Is it possible to send a child to kindergarten? Is it necessary to teach a child to walk by the hand? What a kindergarten can and cannot do

A runny nose is common in preschool children. Many parents bring them to kindergarten if there is only rhinitis and no other cold symptoms. In order to understand whether it is possible to take a child to kindergarten with snot or whether it is necessary to stay at home with him, it is important to find out the cause of its occurrence, which can be infectious or non-infectious in nature.

It is impossible to independently determine why nasal discharge appears. Therefore, it is recommended to visit a doctor before entering a preschool institution (DDU), who can determine whether there is cause for concern. Moreover, if the nature of the runny nose is non-infectious, for example, of allergic origin, then the doctor issues a certificate stating what exactly caused it. This explains to educators and parents of other children in the group why a preschooler with snot may be in the kindergarten.

If he is sick, the pediatrician will issue a sick leave note and prescribe appropriate therapy. It is not recommended to visit kindergarten with an acute respiratory disease (ARI) or acute viral respiratory disease (ARVI), even without a fever, so as not to infect other children and risk your child’s health.

Kindergarten rules

The Ministry of Health established sanitary and epidemiological standards by Resolution No. 24 of March 26, 2003. The document states that teachers are required to interview parents every day about the health status of preschoolers. Every morning the nurse should:

  • measure body temperature;
  • examine the skin;
  • examine the head for the presence of lice;
  • check the condition of the nasal cavity and pharynx.

If there are any symptoms of an infection that may be contagious, the teacher or nurse has the right not to admit the sick person, and if symptoms appear during the day, then isolate the baby from others until the parents arrive or hospitalization.

From the point of view of existing norms and laws, it is impossible to take a child with a runny nose to kindergarten, as it poses a potential danger. This is not even debatable. If you think about it, why should other parents risk the health of their children because of one sick person, because he can be a source of infection. A child with snot is allowed into the garden only if there is a certificate from the pediatrician, where the doctor confirms that rhinitis is not contagious to other people.

Doctors' opinion

If you believe children's pediatrician Komarovsky, then sending preschoolers to kindergarten with snot is unacceptable. This rule applies to runny nose of a viral, bacterial and infectious nature. It negatively affects the baby’s condition, weakness appears and health worsens. In addition, there is a risk of infecting other children and increasing morbidity in the group, because ARVIs are transmitted with lightning speed.

Dr. Komarovsky advises visiting a pediatrician first. After examination and identification of the disease, the child is prescribed a course of treatment with medications and physiotherapeutic procedures. It will be possible to communicate with peers only after he has fully recovered.

From his experience working with children, Komarovsky warns that if a preschooler attends a group where the majority of people are sick, his immunity will decrease significantly. This can lead to a decrease in antibody reserves and the penetration of a large number of pathogenic bacteria and viruses into the nasal cavity. Therefore, in order not to infect others and to be healthy yourself, it is undesirable for the child to be present in a preschool educational institution during the period when acute respiratory infections become more active.

According to the pediatrician, today conditions have been created in kindergartens such that a baby with snot will not only infect others, but also risk losing his health. However, if there is a conclusion from a doctor that there is no epidemiological danger to others, then the child may be allowed to attend kindergarten. Or the decision to admit children with a runny nose can be made in a private kindergarten with the consent of all parents.

Symptoms for which it is strictly prohibited

It is prohibited to take preschoolers with snot to kindergarten if the cause of the runny nose is a viral disease. This is indicated by clear or white discharge from the nose. Moodiness and drowsiness also appear. The temperature may not rise, so the development of ARVI or influenza is not immediately noticeable.

Viral diseases are spread by airborne droplets; if a sick preschooler is not isolated from healthy ones, they will become infected very quickly.

This is why it is better to leave the child at home, even if there are no more serious symptoms and the general condition is satisfactory.

The same can be said about bacterial infections. They are also transmitted at high rates through airborne droplets. But in this case, the body temperature always rises, which clearly indicates that the baby needs to be treated. This disease is accompanied by green snot. When they appear, it is necessary to examine the child, since without appropriate therapy complications may arise.

You should not visit a preschool educational institution if you have an infectious disease. During contact with respiratory viruses, the mucous membrane swells greatly, hyperemia develops, body temperature rises, snot is produced profusely, and a dry cough appears. At this time, the patient’s microflora is very active; germs enter the environment when coughing and sneezing. A preschooler becomes a source of infection; he must be left at home and effective therapy must be started.

It is important to keep in mind that illnesses especially often occur in a child who has just started attending preschool.

According to statistics, children of younger groups go to kindergartens for several days, and then are treated at home for more than a week.

The reason for this is the adaptation period, during which time immunity drops significantly. This also happens under the influence of a psychological factor, because they find themselves in a new unfamiliar environment, are left without parents and experience severe stress. As a result, the body becomes susceptible to various infections. It is important to persevere through this time and everything will work out.

We have already written about whether antibiotics are needed to treat green snot in a child. Today consider the topic: Runny nose and kindergarten. When asked whether it is possible to take a child with a runny nose to kindergarten, Dr. Komarovsky answers.

The question of whether a child should attend kindergarten with a runny nose depends on how it is accepted in the country. This process is regulated by sanitary authorities. In our country, it is believed that everyone should still go to the garden healthy. There are no such standards anywhere else in the world. It is believed that a runny nose is completely normal for a child.

If children with a runny nose are not allowed to leave the house, the child will never leave the house. Therefore, nowhere in the world does anyone pay attention to this. Nowhere in the world are runny noses treated in children. Children go to kindergarten in droves, they are snotty, they cough, but this runny nose is not a reason not to go to kindergarten and sit at home. They walk and continue to play sports. Temperature up to +37.5 C, sometimes up to + 38 C is not a reason not to go to kindergarten.

They don’t go to kindergarten when he (the child) really can’t get up, the temperature is over +38 C, when he has diarrhea, then the first day of diarrhea, and if there is no diarrhea for a day, then that’s it, you can go. An antibiotic is prescribed, he receives an antibiotic for a day, and he can go to kindergarten.

I roughly understand that this is how it should be, but in our country the rules are completely different.

And one more clarification that we should know even in relation to our country: when we say: can a child with a runny nose go to kindergarten, we should know that a runny nose can be viral, bacterial and allergic.

Viral– contagious.

Bacterial usually not contagious.

Allergic- definitely not contagious.

Therefore, theoretically, even if a child has a constant runny nose, the doctor can write a diagnosis of Respiratory (respiratory) allergosis, and with such a runny nose, of course, the child can attend kindergarten.

I still hope that something will change in this regard. What will change is not the way children attend kindergartens, but the attitude towards snot will change. Snot is an attribute of childhood. They don't need saving. The child is not afraid of snot. The child is afraid of treatment for snot.

Doctor Komarovsky answers the question whether a child with a runny nose can go to kindergarten (Video)

Now you know what Dr. Komarovsky thinks about whether it is possible to take a child with a runny nose to kindergarten. But do not forget that the decision whether to take a child to kindergarten with a runny nose still remains with the parents.

Read also: How to distinguish a cold from the flu (INFOGRAPHICS)

Read also: What is antibiotic resistance and how to fight bacteria

Read also: Antiviral drugs for children: myth or salvation

When the baby begins to grow up, the question inevitably arises of whether to enroll him in kindergarten. The vast majority of parents begin to take care of this almost immediately after birth, given the lack of places in preschool institutions. But if we do not consider the aspect of the mother’s need to go to work, does the child need kindergarten? Wouldn't he be better and more comfortable in his usual home conditions?

Even if the grandmother is an honored retired teacher, or it is possible to hire a certified and experienced nanny, the main thing will still not be achieved: satisfying the child’s need for communication. After all, man is a collective being. The baby should be surrounded not only by loving relatives, but also by his peers. Only the same level of development, common interests, games and sometimes even conflicts can teach a child to behave correctly in society.

In modern preschool institutions, municipal or private, children are not only fed, taken for walks and put to bed after lunch. Special educational programs have been developed for each age, thanks to which the child “grows up” to school, already possessing a considerable amount of knowledge.

But the necessary communication with peers also has a big disadvantage - contact with them in epidemiological terms. The consequence of this is the frequent incidence of respiratory viral infections in the baby.

Reasons for the increase in child morbidity when children start attending kindergarten

Every baby is born with immunological protection - a supply of antibodies received during intrauterine development from its mother. After birth, this immunity begins to decline and disappears completely by about 6-7 months. But in parallel with this, immunity is formed, associated with the baby’s contacts with various infectious microflora.

While the child is still small, these contacts are few. He can become infected with a respiratory infection either from relatives, or in a clinic, or while walking. Gradually, he acquires a supply of his own antibodies.

As soon as a child is sent to kindergarten, the likelihood of infection increases several times. After all, every person around the child, his peer or staff, can bring a type of microflora that he has not yet encountered. Hence the increase in morbidity, mainly respiratory infections.

But this “minus” is not a disaster. After all, in order for children’s immunity to form and strengthen faster, they need to “meet” various types of microflora. Only in this way can it become a truly protective system for the child, stable and reliable.

There are no children who do not begin to get sick more often with the beginning of their “kindergarten” life. Someone gets sick in the very first days, as soon as they start taking him to the group, someone can hold out for two weeks. Some children get sick every month, while others get sick much less often. The severity of the clinical picture also differs: from a slight runny nose with light clear snot to the development of a full picture of acute respiratory viral infection with fever, severe runny nose and intoxication.

What should a mother do in the morning if her child wakes up with signs of a respiratory illness? Is it possible to take him to kindergarten with a runny nose? First you need to figure out the origin of snot in a small child and whether it is dangerous for other children.

Types of runny nose in children

In a small child, snot can be of infectious or allergic origin. The vast majority of cases of runny nose develop as a result of contact with respiratory viruses.

There may be several flow options. From the appearance of only catarrhal phenomena (swelling of the mucous membrane, its hyperemia, abundant production of snot) to the development of a typical clinical picture of an acute respiratory disease. This is an increase in body temperature, weakness and lethargy of the child, profuse mucopurulent snot, and an incipient dry or wet cough.

In these cases, the baby cannot be taken to the children's group. All these symptoms indicate the period of the onset of the disease when the microflora is very active, multiplies vigorously and is released by the sick child into the environment with sniffles, coughing, and sneezing. At this time, he is a source of infection and will definitely infect other children if he is taken to kindergarten.

After detecting signs of illness, the baby’s mother should, instead of taking him to the kindergarten, call the local pediatrician at home, take a sick leave or ask one of the relatives to sit with the sick person. And the baby is entitled to timely treatment so that the respiratory infection is not complicated by the development of other pathologies. After completing the treatment course, with the permission of the attending physician, the recovered or almost recovered child can be taken to the group.

Another disease when children experience snot is a runny nose of allergic origin. This pathology is much less common than viral-bacterial rhinitis, although there is a tendency for the incidence to increase. In these situations, the clinical picture is different, occurring most often after contact with a specific allergen.

There is not the slightest sign of intoxication, the baby is still cheerful and cheerful. He has clear, mucous snot flowing profusely, he may sneeze frequently, and he even often experiences lacrimation, but it is possible to take him to a children's group. It is not contagious to surrounding children, since allergic snot does not contain infectious microflora.

But a baby, having an allergic runny nose, is not at all immune from respiratory infections. Against the background of an allergic mood of the body, mucopurulent snot may appear, body temperature may rise, and signs of intoxication may develop. What should parents do? Is it possible to take their child to kindergarten if they discovered unclear or erased symptoms in him in the morning or the night before?

In what cases can a child with snot be taken to a children's group?

Signs when the baby was lethargic in the evening, refused to eat and play, indicate the onset of the disease. During the night, the temperature may rise, and the baby will wake up in the morning with extensive clinical symptoms of an infectious disease. Is it possible to take him to kindergarten in this condition? Of course not.

Staying at home with a sick child, not taking him to the clinic for an appointment, but calling a local doctor - these are the right actions for a mother.

But there are times when a child wakes up active and cheerful, and the only thing that bothers him is clear mucous snot. If the baby has already been examined for an allergic rhinitis, then the appearance of discharge indicates contact with the allergen.

In this situation, he can be brought into the group; he is absolutely harmless to other children. As a rule, the kindergarten health worker and teachers already know about the presence of this pathology in the child and can give him the medicine brought by the parents on an hourly basis.

Is it possible to take a child to kindergarten if the snot is just beginning, and it is not yet clear what its origin is? Yes, it is possible if the child does not show any other signs of illness, if he is in a good mood and has an appetite.

In these cases, the teacher should be asked to watch the baby more closely. It is quite possible that nasal discharge will soon stop if the child’s immune system quickly copes with the infection, or if the amount of penetrated microflora was negligible.

But if the baby’s condition begins to deteriorate, he becomes lethargic, apathetic or capricious, and refuses any food, then these are signs of intoxication, that the child is developing an infectious disease. The teacher must notify the health workers of the child care institution about this. A nurse or doctor is required to examine the sick person, conduct thermometry, and if the body temperature rises, call the parents and remove the child from the group for the period of treatment.

Many children suffer from respiratory infections, which leave residual effects that last another 1-2 weeks. The baby is discharged to a child care facility by the local pediatrician only when he is completely sure that the baby’s health is not in danger and that he will not infect other peers.

It is possible to discharge a child with residual symptoms in the form of a slight runny nose or a rare wet cough to a group; such a child will recover even faster by communicating with friends and walking in the fresh air. After presenting a certificate from the local pediatrician about permission to attend kindergarten, the child must be accepted into the group even with residual effects.

During the cold periods of the year, when the seasonal incidence of acute respiratory infections increases, children's institutions are often closed for quarantine completely or in separate groups. In those groups that remain working, a slight runny nose in children is treated more tolerantly, carefully monitoring the children’s condition. At the same time, caregivers can also instill nasal medications, taking into account the dosage and frequency of administration.

The best practice is for each child to be examined by a health professional in the morning as soon as parents bring him or her to kindergarten.

But, unfortunately, in the current conditions in municipal kindergartens this is not feasible; health workers are only able to examine children with complaints. This practice may be realistic in private kindergartens, where there are much fewer children in the group.

In each case, the possibility of a child visiting a child care facility with a runny nose is considered strictly individually.

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The actress said that their kindergarten was very good: music, drawing, a swimming pool, classes to develop logic - everything was there. The teachers are wonderful, and even such a picky mom like Ilana liked them. But the problem still arose. The actress didn't like... other mothers.

“Why do mothers bring untreated children to kindergarten! Why do you think that only you urgently need to mind your own business, while others don’t?! You come to the group, half of the children are coughing,” Ilana is indignant.

According to the actress, her daughter Diana went to kindergarten for three days. Afterwards I was sick for a week. Then another three days in kindergarten, two weeks at home. This state of affairs did not suit my mother.

“We decided that we don’t need this kind of “development.” We will develop at home. Although doctors say that a child’s immunity is formed through illness,” Ilana Yuryeva gave her verdict.

What do doctors really say about this? The most famous TV doctor in the country, Evgeny Komarovsky, is firm and categorical in his opinion: you need to go to kindergarten. You just need to prepare for it from birth: get vaccinated, harden yourself, live according to a similar regime. And it’s also normal to have childhood illnesses. The more often a child goes out into the world, the more likely he is to catch chickenpox or the flu. There is no need to be afraid of this. Children's immunity must undergo a kind of training, but how can this be done if the causative agents of these diseases are constantly avoided?

In addition, Dr. Komarovsky explained why untreated children in the kindergarten are also, oddly enough, normal.

But what if your child gets sick too often? In this case, wouldn’t it be better for him to really quit kindergarten and start home schooling?

As the baby grows up and the child enrolls in kindergarten, parents have the question of what to do if rhinitis appears? Many institutions have rules when a child with mucous discharge is not accepted into kindergarten. Then mom or dad should take a leave and treat the child at home. But if the discharge is small and the doctor has diagnosed non-infectious rhinitis, you can still take your child to a preschool institution.

Particular attention to the child’s health should be paid during the cold season, when the seasonal incidence of acute respiratory viruses is increased. During this period, many gardens are closed for quarantine, but some groups continue their work. In those institutions where a baby is admitted with a runny nose, the level of disease is usually much higher. Please pay attention to this when choosing a kindergarten.

Types of rhinitis

One of the main questions parents have today is whether it is possible to take their child to kindergarten with snot. First you need to understand the nature of mucous secretions. If rhinitis occurs with severe symptoms and a serious deterioration in well-being, caring parents should take urgent measures and begin drug treatment.

Viral or catarrhal rhinitis causes serious increased body temperature, nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membranes, redness of the tip of the nose, pain in the throat and a number of other symptoms.

Find out how to cure rhinitis in a baby here.

A runny nose can be traumatic. In this case, rhinitis is not dangerous to others.

In this case, the child should be left at home and the inflammation should be completely cured. If therapy is not provided in a timely manner, the baby may develop acute otitis, sinusitis or frontal sinusitis.

Should a child with snot be taken to the garden if the illness is traumatic? These types include the appearance of rhinitis due to a bruise, an insect bite, or an allergic reaction to pollen or pet dander. Usually, This type of runny nose is not transmitted to other babies, therefore it is considered harmless.

Pediatrician's opinion

According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, snot and kindergarten are incompatible. This rule applies to viral, bacterial and infectious types of rhinitis.

In addition to the fact that a runny nose of this form causes a number of acute symptoms that affect the baby’s well-being, the child can infect other children. Constant communication with peers during rhinitis can lead to frequent morbidity in the group.

Acute respiratory diseases are transmitted from one baby to another in a matter of minutes.

As Komarovsky warns, visiting a group where most of the children are sick is dangerous for the baby by reducing the immune system.

Antibody reserves are significantly reduced, which leads to the smooth penetration of a number of pathogenic microorganisms into the nasal cavity. Therefore, if you do not want to infect other children or get sick yourself, do not send your child to kindergarten during the season when acute respiratory illnesses become more active. However, according to the pediatrician, this process natural for a small organism.

In order for the child’s immunity to develop quickly and fully, it will be useful for the baby to meet various types of microflora.

Infectious rhinitis Contact with respiratory viruses leads to severe swelling of the mucous membrane, hyperemia, increased body temperature, as well as copious formation of mucous secretion. Often this type of rhinitis is accompanied by a dry cough.

Find out how to cure a non-productive cough by following the link.

During this period, the baby’s microflora is more active than ever, so all pathogenic microorganisms enter the environment through coughing, sneezing and other secretions. At this time, your child is a source of infection.

According to Komarovsky, instead of going to kindergarten, the child’s mother should call the attending physician or pediatrician. After examining the nasal cavity, the baby will be prescribed medication and a course of physiotherapy. The child can be sent back to kindergarten only after complete recovery.

Allergic runny nose

If your baby is diagnosed allergic rhinitis, the child, as a rule, remains in a good mood. He does not complain of pain or unpleasant symptoms. However, as rhinitis progresses, the baby develops itching and burning, and also produces copious mucous secretions.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis begins with identifying the type of irritant.

Over time, itching becomes the cause of poor health and irritation of the child. The baby begins to sneeze and cough more often, and also complains of lacrimation and fear of light.

According to Komarovsky, you can attend kindergarten if you have allergic rhinitis, since he is not dangerous for other children.

However, it is important to consider the baby’s well-being. If allergic rhinitis occurs with pronounced symptoms, take a sick leave for several days and try to alleviate the child's condition by flushing the sinuses and taking antihistamines. Find out how to cure seasonal or year-round allergic rhinitis here.


If the discharge is not accompanied by severe symptoms, the child is still active and cheerful, and visiting kindergarten is not prohibited. In this case, you should ask the teacher to pay attention to the baby’s well-being during the day and, if necessary, take action. Most likely, in this case, the immune system will cope with the inflammation on its own and the rhinitis will go away the next day.

If the baby is lethargic, drowsy, capricious, without appetite, then you should pay attention to the baby’s health. When signs of intoxication appear, it is important to take timely measures and treat the infectious disease before it becomes complicated by consequences.

There are so many conflicting opinions, beliefs, and statements on this topic that it will probably take more than one day and perhaps more than one week to fully study them. Therefore, parents who are ready to take their child to kindergarten or not, but want to understand how to do the right thing, need to spend a lot of time to fully study this issue.

If you have already decided that you will or, on the contrary, do not want to take your child to kindergarten, then we advise you to immediately begin studying the relevant arguments as to why you should or should not send your child to a kindergarten. In any case, you will find a lot of confirmation that your decision is correct, whatever it may be. Because in reality, kindergarten for a child can be both good and evil. And this is the most important thing that a loving mother should understand.

However, if you want to make the right decision so that it cannot harm the baby in any way, then it is still worth spending your time studying this issue in more depth and becoming familiar with different points of view on this matter.

After all, the times when children were required to enroll in kindergarten have long since sunk into oblivion. Today, a woman can stay with her child on maternity leave for at least 3 years - this is on the legislative side of the coin. As for the sociological, no one looks crookedly at the mother who “stays at home.” Women (and especially young mothers) who do not work for many reasons are a completely normal, natural phenomenon.

In a word, today we have the right to decide for ourselves whether a child needs kindergarten or not, and especially whether he needs it as much as this opinion has taken root in society.

Kindergarten: to drive or not to drive

It seems that everyone around us agrees that extremes are not good, but when it comes to discussing some pressing issue, sticking to the golden mean turns out to be almost impossible. It’s the same with kindergarten: it has many opponents and admirers, and there can be no middle ground here: you have to choose from two options - either not to drive, or to drive (for a short time).

Arguments for kindergarten

Oh, how many stories are circulating on the Internet about how differently mothers raise their children! Some don’t even bother to get up in the morning when the baby wakes up, while others plunge headlong into caring for the child, sometimes for several days in a row without even having a free minute to comb their hair.

But what’s interesting is that both may turn out to be right. And if you decide to send your child to kindergarten or are considering the option of raising him at home, at least until he reaches school age, then your decision in each individual case may also turn out to be right or wrong.

To avoid mistakes, you need to think carefully and analyze everything. Let's start with the arguments for kindergarten expressed by teachers, psychologists and ordinary parents:

  1. The child must undergo “socialization”. Even if he did not attend kindergarten, then shortly before going to school it is still recommended to take him to the kindergarten group for at least a short time - for several hours every day.
  2. Every child is naturally endowed with a sense of community: he wants to play with other children, be among his peers, do something with them, as a team. And kindergarten is perfect for this.
  3. A child in kindergarten will regularly play and communicate with other children, make new friends, learn and develop.
  4. The living conditions of not all families allow the baby to play and frolic, engage in sports or creativity at home. And in kindergarten it is a mandatory component of the regime.
  5. A child’s stay in kindergarten is a natural step towards developing his independence, which is very, very difficult to teach at home. Children cleverly manipulate adults and instantly forget how to eat and fall asleep on their own as soon as their grandmother comes to visit from afar.
  6. In kindergarten the baby is disciplined, but at home he allows himself to disobey. There are often cases when a baby in the garden “eats better and sleeps during the day - but you can’t force it at home!”
  7. The kindergarten has a strict regime - sleep, rest, meals. Even if you have managed to establish your own routine at home, it is not always possible to adhere to it: sometimes you were late at the market, sometimes you met a friend on a walk, sometimes someone came to visit.
  8. Many single (and not only) mothers have to go to work soon after giving birth in order to provide for themselves and their child. And kindergarten is the only way to “find” a child during working hours, because few manage to find well-paid work at home.

A kindergarten must be comfortable for the child and in some way even resemble a family, where the role of the mother is taken on by the teacher: loving, understanding and always ready to help. Eh, it would be like this in every garden...

Arguments against kindergarten

Agree, many arguments “for” kindergarten can be found convincing and rational. But don't rush to conclusions. Perhaps the arguments against will be more convincing for you:

  1. Socialization again. In the family it goes more smoothly and harmoniously, and very often even more “correctly”. After all, the family for a child is his first society, which is firmly connected with the “big” society, and therefore the child observes how adults and other children behave and transfers these behavior patterns into society.
  2. The tradition of taking children to kindergarten is a negative consequence of the system that was once created. Even if the mother can stay at home with the baby, even if he gets enormous stress because of this, falling asleep and waking up with tears in his eyes, we still take him to the garden, because “everyone does this,” and it’s also very convenient.
  3. The regime offered in kindergarten almost always does not coincide with the biological rhythms of each individual child’s body. And at home, the baby has the opportunity to live according to his own routine, which is comfortable for him and does not cause harm. The biological regime is always variable, that is, it allows for small changes and amendments, since it depends on a whole variety of factors (health, mood, weather, etc.).
  4. Regarding independence, it just becomes at home, and in a natural way. Because the child does not obey mandatory rules, which are very often not accepted or understood by him. He has the right to decide when to wake up and go to bed, what to play and what to do, whether to go for a walk outside at this particular time, what to eat and whether to eat at all. Of course, if you allow him to. In kindergarten, he is forced to obey, and not make decisions.
  5. The separation of a 2-3 year old child from his parents is a huge stress for him, which has a negative impact on both mental and physical health. It is during this period that the baby develops trust in the outside world. Separating a baby from his mother is a big test for him. A child needs emotional security, mother’s love, warmth and affection, especially in a new, foreign, unfamiliar environment. And since there are a lot of children in the group, the teacher cannot take on these functions in each individual case - he needs to distribute his attention to everyone.
  6. Some children get tired of a lot of people, noise, and crowding. They want to be alone, rest, relax, do what they love, and not what they are ordered to do. And this also traumatizes their psyche and hurts their physical health. It is not surprising that the baby begins to constantly get sick: the younger he is, the stronger the connection between his emotional sphere and the level of immunity.
  7. The requirement and compulsion to eat “by the hour” creates problems with the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system of a kindergarten child.
  8. A child who comes to a children's group always starts to get sick: some more often, some less often, but everyone goes through a certain adaptation period - children's immunity inevitably decreases for some period. Even “non-kindergarten” children suffer from viral and infectious diseases, and at this time the mother is obliged to be nearby and treat the child.
  9. Faced with unusual behavior of other children (impudence, brawling, aggression, deception, etc.), a child of kindergarten age is not able to objectively assess the situation and behave meaningfully, consciously. As a result, he either succumbs to the stronger one, getting used to this order of things and taking it for granted, or goes over to the side of the “bad” and adopts his bad behavior.
  10. A child must communicate with children of different ages in order to develop harmoniously and naturally. Among other things, it teaches you to evaluate the past and predict the future.
  11. Until the age of seven, a child builds a family model in his mind. And since he spends the whole day in kindergarten, then, perhaps, he will understand what rules and laws apply in the team, but family values, traditions and relationships for him will remain unplowed virgin soil, which he will carry through his entire adult life and which will then become real obstacle to building your own family.
  12. Modern gardens adhere to a subordinating model of relationships between adults and children. And therefore, growing up a little, having not learned to cooperate with adults, discuss issues on an equal footing and reach agreements, the child begins to rebel against “slavery” or withdraws into himself, knowingly accepting his “inferiority.”
  13. A child in kindergarten is taught to “be like everyone else,” to imitate each other, while it is very important to develop in him an individuality that is harmonious, self-sufficient, and free. “Sadikovskie” children are treated with the same brush and raised in stereotypes. For a child, what others think becomes more important than what he himself feels.
  14. All children are different in temperament. What the choleric has already done, the phlegmatic is still planning, and in the garden the former are forced to wait, the latter are endlessly rushed... From here come complexes, self-doubt, “loser syndrome”, inability to plan and properly manage one’s time and other consequences.
  15. We cannot be one hundred percent sure even of the best teacher! And it is impossible to work with several dozen completely different, but identical in age children without mental disorders and disorders in the end. What can we say about the fact that many people go into education not by calling...
  16. A child raised at home grows up to be kinder, more understanding, more open, calm, balanced, confident and (surprisingly) more well-mannered!

In general, all the advantages of home education can be summed up in one phrase: even the laziest and meanest mother is better for a child than a kind teacher.

What kind of mothers to be is up to us, not our children, to decide. Moreover: we give away several years of life together with our own child to other people's aunts, who do not need him at all. And one more thing: the harmony, usefulness, and success of a child almost entirely depends on how much he is loved and accepted (as he is) in his own family.

Of course, this is not the entire list of advantages and disadvantages of a child attending kindergarten. And, of course, you are not obliged to share all points. But some conclusions can be drawn from them.

Kindergarten - for a child?

Now let's be honest with ourselves: can a child attending kindergarten remain warmly and tenderly loved by his parents and vice versa, not being disadvantaged by their attention and not being deprived of spending time together? Can a child raised at home develop harmoniously, grow up sociable and reserved, demonstrate independence and patience towards others, be disciplined, and so on?

Undoubtedly! Just as a child who stays at home may not receive parental attention and love, and a child who attends a childcare center may remain spoiled and uncontrollable. Actually, this is enough to make a decision, but we want to point out something else.

Mom is, undoubtedly, first and foremost a person. Mom has the right to personal happiness. And any mother will be happy if her child is happy. But often it is he who we forget to ask what HE wants.

For some mothers, happiness is also the right to personal space, to their own hobbies, to free time, career growth and just moments of solitude when she can devote her thoughts to herself or do nothing (not all mothers like to bake gingerbread cookies and embroider napkins).

For others, this is an unappreciated sacrifice, the right to think and tell everyone around what a mother sacrifices for the sake of her child, what a high fee she pays and that she gives up the opportunity to earn money in favor of caring for the child and its development! And, by the way, many psychologists consider such “perversions” to be no less a manifestation of selfishness than the desire for one’s own life, free from cooking, cleaning and daily creative work.

But the main thing, in the end, is that everyone is satisfied. If the baby suffers from going to kindergarten, and the mother strives with all her being to spend as much time as possible with him, then why not? If the child happily goes to kindergarten and is looking forward to the end of the holidays or a speedy recovery so that he can go to his favorite kindergarten, and the mother enjoys communicating with other people, doing her favorite job, and pursuing her hobbies, then why not?

Of course, it would be better if the preschool education system underwent some changes. After all, the rules in kindergartens are not very suitable for modern children aged 2-3 years. But a child of five years old could feel more or less confident and comfortable in kindergarten. But here’s the problem: placing him in a kindergarten at this age is already unrealistic, because all the places in the group have long been occupied. And therefore we have to choose (for those who can afford to choose): either send the child to kindergarten at the age of about three years, or not send it at all...

Find an algorithm for solving the equation “does a child need kindergarten?” so that everyone has a good time! But, of course, the interests of the child should always remain above all else. And be happy!

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

The first years of life are behind, the baby has formed into a tiny little man with his own character and temperament. The time has come for parents to decide whether to send their child to kindergarten or give preference to home schooling. Contrary to the opinion that a kindergarten is necessary primarily for a mother who needs to go to work, a kindergarten is more necessary for the child himself. Only interaction with peers can instill in a child the necessary communication skills, without which it will be quite difficult for him in later life.

What can and cannot a kindergarten do?

In addition to the ability to communicate and interact in a team, kindergarten will teach the child the basics of discipline and safety, and will help to become more independent and organized. At home, under the constant care of parents or a nanny, the child will be deprived of an important stage of socialization. This developmental milestone will still have to be passed, but later, at school, which will create additional stress on the child who is adapting to school.

Attention! If you decide to send your child to kindergarten only because he has become uncontrollable, and you hope that the teachers will correct your shortcomings in upbringing, you are mistaken. The child will be instilled with the basic principles of discipline, but will not be re-educated. If at home you ignore the bad behavior of your own son or daughter, then in the kindergarten the child will behave just as badly, and you will constantly listen to complaints from teachers.

It is a mistake to think that kindergarten is a substitute for mom and dad. From the first years of life, the foundations of behavior, value systems, culture, and food habits that are characteristic of the family are laid in a child. A junior preschool institution will develop and consolidate the acquired rudiments of knowledge, but it will not be possible to replace them with others. If your baby is used to eating fast food rather than soup and porridge, and is used to beating animals rather than taking care of them, then you shouldn’t hope that his habits will change. That is why there is a popular saying that a child can be raised when he is placed across the bench, but then it is too late to do so.

When you don’t need kindergarten: parental doubts

Parents are often overwhelmed by the question: does my child really need kindergarten? Let's look at the most common parental doubts:

  • Bad conditions

Every parent wants only the best for their child. Conditions in public kindergartens usually do not satisfy the wishes of mom and dad: dilapidated buildings, old furniture, lack of qualified teachers, lack of toys and teaching materials. Such living conditions seem unacceptable to many. If this is about you, then a reasonable solution would be to send your baby to a private kindergarten or look for a kindergarten, perhaps not so close to home, but in a new building, after renovation and with good teachers.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • Food allergies

“Non-Sadikovsky” child – Doctor Komarovsky’s School:

The decision about whether a child needs kindergarten or not can only be made by parents. They are the ones who know the health and psychology of their child better than others. Do not forget that preschool education plays a significant role in development, so most children will only benefit from kindergarten.

We also read:

As the baby grows up and the child enrolls in kindergarten, parents have the question of what to do if rhinitis appears? Many institutions have rules when a child with mucous discharge is not accepted into kindergarten. Then mom or dad should take a leave and treat the child at home. But if the discharge is small and the doctor has diagnosed non-infectious rhinitis, you can still take your child to a preschool institution.

Particular attention to the child’s health should be paid during the cold season, when the seasonal incidence of acute respiratory viruses is increased. During this period, many gardens are closed for quarantine, but some groups continue their work. In those institutions where a baby is admitted with a runny nose, the level of disease is usually much higher. Please pay attention to this when choosing a kindergarten.

One of the main questions parents have today is whether it is possible to take their child to kindergarten with snot. First you need to understand the nature of mucous secretions. If rhinitis occurs with severe symptoms and a serious deterioration in well-being, caring parents should take urgent measures and begin drug treatment.

During this period, the baby’s microflora is more active than ever, so all pathogenic microorganisms enter the environment through coughing, sneezing and other secretions. At this time, your child is a source of infection.

According to Komarovsky, instead of going to kindergarten, the child’s mother should call the attending physician or pediatrician. After examining the nasal cavity, the baby will be prescribed medication and a course of physiotherapy. The child can be sent back to kindergarten only after complete recovery.

Allergic runny nose

If your baby is diagnosed allergic rhinitis, the child, as a rule, remains in a good mood. He does not complain of pain or unpleasant symptoms. However, as rhinitis progresses, the baby develops itching and burning, and also produces copious mucous secretions.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis begins with identifying the type of irritant.

Over time, itching becomes the cause of poor health and irritation of the child. The baby begins to sneeze and cough more often, and also complains of lacrimation and fear of light.

According to Komarovsky, you can attend kindergarten if you have allergic rhinitis, since he is not dangerous for other children.

However, it is important to consider the baby’s well-being. If it occurs with pronounced symptoms, take a sick leave for several days and try to alleviate the child’s condition by flushing the sinuses and taking antihistamines. Find out how to cure seasonal or year-round allergic rhinitis.


If the discharge is not accompanied by severe symptoms, the child is still active and cheerful, and visiting kindergarten is not prohibited. In this case, you should ask the teacher to pay attention to the baby’s well-being during the day and, if necessary, take action. Most likely, in this case, the immune system will cope with the inflammation on its own and the rhinitis will go away the next day.

If the baby is lethargic, drowsy, capricious, without appetite, then you should pay attention to the baby’s health. When signs of intoxication appear, it is important to take timely measures and treat the infectious disease before it becomes complicated by consequences.


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