What a gift for a child to congratulate dad and grandfather on Defender of the Fatherland Day. What gift should a child give to congratulate dad and grandfather on Defender of the Fatherland Day? What can dad do for February 23

February 23 is a holiday of courageous men - defenders of the Fatherland. Of course, they are all worthy of gifts. It is necessary to approach this issue very responsibly. When choosing a gift for dad on February 23, you need to be especially resourceful. This is exactly the topic we will talk about today.

What to look for when choosing?

When choosing a gift, you need to put your soul into it, only then can you really find the most suitable thing.

What gift should dad choose for February 23? Of course, you need to start thinking about this long before the identity itself; it is desirable that the thing is not only original, but also useful. To make it easier for you to choose a gift for dad on February 23, we will highlight the basic rules that will help you.

Rules for choosing a gift for father

First, you need to consider age. Of course, it is easier to choose than for already mature men. A person at this age prefers practical, high-quality things rather than various little things.

Secondly, it is necessary to pay attention to the interests of the father. Men, like children, are incredibly happy about gifts, especially if they meet their desires and preferences.

Thirdly, if your father is over fifty years old, then leave the modern and fashionable gifts for others. Older people most likely will not appreciate various stylish things. Fashionable gadgets are also unlikely to be suitable as a gift for your father. Although if your daddy is a technical genius, then you can opt for a stylish tablet, smartphone or other similar device.

Gift ideas for dear father

Men's gifts for true defenders of the Fatherland

When choosing a gift for February 23rd for your beloved dad who served, you should pay attention to things reminiscent of the army past. They will emphasize his masculine greatness and also amuse his vanity. For example, you can please your father with the “Favorite Defender” gift order or the “Chief Family Defender” figurine. This item must be placed in a case.

What other original gifts are there for February 23? A good option is a gun. Even a man who is not into hunting will appreciate such a gift. Someone will want to shoot at targets. Perhaps your dad will hang it on the wall as decoration.

The sword is not inferior in status. This item will be a wonderful gift for dad, who is a history buff. An elegant sword can be a wonderful interior decoration.

Binoculars are a relevant gift for dad on February 23rd. Such a military-style item can become a decoration for a room, as well as a toy for future (or current) grandchildren.

We give emotions to dear dad

What gift should you choose for dad on February 23? You can please your father by giving him emotions. Now we will tell you what options there are for such gifts.

You can give your dad a certificate for learning to play tennis or billiards. Especially if he is interested in such fun. Perhaps, when he retires, he will be able to take up such a game in earnest.

If the father served in the airborne forces and has no health problems (especially with the heart), then you can offer him a parachute jump. Otherwise, you can make another airy gift by presenting a large congratulations banner on a helicopter. Yes, such a pleasure will be quite expensive, but for your beloved dad you don’t mind anything: neither time nor money.

Does your father have a bosom friend? Then meeting him, especially if they haven’t seen each other for a long time, will be the best gift for him. If this is not possible, then you can replace the real meeting with a virtual one. How to do it? To do this, you only need a computer with a webcam (or laptop), as well as the Internet. Thanks to all kinds of resources, you can chat with friends from different parts of the world. It is possible to arrange an online conference with several people at once (colleagues, for example). Such communication will bring a lot of conversation or a meeting that will be remembered for a long time.

We make presents with our own hands

You can make gifts for February 23rd for boys and men with your own hands. How? Now we’ll tell you how you can please your dad, as well as other defenders of the Fatherland. We hope that our advice will help you.

What kind of gifts can you make with your own hands on February 23? For example, bake a pie or cake with dad’s favorite cream. If you have no talent in cooking, then order similar pastries from a master. For example, you can present your chess-playing dad with a cake in the shape of a chessboard. The football player will like it in the shape of a ball. You can make a themed pie. It should be decorated with festive ribbons, flowers and other holiday attributes made from mastic.

A jar of goodies for dad with a sweet tooth

  • one glass jar;
  • candies;
  • in golden wrapper;
  • multi-colored dragees.

Tip: choose multi-colored candies, then the gift will look brighter and more original.

We decorate the gift beautifully:

  1. Take a jar and place a few medals at the very bottom.
  2. Now you will need dragees and candies, they need to be divided by color.
  3. Then start carefully pouring dragees into the jar according to color - first one, then the other, and so on. You can, for example, start with cool blues, purples, browns), then move on to dark ones (yellow, orange and red). Then close the jar with a lid.
  4. To make the gift truly festive, tie the jar with a beautiful ribbon. You can, of course, complement such an amazing gift for a sweet-toothed dad with a postcard.

Creative gift from kids to father

A child can give dad a baby gift on February 23rd. How? Now let's look at a few ideas:

  • First, draw a picture for dad. There you can depict tanks, flowers, weapons and many other attributes of Defender of the Fatherland Day.
  • Secondly, you can make a postcard. To do this, take, for example, a small piece of cardboard and colored paper. First you need to work on the base (cardboard). It needs to be folded in half. On the one hand, you need to decorate it. In the middle you can write everything you want to wish your father. To create decorations, colored paper is used, letters, flowers, ribbons, perhaps even a tank should be cut out of it. In this matter, everything depends on imagination.

A little conclusion

Now you know what you can do to please dad. We looked at original gifts for February 23rd for father. We hope you can find something worthwhile. Good luck!

In our previous articles, we told you about how you can make interesting and original greeting cards for your grandfather or father for February 23rd. You will find such articles without any problems on our portal. A gift in the form of a handmade postcard can become an independent present. But still, it would be better to supplement it with a children’s craft for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Perhaps it will be a cardboard plane, a paper boat or a car, maybe even a DIY tank. There is another very interesting craft for Men's Day, which we will tell you about today in our article. This is a homemade robot made from tin cans, nuts, plastic caps, unnecessary screws and radio components.

February 23 with your own hands. Crafts for February 23

Here are special crafts for dads on February 23rd. A great gift for your grandfather or father on February 23 could well be a boat made by the child himself. And such a craft can be made from various materials: wood, cardboard, walnut shells, plastic bottles. The simplest option would be to make a paper boat. You can attach flags to the finished paper boat. An ordinary wooden toothpick will serve as a mast.

A very original gift-craft for February 23rd, which any grandfather or father will surely like - this is a paper boat filled with various sweets.

If you make waves from strips of paper, you will get a boat sailing on oxen. This will be a beautiful and impressive gift for dad or grandfather on Defender's Day. On our website you can find detailed instructions on how to fold a paper steamer. If you complement the steamer with a seascape made from colored paper, then you will have a beautiful craft for this wonderful holiday.

Crafts for February 23. DIY gift for dad

Grandpa or dad will definitely really like this homemade airplane. In this article we will bring to your attention three simple options for making this craft for February 23rd.

An airplane made from a matchbox.

Our site invites you to make a gift for your grandfather or father on Defender's Day - an airplane made from a matchbox. To do this, you will need to take 1 matchbox, scissors, colored cardboard and glue.

Craft airplane.

It is worth noting that handmade crafts for dads on February 23 can be created directly from handy materials. From a simple clothespin and wooden ice cream sticks (or medical spatulas) you can make a craft - an airplane for the holiday of February 23rd. When making this craft, we advise you to use a glue gun and acrylic paints. If you make a lot of these colorful airplanes, you can make a whole suspended mobile. Below you can look at the picture and see that the tail of the plane can be made from cardboard.

Airplane made of cardboard.

Even on our website you can see many articles that allow you to make various crafts directly from garbage. Indeed, if you look at this site, you will learn how to make your own boats, cars, airplanes, funny animals from simple garbage: cardboard boxes and packaging, lids, etc. Basically, every craft from this site can serve as a great gift for your dad or grandfather on February 23rd. Choose, watch, create! And of all the crafts presented, we liked the cardboard airplane the most, for the reason that it is very original and beautiful. And it's quite easy to make. In addition to all this, ready-made templates are also included with this craft. You need to first print this template and transfer it onto cardboard. In order to make this craft for a men's holiday with your own hands, you will also need a paper cup from a roll of toilet paper.

Airplane made from a plastic bottle.

A special article has been published on our website that is dedicated to crafts made from plastic bottles. As a rule, such crafts are made quickly and easily. Therefore, if you put a little effort into this, you will end up with a wonderful airplane.

DIY crafts for February 23rd. February 23 in kindergarten

There is another very interesting DIY craft for February 23rd. This is a tank made from matchboxes. Therefore, if you are looking for crafts for February 23 that you can do in kindergarten in the preparatory group, then you should like this idea. In order to make such an interesting gift, you will need: a cover from a regular notebook or a piece of wallpaper, magazine paper, three matchboxes, a plastic bottle cap and corrugated cardboard.

In preparation for the February 23rd holiday in kindergarten, you can make another interesting tank yourself as a gift for your grandfather or father.

We have for you another very interesting version of a tank made from a matchbox. This tank has a cannon barrel made of a cotton swab, tracks made of corrugated cardboard, and rollers made of buttons. Using corrugated cardboard, you can make not only tracks for your tank, but also the entire tank.

DIY crafts for February 23rd. Gift for dad on February 23

Your little child will also like to make a gift for dad on February 23rd. Small children, of course, cannot make very complex crafts. For this reason, we specifically published simple crafts for February 23 in our article. One of them is a machine made of cardboard. You will need a cardboard toilet paper roll, paint, cardboard, and glue.

Crafts February 23. Children's crafts for February 23

If you want to surprise your grandfather or father with something original, then original crafts for February 23rd will suit you. On our website you can find paper boats, various models of paper cars, helicopters, airplanes and all kinds of architectural buildings. Making these crafts for Defender of the Fatherland Day will be very interesting and exciting for both schoolchildren and adults.

Now we move from transport to robots. From simple cans, plastic bottles, caps, cogs, screws, nuts, washcloths and other things you can make many cute robots. It’s very easy to make such a gift for your dad yourself. Especially if you have a glue gun.

You can also make a robot-shaped pen and pencil holder. There is also a very interesting option for a pen stand. But you can see below how to make such a gift for your dad or grandfather for the holiday. In addition, you can make a pencil stand by folding it from Lego Duplo.

If you want to make your own pencil holder, which will be decorated with a photograph, then you will need a part from the designer to make such a craft - a transparent door. The photo is inserted into the space between the door and the wall.

If you want to surprise your grandfather or father with a wonderful holiday gift, then make these beautiful cubes. In order to make this original craft for February 23, you will need: pasta of various shapes, cardboard, golden spray paint, a glue gun, various jewelry. It is necessary to cut out a cup from cardboard and make a stand from it. Then you need to stick pasta of different shapes onto the cardboard. The easiest way to do this is with a glue gun. After the glue has completely dried, you should paint the craft with golden spray paint. Next, you need to decorate the cup with various clippings from family photos and jewelry. It should be said that such a gift can be given to dad or grandfather not only for a men's holiday, but also for a birthday. You can write on the craft: “To the best father from the children,” or “To the best grandfather from the grandchildren.”

Here you can also find paper crafts for dad on February 23rd. If your dad wears a formal suit and tie to work, then the following gift for the twenty-third of February may well be suitable for him. Help your child make this interesting gift for dad - a paper tie. You can cut out a tie from cardstock or paper and then decorate it. Below in our article we have presented to your attention a detailed diagram of how to fold an origami paper tie. You should pay attention to the numbering of the photo in the above diagram of an origami tie.

Children's crafts for February 23. Crafts February 23

Make a paper airplane mobile for your dad as a Men's Day gift. This gift can create a good, festive mood. In order to make this craft yourself, you need to take colored paper and fold a lot of airplanes out of it. And then, using a thread, hang them from the chandelier.

Crafts for February 23. DIY gift for grandfather

At the end of our article, which is dedicated to children's crafts for Defender's Day, we will tell you about another very original and interesting craft made from waste material - a deer head, made from the caps of plastic bottles and the bottles themselves. If your grandfather or father is an avid hunter, then such a craft will be very relevant.


This extensive article was able to offer you a large number of different crafts for every taste. Just choose what you like and help your child create something interesting.

This selection presents crafts of varying complexity and technique; different materials are used in their production.

What gift should I give my dad?

1. An original tank of two scouring sponges, a star, a cannon and caterpillars, attach with double-sided tape.

2. Delight dad with a pioneer ship made of corrugated cardboard with a sail made of colored paper.

3. Make a rocket out of multi-colored cardboard and place it on a cross-shaped stand. Make portholes.

4. Using the origami technique, make a shirt and tie from colored paper.

5. Make an unusual postcard from matches glued to a cardboard base and decorate it with an inscription.

6. Be patient and you will have a festive jacket with a shirt and tie.

7. Make this simple airplane from a matchbox, two cardboard wings, a propeller, and a fuselage. Fasten the parts with glue.

8. Felt vests will keep dad's favorite drink warm longer. Sew the details of the craft together with threads.

9. Decorate the table with sail sandwiches. To do this, secure pieces of cheese on a skewer.

10. Sailboat made of corrugated cardboard.

11. Make this unusual tin dog, use magnets for the nose, mouth and eyes.

12. Use watercolors to draw a rocket, a boat, a tank, an airplane.

13. Make this pattern, it’s not an easy craft, it requires preparation.

14. Make an opening postcard, place cardboard figures of a tank, plane, ship inside it.

15. Application for the patient. Assemble a little man from the parts and attach a bow with a glue gun. Make numbers and a flower from small squares of colored paper. Press the center of each square with a pencil to the surface coated with glue, and lift the edges up.

16. Design a double-sided card with a sailboat with a cut-out moon in the background.

18. Surprise with a postcard with an applique.

19. Congratulate with a postcard - a shirt, it is made using the origami technique.

20. Cut out a three-dimensional boat with a special knife on a white sheet, do not tear it off the sheet, then glue it onto a blue sheet, having first folded it in half. Stick on clouds and seagulls.

21. Make a funny sailor using construction paper and a toilet paper roll.

Remember, any of the handmade crafts will please dad.

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Gifts made with your own hands always cause tenderness, because they are created with love and especially for the person being gifted. In the case of gifts from children, this is even more important, because this is how the child can express all his love. And February 23rd is one of the great occasions to make something useful or simply pleasant for dad.


The very first thing that comes to mind when you need to come up with a children's gift for dad is cards. They often make such a gift to dad on February 23 with their own hands in kindergarten and in clubs, during lessons in elementary school, and it is always nice to receive a postcard to the head of the family. Depending on the age of the child, you can complicate the technique and make truly interesting cards.

So, what ideas can you take as a basis for making such a congratulatory gift? For example, you can make a postcard in the form of a military uniform. Take thick green cardstock, white, black and gold paper, scissors, markers and a beehive. Make a rectangle-shaped postcard from cardboard. Fold the edges of the rectangle towards each other so that they open like the tails of a jacket. Fold the corners of the cover outward, like the lapels of a jacket. Glue shoulder straps and buttons on top of gold or yellow paper, draw stars.

Next, cut out a rectangle from white paper. Make cuts at the top of both edges, not reaching the middle, and fold the resulting strips of paper inward and downward to create a shirt collar. Cut out a tie from black paper and glue it to the shirt. Glue the shirt and tie inside the uniform and the card is ready. Explain the whole technology to your child step by step, and let him make the same picture for dad on his own.


Using available materials, using a little patience and creativity, you can create an original gift for dad on February 23rd with your own hands, which will pleasantly surprise him. A variety of military equipment goes well with the theme of February 23, so we suggest making an airplane out of clothespins and ice cream sticks as a nice gift. For one airplane you will need one clothespin and three sticks, as well as glue and acrylic paints. You can take multi-colored plastic clothespins, or wooden ones. Then you will need to paint the clothespin and do the same with the sticks. Choose contrasting colors to make the airplane bright. When the painted parts are dry, you can glue them together. Glue two sticks to the edge of the clothespin, one under the other - this will be the fuselage of the aircraft. Cut the third stick in half and glue the half to the end of the clothespin - this will be the tail. From the end of the remaining half of the stick you can make a part for the tail. Dad can simply put such an airplane in a visible place, for example on the desktop, or he can attach important notes on small pieces of paper with a clip.

A child can also make a tank from matchboxes for dad. For the tank you need to prepare:

  • Three matchboxes.
  • Green or black bottle cap.
  • Green paper.
  • Black cardboard.
  • 8 buttons.
  • Glue.

First you need to take two boxes and glue them together with the narrow sides, and then wrap the resulting rectangle with green paper. You also need to wrap the third box in paper. Next, glue the small rectangle in the center of the large one, and glue the lid on top. Roll a tube out of paper and glue it to the lid or top of the box - this will be the barrel. Glue the buttons in the form of wheels on the sides of the tank, and you can make tracks from black cardboard - cut out two strips, fold each one like an accordion and glue them on the sides of the tank.

DIY gift for dad on February 23rd from photo

A photo collage will give both children and dad many pleasant moments - first when preparing it, and then when looking at it. You can make a collage in the form of a postcard or as a poster on the wall. Together with your child, come up with the main idea, select suitable photographs and pictures, help draw the background, cut and paste the photo.

As an idea, you can take a comic book about a superhero - this is, of course, dad. He fights evil while protecting his family. You can also draw a car in which to “put” dad, mom and children - you will get an unusual, homemade gift for dad on February 23rd, made with humor.

Birthday Cake Ideas

What dad would refuse a delicious homemade cake prepared by the caring hands of his son or daughter? Older children, with adult supervision, can bake the cake from scratch, and little ones can help with kneading the dough, cream or decorating. To make the cake symbolic, make it in the shape of a tank.

If you are afraid that baking is beyond your baby’s ability, but you still want to create a delicious gift for dad on February 23rd with your own hands, then prepare a simple cookie cake with your child. To make it you will need:

  • 800 grams of cookies.
  • A stick of butter.
  • A can of condensed milk.
  • Nuts to taste.
  • 1 chocolate bar.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance to soften it. Also open a can of condensed milk to prevent your child from cutting himself. The butter and milk need to be beaten with a mixer; a child can handle this under your supervision. Also instruct him to crush the cookies using a rolling pin. Next, let him mix the cookies with the butter mixture and nuts and place the mixture on a plate in the form of a slide or in a special split ring. Place the finished cake in the freezer to set. After a couple of hours, melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave and pour hot chocolate over the frozen cake.

Eyeglass case made from a tie

Such a hand-made gift for dad on February 23rd will not only be original, but also very useful for those dads who wear glasses. To make it, you need to select an unnecessary tie, cut off its upper narrow part and fold the free edge inward. Next, you need to grab the edges with thread to create a pocket. You can also glue Velcro onto the eyeglass case so that the open edge wraps up and covers the glasses.

Tea cup

When dad comes home in the evening, he always has dinner and drinks aromatic tea or coffee. And for this there must be a special cup, carefully decorated with your own hands - a gift to dad on February 23 from his daughter. 10 years is a great age to give such a gift, although older preschoolers can handle it too.

To prepare such a gift, you can buy special markers or paints for drawing on porcelain and ceramics and a simple white cup. Let the child fantasize and create - this way the cup will turn out to be truly unique.

Also, if the child knows how to knit, even very simple stitches, you can make a warmer for a mug. You will need to knit a small rectangle the size of a cup, which is secured in the handle area with wooden buttons - cute and cozy.

Sweater tablet case

If knitting is not your thing and your child does not master this art, an alternative would be to use dad's sweater, which he has not worn for a long time. You can use it to make a stylish and cozy case for your tablet or e-reader.

For the cover you only need the front and back of the sweater. Just cut two squares according to the size of the gadget and sew them with thread on three sides. Threads can be used from the same sweater. Additionally, the case can be decorated with wooden buttons. You will get a beautiful gift for dad on February 23rd, carefully made by your daughter with your own hands.

Cup holder made from a tin can

For the office-working dad or the creative dad, you can make a pencil cup out of a tin can. To do this, you should take a larger jar with a paper label. Clean the label thoroughly so that the jar becomes shiny and smooth. Next you need to decorate it. Nuts and screws, corks and bottle caps or caps from felt-tip pens are suitable for this. With their help you can create a funny face or some kind of pattern. Also protect the edges of the jar, which may be sharp - use pliers to wrap the edge of the jar inward.

You can also cover the entire jar with nuts and paint the finished glass with spray paint. Please note that you can glue metal to metal only with special glue - “BF” or epoxy, this way the gift for dad on February 23rd will be made durable with your own hands. 1st grade - it's time to try your hand at making such a complex gift.

Men's bouquet

If it is customary for mothers to give bouquets of flowers on March 8, then for dad you can make a bouquet with humor. Instead of flowers, it may contain new socks - a routine gift for February 23, but not trivially packaged. In addition, a child will do a great job with such a bouquet.

First you should prepare your socks - roll each pair into a roll that will resemble a rose. Use tape to secure the sock to a bamboo skewer. In the end, all that remains is to collect all the “flowers” ​​and wrap them in paper like a bouquet.

You can also make a bouquet from roach if dad is a beer lover. Tie the fish by their tails and wrap them in wrapping paper simulating newspaper. An original gift for dad on February 23rd, hand-wrapped.

DIY gift for dad on February 23: unusual ideas for the site.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday when it is customary to congratulate all men. In this case, women buy gifts, and children in kindergarten create original crafts for their fathers and grandfathers. Therefore, in this article we will talk about what gift to make for dad on February 23 with his own hands from his daughter. Here you can see interesting ideas that you might definitely like.

What gifts to make for dad

Nice tie.

It’s nice to give your beloved daddy something interesting on February 23rd. For example, it could be a tie that looks very bright and attractive. To make such a tie you need to prepare the following material:

  • Sheets of colored cardboard,
  • Scissors and a simple pencil,
  • Black rope or braid.


  1. Use the template and trace the outline of the tie on a piece of colored cardboard.
  2. After that, you should use scissors to cut the tie. The result is blanks.
  3. In the next step, take colored paper. Choose a suitable paper color. A sheet of colored paper is folded in half several times.
  4. Now cut out small circles from a sheet of paper.
  5. After that, these circles need to be glued onto a blank tie.
  6. Now stick a string or braid on the back side.

That's all! A wonderful and interesting gift for dad is ready.

A boat for dad.

When thinking with your child about how to congratulate dad, do not forget about simple crafts that, with some effort, can become an original gift. As children, all adults knew how to fold boats. Of course, this process is not easy for a child. Therefore, there is no way to do this without the help of a parent. To learn how to fold boats, use the instructions. Also pay attention to the description of this process.

  1. So, first you should take a sheet of paper in the form of a rectangle.
  2. This sheet is folded in half, and the upper corners are folded at right angles to the center.
  3. Now fold the free edges of the sheet up on both sides.
  4. Carefully tuck the free corners inward. You should end up with a triangle.
  5. Bring the corners of the triangle's base together to form a square.
  6. Fold the bottom corners up on both sides. You will get a triangle again.
  7. Bring the corners of the triangle's base together again. As a result, you will again have a square. Now hold the square by the corners that are located on top. Spread them apart.
  8. It’s worth spreading these corners until you get a paper boat. Now all you have to do is smooth out the sides of the boat so that it becomes stable again.
  9. Now all that remains is to decorate the boat with a mini flag and a mast.

You can also simply decorate such a gift with sweet candies. This product will also please your dad or grandfather.

A gift for dad - an airplane.

It is worth saying that creating gifts for February 23 in kindergarten with your own hands is quite simple. This may require a minimum of materials and your own imagination. If you want to conduct a creative lesson with your child by February 23, then pay attention to the following master class on creating an airplane.

To create this craft, prepare: matchboxes and sheets of cardboard.


  1. So, it’s worth cutting a couple of strips for the wings from a sheet of cardboard. These strips should be the width of a matchbox. You will also need a long strip and a couple of small ones.
  2. A long strip should be folded in half. Glue it across the box.
  3. Then you should glue the wings on top and bottom of the box. It is advisable to round the edges of the wings.
  4. Then make a tail.
  5. Make a propeller and decorate your craft as desired.


If you don’t know what gifts to give to kindergarten by February 23, then our article was created just for you. In this publication you will be able to find many interesting crafts for this holiday. So, the next craft - a tank - will be created from matchboxes. You will need 3 of them. You should also prepare:

  • a piece of wallpaper,
  • corrugated cardboard and magazine paper,
  • cap from a plastic bottle.


  1. First, the matchboxes are covered with wallpaper.
  2. Then assemble a model of the tank.
  3. Use magazine paper to make a tank barrel.
  4. Punch a hole with an awl and insert the barrel there.
  5. Next, glue on the wheels, glue the tracks. Finally, it’s worth gluing a cap from a plastic bottle, which will serve as a hatch.

Cardboard car.

Of course, it is difficult for younger children to make complex crafts. Therefore, they should be encouraged to make the simplest gift options for grandfathers and fathers by February 23rd. To create a machine you may need: a toilet paper roll, paint, cardboard and glue.


  1. Paint the sleeve in some bright color.
  2. Cut out wheels from cardboard. Use black and white cardstock.
  3. Glue the wheels to the hub and decorate your car as desired.

Robot for dad.

Making an original gift for dad on February 23 in kindergarten is quite simple. Besides, it's very interesting. Of course, this may require the help of an adult. Therefore it is worth considering. In your work you may need: tin cans, cogs, screws and nuts. You can also use washcloths for washing dishes. You can fasten all the elements together using a glue gun.

This robot can act as a stand for pencils and pens.

A pencil holder can be made from a Lego Duplo constructor.

Original boat with sails.

A gift for dad can be made from completely different materials. The main thing here is your own imagination. To make the next boat take:

  • Sponge for washing dishes,
  • Long wooden skewer
  • A simple toothpick
  • Four squares of bright paper. (The squares should all be the same size).
  • Felt pen and tricolor ribbon.


  1. The two front corners of the sponge are cut off. The result is a blank for the boat.
  2. It is worth inserting a wooden skewer into the workpiece.
  3. Next, squares are cut from paper. The child may need help from an adult. Place these squares on a skewer.
  4. Decorate the mast with a mini flag.

Photo frame made of twigs.

If you collect a lot of twigs while walking in the park, you can use them to decorate a photo frame and present it to your dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

To decorate the frame, sticks of the same length are used. They are glued to the frame using glue.

Beautiful cards.

On every holiday we congratulate each other with wonderful cards. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, these postcards may look even more interesting.

  1. So, print out the themed images in advance.
  2. Stars are cut out of red cardboard and CDs are glued to them.
  3. Glue inscriptions and pictures to the disks, and then give these postcards to your loved one.


In this publication, we have listed for you the most interesting crafts that you can give to your dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Now you know what gifts to give to your children on February 23rd. Be inspired by our ideas and create the most interesting gifts.


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