How to understand that an infant is hungry. How to tell if your newborn is getting enough breast milk

Knowing the mechanism of milk formation, it is easier to understand why a child does not get enough breast milk. On the maternal side, the following possible factors can be identified:

  • difficult psychological situation in the family, lack of emotional support, misunderstanding on the part of the husband and close relatives;
  • a woman’s unpreparedness for motherhood and breastfeeding;
  • irrational or insufficient nutrition of the mother;
  • chronic fatigue and lack of sleep;
  • breast tenderness, or;
  • incorrect technique for attaching the baby to the breast;
  • eating hot herbs and spices, which can affect the taste of milk, which the baby may not like;
  • some medical indications.

The process of satiation is also influenced by the physiology of the child. The following reasons may arise why the baby does not eat enough:

  • making it difficult to breathe while breastfeeding;
  • injuries in the oral cavity;
  • preventing the baby from eating peacefully;
  • uncomfortable position for feeding.

How to solve a problem?

If the baby does not eat enough due to lack of milk, the nursing mother needs to follow certain recommendations:

  1. You need to put the baby to the breast so that he latches onto the nipple correctly. During feeding, part of the nipple areola should be visible at the top, and the baby's lower lip should be slightly turned outward.
  2. It’s better to feed your baby not on a schedule, but on demand - Read all about it.
  3. Force yourself not to give up night feedings, because it is at night that the hormone prolactin is produced to a greater extent.
  4. In the first months, do not give your baby any liquid, including water, as breast milk provides the baby with everything he needs.
  5. Do not get carried away with pacifiers, as they teach the baby a sucking technique that is different from sucking at the breast.
  6. Allow the baby to stay at the breast for a long time. The composition of the milk the baby will receive depends on the feeding time. In the first minutes of feeding, the so-called foremilk is released, which replaces the child’s drinking and is quickly absorbed. Hindmilk begins to be released a little later, but it contains more nutrients.
  7. Balance your diet and include foods rich in vitamins and minerals – Necessary and prohibited foods.
  8. Drink a lot of fluid (at least 2 liters per day), because the formation of milk requires resources.
  9. Try to get enough sleep. Although a young mother's nighttime sleep leaves much to be desired, you can allow yourself to take a nap during your baby's nap hours.
  10. Set yourself in a positive mood, surround yourself with nice people and a cozy atmosphere. A good mood will definitely affect the production of the hormone oxytocin.
  11. Do not do it . The mother's body independently regulates how much milk the baby needs at a certain stage of growth and development and produces the required amount.

If, despite all efforts, the baby does not eat enough, the best solution would be to contact a pediatrician. The doctor will be able to more accurately determine the causes of malnutrition and, if necessary, recommend a suitable artificial milk formula so that the child can be supplemented. Don’t be alarmed, because nowadays baby formulas are of quite high quality and are unlikely to harm the child more than constant hunger and weight loss.

The main thing is to maintain a positive attitude, this is what will help you cope with temporary difficulties and raise a healthy baby!

How to understand that a child is full? Maybe he goes to sleep hungry? Why does he ask for food so often? Many mothers are very concerned about these questions.

How can you tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk? 9 signs that your baby is full

The question of how to understand that a child is full of breast milk is not difficult and every loving mother will be able to determine this. Next, we will talk about how you can determine whether your baby is full.

A loving mother does everything to breastfeed her baby at least for a moment, because her milk contains everything necessary for the full growth and development of the baby. Breastfeeding mothers wonder if her baby is getting enough to eat, and how to tell if not.

Often mothers are faced with a situation where, during the postpartum period, their breasts do not produce enough milk for feeding. If you establish this process, then in a couple of days lactation will return to normal. And it needs to be established immediately after the baby is born, because then it may simply be too late.

Women who are breastfeeding are familiar with having to wake up several times during the night to feed their baby. Some people think that their baby is always hungry, however, this is not the case. After all, the milk that the baby sucks takes several hours to process.

9 signs by which you can judge that a child is full:

  1. Soft breasts;
  2. The baby's skin is elastic and has a normal color;
  3. Emptying the breast;
  4. The baby looks happy;
  5. If you pinch the skin, it will be pulled back;
  6. The baby urinates at least six times;
  7. Baby's stool is dark or yellow;
  8. During the feeding period, you can hear the baby eating;
  9. Baby, the pediatrician should tell you about this.

It must be remembered that each child develops individually and grows differently; it makes no sense to compare them. For your information, small children up to twelve times a day. But the norm is for the baby to poop once a day.

Periodically you need to monitor the baby’s weight curve and behavior. If your baby is alert, wets his diapers, or has loose stools when he's awake, you have no reason to worry.

How to tell if your baby is not getting enough to eat

It’s not difficult to detect that a baby is hungry, here obvious signs:

  • Restless sleep;
  • Low activity;
  • Thumb sucking, chewing your things;
  • A cry that speaks of hunger;
  • Smacking;
  • Slight weight gain;
  • Braking;
  • Dry skin;
  • Strong reaction to mom's approach;

So that the child does not remain hungry it is necessary follow the recommendations:

  • Mom needs proper sleep and rest;
  • You need to adjust your diet;
  • Walk in clean air, avoiding roads;
  • Knead your chest;
  • Use a feeding pillow;
  • Drink plenty of fluids;
  • Feed the baby at night unless he asks;
  • Use a nursing bra;
  • Avoid foods that change the taste of milk;
  • Ask loved ones for help;
  • Do not refuse the baby;
  • Learn how to attach your baby correctly;
  • Wash your breasts;
  • Drink teas that increase lactation;
  • Supplement the baby with expressed milk;
  • Develop a feeding regimen;
  • Do not use pacifiers; it is better to replace them with a spoon or pipette;
  • Lubricate cracks on the chest with creams.

Causes of milk shortage

There may be several reasons why a child remains hungry:

  • A poorly chosen place for feeding, for example, if the baby has to be distracted while eating;
  • Excess milk;
  • Family situation, frequent scandals and screams;
  • Oral diseases;
  • Unbalanced diet of the mother;
  • , distracting the child;
  • Taste of milk;
  • Cracked nipples;
  • Insufficient nutrition of the mother;
  • Medical conditions, such as a flat nipple that is difficult for the baby to latch on to;
  • Uncomfortable position;
  • Mother's unpreparedness.

Breast milk is divided into two types: fore and hind. If we talk about the second type, then it is more satisfying and fattier. Foremilk acts as water. The breast provides as much fluid as the baby needs, according to age. If the baby eats foremilk, he may remain hungry.

How much to feed the baby

But every child is unique and there is no standard children's axiom indicating.

Very often, when breastfeeding, children regain their weight, which, as a rule, they lost in the first days after birth (and this is normal), during the first two weeks after the hospital.

For other children, which is less common, it may take three to four weeks. If this happens to your child, ask your doctor to check that there is no abnormality, just a slow recovery.

But don’t rush to switch to bottle feeding, it’s better to be patient a little, because no bottles can replace mother’s milk for a baby.

How can you understand that a child is full? If your milk flows well, the baby sucks intensely at the beginning of feeding and becomes a little lethargic towards the end, and then falls asleep altogether, you have no reason to worry.

Video about baby nutrition

It's no secret that the best food for a newborn baby is mother's milk, which contains all the necessary elements for good development and growth. It often happens that you have to switch to artificial feeding of the baby, which is less beneficial. The problem that awaits parents who refuse breastfeeding is that the child does not get enough of the formula, which affects height and body weight.

There are several signs indicating malnutrition in a newborn that adults should be aware of. The situation needs to be corrected immediately, and medical recommendations and feeding rules will help here.

Behavior of a well-fed baby

It is not difficult to determine that the baby is full. The first sign of satiety is that the child is happy and constantly in a good mood. Sound, long sleep is another symptom of a full newborn. A well-fed child does not cry, constantly smiles, and happily communicates in his own language with his family.

You should carefully examine the external signs of satiety of the baby. The skin is light pink, elastic, no depressions are noticeable near the fontanelle. There are no problems with stool - the baby defecates within normal limits, 1-3 times a day.

Why does the child not eat enough?

Artificial feeding often results in unpleasant complications - the baby does not get enough to eat. There are several reasons that can cause a child to be hungry:

  • incorrectly selected formula for feeding;
  • the composition used for artificial feeding is poor and lacks nutritional elements;
  • the mother incorrectly determined the nutritional norm - the newborn requires large portions of food;
  • diseases that do not allow adequate nutrition.

If a baby does not receive enough nutrients, this will quickly affect development and growth. The baby quickly loses weight, becomes irritable and capricious.

What to do

What should parents do if they find signs of malnutrition, and how can they understand how dangerous the reason that caused this unpleasant complication is? The first thing to do is go to the doctor. Only a thorough examination will allow you to determine what is causing the problem.

If the reason is an incorrectly selected mixture, there will not be any particular difficulties in correcting the error. It is often enough to switch to more nutritious formulations, rich in vitamins and beneficial elements, for the baby’s well-being to return to normal.

Optimal feeding amount

It is recommended, when determining the amount of formula for a child, to be guided not by the instructions on the package, but by a simple formula that will not allow you to make a mistake. Use calculations only after the baby is half a month old. To simplify the calculations, it is recommended to purchase scales - it depends on the baby’s body weight how much formula he needs to consume per day.

Until two months of age, the baby's body weight should be divided by five. This is exactly the volume of formula a baby should take per day. Up to four months, it is recommended to divide by six. Usually the number is within 1000. This indicates that the child should consume up to a liter of formula per day.

Up to six months, you need to divide by 7 (it turns out to be within 1100 milliliters), up to a year - by 8 (the recommended amount of the mixture ranges from 1000 to 1200 milliliters). If it is noticed that the norm for the baby is too high, there is no need to force feed the child - overeating can cause problems no less dangerous than hunger.

Correct feeding process

When it comes to feeding, a lot depends on the bottle and nipple. When purchasing, be sure to make sure that the hole in the nipple is small - the baby should suck the mixture with little effort. Give the mixture only warm, so it will be better digested by a small stomach. It is recommended to monitor the baby's condition throughout the feeding. If the baby does not want to let go of the pacifier even after a meal, this indicates that he is not yet full.

While breastfeeding, determining whether the baby is getting enough is not so easy, because it is impossible to see or feel how much the baby has eaten. When children are malnourished, sleep is disturbed, and when there is a long-term lack of calories, development slows down.

Ways to determine malnutrition

There are proven ways to tell whether your baby is getting enough to eat or not:

  1. Weighing on precise electronic scales. You need to weigh your baby before feeding, put him to your breast, wait until he eats, then immediately weigh him again. The difference between the second weighing and the first is the amount of milk consumed in grams. It is important not to dress or undress the child between weighings so that the numbers are accurate. You should not immediately jump to the conclusion that there is not enough milk in the breast if the baby has eaten slightly less than normal. Monitor your child’s weight during the day, because he can eat 70 g of milk during the day, and 120 g in the evening, with an average norm of 100 g. If you see that each feeding the baby eats less than the norm, most likely he is not full.
  2. Weight gain. help parents monitor the growth and development of the child and see in time whether he needs additional feeding. If your baby is gaining weight within normal limits, then there is no need to worry about malnutrition.
  3. Counting urinations. The child should pee at least 12 times a day with normal, adequate nutrition. To calculate this number, the best way is to keep your baby in a diaper without a diaper during the day. As soon as the diaper becomes wet, change it to a dry one. At the end of the day, count the wet diapers and draw a conclusion. Less than 12 diapers - the baby is malnourished, more than 12 - there is nothing to worry about.
  4. Close observation of the baby. If after feeding he continues to look for the breast, open his mouth, and smack his lips, then he is clearly not full. Also look at the condition of his skin: a well-fed baby’s skin should be elastic and pinkish, while a hungry baby’s skin should be wrinkled.

Causes of malnutrition

Causes of child malnutrition:

  1. Lack of breast milk from the mother (or will help you);
  2. Incorrect attachment to the breast, incorrect grasp of the breast by the baby (read how to properly attach the baby to the breast);
  3. Low fat content of mother's milk (depends on the part);
  4. Intolerance to milk sugar (lactose) - lactase deficiency (in this case, it is necessary to take measures and carry out treatment);
  5. Feeding by the hour (if when feeding by the hour the baby does not get enough, then you need to feed more often, at least until lactation improves and the baby starts to eat).

Negative consequences of malnutrition

If the baby goes hungry for a long time and does not eat enough, then there is a high risk of a number of problems and complications.

The little person is constantly growing and developing, especially actively in the first year of life. The baby simply needs to receive all the nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals in the quantities necessary for harmonious development.

Protein deficiency can lead to dystrophy, in which severe loss of muscle mass occurs. A dangerous consequence of malnutrition is anorexia, exhaustion of the body. As a result of these disorders, serious problems begin in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. There is a risk of hormonal disruptions, bones weaken - nails become brittle, and the slightest bruise or fall can damage the bones. Immunity decreases, and, accordingly, the risk of infectious diseases increases. Such diseases can provoke serious and dangerous complications. A lack of calories for a long time can cause heart, liver and lung diseases.

Fortunately, malnutrition can be diagnosed early and steps can be taken to stop a child from starving. When deciding to introduce supplementary feeding with formula, try to weigh all the pros and cons; perhaps first you should try to increase lactation.

Every breastfeeding woman, sooner or later, begins to have questions about whether the baby is receiving all the necessary amount of nutrition. Such thoughts can arise for many behavioral problems of the baby, but in most cases they turn out to be groundless.

But still, if the problem is real, how to determine it? And what to do if the baby does not get enough breast milk?

Signs that your baby is not getting enough breast milk

The appearance of some symptoms will mislead mothers, and they will decide that the baby is simply not getting enough to eat. When contacting a pediatrician or lactation consultant, specialists can accurately differentiate the real symptoms that an infant is not getting enough to eat.

Main complaints of mothers:

Specialists will be interested in real signs that the baby is not getting enough breast milk.

It is worth remembering that breast milk for a baby is not only nutrition, but also a liquid.

More than 80% of it consists of water, so the following indicators will be diagnostically significant:

  1. A sufficient number of wet diapers. Normally, there should be at least 10–12 of them, and the urine is clear and free of impurities. If the baby urinates 8 times a day, you need to be wary and increase the number of applications;
  2. Low or no weight gain. Normally, weight gain should be at least 500 g, and the figure should be taken as a basis at the time of discharge from the maternity ward. Weight gain can be assessed at a control weighing in the pediatrician's office. The only exception is the first days in the maternity ward, when a newborn's weight loss of within 10% is considered normal.
  3. Time spent at the breast. Mothers whose children do not eat enough say that the child is literally “hanging” on the chest.

Why does a breastfeeding baby not get enough milk?

Determining that a baby is hungry is easier than understanding why the baby is not getting enough of his mother’s breast milk.

There are three groups of main reasons:

How can you tell if your baby is full of breast milk?

In order to understand that the baby is full, the mother just needs to watch the little one. Mom’s breasts can tell you when it’s time to feed the baby - the breasts become full. During feeding, the baby actively sucks, takes good sips, and the attachment itself is correct. Gradually, the baby begins to fall asleep, and his sucking movements become less active. The child is full.

Another sign that the baby is full will be the emptying of the mother’s breast, which means that the baby has reached hind milk, which is the fattest and, therefore, nutritious.

What to do to make sure your baby gets enough breast milk

So how can you increase the amount of a woman's breast milk produced so that your baby is nourished? To achieve this goal, it is necessary to follow certain rules that will apply not only to the mother, but also to the baby.

For Mom:

For baby:

  • weight and diaper control;
  • completely abandon the pacifier, which can interfere with breastfeeding, i.e. saturation;
  • Prescription of complementary feeding for children can only be carried out by a specialist.

After the doctor confirms that the baby is not eating enough, any methods can be used. Some can become a serious threat to breastfeeding.

Control weighing should be carried out repeatedly, at the same time, using the same clothes and in a calm environment.

Supplemental feeding with formulas, even adapted ones, will reduce lactation, and increasing it will be much more difficult, and sometimes even impossible.

Supplemental feeding with cow's milk due to the foreign protein content can provoke allergic reactions. By feeding the baby, mothers fill the baby's stomach, and there is not enough space left for nutrition.


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