  • "Lesovichok from natural material";
  • "Magic bell for the Christmas tree";
  • "My favorite fairy-tale hero made of plasticine";
  • exhibitions for the holidays - New Year, Cosmonautics Day, February 23 under interesting names.

Thematic exhibitions of photographs

The corner for parents in the preschool educational institution can also be decorated with photo exhibitions. For example, a selection of photographs from the life of a kindergarten: from a lesson, a holiday, an excursion.

Children are always interested in thematic exhibitions collected from bright episodes of friends spending time outside the kindergarten, for example:

  • "Our summer vacation";
  • "Winter fun with dad";
  • "Weekend in the Woods"

Photos should be supplemented with short stories and interesting captions.

Certificate of commendation from parents

It’s a small thing, but it’s nice, as one can say about the beautifully designed text with words of gratitude to the fathers and mothers who helped the group: they watered the hill, sewed hats for the lightning, and took part in preparing the holiday.

In our class

In this section, educators introduce parents to the program content of the classes and offer to consolidate the material at home: repeat a riddle, poem, proverb. Lists of literature on the topic of the lesson for reading to children are also attached here.

Happy Birthday!

Photos of birthday people, congratulations and cards for students are posted here. The section helps you find out in time which baby needs to be congratulated and adds joy to the hero of the occasion.

Decorating a parent's corner in a kindergarten is a multifaceted activity. Its content must be constantly updated and changed. When filling the corner, you should take into account the inadmissibility of sensory overload. Otherwise, parents will quickly lose interest in him.

Parent corner competition - video

You have moved to the section Kindergarten decorations, which presents a large selection of thematic stands for information in kindergarten. Information stands play a huge role in the design of a kindergarten, because stands in a preschool reflect its life and activities, create an attractive image and image of your kindergarten.

Decoration of stands in kindergarten

Beautifully and harmoniously designed information always attracts attention, which is why most kindergarten teachers and teachers need to design stands in kindergarten.
Information stands- traditional means of visual pedagogical propaganda. Information stands should always be the center of attention! They are distinguished by their unusual shape, colorfulness, convenience and versatility in use.

Stands for parents- a familiar and long-used way of introducing parents to the life of a kindergarten; they should not be boring, their shape and appearance should always attract attention.
Information stands with posters and pictures for decorating stands in kindergarten will help teachers post the information necessary for parents, for example, to notify about upcoming events. Throughout the year, the materials are updated, including in turn the requirements for the physical, aesthetic, moral, labor education of children, features of the development of children’s speech, etc. The task of the teacher, who directly observes the child and knows his problems, is to attract the parent to cooperation.

Decorating a kindergarten with information stands: what to look for

How to properly design children's stands, how to choose the design style of stands for a kindergarten and attract children and parents to information stands? Let's try to figure it out and help you make your kindergarten the most original in design.

- Name of the kindergarten

Many kindergartens or groups have a name, but even if there is no name, the design of children's stands should be in the same style. Based on the name of the kindergarten, add one or more pictures to the design of the stands that emphasize the name of the kindergarten or an image you have come up with (rainbow, sun, bell, pictures of children, etc.). It is advisable to develop a logo or emblem for your preschool educational institution.

- Color, shape and size of stands

The color of the stands should be moderately bright, the names should be easy to read, and the shape should be unusual, giving several stands hanging nearby the appearance of a single composition. Make sure that the style of the stands hanging throughout the kindergarten or a separate room is the same and harmonious.
The size of the stand should not be large; it is better to make several stands under the same name, but of medium size. Information on large stands is difficult to perceive.

- Room size

Clearly define the place where and for whom the information should be posted. Measure the wall. Consider the traffic flow of the room by parents and children. Try to make good use of all rooms.

- Where and what kind of stands should hang in kindergarten

If the information is intended for parents, choose the most accessible place in the kindergarten, as a rule, this is the central entrance to the kindergarten. Stands Kindergarten business card, stands Information for parents, Safety stands must be visible.

Stands for decorating a teaching room, Health Corners and Stands for decorating a medical room, corners for kindergarten specialists As a rule, they hang near the office of one or another kindergarten employee and post information regarding their profile.

Stands for decorating a Music Hall, Stands for decorating a sports hall and stands for decorating a swimming pool hang near or indoors.

Patriotic corner, Gallery of children's drawings and photographs- can be hung in any corridor or hall with good lighting, or perfectly decorate the stairwells of a kindergarten.

Vinyl stickers and will delight not only children, but also their parents. Colorful and original decorative stickers will help you emphasize the thematic purpose of the stand with pictures and create bright, colorful compositions on the wall.

Well-designed children's stands are a huge help in organizing the work of educators,
teachers and kindergarten administration in raising children.

Don't waste time coming up with stands, contact us!

Stands from the company InterStand are a decoration for any, even the most sophisticated interior!


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