Protein diet - menu for quick weight loss for a week (14 days, month). Menu for every day for a protein diet Cons of a protein diet

Let's look at the menu for 14 days. But first, let’s figure out why it is worth giving preference to this particular power system. Many who have ever gone on a diet complain that after it ends, the weight quickly returns, and with new kilograms. Why is this happening? And this happens because diets often remove protein from the diet. Then you lose not only fat, but also muscle mass. And when you start using it again, the body begins to absorb it more slowly. Since this element was not supplied for a certain time, the body has become unaccustomed to it and it has to adapt again to new conditions.

Therefore, of all the diets that exist today, is it best to choose a protein diet? This nutritional system is well suited for men who play sports. With a protein diet, the diet should contain only foods high in protein and with the least amount of fat and carbohydrates.

Healthy foods

Those who are interested in a protein diet for weight loss, a menu for 14 days, should first familiarize themselves with the products that can be consumed during these two weeks. Now let's look at the healthiest foods for this period of time.

The most protein-containing foods are:

  • White chicken meat. One hundred grams of the product contains forty grams of fat and only 2 grams of fat. Chicken breast should be present in the diet of every bodybuilder. It is best consumed boiled or grilled with rice and boiled vegetables.
  • Chicken eggs. One contains five grams of protein and the same amount of fat. Eggs should only be consumed boiled. Proteins have the greatest value. The yolks are responsible for better digestion of the product. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating four whole eggs and three whites, separated from the yolk.
  • Beef burger. It also contains forty grams of protein and only 15 grams of fat. Beef can also be eaten stewed.

  • Fish fillet, namely salmon. In addition to protein, it contains an important structural component of cell membranes, as Omega-3. It plays an important role in the formation of muscle mass.
  • Protein powder. The advantage of this product is that it contains absolutely no fat. Many people are skeptical about protein powder, but in vain. These are the same eggs, only in crushed form. Protein powder is absorbed much faster than other protein products.

An effective weight loss system. First week

For those who are interested in an effective protein diet for 14 days, the menu is presented in the article. First, let's look at the diet for seven days:

First day. In the morning - 150 g of cottage cheese. Three hours later - salad. But lunch is a little soup without potatoes. Afternoon snack - low-fat yogurt. For dinner, a piece of turkey baked in foil.

Second day. In the morning - 2 eggs. Two hours later - yogurt. During the day, you can indulge in 150 g of baked fish fillet with broccoli. In the evening, take 100 g of boiled chicken fillet.

On the morning of the third day, drink unsweetened tea, and for second breakfast - low-fat yogurt. For lunch, boil beef with cabbage. After lunch, eat a cabbage and cucumber salad. In the evening you can stew fish with rice.

Fourth day. In the morning, prepare an omelette, maybe with cheese. Three hours after breakfast, salad is allowed. For lunch, soup, of course, without potatoes, and after that - low-fat yogurt. For dinner, a piece of stewed beef with carrots.

Fifth day. For breakfast - duck breast. Then low-calorie kefir. In the afternoon, cook vegetable soup, again without potatoes. Towards evening - grated fresh carrots. For dinner, steamed fish fillet and fresh cucumber salad.

Day six. In the morning, cottage cheese with berries will be beneficial for the body. After two hours, eat low-calorie yogurt. Lunch - baked turkey fillet. For an afternoon snack - a salad of cucumbers and cabbage leaves. Dinner - stewed fish fillet.

Seventh day. In the morning, don’t be lazy, prepare a cottage cheese casserole. Three hours later - kefir. For lunch, have boiled turkey and coleslaw again. After lunch, grate fresh carrots. For dinner, cook beef with boiled broccoli.

An effective weight loss system. Second week

Menu for the next seven days:

Day eight. In the morning, low-fat yogurt, two hours later - two eggs. During lunch, eat fish soup without potatoes during lunch. For an afternoon snack, drink low-calorie yogurt. For dinner, boil white chicken meat.

Ninth day. In the morning - oatmeal with water. Then an omelette. For lunch, boil the beef. For an afternoon snack, treat yourself to grapefruit. For dinner, cook any seafood.

Day ten. In the morning - low-fat cottage cheese, for lunch - salad with cheese. After three hours - low-fat yogurt. For dinner, cook a piece of beef.

Eleventh day. In the morning, boil two hard-boiled eggs. After a couple of hours, drink kefir. For lunch, allow yourself to eat a piece of fish baked in foil. If you get hungry afterwards, you can make a light cucumber salad. Dinner - boiled turkey fillet.

Twelfth day. In the morning, cook buckwheat porridge without salt and sugar, using skim milk. After three hours you can eat low-fat yogurt. Lunch - salad with boiled chicken fillet. Afternoon snack - grapefruit. For dinner - seafood salad.

Day thirteen. In the morning, prepare yourself cottage cheese with fruit. For second breakfast - salad with cheese. For lunch, boil sea fish fillets. For an afternoon snack, drink low-fat yogurt. For dinner - boiled turkey breast with boiled carrots.

Fourteenth day. In the morning, grate yourself some fresh carrots. For second breakfast, you can stew some chicken. For lunch, eat an omelet. Afternoon snack - apple. For dinner, prepare seafood and a salad of any green vegetables.

This is an effective protein diet for 14 days. We reviewed the menu in detail. Now those who want to try it out can do so without any problems.

But there are other similar diets. Let's look at them too.


What is a protein-vegetable diet? The menu for 14 days will be described further. This nutrition system is as balanced as possible. Contains a sufficient amount of proteins and carbohydrates. The developers of this diet guarantee that your body will get in shape within the specified time without much effort on your part.

On the first day you can eat only three boiled eggs, any fruits and vegetables.

On the second day, you are allowed to consume up to half a kilogram of cottage cheese, you can also eat one egg. You can also drink kefir of any fat content throughout the day.

On the third day - kefir, vegetables and fruits. You also need to drink one liter of freshly squeezed fruit juice. Be prepared for the fact that your body will cleanse itself on this day, so try to spend all your laziness at home.

On the fourth day, you are allowed to eat half a kilogram of boiled chicken or fish fillet and drink a liter of kefir.

The fifth day is a vegetable and fruit day, drink plenty of fluids.

On the sixth, prepare half a kilogram of cottage cheese, one chicken egg and a liter of kefir.

On the seventh day, eat only vegetables and fruits.

On the eighth day - boiled chicken fillet without skin, one chicken egg and vegetables.

On the ninth - 100 g of boiled beef or veal. You can eat fruits and vegetables in unlimited quantities.

On the tenth day, boil a small piece of sea fish with vegetables, you can eat two slices of bread.

On the eleventh day you are allowed to eat two chicken eggs, 150 g of beef, 4 slices of bread, 0.5 liters of kefir and raw vegetables.

For the twelfth, prepare a liter of kefir.

Thirteenth day - 300 g of chicken meat, two eggs and vegetables.

Fourteenth - two boiled potatoes plus a liter of kefir and fresh fruit.

Simple diet

Now we’ll tell you about another version of the nutrition system for weight loss. This is a very simple protein diet; for 14 days the menu includes a minimum of products.

The essence of the nutrition system is to consume as few foods as possible.

For all fourteen days, you can eat only two oranges and one or two boiled eggs for breakfast.

On the first day, you can eat only fruit for lunch. For dinner you are allowed to eat no more than 200 g of boiled chicken fillet.

On the second day, eat 200 g of boiled chicken fillet for lunch. In the evening, prepare a salad of carrots or bell peppers with cucumbers and eat it with two slices of bread. You can drink citrus juice.

On the third day - cottage cheese, but only low-fat, in any quantity, and a slice of bread. For dinner - the same as the previous day.

On the fourth day, you can eat any favorite fruit. For the evening - boiled or fried meat with any salad.

On the fifth day - two boiled chicken eggs with boiled beans, carrots, zucchini. For dinner, cook yourself a fillet of any fish. Prepare any salad. For dessert you can eat any citrus fruit.

On the sixth day, eat any fruit for lunch. For dinner - a boiled piece of any lean meat and salad.

On the seventh day, boil chicken fillet with vegetables for lunch. For dinner - boiled any vegetables. Also eat any citrus fruit.

Day eight - vegetable salad. Also eat some cooked meat. For dinner, be sure to prepare cabbage salad with carrots and two boiled eggs. For dessert, eat your favorite fruit.

On the ninth day, for lunch, boil a lean piece of meat with vegetable salad. For dinner - again two eggs, plus salad. For dessert - citrus fruit.

Day ten. For lunch - fresh cucumbers with lean boiled meat. For dinner, the same set of ingredients as for the ninth.

On the eleventh day, you can eat low-fat cheese with salad for lunch. For dinner, boil yourself two eggs.

Day twelve. For lunch, cook yourself some fish. In the evening - two boiled chicken eggs.

Day thirteen. For lunch, boil the meat and eat it with a fresh cucumber salad. For dessert - orange.

On the last day, for lunch, boil skinless chicken fillet, eat one fresh tomato and boiled vegetables. For dessert you can eat tangerine or lemon. In the evening - the same products as for lunch.

Now you know what a protein diet can be. You can create a menu for 14 days at home yourself, based on the information provided, intuition and advice from nutritionists.

As you can see, the protein diet has many variations. But, unfortunately, not many people have the opportunity to buy all the products that need to be consumed in their diet according to this diet. Therefore, each person can choose the option that suits them. You can take a little from each food system. Or replace some products. For example, instead of expensive seafood, you can use any fish. You can take fruits according to the season. It is not necessary to look for strawberries in winter; take an apple. But most importantly, make sure not to deviate too much from your diet. It is important that the body, even when replacing foods, receives all the necessary microelements.

Contraindications and advantages of the diet

We have already found out what a protein diet is and have written out the menu for 14 days. Now let's talk about its features. Let's touch on the topic of contraindications.

This nutritional system is strictly contraindicated for people who have heart or kidney problems. If a woman is breastfeeding, she should not go on any diet. This article above outlines a diet menu that will easily help you lose a couple of extra pounds and reduce cellulite. In general, your health always improves with a protein diet. At the same time, a person rarely feels weak and unwell.

Secrets and rules

Now you know what the protein diet menu for 14 days means. The secrets of this power system are for your attention below.

With a protein diet, as with others, you need to drink a lot of water. Try to eat at the same time every day. Violating any rules while following a diet leads to stress and malaise. The only thing you can do is adjust the doses of the products.

If you are not full, eat a little more of the allowed product.

This nutrition system, like others like it, has a good effect on the body. But we need to get out of it gradually. Nutritionists recommend not to suddenly jump off the diet, but to try to stick to a protein diet with the addition of other foods for another week.

Also, after 14 days you need to refrain from eating sweets and alcohol. A more effective diet will be in combination with physical activity. For example, you can go jogging every morning.

Protein diet, menu for 14 days: reviews

Those girls who adhered to this nutrition system for fourteen days were very pleased with the results. Many have noticed that they have lost even more than nutritionists promise. And what is important is that if you follow all the rules of the diet, the lost kilograms do not return. But this is provided that you do not start eating everything after two weeks, but try to stick to a healthy diet.


We looked at what a protein diet is and a menu for 14 days. What results will this power system bring? If you follow all the recommendations, you can lose up to ten kilograms in two weeks. It all depends on the individuality of each organism.


Now you know what a protein diet is, we have described the menu for 14 days in detail. We hope that this system will help you in the fight against extra pounds. We wish you good luck!

A diet with a lot of protein pleases women with its quick results and delicious dishes. Despite the opportunity to diversify your diet, it may be difficult to “come up” with a menu. This problem is especially acute if the protein diet is for 14 days, and you may forget to include vegetables or dairy products. A ready-made meal schedule template will help you get out of this situation, which can be adjusted taking into account available resources and taste preferences.

The basic principle of a protein diet

The diet must include a large amount of vegetables and water (from 1.5 to 2 liters per day). This protein-vegetable diet allows you to replenish the amount of vitamins and fiber in the body.

Carbohydrates in small quantities, in any case, are necessary (120-140 g of oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge). To charge your body with energy, but not affect the results, include them only as part of your breakfast.

Drinks are not included in the menu; you can drink those allowed (tea, coffee, non-carbonated mineral water) at your discretion at any time.

Day 1

Breakfast: 120-150 g oatmeal, 2 boiled egg whites.

Snack: apple.

Dinner: fish broth with pieces of fish (hake/flounder/cod), salad of greens (parsley, cilantro and dill) and Chinese cabbage.

Afternoon snack: 100-120 g unsweetened yogurt.

Dinner: chicken fillet baked in foil (120-200 g), sliced ​​tomatoes and cucumbers.

3 hours before bedtime: a glass of low-fat kefir.

Day 2

Breakfast: 130 g buckwheat porridge, a glass of kefir.

Snack: grapefruit.

Dinner: steamed chicken cutlets, white cabbage salad.

Afternoon snack

Dinner: tilapia fillet baked in foil and chopped green salad.

3 hours before bedtime: 120 g low-fat cottage cheese.

Day 3

Breakfast: boiled flounder and 130 g of boiled rice.

Snack: orange.

Dinner: chicken broth with fillet pieces (without potatoes, you can add vegetables), 150 g of baked rabbit meat.

Afternoon snack: 100 g cottage cheese.

Dinner: boiled or steamed veal, salad of tomatoes, bell peppers and cucumbers.

3 hours before bed: 100-120 g unsweetened yoghurt.

Day 4

Breakfast: a slice of whole grain bread, 140 g boiled turkey

Snack: grapefruit.

Dinner: baked cod with vegetables (you can bake some with fish, and make some as a salad), 200 g of boiled broccoli (can be replaced with cauliflower).

Afternoon snack: two boiled egg whites and a tomato.

Dinner: salad of vegetables, lettuce and 150 g of boiled beef liver.

3 hours before bed: a glass of curdled milk.

Day 5

Breakfast: 100 g of kelp (seaweed), a slice of whole grain bread, 100 g of boiled chicken liver.

Snack: 120 g unsweetened yoghurt.

Dinner: 3-4 steamed fish cutlets, chopped vegetables.

Afternoon snack: apple.

Dinner: 120-160 g skinless turkey baked in foil, Chinese cabbage and greens salad.

3 hours before bedtime: 130 g low-fat cottage cheese.

Day 6

Breakfast: 120-130 g lean fish, steamed, 120 g buckwheat porridge.

Snack: 120-140 g low-fat cottage cheese.

Dinner: cauliflower and broccoli casserole, 140 g veal or beef baked in foil.

Afternoon snack: orange.

Dinner: one tilapia fillet baked in foil, tomato salad (you can use 1-2 tablespoons of unsweetened yogurt as a dressing).

3 hours before bedtime: a glass of kefir.

Day 7

Breakfast: 120-140 g rice porridge, 2 boiled chicken proteins.

Snack: apple.

Dinner: 120-140 g chicken fillet baked in foil, salad of herbs and vegetables.

Afternoon snack: Broccoli and cauliflower casserole.

Dinner: 150-160 g of boiled rabbit meat, white cabbage salad.

3 hours before bedtime: 130 g low-fat cottage cheese.

The second week is protein-carbohydrate

In the second week, you need to introduce more carbohydrates (in the form of cereals and whole grain bread) and thus prepare to leave the diet and minimize the possibility of failure. But the volume of cereals from days 7 to 14 can increase no more than 2 times, i.e. If previously 120-160 g were allowed, now the limit is 240-320 g.

A protein-carbohydrate diet can be of two types:

  1. Carbohydrates are consumed together with proteins in small portions daily in the first half. Only complex carbohydrates are allowed: oatmeal, buckwheat and rice, as well as some durum wheat pasta. Included only in breakfast and/or lunch; dinner is purely protein.
  2. Carbohydrate days alternate with protein days. It is allowed to increase the amount of daily intake of cereals and pasta from durum varieties when alternating, but only slightly. Foods are consumed in small portions, and the feeling of hunger is satisfied with vegetables and fruits.

The first option would be more correct and not harmful to health. This protein-carbohydrate diet is closer to a balanced diet, and getting out of it will also be less difficult.

Day 8

Breakfast: 120 g buckwheat porridge and a little tofu cheese.

Snack: 150 g vegetable salad.

Dinner: a piece of whole grain bread, fish broth with pieces of fish, cabbage salad.

Afternoon snack: apple.

Dinner: 140-160 g boiled chicken (any part) without skin, cauliflower, baked in foil.

3 hours before bedtime: 120 g unsweetened yoghurt.

Day 9

In many ways, the Japanese diet has a list of allowed foods that is the same as regular protein foods. Therefore, you can take the presented list as the basis for the menu, remove snacks, replace breakfast with tea or coffee, and replace vegetables with fruits for dinner.

Any woman always strives for perfection, wants to look beautiful and slim. Not everyone has the opportunity to engage in sports, aerobics and fitness, then diets come to the rescue. With all their variety, you can choose the one that suits you. But the protein diet is rightfully considered the most effective and efficient. In this article we will understand what a protein diet is. The menu for 14 days is compiled taking into account all the requirements of your body.

What is a protein diet?

This diet got its name due to the fact that the diet is dominated by foods high in protein. At the same time, foods high in carbohydrates are completely excluded along with limiting fat. Eating fruits during a diet is mandatory, because they are the source of fiber, vitamins and essential microelements. If you suffer from cardiovascular, joint, or digestive diseases, be sure to consult your doctor before starting a diet. During this period, it is mandatory to adhere to the drinking regime; you must drink at least 2 liters of clean drinking water per day. Meals should be six times a day.

Benefits of a Protein Diet

No feeling of hunger

If you follow a diet, meals are taken every 3 hours, and protein foods have a long digestion period - 4 hours. Therefore, the feeling of hunger will not haunt you.

Comprehensive health improvement of the body

Often, when performing various diets, we expect one result, but a completely different one appears. Here the effect will spread to all organs and systems, especially in combination with sports. You are guaranteed

  • elastic belly and thighs;
  • reducing the appearance of cellulite;
  • smooth; tightened and healthy skin
  • high efficiency;
  • great mood;

No weight gain after finishing the diet

Diets often have a disadvantage - the lost weight comes back in a short period of time. This will not happen in this version. Weight loss will not be as fast as in other diets, but the result will please you.

14-day menu helps you lose weight and maintain muscle

Protein diet menu

The first week of the protein diet is rightfully considered the most difficult, because your body has just begun to adapt to a new diet. There should not be any additional foods in your diet. The second and final week will be much easier, but it must be the final one.

Breakfast options

As for breakfast, it should consist exclusively of tea or coffee. Coffee must be natural, tea can be anything - black or green, but must be freshly brewed. Any drink is drunk without sugar. Moreover, if in the first seven days you can choose breakfast, then in the second week of the diet you should definitely alternate drinks.

Second breakfast as a must

If previously you could do without second breakfasts, then when following a diet, they should be an integral part of your diet. For second breakfast, we highly recommend eating a small portion of coleslaw and one boiled egg. This is the perfect snack, but only for eleven days. You can choose any three days on which lunch will be completely different - fruity. Moreover, you can eat either one apple, or one orange, or two kiwis.

The benefits of a hearty lunch

Lunch should always be filling and include the maximum amount of protein from the daily requirement. The main products for lunch are meat and fish. Fish is allowed to be eaten on any two days of the diet; on the remaining days, lean beef or chicken breast is recommended. All this should be either boiled or steamed. Rice and buckwheat are ideal as a side dish, and the latter should appear on your menu for only three days. All other days, only rice is consumed. Meat and fish are allowed in the amount of 150 g, side dish in the amount of 50-100 g.

Afternoon snack as a healthy snack

An ideal afternoon snack would be a vegetable salad, and unlike the second breakfast, it should contain not only cabbage, but also carrots and bell peppers. On any three days of the diet, the salad is replaced with cottage cheese. Cottage cheese must be low-fat, and you can eat no more than 200 g.

Dinner options

Dinner is perhaps the only meal when the menu is quite varied. On any five days of the diet, you can eat vegetable salad. Three days are allotted for boiled meat, one day for fish. Also, two dinners should consist of any fruit, and three of a boiled egg. Let us repeat once again that there are no clear regulations on when and what to eat. You decide this yourself, but you make your choice only from the products offered.

A glass of liquid before bed

To make your stomach feel full and allow you to fall asleep peacefully, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or a glass of juice (apple or tomato) at night. The juice should be without sugar and salt. For a couple of days you can allow yourself to drink a glass of unsweetened tea.

In this article, we told you what a protein diet is and described the menu for 14 days in sufficient detail. Let us repeat once again about the need to adhere to the drinking regime and physical activity. The combination will bring you amazing results. By following our simple but very effective tips, in just 2 weeks you will feel the results, gain slimness, lightness and a great mood.

Protein-vegetable diet and what is its advantage

A protein-vegetable diet will allow you to quickly and safely lose up to 5 kg in 14 days. It was developed by the Institute of Sports Nutrition and is often used by professional athletes for emergency weight loss before competitions. The diet is optimally balanced and contains the required amount of proteins and carbohydrates needed by the body, and therefore does not cause weakness or dizziness. You won't go hungry: you can eat all vegetables and fruits without restrictions.

How is hunger different from appetite?

Hunger is a need, appetite is a desire. With the help of hunger, the body tells us about the need for nutrients and that the level of glucose in the blood has decreased. If you give your body some fruit in response to hunger, it will be happy! Appetite is something completely different. These are our desires, passions, taste habits. Sometimes something looks and smells so appetizing that we are ready to eat and eat, although not only are we not hungry, but we even feel that we have been too full for a long time. Needs are what your body needs. Desires are what your mind wants.

Protein-vegetable diet - ideal body in 14 days

Day 1: 3 eggs, raw fruits and vegetables

Day 2: 450-550 g of cottage cheese, 1 egg, 1 liter of kefir of any fat content

Day 3: raw fruits and vegetables, 1 liter of kefir and 1 liter of natural fruit juice (not from a package!)

Day 4: 500 g skinless chicken fillet or steamed fish, 1 liter of kefir

Day 5: Raw fruits and vegetables

Day 6: 400-500 g of cottage cheese, 1 liter of kefir, 1 egg

Day 7: Raw fruits and vegetables

Day 8: 300 g skinless chicken fillet, 1 egg, raw vegetables

Day 9: 150 g beef or veal, raw fruits and vegetables

Day 10: 150 g of fish, 2 slices of rye bread, raw vegetables, 0.5 liters of kefir

Day 11: 2 eggs, 150 g beef or veal, 4 slices of rye bread, raw vegetables, 0.5 liters of kefir

Day 12: 1 liter of kefir, raw fruits and vegetables

Day 13: 300 g skinless chicken fillet, raw vegetables, 2 eggs

Day 14: 4 boiled potatoes, fruit, 1 liter of kefir

What can you drink while dieting?

Green tea, mineral water, water with lemon - drink as much as you want, do not limit yourself and do not force yourself to drink more than you want. If you have a party, holiday, birthday coming up, you can drink 1 glass of dry red wine; a protein-vegetable diet does not prohibit this.

What to pay attention to

* A protein-vegetable diet will allow you to quickly lose weight, but after its completion you must continue to monitor your diet in order to maintain the result.

* Eat 3-5 times a day when you feel hungry. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

* Try to vary your diet and eat at least five different fruits and vegetables a day.

* Cottage cheese and kefir can be of any fat content. Don't buy low-fat products, as they always contain sweeteners and other additives.

* Chicken fillet, fish, meat can be boiled and steamed. Frying and baking are not allowed.

* Eggs can be boiled or baked in the oven as an omelet.

* Eat fruits and vegetables in unlimited quantities, but always only raw, without heat treatment. You can simply cut them into pieces or prepare a salad from several types of vegetables and herbs; add dill, parsley, basil, mint, green onions and garlic without restrictions.

* You can add vegetable oil to the salad, but not more than 1-2 teaspoons per serving.

* Sour cabbage and pickled vegetables are not allowed.

* Sauces, especially such as mayonnaise and ketchup, are not allowed.

* Soy sauce is possible, but only natural, not from concentrate. Pay attention to the labels.

* You can salt your food.

* Dried fruits, honey, nuts are not allowed.

Losing weight up to 10 kg in 14 days.
The average daily calorie content is 700 Kcal.

The protein diet is rightfully considered one of the most effective and efficient nutrition systems - diets for weight loss. This popular diet is designed for an active lifestyle. A protein diet shows its effectiveness best with additional training in the gym such as fitness, aerobics, shaping, etc. at least 3 times a week. In addition, a protein diet for 14 days involves at least 6 meals a day.

The protein diet menu completely excludes all foods high in carbohydrates and strictly limits the amount of fat. These high-protein foods dominate the menu, along with vegetables and fruits, which are sources of fiber, mineral complexes and essential vitamins.

The protein diet is presented on the website in two menu options: and for 14 days. The effectiveness and average calorie content of these menus are completely identical, the only difference is the duration of the diet.

Protein Diet Requirements

On a protein diet, simple recommendations are required to follow:

Eat at least 6 times a day;
. alcohol is not allowed on a protein diet;
. do not eat later than 2-3 hours before bedtime;
. all foods for the diet must be dietary - with a minimum fat content;
. you should drink 2 liters of regular non-mineralized water per day;

The protein diet menu can be adjusted according to your wishes and preferences on other days, so that the daily calorie content does not exceed 700 Kcal.

Protein diet menu for 14 days

1 day (Monday)
. Breakfast: coffee or tea.
. Second breakfast: egg and cabbage salad.
. Lunch: 100 g chicken breast, 100 g rice.
. Afternoon snack: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese.
. Dinner: steamed fish 100 g (pollock, flounder, cod, tuna) or boiled fish with vegetable salad (100 g).
. 2 hours before bedtime: a glass of tomato juice.

Day 2 of the diet (Tuesday)
. Breakfast: coffee or tea.
. Second breakfast: cabbage salad with green peas 150 g, crackers.
. Lunch: steamed or boiled fish 150 g, 100 g rice.
. Afternoon snack: vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers) in olive oil.
. Dinner: 200 g boiled or steamed lean beef.
. Before bed: a glass of kefir.

Day 3 (Wednesday)
. Breakfast: coffee or tea.
. Second breakfast: an egg, an apple or an orange, or two kiwis.
. Lunch: egg, 200 g carrot salad with olive oil.
. Afternoon snack: vegetable salad 200 g (cabbage, carrots, bell pepper).
. Dinner: 200 g of boiled or steamed lean beef or steamed chicken.

Day 4 (Thursday)
. Breakfast: tea or coffee.
. Second breakfast: egg, 50 g cheese.
. Lunch: 300 g of zucchini fried in olive oil.
. Afternoon snack: small grapefruit.
. Dinner: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Before bed: apple juice 200 g.

Day 5 (Friday)
. Breakfast: tea or coffee.
. Second breakfast: vegetable salad 150 g.
. Lunch: 150 g steamed fish, 50 g boiled rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g carrot salad.
. Dinner: one apple.

Day 6 (Saturday)
. Breakfast: tea or coffee.
. Second breakfast: egg and vegetable salad 150 g.
. Lunch: 150 g chicken breast, 50 g boiled rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g. vegetable salad.
. Dinner: egg and 150 g carrot salad in olive oil.
. Before bed: tea or a glass of kefir.

Day 7 (Sunday)
. Breakfast: tea or coffee.
. Second breakfast: apple or orange.
. Lunch: 200 g of boiled beef.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g of cottage cheese.
. Dinner: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Before bed: tea or a glass of kefir.

Day 8 (Monday)
. Breakfast: tea.
. Second breakfast: apple.
. Lunch: 150 g chicken, 100 g buckwheat porridge.
. Afternoon snack: 50 g cheese.
. Dinner: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Before bed: tea or a glass of kefir.

Day 9 (Tuesday)
. Breakfast: coffee.
. Second breakfast: cabbage salad 200 g.
. Lunch: 150 g chicken, 50 g boiled rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g carrot salad.

. Before bed: tea or a glass of kefir.

Day 10 (Wednesday)
. Breakfast: tea.

. Lunch: 150 g of fish, 50 g of rice as a side dish.
. Afternoon snack: tomato juice 200 g.
. Dinner: small grapefruit.
. Before bed: tea, black or green.

Day 11 (Thursday)
. Breakfast: coffee.
. Second breakfast: one egg.
. Lunch: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Afternoon snack: 50 g of cheese.
. Dinner: apple or orange or 2 kiwis.

Day 12 (Friday)
. Breakfast: tea.
. Second breakfast: apple.
. Lunch: 150 g of boiled beef, 50 g of rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g cabbage salad with olive oil.
. Dinner: 2 eggs.
. Before bed: a glass of kefir or tea.

Day 13 (Saturday)
. Breakfast: coffee.
. Second breakfast: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Lunch: 150 g of boiled beef, 50 g of oatmeal or buckwheat porridge.
. Afternoon snack: a glass of orange juice.
. Dinner: 100 g boiled fish, 50 g rice.
. Before bed: a glass of kefir or tea.

Day 14 (Sunday)
. Breakfast: tea.
. Second breakfast: cottage cheese 150 g.
. Lunch: 150 g fish, 50 g boiled rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g vegetable salad.
. Dinner: 2 eggs and a slice of bread.
. Before bed: a glass of tomato juice.

Contraindications for a protein diet

Before this diet, undergo a mandatory medical examination, because a protein diet is not allowed for everyone and is completely prohibited:
1. in case of abnormalities in the functioning of the heart (arrhythmia) and any of its diseases;
2. hepatitis and any liver diseases;
3. during breastfeeding and pregnancy;
4. for kidney dysfunction;
5. for joint pain or related diseases;
6. for colitis, dysbacteriosis, chronic pancreatitis and a number of other diseases of the digestive system;
7. the diet increases the risk of thrombosis and is therefore not recommended in old age;
8. for a duration of more than 4 weeks.

Advantages of a protein diet for 14 days

1. During the diet, you will be able to carry out fitness or shaping training along with weight loss.
2. On a protein diet there is no feeling of hunger, because... Protein foods take up to 4 hours to digest, and menu snacks take less than 3 hours (with 6 meals a day).
3. Any manifestations of weakness, general fatigue, lethargy, dizziness will be minimal - compared to other diets.
4. The protein diet for 14 days is one of the simplest and easiest to restrict.
5. The healing of the body occurs in a comprehensive manner - the hips become more elastic, the skin is tightened and stimulated, sleep is normalized, cellulite is reduced, mood and performance improve - due to additional stress while limiting fat.
6. The menu includes a large amount of plant fiber, so interruptions in intestinal function are unlikely.
7. The rate of weight loss on a protein diet is not the highest, but its results are different - if you follow the correct diet after the diet, weight gain will not occur for a long time.
8. Exercising in the gym while dieting will only enhance the weight loss effect, giving you slimness and grace.

Disadvantages of a protein diet for 14 days

1. The protein diet for 14 days is not optimally balanced, although it is used simultaneously with fitness or shaping.
2. Sudden surges in blood pressure are possible.
3. A six-meal diet is not suitable for everyone.
4. Classes are expected in gyms - which is not always possible.
5. Repeating this version of the protein diet for 14 days is possible no earlier than in a month.
6. Any chronic diseases may worsen during a diet.
7. During a diet, the body does not have enough vitamins, microelements and minerals and the negative effect only intensifies with additional loads. It is necessary to take multivitamin preparations or their complexes.


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