Sports cocktail recipes. All about protein shakes, which ones are better, recipes

In order to effectively pump up muscles, you need to exercise, eat foods enriched with proteins and drink a protein shake for muscles.


Not a single athlete who is seriously involved in physical activity can do without drinking a protein shake. The name of the drink itself comes from the word “protein”.

In England it is listed as squirrel. A protein shake for muscle growth is considered a natural product.

It is made by processing milk, which is further processed into a powdery mass.

Protein is considered a biological supplement in sports nutrition. The best nutrient for muscle growth is protein. Professional athletes recommend eating split meals six times a day, consuming enough protein.

Muscle-building protein shakes contain approximately 30 grams of protein.

Its composition is as follows:

  • Dairy products (300-400 ml),
  • Protein powder (30-35 g).

The products are thoroughly mixed in a shaker.

At home

You can also make a protein shake for muscles at home. To achieve good results, you need to know how to make a protein shake for muscles correctly.

This drink is a good helper in building muscles and burning subcutaneous fat. It is an assistant, and not the main product for athletes.

In other words, it is impossible to achieve the desired shape only thanks to a protein drink; first of all, you must exercise regularly and follow a protein diet.

The daily norm for cocktails is three servings. The way the sports drink works is to produce growth hormones and insulin, which promotes muscle growth and fat burning.

Drink the drink immediately after training. However, in order to lose extra pounds, you can drink it instead of breakfast or dinner. To effectively build muscle mass, special hormones are needed, which are taken from a protein-carbohydrate drink.


A homemade protein shake for muscle growth is in no way inferior to a store-bought one in its beneficial properties. The main thing is to prepare it correctly.

The main components of the drink should be:

  • Squirrels,
  • Carbohydrates,
  • A little fibre.

If the main goal of drinking a cocktail is to lose weight, then it is better to avoid carbohydrates.

The substances that make up the miracle drink can be found in ordinary foods.


  • Chicken eggs,
  • Any nuts,
  • cow's milk,
  • Low fat cottage cheese,
  • Natural yogurt,
  • Protein powder.


  • Sweet fruits,
  • Ice cream,
  • Berries,
  • Juices,
  • Baby food (puree).


  • Cereals,
  • Flour, cereals (oatmeal, barley, soybean, buckwheat)
  • Oatmeal,
  • Bran,
  • Vegetables.

  • Use dairy products with an average percentage of fat content, since a very low percentage affects the taste properties of the future cocktail, and a high percentage affects the harmfulness.
  • You can add lecithin. It can help the body absorb nutrients more easily.
  • Morning drinks can be sweetened with glucose and honey, but in the evening it is better to avoid additives.
  • The optimal temperature of the drink is 37 degrees. A cold product is not able to speed up the metabolic process quickly enough.
  • It is necessary to monitor the calorie content of the cocktail and the daily dose of consumption.

The simplest protein shake recipe for muscles is made from eggs. To prepare egg cocktails, you can use both raw and boiled eggs. To make a healthy sports drink, use a blender. A stationary type device is best suited.


To make an egg protein shake for muscle growth at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Kefir (1 glass),
  • Egg (1 pc.),
  • Sweeteners and additives (honey, nuts, fruits, etc.).

The egg is taken whole along with the yolk. All components are mixed together and sprinkled with nuts (optional).

There are several basic protein shake recipes for muscle growth.

Banana cocktail

Perfect for lovers of intense workouts. Banana is a treasure trove of energy.


  • Banana (1 pc.),
  • Milk (0.5 l.),
  • Honey (3 tbsp.),
  • Nuts (30-50 gr.),
  • Cottage cheese (200 gr.).

Everything is mixed in a blender and drunk in two doses.

Curd cocktail

It is a very nutritious and simple drink.


  • Milk (250 gr.),
  • Cottage cheese (300 gr.),
  • Berries (100 gr.).

You can also use a little cocoa as an additive. The ingredients are mixed in a blender for about two minutes. The drink should have a homogeneous mass.


Milky souls will especially enjoy this healthy and nutritious drink.


  • Yolk of one egg,
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice (150 gr.),
  • Juice from half a lemon
  • Fermented milk product (200 gr.),
  • Olive oil (2 tbsp),
  • Additives (fruits, berries, etc.).

All components, except lemon juice, are mixed together. Lemon juice is added at the end of cooking. This drink is suitable for a snack between workouts.

Cocktail with ice cream

A sweet and healthy protein shake with ice cream can achieve effective results.


  • Ice cream (0.5 cups),
  • Powdered milk (3 tsp),
  • Milk (300 ml),
  • Egg (1 pc.)

The drink is prepared in a blender and consumed an hour before physical activity.

Homemade protein drinks have a number of benefits:

  • Contains nutrients and beneficial substances
  • Serves as an excellent breakfast
  • They have the property of reducing appetite,
  • Contains components that can restore strength after active exercise,
  • Includes natural supplements that are easily absorbed by the body.
  • They contain hormones necessary for building muscles and components for burning subcutaneous fat.

Thus, a protein shake is intended not only for sports, but also for the health of the body. After all, thanks to a sufficient amount of protein entering the body, metabolism improves. In addition, the body is saturated with hemoglobin, oxygen and other vital elements.

For the most part, the consumption of protein shakes is required for people who are actively involved in sports. These include bodybuilders, weightlifters, and powerlifters. This need is due to the fact that muscles are destroyed under stress, so they need to be constantly recharged. Protein contains a lot of protein, which makes up muscle fibers. Its use allows you to gain weight, burn fat and activate the full functioning of your internal organs.

Best Fitness Protein Shake Recipes

Before you start mixing the ingredients, you need to calculate the amount of protein based on your body weight. On average per 1 kg. weight is 1.5-2.5 grams. protein. If you visit the gym to get your body in shape and do not participate in competitions, add 1.5 grams. powder. Security forces and competition participants should increase the amount to 2.5 g/1 kg. The prepared cocktail is not drunk in one sitting, but stretches out throughout the day.

Kefir-based cocktail

  • kefir or curdled milk with 1% fat content - 350 ml.
  • rye bran - 30 gr.
  • flaxseed porridge - 50 gr.
  • ground cinnamon - 15 gr.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • distilled water - 150 ml.

Soak flaxseed porridge and rye bran in hot water, wait until the mixture swells completely. Beat banana with kefir and cinnamon in a blender, then add porridge and protein.

Cocktail with honey and nuts

  • walnuts, cashews or almonds - 55 gr.
  • banana - 3 pcs.
  • low-fat milk (soy is possible) - 630 ml.
  • cottage cheese with fat content 0.1-1.8% - 220 gr.
  • liquid honey - 80 gr.

Pass the nuts through a meat grinder or grind in another convenient way, grind them with cottage cheese and honey. Place bananas and milk in a blender and turn the ingredients into porridge. Stir in the remaining ingredients, add the required amount of protein, and bring the mixture until smooth.

Peach cocktail

  • filtered water - 300 ml.
  • vanilla - 10 gr.
  • medium-ground oatmeal - 50 gr.
  • canned peaches (no sugar) - 150 gr.

Pour clean hot water over the oatmeal and wait until it is completely swollen. Grind the peaches in a blender, add the porridge, vanilla and protein, mix thoroughly again. If desired, you can replace oatmeal with flax flakes/bran.

Cocktail based on kvass

  • kvass - 170 ml.
  • kefir - 135 ml.
  • watermelon or melon - 2 slices
  • quail eggs - 3 pcs.
  • flax seeds - 13 gr.
  • oatmeal - 50 gr.
  • filtered water - 75 ml.

Brew oatmeal in hot water. After the mixture has infused, pour in kvass and kefir, then add the protein. Peel the watermelon/melon, remove the seeds, and place in a blender. Beat the quail eggs with a mixer or fork, add oatmeal, protein, flax seeds. Mix all the ingredients, turning them into a homogeneous mass. Add a pinch of ground cinnamon if desired.

Chocolate cocktail

  • dark chocolate (60-70%) - 15 gr.
  • chocolate custard powder - 10 gr.
  • seasonal berries - 100 gr.
  • low-fat cottage cheese (up to 1.8%) - 110 gr.
  • milk - 50 ml.

Melt the dark chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave. Mix the chocolate powder with hot milk and wait until the granules dissolve. Place seasonal berries and cottage cheese in a blender and grind well. Add protein, custard and natural chocolate. Warm before use.

Citrus cocktail

  • orange - 2 pcs.
  • grapefruit - 1 pc.
  • natural yogurt (fat content 0.1-1%) - 300 gr.
  • vanilla - 12 gr.

Remove the peels from oranges and grapefruits and pass the citrus fruits through a meat grinder. Place the porridge in a blender, add vanilla, protein and yogurt, beat well.

Cocktail with yeast

  • live yeast (beer yeast is possible) - 25 gr.
  • quail eggs (raw) - 5 pcs.
  • ice - optional
  • fresh strawberries - 150 gr.
  • soy milk - 330 ml.

Beat eggs and strawberries in a blender, add some ice, pour in soy milk and yeast. Beat for 1 minute, then let stand for a quarter of an hour.

Ice cream cocktail

  • creamy ice cream - 100 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 30 gr.
  • coconut flakes - 50 gr.
  • filtered water - 100 ml.
  • low-fat natural yogurt - 100 gr.
  • red or black currants - 70 gr.

Mix coconut flakes and cocoa powder together, fill the mixture with water, and leave for a quarter of an hour. Beat currants with ice cream, protein and yogurt in a blender, add soaked porridge. Bring the mixture until smooth.

Coffee cocktail

  • natural sweetener “Stevia” - 15 gr.
  • brewed black coffee - 100 ml.
  • ground cinnamon - 5 gr.
  • chicken egg (raw) - 1 pc.

Pour coffee into a mug, add cinnamon and Stevia, stir well and cool. Beat the egg with a mixer, add protein to it and combine with the first mixture. Use in the morning before training.

Persimmon cocktail

  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • homemade cottage cheese (fat content 5-12%) - 50 gr.
  • whey - 100 ml.
  • honey - 20 gr.
  • persimmon - 2 pcs.
  • natural cherry juice - 155 ml.
  • seasonal berries - 120 gr.

Beat chicken eggs with a mixer, add honey, whey and protein to them, mix with a fork. Grind the cottage cheese, cut the persimmon into small pieces, place everything in a blender. Pour in cherry juice, egg mixture, add berries, chop thoroughly.

Coconut cocktail

  • coconut - 0.5 pcs.
  • coconut milk - 45 ml.
  • walnut - 10 pcs.
  • low-fat soft cottage cheese - 325 gr.
  • milk (preferably soy) - 125 ml.

Remove the shell and inner rind from the coconut and grate it on a fine grater. Grind the walnut kernels in a convenient way, mix them with coconut flakes, coconut milk, low-fat cottage cheese and protein. Place in a blender, blend, gradually adding soy milk.

Cocktail based on pomegranate juice

  • pitted cherries - 60 gr.
  • fresh strawberries - 50 gr.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • blackberries or red currants - 100 gr.
  • gooseberries - 50 gr.
  • pomegranate juice - 200 ml.
  • banana - 1 pc.

Cut the banana into small pieces, mix it with the rest of the berries and put it in a blender. Pour in pomegranate juice and add protein, beat thoroughly, take chilled.

Apple cocktail

  • green apple - 1 pc. medium size
  • red apple - 2 pcs. medium size
  • kefir with fat content up to 1% - 135 ml.
  • ground cinnamon - 5 gr.
  • natural sweetener - 10 gr.
  • soy milk - 50 ml.
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 140 gr.

Peel the apples from seeds, cut into small slices and grind in a blender. Pour in soy milk, kefir, add cottage cheese, cinnamon and protein. Stir, cool.

Kiwi cocktail

  • quail eggs - 6 pcs.
  • fruit syrup - 25 ml.
  • milk with fat content no higher than 1% - 115 ml.
  • chicken yolk - 1 pc.
  • kiwi - 3 pcs.
  • banana - 1 pc.

Remove the peel from the kiwi, cut the banana into small pieces, and turn the fruit into porridge using a blender. Beat the quail eggs and chicken yolk with a mixer and place them in a blender. Add the protein, pour in the syrup and milk, stir.

Ginger cocktail

  • pickled or fresh ginger - 25 gr.
  • kefir 1% fat - 85 ml.
  • ground cinnamon - 10 gr.
  • ground red pepper - 2 gr.
  • freshly squeezed orange juice - 100 ml.

Grind the ginger, combine it with cinnamon, pepper, and protein. Pour in kefir and orange juice, mix well with a blender.

Cocktail with dried fruits

  • dried plum - 2 pcs.
  • dried apricots - 5 pcs.
  • prunes - 3 pcs.
  • raw chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • powdered milk - 30 gr.
  • clean water - 55 ml.
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 175 gr.
  • honey - 35 gr.
  • sour cream 10-15% fat - 50 gr.

Dilute the powdered milk with water, wait 10 minutes. Cut prunes, dried apricots, dried plums into thin slices, grind dried fruits with cottage cheese. Beat the eggs with a fork, add honey, protein and sour cream to them. Place all ingredients in a blender and turn the mixture into porridge.

Almond cocktail

  • almond milk - 45 ml.
  • almonds - 55 gr.
  • fermented milk starter - 60 ml.
  • raw quail eggs - 4 pcs.
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 80 gr.
  • unripe banana - 1 pc.
  • kiwi - 1 pc.
  • fiber - 25 gr.

Grind the almonds in a coffee grinder and place them in a blender. Pour in fermented milk starter and almond oil. Add quail eggs, banana, protein, fiber and cottage cheese. Turn the mixture into a homogeneous composition and serve cold.

Making a protein shake is easy if you know what ingredients to use. As you can see from the recipes, the composition includes an ideal ratio of vitamins with a predominance of protein.

Video: how to prepare protein and gainer at home

It is not only a nutritious drink, but also a tasty treat for the body. Also, this type of cocktail is very popular among amateurs, especially among bodybuilders, as it promotes rapid muscle mass, bone growth and body recovery after training.

The main components of a protein shake are cottage cheese, milk, eggs. An excellent addition would be berries or fruits rich in various vitamins. However, the drink should only be consumed during the day, since a cocktail drunk at night will not bring any beneficial effect. The best option is to drink a cocktail in the morning or before.

How to make a cocktail at home

The main advantage of preparing a protein shake in is the ability to choose natural ingredients. Although it is also possible to make a drink using protein powder. Everyone determines the usefulness of one or another option for himself.

Another very important advantage is saving money, because buying branded protein shakes is not at all a cheap pleasure. A blender is an excellent tool for making cocktails. If you don't have one, you can use a mixer or grater.

Protein shake recipes

For those who decide to prepare a protein shake at home, below is a selection of some recipes. At the same time, do not forget that you can come up with a cocktail recipe yourself. If the drink turns out to be high in calories, it should be heated before drinking.

Recipe No. 1

Dilute 2-3 teaspoons of milk powder into 0.5 liters of milk; if this ingredient is missing, protein powder can be an excellent replacement. Add 100 g of cottage cheese to the resulting mixture and mix everything thoroughly. The finished mass must be homogeneous in content. At the final stage, you can add berries or syrup.

Recipe No. 2

Beat one raw egg and add a little honey to it, about 1 tablespoon. Pour 200 ml of kefir into the resulting mixture and add grated walnuts. You can sweeten the cocktail by adding a small amount of ice cream or syrup.

Recipe No. 3

Take 0.5 liters of baked milk, add 250 g of cottage cheese and a pinch of oat bran to it. The mixture should be thoroughly beaten using a mixer until smooth. Flaxseed oil in the amount of one teaspoon will serve as the final component.

Protein is a protein that helps you lose weight and build muscle mass. It is sold dry in any specialized sports nutrition store. However, many athletes, both beginners and professionals, prefer to prepare their own protein shakes.

There are several of the most popular similar drinks that you can make yourself. In this article, you will learn how to make a protein shake at home.

The Benefit of Homemade Protein Shake

A protein shake made at home has a number of advantages over its store-bought counterpart:

  • It contains no chemical impurities. Therefore, it is a 100% natural product.
  • Its taste can be changed at your discretion. To do this, you need to add or exclude a certain product from the composition. However, its effectiveness will not be affected.
  • It has a reasonable price compared to the store product.
  • Good for the body. If you properly consume a protein shake, which is made at home, you can gain muscle mass and also achieve a weight loss effect.

Top 10 Homemade Protein Shake Recipes

There are many recipes on how to make a protein shake without leaving home. Experts in the field of sports nutrition have identified the 10 best recipes, which will be given below.

To prepare this drink, you will need:

  • small peaches – 4 pcs.;
  • vanilla high protein mixture - 1 tablespoon;
  • milk with zero mass fraction of fat - 1 glass;
  • instant oatmeal - 1 cup.

It is very easy to prepare this drink at home. You need to peel the peaches and cut them into slices. If you can’t find fresh fruit, you can replace it with canned fruit in the amount of half a jar. Heat the milk without bringing it to a boil. Mix all products in a blender to obtain a homogeneous mixture. To gain muscle mass, this shake should be consumed before and after training. If the goal is weight loss, then they are also recommended to replace the evening meal. The calorie content of the drink is 306 kcal.

To make a cocktail according to this recipe, take:

  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • milk with zero mass fraction of fat – 200 ml;
  • coconut oil – 1 tablespoon.

A protein shake according to this recipe should be prepared as follows. Heat the milk, but do not boil. After this, mix all the products in a blender to get a thick drink. The calorie content of this cocktail is 461 kcal. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for weight loss. However, it promotes muscle growth, so it can be consumed before and after training.

To prepare this drink according to this recipe at home, you need to use the following products:

  • chopped almonds – 0.5 cups;
  • whey protein with chocolate flavor - 1 serving;
  • chocolate – 0.5 bars;
  • milk without fat – 200 ml.

It is recommended to prepare such a protein shake this way. Grate the chocolate on a coarse grater and heat the milk slightly. Next, beat all the products in a blender until the mass becomes homogeneous. The calorie content of the finished product is 457 kcal. Therefore, it should be used before and after workout for muscle growth. It is not recommended to use the cocktail for weight loss, because... it promotes weight gain.

4. Vanilla cocktail.

You can make this protein shake at home using the following products:

  • casein protein with vanilla flavor – 1 serving;
  • whey protein with vanilla flavor - 1 serving;
  • natural yogurt without preservatives and dyes -150 ml;
  • milk with no fat content – ​​100 ml.

It is very easy to prepare such a drink at home using this recipe. To do this, you need to heat the milk without bringing it to a boil, and then mix it with other ingredients. After this, all the products need to be placed in a blender and turn on the device for a few minutes until the mass becomes homogeneous. The drink can be used for muscle growth and weight loss. In the second case, it is necessary to replace dinner with it, and also drink it after training. If you need it to gain muscle mass, then you need to consume the cocktail before and after training.

To prepare this drink at home, you will need the following products:

  • instant cocoa powder – 3 tablespoons;
  • whey protein with chocolate flavor - 1 serving;
  • milk with no fat content - 2 cups;
  • cottage cheese with zero mass fraction of fat - 1/2 cup.

Here's how to prepare this protein shake with your own hands: Heat the milk, but do not boil. After that, pour it into a blender and add the remaining ingredients there. Turn on the device for a few seconds until the entire mass becomes homogeneous. This cocktail is low-calorie. It contains only 275 kcal, therefore, the drink does not contribute to weight gain. Therefore, you can drink it for weight loss. It can also be used for muscle growth. To achieve muscle gain, you need to drink it before and after training.

6. Protein shake.

You can prepare such a cocktail according to this recipe using the following products:

  • chicken egg whites – 10 pcs.;
  • water – 3/4 of the proteins;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Warm the water slightly. After that, mix it with the whites, add salt and pepper and put the mixture on gas. Cook it over low heat, stirring continuously until the whites begin to coagulate. After this, filter the drink. This cocktail does not promote weight gain, so you can use it for weight loss. You can also drink it for muscle growth. If you are looking to gain muscle mass, you should drink the drink before and after training.

In this case, you will need the following products:

  • ice cream – 1/2 cup;
  • milk with zero mass fraction of fat - 2 cups;
  • milk powder – 1/2 cup;
  • chicken protein – 1 pc.

This is how you can make this cocktail at home. Heat the milk and pour into a blender. Add the remaining ingredients to it and beat them thoroughly. Due to its high calorie content, this drink contributes to weight gain, so it is not suitable for weight loss. But you can drink it for muscle growth. To gain muscle mass, it is recommended to use it before and after training.

To prepare this drink, take:

  • brewer's yeast – 2 teaspoons;
  • juice of any citrus fruit - 200 ml;
  • protein powder – 2-3 scoops;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.

Place all products in a blender and beat them thoroughly. This drink is an excellent option for both weight loss and muscle growth.

You will need the following products:

  • orange juice – 2 glasses;
  • powdered milk – 2 tablespoons;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • honey – 1 tablespoon;
  • gelatin – 1 tablespoon;
  • banana – 1 pc.

Process all products in a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed. The resulting drink should be consumed to gain muscle mass and lose weight.

To prepare it, take:

  • cottage cheese – 100 grams;
  • sour cream – 150 grams;
  • honey – 2 teaspoons;
  • chopped chocolate - 3 teaspoons.

Combine all products and place in a blender. Turn it on for a few minutes to thoroughly mix the mixture. The drink should be consumed before and after training to gain muscle mass. You should not drink it to lose weight due to its high calorie content.

Homemade protein drinks are an excellent alternative to store-bought alternatives. With their help you can quickly achieve the desired figure.

Autumn fruits - in a glass! It tastes more like dessert, so it's no surprise that MyProtein athlete Chris Lavado has this recipe as one of his favorites. "This recipe is a far cry from the classic chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry flavors. Plus, the combination of protein-rich yogurt and mineral-packed spinach, plus quick carbs in the form of fruit and cereal, is an amazing morning pre-workout boost."


  • 1 cup milk (2%)
  • 2 scoops of salted caramel or vanilla flavored protein
  • half a peach
  • 1 cup spinach/spring salad mix
  • 3/4 cup cinnamon-flavored cereal
  • 5 g creatine
  • 3/4 cup crushed ice


Beat everything together in a blender. Enjoy!

Per serving: 561 kcal, 12 g fat, 56 g carbohydrates, 62 g protein.

Banana Nut Smoothie for Weight Gain

Are you in a hurry and need to throw something into the firebox very quickly? This morning shake is just what the doctor ordered. “This is a wonderful protein shake with a good ratio of protein and fat,” says fitness model Kirk Miller.

Pairing peanut butter with the quick carbs of bananas makes for a great post-workout shake. Drink within 20-30 minutes after training.


  • 1 -1/2 scoop vanilla protein
  • 1 large banana
  • 1 tbsp. l. peanut butter
  • 300 ml water


Place everything in a blender and blend for 15-20 seconds. Add ice and bon appetit!

Per serving: 350 kcal, 11 g fat, 34 g carbohydrates, 34 g protein.

Banana protein shake with cookies and cream flavor

Another Miller favorite is a smoothie that delivers maximum energy and a good dose of fruit. Oatmeal gives the smoothie texture, and spinach, yogurt and protein provide a good supply of microelements. This smoothie is perfect for a nutritious breakfast and can also replace any other meal when you don’t have time to cook. Just mix and drink!


  • 1/2 cup milk (2%)
  • 2 scoops of cookie and cream or salted caramel flavored protein powder
  • cup chopped banana
  • small package of Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1/2 cup instant (or regular) oatmeal
  • 5 g creatine
  • 3/4 cup crushed ice


Mix all ingredients and enjoy!

Funky fruit cocktail

Add some flavor to your protein shake with coconut water. This favorite of athlete Lewis Harrison not only tastes better than a water-based shake, but it's also richer in potassium (an electrolyte that helps keep the body hydrated and plays a key role in hydration). Coconut water contains 470 mg of potassium per 230 ml, which is more than the average banana. So it's the perfect end to a hardcore workout.


  • 2 scoops of strawberry protein
  • 1 handful frozen berries
  • 230 ml coconut water (ice fruit tea is a good substitute)


Mix together and drink!

Strawberry protein shake

Myprotein brand ambassador in the Netherlands Lieke Hemelaeer drinks a protein shake immediately after training or as a snack. To improve the flavor of the low-fat, low-carb isolate, she adds a secret ingredient: real berries. "Real strawberries and almond milk provide sweet flavor and energy," she says. "This is the perfect summer shake."


  • 1 scoop of strawberry protein
  • 10 strawberries
  • handful of ice
  • 230 ml almond milk


Mix everything in a blender, drink and enjoy.

Protein shake with peanut butter and jelly

When it comes to classic pairings, nothing beats peanut butter and jelly—or so says athlete Owen Harrison. We take these childhood favorites and take them to the next level by removing the bread and turning them into a drinkable option. A combination of healthy fats and complex carbohydrates (oatmeal) will keep you happy and full for the day ahead. What else is good? No crust!


  • 1 scoop of vegetable protein
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 20 g instant oatmeal
  • 230 ml water, milk or almond milk


Mix everything in a blender, drink and enjoy!

Diet green smoothie

“When I have an early morning workout and I'm pressed for time, my diet green smoothie is perfect,” says IFBB bikini pro champion Nina Ross. The combination of powerful antioxidants and minerals along with the protein isolate is great, and Nina says it tastes like dessert.

“I like the taste,” she remarks. “Reminds me of a green Frappuccino, but much healthier!”


  • 1 scoop vanilla protein isolate
  • 1 tsp barley powder
  • wheatgrass powder, 1 tsp.
  • flaxseed powder, 1 tsp.
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla sweetener


Mix all ingredients with water and ice. Enjoy!

Protein shake for chocolate lovers

To help you resist the temptation to fall face first into a chocolate cake, we'll give you the recipe for this chocolate, banana, and peanut butter smoothie. "I love this shake because it has the perfect macronutrient ratio for a good post-workout snack, and it's also for those with a sweet tooth," says Ross. Repair your muscles after exercise and drink this smoothie. And don't be afraid to change the ingredients, like swapping peanut butter for almond milk.


  • 1 scoop chocolate protein
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 tbsp. l. peanut butter
  • 1 tsp. sweetener with chocolate flavor


Mix all of the above with water and ice. Enjoy!

Protein shake for breakfast

Imagine the morning, Starbucks, the smell of a Frappuccino... and make a caffeinated protein drink instead. This is the favorite recipe of bodybuilder and king of aesthetics Simeon Panda. The combination of complex and fast carbohydrates, as well as caffeine, make it the best pre-workout in the world.


  • 1 scoop vanilla protein
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 20 g instant oatmeal
  • 1 tsp. instant coffee
  • 230 ml milk, water or almond milk


Place everything in a blender. Bon appetit!

Watermelon protein shake

This simple, refreshing drink is a favorite of nutritionist and trainer Abby Pell. "It's the perfect combination of clean protein and simple, natural sugars," she says. "Great for quenching thirst after summer exercise in the fresh air."


  • 1 scoop protein isolate
  • 1/4 small watermelon
  • 1/2 cup ice


1. Place the protein, sliced ​​watermelon and ice in a blender. Add water and start whisking.

2. Separate the mixture from the watermelon seeds that will remain at the bottom. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

Banana Chocolate Protein Shake

“I usually drink this protein shake 30-60 minutes before training,” admits athlete Clarissa Littlejohn. “Protein is good for recovery, oatmeal provides energy gradually so that sugar enters the blood gradually, and banana is a fast carbohydrate that restores glycogen and helps the body recover faster. Add a little nut butter for a more delicate texture and, at the same time, a dose of healthy fats !


  • 1 scoop chocolate protein
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 cup ice
  • 5 almonds
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 tbsp. l. almond or peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup dry oatmeal


Place all ingredients in a blender, blend and serve.

Chocolate-almond pleasure

Do you want something sweet at night? You are not alone. Instead of eating something that will undo a whole day of healthy eating, mix up this sweet protein shake. The cocoa powder will satisfy your sweet tooth, and the protein will help with muscle growth and recovery. Want to take it to the next level? "Get the diet topping and garnish it with cinnamon to make it look like a cafe milkshake!" - advises Littlejohn.


  • 1 scoop protein (or casein)
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 cup ice
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 tsp. cocoa powder
  • 1 packet of stevia


Mix all ingredients in a blender. Bon appetit!

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