"pregnant baby" a girl pregnant with twins was born in China. Hong Kong girl born pregnant with her own brother and sister Newborn baby pregnant

Incredible facts

A shocking incident occurred recently in China. Newborn girl born in Hong Kong found pregnant with twins.

Immediately after birth, doctors discovered two strange formations in her stomach. At first they thought it was a tumor, but when they performed the operation, it turned out that there were two fetuses inside the girl.

Although such cases are very rare, they are known in medicine. This anomaly, in which another fetus is formed inside one fetus, is called "embryo in embryo" (fetus in fetu), and it occurs in 1 in 500,000 cases. Total recorded in the world about 200 cases.

Fetal abnormalities: fetus in fetu

Both fruits were at 8-10 weeks of development and were connected to the girl through the umbilical cord to a placenta-like mass. Their weight was 14.2 and 9.3 grams, they had a formed spine, ribs, intestines and even limbs. And although, according to surgeons, the twins developed inside the girl’s body, they were her half-brother or sister.

The photograph shows the spine of each twin

The embryos developed from an egg fertilized by the girl’s parents.

"Since the girl could not become pregnant herself, the fertilization of the twins belongs to the parents, but happened in the wrong place", explained physician Dr. Yu Lai-man.

An incredible incident occurred in Hong Kong: doctors discovered two fetuses in the belly of a newborn girl. Experts found out that the child was actually pregnant, since the fetuses were attached to her placenta, like masses on the umbilical cord. Each of them has four limbs, skin, thorax, intestines and primitive brain tissue.


“This was one of those rare cases that baffled the world community,” CNN quoted Nicholas Chao, one of the surgeons who delivered the baby, as saying. He noted that he had not seen anything like this during his time working in pediatric medicine.

The unusual baby was placed under special observation. Doctors suspected that the child was born with a tumor, but the specialists who performed the ultrasound examination refuted their fears. They explained that between the girl’s liver and kidney two fetuses, approximately ten weeks old.

The embryos developed in the baby's body, receiving nutrients through the umbilical cord. Their weight was approximately ten grams. Doctors are sure: newborn the girl was one of triplets. As the fetus developed, for some unknown reason, two embryos were absorbed into the body of the third. At that time they were healthy and capable of development.

“Of course, this is impossible. The little girl was not carrying her own child, but twin brothers, whom her parents conceived with her,” the expert concluded. Note that in the entire history of modern medicine, there have been 200 cases where one of the twins is completely or partially absorbed by the other. At the same time, during pregnancy the woman does not notice anything strange.

This case was one of 200 in medical practice. Doctors mention that intrauterine “pregnancy” previously occurred not only in girls, but also in boys.

So how do embryos enter the body of unborn children?

Fruit in fruit

In the world of medicine, this pathology was called “fetus within the fetus.” The phenomenon is so rare that it occurs in one child out of 500 thousand children born. Doctors are not ready to voice a specific reason for the phenomenon, since the number of such cases is extremely small.

Pittsburgh doctor Dryon Burch has been working in the field of obstetrics and gynecology for several years, but considers this phenomenon a real mystery for medicine. According to him, the processes that occur in the body of the expectant mother and the unborn child are so incredible that science still cannot find answers to all questions about pregnancy.

Scientists have different opinions

Based on the impossibility of spontaneous conception inside the mother's womb, scientists make various assumptions. Despite the fact that the opinions of doctors differ sharply from each other, they all have a completely logical explanation.

According to calculations by the World Health Organization, the fetus found in the baby’s body is just a teratoma. This proves the presence of hair, eyes, parts of the body, as well as bone and muscle tissue inside the tumor. Teratoma appears in female ovaries and male testicles, as well as in the sacral region of children and in the brain.

According to other experts, this case was one of those in which the body of an unborn child is affected by its twin brother. It is believed that this girl had not one, but two twin brothers growing inside her, who should have been called “Siamese” at birth.

Doctors quickly removed the embryos

Medical staff from Hong Kong's Queen Elizabeth Hospital began examining the newborn. The baby's medical history contains records of oncology. Doctors made this diagnosis after an ultrasound performed on the mother, who was not yet born at that time, a girl. Three weeks after her birth, it was decided to operate on the newborn.

During the operation, doctors discovered a pair of embryos that were located between the kidneys and liver. The weight of the embryos corresponded to 2-3 months of pregnancy: one fetus was 9.3 g, and the second was 14.2 g. The umbilical cord of each embryo extended to a placenta-like mass found in the baby’s abdomen.

Since the umbilical cord of the embryos interacted normally with the placenta, it can be concluded that under different circumstances, the embryos could have developed normally. According to doctors, the body of the newborn girl absorbed the other two embryos, but what contributed to this still remains a mystery.

The situation is similar to vanishing twin syndrome

This type of pathology as “fetus within a fetus” is extremely similar to vanishing twin syndrome. In both cases, in the womb of a pregnant woman, the body of one twin can be absorbed by the other. The only difference is that with this syndrome, obstetricians who deliver the baby remove an additional umbilical cord or placenta from the mother’s body.


Scientific medicine has encountered the “fetus-in-fetus” pathology approximately 200 times. In 2006, a two-month-old Pakistani girl underwent surgery to remove two twins.

In 2011, the same operation was performed on a teenager who was 18 years old at the time of surgery. There were also more rare cases. In 2014, surgeons helped a 60-year-old Indian woman get rid of a petrified 30-year-old fetus.

In his interview, Dr. Drayon Burch continues to insist that science is not omnipotent and cannot determine the exact causes of such phenomena. Despite the individuality of each case, any of the embryos had every chance of being born a healthy child until its body was absorbed by another embryo

A unique baby was born in India - the baby was pregnant with his own twin brother. Doctors had to urgently operate on the child and remove an underdeveloped embryo from his stomach, reports Daily Mail.

It is reported that doctors suspected a congenital anomaly in the baby even during the last ultrasound, which the mother of the pregnant baby underwent before giving birth. But then the radiologists did not believe their eyes, so they decided to verify the speculation after the baby was born.


After the birth of a pregnant child, he was immediately examined and an embryo of another child was found under the baby’s stomach. At the time of discovery, the fetus was about 7 cm in length and weighed about 150 g. It is noted that it even had time to form a brain, arms and legs.

Currently, the pregnant baby is already freed from the “burden”. Surgeons managed to carry out a successful operation to remove an underdeveloped embryo from the baby’s abdomen. After the operation, the boy feels well, his life is not in danger.

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Not long ago, an incredible incident occurred in Hong Kong. website/v/WTluc05kc1RwOEk
A newborn girl born in China was found to be pregnant with twins. Immediately after the baby was born, doctors noticed two very strange formations in her stomach. Initially, they assumed that it was most likely a tumor, but after the operation, it turned out that in the girl’s womb, no matter how strange it may sound, there were two fetuses. Such cases are very rare, but they are still known in medicine. This deviation, when another is formed inside one fetus, is called an “embryo in an embryo,” and it is observed in one out of five hundred thousand cases. In total, there are about two hundred similar examples in the world, and sometimes not only girls, but also boys, were “pregnant,” so to speak. Both fetuses inside the newborn were approximately 8-10 weeks of development. They were attached to the girl through the umbilical cord to a placenta-like substance. The embryos weighed 14 and 9 grams, and they already had ribs, a spine, intestines, and arms and legs. And despite the fact that the twins developed in the girl’s womb, doctors said that in fact they are her half-brother and sister. It is clear that at that age the girl could not get pregnant herself, so the embryos appeared in her body as a result of fertilization of the egg by her parents. Most likely, if circumstances were favorable, triplets would have been born. However, the girl’s body absorbed her brother and sister, which is why a similar anomaly occurred. Such cases are almost impossible to determine during a prenatal examination, since the embryo inside the child is very small. The real reason that happened to the girl remains a mystery. The World Health Organization believes it is just a teratoma or tumor. However, doctors who treated the “pregnant girl” believe that initially it was three different fetuses, at some point absorbed into one.

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