What is the Chinese alphabet? Chinese alphabet, or how to find a black cat in a dark room

Everyone knows that learning any language begins with the alphabet. Almost every Russian child has an ABC book or its more modern “brother,” and all schoolchildren who begin learning English learn the 26 letters of the English alphabet.
It is quite logical that often, students starting to learn Chinese expect that the Chinese alphabet is the step that needs to be learned first. And here the first surprise arises. The fact is that there is no alphabet as such.
After all, in essence, the letters in the alphabet represent the sounds of a language (although the direct connection between a sound and a letter often undergoes changes in oral speech). In China, from ancient times, another type of writing developed - lolographic, where written signs do not denote sounds at all, but certain morphemes of the language, each of which has its own meaning.
For example, a grapheme denotes the concept “person”, but does not convey sound at all. And the connection between written and spoken Chinese is rather arbitrary and often not visible at all.
For a long time it was unclear how to record the pronunciation of Chinese characters, and in 1958 the Pinyin system of transcribing the Chinese language was officially adopted. Currently, Chinese first-graders begin their studies by studying Pinyin; knowledge of Pinyin is one of the basic skills required for foreign students studying Chinese.
All Pinyin sounds can be broken down into initials (the first part of a syllable); very roughly, initials can be called “consonant sounds.” There are 21 initials in total. And the finale (the final part of a syllable), very roughly we can call it the “vowel” part. There are 35 finals in total.
Despite the fact that Pinyin uses letters from the Latin alphabet, which are quite familiar to us, reading them is slightly different from reading letters in English.
In the chapter “Lesson 1” we have already met with the pronunciation of initials:
b p g k h l n
and finals:
a i o u ao an

Let's look at how to pronounce our remaining initials and finals. Initial

d (de)
t (tae)
f (fo)
m (mo)
z (zi)
x (ci)
s (sy)
ch (chi)
sh (shi)
zh (zhi)
r (er)
j (ji)
q (qi)
And the finale:
ai (ai)
e (uh)
ou (ou)
er (ar)
ei (hey)
en (en)
iou (yo)
ong (he)
ang (an)
eng (en)

You should pay attention to those endings that have the letter g at the end, such as ang, eng, ong. They are pronounced “on the nose”, in the manner of the ending “ing” in English. There is no need to pronounce the sound g (g), but it is worth remembering the feeling when you have a cold and your nose is breathing poorly. You can practice pronouncing these endings by covering your nose with two fingers.

In all finals ending in (ng), n is pronounced firmly. And for those that end in n, for example: an, en, the final sound n is pronounced softly, as if after the n there is a soft sign (an, en).

The final r (er) conveys perhaps the most complex sound of the entire “Chinese alphabet”. This sound is something between the Russian “r” and “zh”. If you pronounce the sound “r” and at the same time bend your tongue upward towards the alvioles (roughly speaking, the gums behind the front teeth), you should get exactly r (er).
Now you can safely say that you have learned the “Chinese alphabet”. It is interesting that it is impossible to arbitrarily combine initials and finals as you please in the Chinese language; there is a certain set of possible combinations of initials and finals:

The combination of initials and finals in Chinese is limited, with only 411 possible combinations. Such a small number would impose strict limits on spoken Chinese. And here the tones of the Chinese language come to the rescue. A way to diversify the sound composition of a language with the help of tones seems to modern specialists to be a rather logical idea. But this brings us to a new chapter “Chinese Tones”.

China is one of the most visited countries in the world by tourists. It attracts mostly with its diversity of landscape, virgin villages with their own traditions and fascinating legends, and huge cities with vibrant nightlife. In China, everyone will find something new and unusual for themselves. China is one of the oldest civilizations; in this republic, architectural monuments that are tens of thousands of years old have been preserved to this day. Every attraction in China carries a secret and a centuries-old legend.

Traveling through the expanses of this extraordinary state, nothing will prevent you from enjoying its beauty, except perhaps ignorance of the Chinese language, but you can cope with this problem thanks to our Russian-Chinese phrasebook, which you can download or print directly from the site. It contains topics that you may need while traveling.


Common phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
No没有 boo shi
Thank you!谢谢! Sese!
Please!不客气! Bukhatsi!
Sorry!对不起! Duybutsi!
It's OK.没关系。 Meiguanxi
I don't understand我不明白。 Wo bu mingbai
Please repeat what you said请您再说一遍 Tsing ning zai shuo and bien
Do you speak Russian?你会说俄语吗? No fucking way, hey ma?
Does anyone here speak Russian?这里有人会说俄语吗? Zheli yuzhen huisho eyyu ma?
Do you speak English?你会说英语吗? No fucking way?
Does anyone here speak English?这里有人会说英语吗? Zheli yuzhen huisho yinyu ma?
What is your name?你叫什么名字 ni yiao shen mi ming zi
How are you?你怎么 neither here nor there
So-so马马虎虎 may may hyu hyu
Bon Voyage!一路平安! Yi lu phing an!

At customs

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
baggage sinli
currency waihui
import daiju
export daichu
declaration baoguandan
receipt fapiao
control (passport, customs) chayanchu (bian jian, haiguan)
medicine yao
drugs mazuiping
weapon udzi
passport Huzhao
duty guanshui
cigarettes yang
souvenirs Jinyanping
bag bao
suitcase pussy
Tell me, please, where is passport (customs) control? Qing wen, huzhao (haiguan) chayanchu zai nali?
I need a customs declaration form Wo Xuyao ​​and Zhang Baoguandan
Please explain how to fill out a customs declaration Qing Jieshi Yixia, Zenme Tian Baoguandan
Help me fill out this form Qing Banzhu Wo Tian Yixia Zhege Biaoge
Where is your declaration? Nide baoguandan?
Here is my declaration Zhe Jiu Shi Wode Baoguandan
I do not have items that need to be included in the declaration Wo meiyu xuyao baoguande uping
Your passport? Nide Huzhao?
Here's my passport Zhe shi wode huzhao
These are my personal things Zhe shi wode sirhen xinli
I have foreign currency worth... In yu waihui, shi shu...
Where should I sign? Zai naer qian zi?
I want to call the Embassy (Consulate) Wo xiang da dianhua gay dashiguan (lingshiguan)

At the station

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
How much does the ticket cost? Phyao doshao tien?
When does the train arrive/depart? Hoche shemme shihou daoda?
Porter! Banyungong!
Where is the taxi stand? Chuzu zhezhan zai naer?
I need one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight tickets.我要一张/两张/三张/四张/五张/六张/七张/八张票。 Wo yao yi zhang/liang zhang/san zhang/si zhang/wu zhang/liu zhang/tsi zhang/ba zhang phiao.
Which track is our train arriving at? Womende che ting zai di ji dao?
Where is the exit…? ...chukou zai naer?
-in town Qu Chengshi
-on the platform Shan
Where is the storage room? Zsunchu zai naer?
Where is the ticket window? Shoupiao chu zai naer?
Where is platform no..? ...hao yuetai zai naer?
Where is carriage No..? hao chesiang zai naer?
One ticket to… please Qing Mai and Zhang Qu...de Piao
Railway carriage… ...chexiang
…soft Ruan Wo
…sleeping In vo
…hard Ying zuo
One way Qu Wang Yige Fanxiang
Roundtrip Wangfan
Is it possible...? ...kei ma?
...hand over this ticket Tui Yixia Zhe Zhang Piao
...change Huan

In transport

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Bus巴士 kkazhi
Car汽车 gojang
Taxi的士 taxi
Parking停车 posu tominol
Stop停止 jongnyujang
Take me here (indicate the location written on the business card).请把我送到这里。 Tsin ba wo sundao zheli.
Open the trunk.请打开行李舱吧。 Tsin dakhai xinli tshan ba.
Turn left here这里往左拐。 Zheli Wang Zuo Guai.
Here turn right.这里往右拐。 Zheli wan you guai.
How much does it cost to travel by bus/metro?公车/地铁票多少钱? Gunche/dithe pyao duoshao tsien?
Where is the nearest bus stop?附近的公交车站在哪儿? Fujin de gongjiaochhezhan zai nar?
Where is the nearest subway station?附近的地铁站在哪儿? Fujin de dithezhan zai nar?
What's the next stop (station)?下一站是什么站? Xia yi zhan shi shenme zhan?
How many stops is it to (…)?到 (…) 有多少站? Dao (...) duoshao zhan?
What bus goes to (...)?去 (…) 乘哪趟公交车? Tsyu (...) cheng na tang gongjiaoche?
Which metro line goes to (...)?去 (…) 乘几号线地铁? Tsu (...) cheng zihao xien dithe?
Please tell me how to get to (...)?请问,到 (…) 怎么走? Tsingwen, dao (...) zenme zou?
Please take me to (...)请带我去 (…) Tsing dao wo tsu (…)… airport. 飞机场。 fei ji chang.
... railway station.火车站。 huo che zhan.
…the nearest hotel最近的酒店。 Zui jin de jiudien.
...the nearest restaurant.最近的饭馆。 Zui jin de fanguan.
... the nearest beach.最近的海滨。 Zui jin de haibin.
... the nearest shopping center.最近的购物中心。 Zui jin de gou wu zhong xin.
…the nearest supermarket最近的超级市场。 Zui jin de chhao ji shi chang.
... the nearest park.最近的公园。 Zui jin de gong yuan.
...the nearest pharmacy.最近的药店。 Zui jin de yaodien.

At the hotel

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
I need to order a room我需要储备 wo hyu yao chu bei
I want to order a room我想储备 in hyang chu bey
What is the price?要多少钱 duo shao chien?
Room with bath带浴室的房间 give yu cabbage soup di fang jian
We booked a room for two, here are our passports.我们预定了双人房间。 这是我们的护照。 Women yudinle shuangren fanjien. Zhe shi women de huzhao.
Do you have rooms available?有没有空的房间? You meiyou khun de fanjien?
Is there a cheaper room?有没有便宜点儿的房间? You meiyou pienyidiar de fanjien?
I need a single room.我需要单间。 Wo xuyao danjien.
I need a double room.我需要双人间。 Wo xuyao shuangzhenjien.
I need a double room with sea view.我需要一个海景的双人房间。 Wo xuyao ige haijing de shuangren fanjien.
Does the room have a telephone/TV/refrigerator/air conditioning?房间里有电话/电视/冰箱/空调吗? Fangjien li you dienhua/dienshi/binxiang/khuntxiao ma?
What floor is the room on?我的房间在几楼? Wo de fanjien zai ji lo?
Is breakfast included?价格包括早餐吗? Jiage baokhuo zaotshan ma?
What time breakfast?早餐几点开始? Zaotshan ji dien khaishi?
My room is not cleaned.我的房间没有打扫。 Wo de fanjien meiyou dasao.
I want to change my number.我想换个房间。 Wo xiang huangge fanjien.
We ran out of toilet paper in our room.我们房间没有手纸了。 Women fanjien meiyou shouzhi le.
Tips秘诀 mi jue
Roomcabbage soup
We're leaving today.我们今天走。 Women jinthien zou.
We are leaving on August 5th.我们八月五号走。 Women ba yue wu hao zou.
We want to rent out the room.我们想退房。 Women xiang thui fan.
The minibar was already empty before I even checked into this room.我进房间的时候迷你吧就是空的。 Wo jiu fanjien de shihou miniba jiu shi khun de.


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Fire Department消防队 hiao fang dui
Police警察 ying cha
Fire火灾 Huo Zai
Fight扭打 oh yeah
Ambulance救护车 yuy hu che
Hospital医院 Yui Yuan
I have…我已经… in yui ying
Stretching实力 shi li
Pharmacy药房 Yao Fang
Doctor医生 yi sheng
I got sick) In Bingle
I feel bad Wo ganjue zici buhao
Please call... Qing Jiao Yixia...
...doctor Yisheng
...ambulance jijiu
I have… In…
…cough ...kasou
…runny nose ...shangfeng
…stomach upset ...fuse

Dates and times

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Monday Xingqi and
Tuesday xingqi er
Wednesday sinqi say
Thursday xingqi sy
Friday Xingqi Wu
Saturday xingqi liu
Sunday xingqi tian
Today Jintian
Yesterday Zuotian
Tomorrow Mingtian
Day before yesterday Qiantian
Day after tomorrow Houtian
in the morning zai zaoshan
during the day zai bai tian
In the evening zai wanshan
every day meitian
winter dongtian
spring chuntian
summer xiatian
autumn Qiutian
in winter zai dongtian
in the spring Tsai Chuntian
in summer Tsai Xiantian
in autumn Tsai Qiutian
January and Yue
February er yue
March San Yue
April si yue
May wu yue
June Liu Yue
July qi yue
August ba yue
September Jiu Yue
October shi yue
november Shii Yue
December shier yue
What time is it now? Ji dian zhong?
Now… Xianzai shi...
…noon shier dian
…midnight Ling Dian
Now… Xianzai shi...
1 hour 5 min. (morning) and dian wu fen (zaoshan)
5 hours 43 min. (evenings) wu dian syshi san fen (wanshan)


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
1 And
2 [èr] er
3 san
4 sy
5 at
6 Liu
7 tsi
8 ba
9 jiu
10 shi
11 一十一 yī shí yī] and shi and
12 一十二 and shi er
20 二十 [èr shí] er shi
30 三十 san shi
40 四十 sy shi
50 五十 ears
51 五十一 wu shi and
52 五十二 w shi er
53 五十三 wu shi san
100 一百 and bye
101 一百零一 and bai ling and
110 一百一十 and bai and shi
115 一百一十五 and bai and shi wu
200 二百 [èr bǎi] er bai
1 000 一千 and tsien
10 000 一万 and Van
1 000 000 一百万 and Bai Wan

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
What is the price要多少钱 yao duo shao quan
Cash现金 hbyan jiya
Cashless对于非现金 Dew dick fairies hyan ji
By check检查 hyan ji
What payment method什么付款方式 shen mi fu qiang fang shi
Cigarettes香烟 hyang yang
Bread面包 mian bao
Products产品 Chan Ping
To wrap upbao
No change无日期 woo ri kwi
Tips秘诀 mujie
Fresh squeezed juice新鲜果汁挤压 hin hyan guo cabbage soup yi ya
Sugar/salt糖/盐 tang/yang
Milk牛奶 newi nai
Meat肉类 swarm of lei
Mutton羊肉 young roy
Beef牛肉 new swarm
Pepper/seasonings辣椒 / 香料 ia iao/hyang liao
Potato土豆 that's it
Rice大米 yes myi
Lentils扁豆 bian doy
Onion洋葱 yang kong
Garlic大蒜 yes xuan
Sweets甜点 tian dian
Fruits水果 Shui Guo
Apples苹果 ping guo
Grape葡萄 pu tao
Strawberry草莓 khao mei
Oranges桔子 ju zi
Mandarin柠檬 pu tong hua
Lemon石榴石 ning meng
Pomegranate香蕉 I pour cabbage soup
Bananasxiang zhdiao
Apricot芒果 skinning
Mango开放 mang guo
Open关闭 kai
Closed折扣 kuan
Discount关闭 later
Very expensive非常昂贵 tai gui le
Cheap便宜 drunk yi
Where can I buy baby products?哪里能买到儿童产品? Nali nen maidao erthong chhanphin?
Where can I buy shoes?哪里能买到鞋子? Nali nen maidao sezi?
Where can you buy women's clothing?哪里能买到女的衣服? Nali nen maidao nyu de ifu?
Where can you buy men's clothing?哪里能买到男的衣服? Nali nen maidao nan de yifu?
Where can you buy cosmetics?哪里能买到美容? Nali nen maidao meizhong?
Where can you buy household goods?哪里能买到日用品? Nali nen maidao zhiyongphin?
On which floor is the grocery supermarket?超级市场在哪一层? Zhaoji shichang zai na yi zhen?
Where's the exit here?出口在哪儿? Chhukhou zainar?
Can I try it?我把这个试一下,好吗? Wo ba jege shi isia, hao ma?
Where is the fitting room?试衣间在哪里? Shi and jien tsai nali?
I need a larger size.我需要大一点儿. In xuyao ta idiar.
I need a smaller size.我需要小一点儿. Wo xuyao xiao idiar.
I need 1 size larger.我要大一号. Wo yao ta ihao.
I need 1 size smaller.我要小一号. Wo yao xiao yihao.
Can I pay by card?可以刷卡吗? Khei shua kha ma?
What is the price?多少钱? Tuo shao tsien?
Very expensive! Let's go a little cheaper.太贵了! 来便宜点儿。 Thai gui le! Lai phienyi diar.
We are poor students, we can’t afford it.我们是穷学生, 这个我们买不起。 Women shi qiong xueshen, zhege women mai butsi.
Is this price for 1 jin? (1 jin = 0.5 kg, in China the price is usually indicated for 1 jin)这是一斤的价格吗? Zhe shi and jin de jiage ma?
Where can you buy fruit?哪里能买到水果? Nali nen maidao shuiguo?
Where can you buy vegetables?哪里能买到蔬菜? Nali nen maidao shutzhai?
Where can you buy meat?哪里能买到肉类? Nali nen maidao zhoulei?
Where can you buy alcoholic beverages?哪里能买到酒类? Nali nen maidao jiulei?
Where can you buy dairy products?哪里能买到奶制品? Nali nen maidao naizhiphin?
Where can you buy confectionery?哪里能买到糖果点心? Nali neng maidao tangguo dienxin?
Where can you buy tea?哪里能买到茶叶? Nali nen maidao chhae?
Need 1 large package.我要大的袋子。 Wo yao tade daizi.
Need one small package.我要小的袋子。 Wo yao xiaode daizi.
I'll pay with a card.我刷卡。 Wo shua kha.

In a restaurant and cafe

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Waiter服务员 woo woo one
Do you have any tables available你有自由表 ni woy zi woy biao
I want to book a table我想预订一张桌子 wo hyang ding ui zang zuo zi
Check please (bill)请检查(帐户) qing yian cha
Accept my order请接受我的命令 qing yie shou wo de ming ling
What year is the wine今年葡萄酒 yin nian puo tao yi
Your signature dish您的特色菜 nin di te se kai
Tea coffee茶/咖啡 cha/ka fairies
Instant coffee速溶咖啡 su rong ka fairies
Olives橄榄树 gan lan shu
Salad沙拉 sha la
I do not eat meat!我不吃肉! wo bu yi roi
Vermicelli挂面 gia mian
Pasta面食 mian si
Stuffed pepper酿三宝 niang san bao
Sandwich三明治 san ming zhi
Cheese / sour cream (sour)奶酪/酸奶(酸奶) nai lao / suan nai
Beer啤酒 Phi Chiu
Wine葡萄酒 pu tao yiy
Please bring the menu.请给我菜谱。 Tsin gey vo tskhaiphu.
I want to order this... this... and this. (showing in menu)我要这个… 这个…和这个…。 Wo yao jege... jege... he jege.
Is it spicy?这个辣不辣? Jege la bu la?
Please bring spoons/forks/napkins/sticks/plates请,给我匙子/叉子/餐巾/筷子/盘子。 Tsin, gey wo chshi tzu/chha tzu/tshan jin/khuai tzu/phan tzu.
Bring the bill, please.买单。 May tribute.
Delicious!很好吃! Hen hao chshi!
Squid鱿鱼 yo yu
Pork猪肉 Zhu Zhou
Beef牛肉 niu zhou
Mutton羊肉 Yan Zhou
Tofu豆腐 dofu
Eggplant茄子 Tse Tzu
Potato土豆 thu dou
Egg鸡蛋 ji dan
Orange juice橙汁 cheng zhi
Apple juice苹果汁 Phing Guo Zhi
Tomato juice蕃茄汁 Fan Tse Zhi
Grape juice葡萄汁 phu thao zhi
Peach juice桃汁 thao zhi
Coffee咖啡 Kha Faye
Black tea红茶 hun cha
Green tea绿茶 Liu Cha
Eggplants with peppers and potatoes地三鲜 Disanxian.
Meat in sweet and sour sauce锅包肉 Guobaozhou.
Fried squid with cumin孜然鱿鱼 Zizhan youyuy.
Dumplings饺子 Jiaozi.
Dumplings with meat filling肉馅的饺子 Zhou xien de jiaozi.
Steamed pies with filling包子 Baozi.
Peking duck北京烤鸭 Bei jing kao ya.
Fried strips of pork in spicy sauce鱼香肉丝 Yu Xiang Rou Si.
Chicken with crispy peanuts碎米鸡丁 Sui mi ji ding.
Spicy tofu麻辣豆腐 Ma la doufu.

General phrases are words on which you can start a conversation and continue it in the future. Here are the phrases that are most often used in the lexicon.

Airport – in order not to get confused at the Chinese airport, find ticket offices, access to terminals, parking, bus stops, etc., this theme is perfect for you.

Transport – by opening this topic you will find translations of words and phrases that can be used to explain to a taxi driver where you need to go, or to find out which bus route is right for you, to clarify the price of travel, to find out how to get to the station. metro, bus stop, etc.

A restaurant is a place that every tourist visits. However, the Chinese language is very different from Russian, as is the cuisine. Therefore, without knowing the translation of certain dishes, as well as their components, you will not be able to order what you want. To solve this problem, just open this topic and find the name of the dish that you like.

Hotel – when checking into a hotel you need to fill out some paperwork, choose a room that suits your taste, etc. In order to explain what you want from a hotel and to clarify the nuances of your stay, just open this section and find the appropriate phrases.

Mall - a list of common phrases that you will undoubtedly need while shopping at the mall.

Grocery supermarket - a list of words and phrases that will help you purchase the products you are interested in.

Pharmacy - if you have health problems, but everything in the pharmacy is written in Chinese, and the pharmacist himself does not understand what you need, use this topic and you will buy the medicine that you need.

Cashier - words and phrases that will help you in conversation with the cashier.

Chinese counting - translation and sound of numbers in Chinese, from zero to million.

Pronouns - pronunciation and translation of pronouns in Chinese.

Question words – frequently asked and important questions for tourists, their pronunciation and spelling.

Name of colors - here you will find translations of many colors and shades, as well as their correct pronunciation.

In one of the previous articles, I talked about the duality of the Chinese language. Modern Chinese consists of two systems:

Hieroglyphic, i.e. graphic symbols, which in writing denote a word. This system is the main system. If you pay attention, you will not be able to find Latin letters anywhere on the Chinese Internet. In books, newspapers, and store signs, only hieroglyphs are used everywhere, but there is also a second system.

Letter, auxiliary, pin-yin transcription system. This system was introduced in China recently, in the mid-20th century, in 1958. Why did the Chinese government decide to introduce a letter system as an auxiliary system? By delving a little deeper into the history and culture of China, I was able to answer this question.

I have identified the main four reasons for the emergence of an alphabetic alphabet, which was unusual for an ancient civilization with hieroglyphic writing. Let's look at them in more detail:

The first reason is illiteracy of the population.

At the beginning of the last century, the bulk of China's population were peasants who worked the land. Naturally, they were all uneducated and could not read or write. The Chinese government has carried out a number of reforms related to the education of the population. To facilitate the education process, the party decided to introduce a parallel letter system for.

The second reason - trend and desire for economic growth.

Back at the beginning of the 20th century, China was at the first stage of economic development. In order to develop and occupy a worthy place in the geopolitical arena, the Chinese government understood that it would be almost impossible to achieve such a goal only with graphic writing. The determination to occupy one of the leading places in the world economy was one of the reasons for the introduction of the Latin alphabet.

The third reason is "dialectical chaos" in colloquial speech.

Not only was the population of China uneducated, but its spoken speech also differed radically in pronunciation. In total, there were 7 main dialectical groups: Northern “dialect” (it is currently called “Mandarin” in English. This is the dialect of “officials”), “Govor” Gan, “Govor” San, “Govor” Wu, “Govor” "Kejia, "Talk" Min, "Talk" Yue.

The differences in language dialects were so strong that the northern Chinese absolutely did not understand their southern countryman. The trend of development of individual dialects was very rapid; it was necessary to urgently take measures to prevent the spread of the “regional” language. Moreover, the writing was often the same and did not differ, but the pronunciation in each region was special.

The government immediately introduced the Latin alphabet to streamline the single official language, Putonghua. By the way, I’m sure this is the reason why Chinese films are broadcast with subtitles.

And finally, the fourth reason - technological progress, the need to print hieroglyphs on a computer.

Yes Yes! Strange as it may sound, rapid technological progress was also one of the reasons for the introduction of the Latin alphabet. Nowadays, when printing Chinese characters, it is necessary to use Latin characters. I will definitely write an article about this.

So, let's return to the Chinese alphabet. When I studied in China, the alphabet appeared only in the first months of training, and then gradually they completely switched to hieroglyphs.

The education of Chinese children also begins with the study of this additional letter system. When creating the service where you are now, we also started creating lessons from the alphabet. I recommend that you also start learning with the alphabet.

Without the alphabet, you will not be able to learn to pronounce hieroglyphs correctly.

The letter system is a system that was borrowed from the English language. The purpose of this system is to represent the sounds of the Chinese language in letter form. In the future, when I mention the word “sound”, I will mean specifically some letter of the Chinese alphabet.

In fact, there are not many sounds in the Chinese alphabet. This is the simplicity of the Chinese language. The main difficulty is writing.

In total, the Chinese language uses 25 letters of the Latin alphabet. Let me remind you that there are 26 letters in the English alphabet. The Putonghua alphabet does not officially use the letter “V”, but it does use another character that is not in the Latin alphabet – “ü”.

When printing hieroglyphs, as I said above, transcription in Latin letters is also used. So, just in this case, when printing a hieroglyph, the “Pinyin” of which uses the sound “ü”, the letter “V” is used. In simple words, "ü" = "v".

Below, in the table, I have placed the alphabet of the Chinese language auxiliary system.



























Like any alphabet, the Chinese alphabet is divided into consonant sounds and vowel sounds. In the table, I have highlighted the letters involved in the formation of vowel sounds in yellow, and the consonants in blue. Although the Chinese language borrowed 99% of the English alphabet, the formation of vowels and consonants is very different from our traditional understanding.

In Chinese transcription, consonant sounds are called initials. An initial is a sound that is always located at the beginning of a syllable. In Chinese, the initial is pronounced "生母", "shengmu", indicating the sound that originates the syllable. And the vowel sound, in the transcription of the Chinese language, is called the final, that is, the final, final part of the syllable. In Chinese, it sounds like "韵母", "yunmu", a vowel sound.

Below, in the table, I have demonstrated how each letter of the Chinese alphabet is pronounced in Russian.

Pronunciation of each letter of the Chinese alphabet.





















































And one more table, in which I have already indicated all the sounds of the Chinese alphabet, and wrote a transcription for them in Russian. You can see it in the next article.

In the Chinese language, hieroglyphs have been used as writing for centuries. In the previous century, for the purpose of teaching phonetics, the Pinyin system was developed, which uses Latin letters to convey the transcription of Chinese characters. At the same time, to denote sounds that are not in the Latin alphabet, combinations of letters “sh”, “ch”, “zh”, etc. are used.

Many people are interested in the question of whether the Chinese alphabet exists. Actually, no. There are no letters in the Chinese language and, as already mentioned, hieroglyphs consisting of individual strokes are used for writing. But since the Pinyin system consists of Latin letters, in this publication we will allow ourselves to call it the Chinese alphabet.

Most syllables in Chinese are a combination of initials and finals. The beginning of the syllables is formed by initials (consonants), the rest of them are formed by finals (vowels or a combination of vowels and consonants). Sometimes a syllable consists only of a final, or only of an initial.

The pronunciation of “m”, “f”, “s”, “h” is almost identical to the Russian “m”, “f”, “s”, “x”.

The finals “a”, “an”, “en” are transcribed as “a”, “an”, “en”.

The Chinese diphthongs “ao”, “uo” resemble the Russian “ao” and “uo”, although when they are pronounced one sound is heard rather than two, that is, the sound “o” dominates. For example, when pronouncing “ao”, open your mouth as if you were thinking of making the sound “a”, but say “o”. Same with "oo". A little practice will help you master the correct pronunciation.

The vowel "i" is similar to the Russian "i", although it does not soften the consonant that precedes it. Diphthongs (sounds with two vowels) and finals “ou”, “ei”, “ai” correspond to the Russian “ou”, “ey”, “ay”, they are pronounced briefly and clearly. There is no nasal sound "ng" in Russian. In the finals "ang" and "eng" it is pronounced like the English "ng" (η) - "аη" and "еη". Complex finals “ia”, “iao”, “ian”, “iang”, “in”, “ie”, “iu” are transcribed as follows: “I”, “yao”, “yan”, “yan”, “ yin", "e", "yu". If “i” is the only vowel in a syllable, then it is written as “yi”; if there are other vowels, then as “i”. In syllables that begin with the vowel "i", "i" changes to "y". For example, the word "Yin" (from Yin and Yang) is written as "yin" in the Chinese alphabet. The Chinese “u” is pronounced like the Russian “u”. A syllable expressed by a single vowel “u” is written as “wu”, which in Russian is transcribed as “u” (but not “wu”). For example, the word “wushu” is written “wushu” using the Chinese alphabet. The syllable “wo” is a diphthong “uo”; in Russian it is transcribed as “vo”.

The sound “ü” does not exist in Russian. It is present in German, French and some others. This sound combines the sounds “i” and “u”, as if pronounced with one sound, together. The "e" in Chinese doesn't exactly sound like "e". When pronounced, it can be compared to the vowels “ee” pronounced together. The syllable "er" is similar to the "r" sound in American English. It is transcribed as "er". Listen to the audio lesson with additional explanations The official language of the People's Republic of China is


The main distinguishing feature of the phonetics of the Chinese language is tones. Chinese has 4 tones + a light unstressed tone. Tone is needed in order to distinguish the meaning of syllables that sound the same.

For example:

First tone: high and level, designated ā.

Second tone: rising, indicated by á.

The third tone: first falling and then rising, is designated ǎ.

Fourth tone: falling from high to low, indicated by à.

The tone sign is always placed above the final. If the tone sign is placed above the final i, then the period is not written: nǐ, nín. In syllables with compound finals, the tone sign is placed above the one at the moment of pronunciation of which the mouth is opened wider (a, o, e, i, u, ü): māo, ​​dài, péi.

Light tone

A light tone is also sometimes called a "null" tone. A light tone is pronounced weaker and shorter. In transcription, a light tone is not indicated by any sign.

For example:

好吗? 你呢? 爸爸 谢谢
Hǎo ma? Nǐ ne? baba xièxie
Fine? And you? dad Thank you


Initial can be expressed with only one consonant sound.

Before you start studying initials, let's get acquainted with the concept of "aspiration", because in Chinese initials divided into aspirated and unaspirated. In order to learn to pronounce initials with aspiration, try when pronouncing, bring a piece of paper to your lips and pronounce the sound with a strong exhalation. The piece of paper should move away from you due to the flow of air during intense exhalation. When spoken initials without aspiration, the sheet of paper should not move. Thus, it turns out that the sound “x” is added to the sound, however, you should avoid pronouncing aspirates like the Russian sound + “x”; you should try to achieve this effect with the help of exhalation.

There are a total of 21 initials in Chinese:

Pronunciation method Pronounced like Examples
b Something between Russian voiced[b] and deaf [P] 爸爸 – dad
p Russian [P][n x] 怕 – to be afraid
m Chinese [m]different from Russian[m]greater intensity and duration 妈妈 – mother
f Similar to Russian sound[f] 发 – send
d Chinese [d]looks like Russian[d], but is deaf 都 – everything
t Russian [T], which is pronounced with aspiration -[t x] 他 – he
n Unlike Russian[n]while speaking Chinese[n]the tip of the tongue is raised 你 – you
l Chinese [l]different from Russian[l]lowering the back of the tongue 来 – to come
g Chinese [g]looks like Russian[G], but is deaf 狗 – dog
k Russian [To], which is pronounced with aspiration -[k x] 看 – watch
h Russian sound [X], but more intense 很 – very
j When spoken[j], [q]And[x]The tongue should lie below, slightly touching the lower teeth with the tip. The middle of the tongue touches the roof of the mouth when spoken. There are no such sounds in Russian.
Please note that the initials
[j], [q], [x]not compatible with finals[u], [a]
Sound [j]approximately equal to Russian[dzh], pronounced softly and without aspiration 几 – how much
q Average between Russians and soft[T] And [h](something like soft[tchi]), pronounced aspirated 七 – seven
x Similar to sizzling[With](something like hissing[smiling]) 星 – star
z These are hissing sounds.
When spoken
[z], [c]And[s]the tip of the tongue touches the back surface of the front teeth
Looks like Russian[ts], but pronounced louder (something like a combination[dz]) 在 – in; on
c Voiceless combination[ts]heavily aspirated 从 – s; from
s Looks like Russian[With], just a little more intense 三 – three
zh When spoken , , And[r]the tip of the tongue curls back towards the palate Combination [j](for example, as in [jam]), but is pronounced as a single sound. 这 is
ch Combination [chsh]heavily aspirated 车 – car
sh Close to Russian[w], but more fizzy 书 – book
r Looks like Russian[and] 人 – person

The initial may be absent, then the syllable consists only of the final and is called a syllable with a zero or omitted initial.


The final can consist of either one vowel sound (simple) or several (compound). There are a total of 38 endings in Chinese:

Pronounced like Examples Transcription rules
a Looks like Russian[A], only pronounced more intensely 那 – that one
e When spoken[e]the tongue is in the same position as when pronouncing Russian[O], but without rounding the lips. The sound itself is something between[e] And [s] interrogative particle
i Pronounced like Russian[And], but more intense; softens the consonant that precedes it 骑 – to ride on horseback If[i] [y], For example,一 – one
After[z], [c], [s], , , And[r]finals[-i]reads as solid[s], For example:吃 – eat, 词 – word, 日 – day, etc.
o Pronounced like Russian[O], but more intense 摸 – touch
u Pronounced like Russian[y] 不 – no, no If[u]forms an independent syllable[w], For example:五 – five
ü There is no such sound in Russian. Sound[ü] combines sounds[i] And [u], pronounced together as one sound. To make this sound try saying[yiu], only rounding the lips as when pronouncing[Yu] 女 – woman If[ü] forms an independent syllable, then an unpronounceable initial is added before it[y], and two points above[ü] are not written, for example:语 – language

If the finals[ü] comes after the initials[j], [q]or[x],then two dots above[ü] are not written, but the sound is still read as[ü] . And if before[ü] worth an initial[n]or[l], then dots must be written, for example:去 – go

ai [ouch] 还 – yet
ao Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[ao] 猫 – cat
ei Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[Hey], but softly 杯 – glass
ia Pronounced like Russian[I] 家 – home, family [i], That[i]changes to[y], For example:鸭 – duck, 要 – want, 也 – too
iao Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[yao] 小 – small
ie Reads like [ie]but without stretching sounds, similar to Russian sound[e] 姐姐 – older sister
iou/iu Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[yo] 六 – six Composite final , when placed after any initial, is written as , and the tone sign is written above[u], For example:丢 – to lose
ou Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[OU] 走 – walk
ua Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[wa], Where [y] very short 抓 – grab If a syllable consists only of a final that begins with[u], That[u]changes to[w], For example:挖 – dig
uai Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[wow], Where [y] very short. 块 – yuan If a syllable consists only of a final that begins with[u], That[u]changes to[w], For example:外 – external
üe Pronounced close to a combination of Russian sounds[yue] 学 – to teach If a syllable consists only of a final that begins with[ü] , then an unpronounceable initial is added before it[y], and two points above[ü] are not written, for example:
[ü] , comes after the initials[j], [q], [x], then two points above[ü] are not written, for example:雪 – snow
uei/ui Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[way], only together and with emphasis on[e]which is pronounced very short 水 – water Composite final , when placed after any initial, is abbreviated as , and the tone sign is written above[i], For example:贵 – dear
uo Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[oo], only pronounced as a single sound 说 – to speak If a syllable consists only of a final that begins with[u], That[u]changes to[w], For example:我 – I
an Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[en] 看 – watch
en Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[en] 很 – very
ian Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[ian] 钱 – money If a syllable consists only of a final that begins with[i], That[i]changes to[y], For example:烟 – smoke
in Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[in] 新 – new If forms an independent syllable, then an unpronounceable initial is added before it[y], For example:银 – silver
uan Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[one]; when pronouncing[y]tube lips 馆 – hotel, restaurant If a syllable consists only of a final that begins with[u], That[u]changes to[w], For example:玩 – play
üan It doesn't seem like a combination of Russian sounds[yuen] 选 – choose If a syllable consists only of a final that begins with[ü] , then an unpronounceable initial is added before it[y], and two points above[ü] are not written, for example:元 – yuan
If the ending that begins with[ü] , comes after the initials[j], [q], [x], then two points above[ü] are not written, for example:全 – all
uen/un Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[wen], Where [e]soft and short 婚 – wedding Composite final , when placed after an initial, is abbreviated as , For example:困 – sleepy
In case the final independently forms a syllable, then[u]replaced[w], For example:问 – to ask
ün [jun] 群 – crowd If a syllable consists only of a final that begins with[ü] , then an unpronounceable initial is added before it[y], and two points above[ü] are not written, for example:云 – cloud
If the ending that begins with[ü] , comes after the initials[j], [q], [x], then two dots above[ü] are not written, for example:迅 – fast
ang Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[en], only sound [n]– nasal 忙 – busy
eng Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[en], only sound [n]– nasal 冷 – cold
iang Sounds like a combination of Russian sounds[yan], only sound [n]– nasal 想 – want, think If a syllable consists only of a final that begins with[i], That[i]changes to[y], For example:羊 – ram
ing Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[in], only sound [n]– nasal 病 – to be sick If forms an independent syllable, then an unpronounceable initial is added before it[y], For example:影 – shadow
iong Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[yon], only sound [n]– nasal 穷 – poor If a syllable consists only of a final that begins with[i], That[i]changes to[y], For example:用 – to use
ong Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[He], only sound [n]– nasal 红 – red
uang Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[one], only sound [n]– nasal 床 – bed If a syllable consists only of a final that begins with[u], That[u]changes to[w], For example:网 – network
ueng Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[wen], only sound [n]– nasal 翁 – old man If a syllable consists only of a final that begins with[u], That[u]changes to[w]. Syllable - this is the only syllable that is formed with the help of this final
er Pronounced as a combination of Russian sounds[ar]; When pronouncing, the tip of the tongue bends up and back 二 [èr] – two When added to a syllable the process of erization occurs. Final can form an independent syllable, for example:儿子 [érzi] – son
If stands at the end of a syllable, it loses its independence and merges with the syllable. In transcription, it is added to the syllable[r], a hieroglyph is added to the hieroglyphic notation, For example:哪儿 – where
In this case, the pronunciation of the last consonant sound is usually lost, for example:玩儿 – play

The tables provide examples of monosyllabic words, during the pronunciation of which you must pay attention to the tones. In words that have two or more syllables, the tones are sometimes modulated. Now we will look at the most common cases of modulation.

3rd tone modulation

When reading two syllables of the 3rd tone together, the first syllable is read in the second tone. If there are three or more consecutive words of the third tone, then all tones except the last one change. The transcription retains the sign of the 3rd tone.

For example:

你好 (nǐ hǎo) (that's how it's written)– ní hǎo (that's how it reads)). - Hello!
我很好 (wǒ hěn hǎo (that's how it's written)– wó hén hǎo (that's how it reads)). – I'm fine.

Modulation of negative particle 不 (bù)

The negation 不 (bù) is pronounced in the fourth tone. But if 不 (bù) is followed by a syllable with a fourth tone, then 不 (bù) is read in the second tone. For example:

不是 (bú shì) – no
不去 (bú qù) – not to go
不要 (bú yào) – not to want

In sentences with repetition of a verb (affirmative-negative), when 不 (bù) is between identical verbs, we read 不 (bù) in a light tone; in the transcription the tone sign is not placed, for example:

是不是 – yes or no
去不去 – to go – not to go

Modulation "一" (yī)

The initial tone "一" is the first tone. It is pronounced “一” in the first tone if it is pronounced in isolation, if it is at the end of a phrase or sentence, if it is used as an ordinal number. In other cases, “一” is modulated: before the first, second and third tones, “一” is modulated into the fourth tone, and before the fourth tone – into the second tone.


An apostrophe is used in transcription for syllable separation in cases where a regular syllable is followed by a syllable with a zero initial, for example:

先 – first
西安 – Xi'an

When learning Chinese phonetics, try to listen and repeat more. It’s like in sports: there are many techniques, but the key to success is practice.


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