Turquoise wedding (18 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS. Eighteen wedding anniversary What to give for an 18th wedding anniversary

Valeria Zhilyaeva

Love, mutual respect and warmth reign in the relationship of a couple who have reached the “coming of age” of family happiness. It is not difficult to guess how many years later the turquoise wedding is celebrated. A turquoise anniversary is after 18 years of marriage.

We can say that the difficult first years are behind us. The husband and wife went through severe trials hand in hand and kept the family together, no matter what. And now the long-awaited reward - life is settled, the children are almost grown, family traditions are established. This fact alone is worthy of gathering family and friends at one table.

What does a turquoise wedding mean?

This date has deep symbolic meaning. Why is the 18th wedding anniversary called turquoise? This means that the spouses have achieved victory in the difficult test called “family life.” Their marriage became “coming of age”, mature.

The difficulties and troubles of the first years of marriage are left behind, and now the couple is entering the next stage of marriage

Eighteen years of family life are symbolized by the famous gemstone - turquoise. He became a long time ago companion of happiness and victory in life's trials. The turquoise color represents the depth of the spouses’ feelings, their compassion and faith in their joint strength.

Turquoise in modern perception symbolizes harmony and balance. It is associated with the endless expanses of heaven and sea, with the awareness that everything that does not happen will be manageable. In ancient times, turquoise was an invariable decoration of royal thrones and weapons.

Turquoise has always been a strong talisman and that is why it was honored to become a symbol of one of the anniversaries of married life. A harmonious and lasting relationship that has gone through “fire, water and copper pipes” is the main reward that a couple who is approaching their 18th anniversary deserves.

Silver ring with turquoise and enamel, SL(price on the link)

Silver ring with turquoise, S&P(price on the link)

Let's start with the traditions that, since ancient times, have always been taken into account in the scenario for the 18th wedding anniversary. Like any celebration, the anniversary celebration has always been marked by special symbolic actions.

There is no need to abandon existing traditions. This way your holiday will have a special atmosphere

So, eighteenth anniversary wedding traditions include the following:

  1. Before celebrating their anniversary, spouses should go to bed in turquoise or blue underwear. So, already upon awakening, you will feel the unusualness and significance of the beginning of the day.
  2. At the celebration itself, spouses can exchange jewelry decorated with turquoise. Typically, rings are used, but other jewelry is acceptable.
  3. It is recommended to choose clothes that include elements of turquoise color. For example, for a man it could be a tie or a bow tie. And then a woman should choose shoes, a belt or a handbag to match.

The room in which it is planned to celebrate the anniversary is also worth decorate with decorative elements in turquoise shades. Select tablecloths, napkins, dishes and other decoration details. You can use the services of specialized companies that decorate rooms for special events.

Room for a turquoise wedding anniversary

Despite the fact that such holidays are traditionally celebrated around the table with family and friends, 18th wedding anniversary ideas can include other options. For example, you can go on a picnic or organize a walk along the river or sea.

Anyway you should prepare thoroughly for the event. Consider an invitation to celebrate 18 years of marriage. It is better to decorate it also in turquoise tones.

It is also worth planning not only the design of the table, but also its contents. Focus on green. Garnish your dishes with herbs, lettuce, kiwi and other green fruits and vegetables. Of course, you should order a cake for your 18th wedding anniversary, decorated with figures of the bride and groom and made in turquoise shades. Nowadays, culinary experts offer a lot of options for treats for any special event.

Photo of cake for 18th wedding anniversary

What do you give for a turquoise wedding?

If you are invited to a turquoise wedding, It’s worth thinking about a gift for the heroes of the occasion. A gift decorated with the symbol of the holiday – turquoise – will be relevant.

As a rule, gifts for a turquoise wedding are often decorative in nature.

Popular gifts for the eighteenth wedding anniversary are wall clocks, boxes, and souvenirs. All of them are selected in turquoise tones or decorated with turquoise.

However, from the ideas, you can choose a more practical gift. For example, a good present would be flower vase, tableware set or bed sheets. Such gifts can always be used in the home.

18th wedding anniversary card

An excellent gift for a married couple - vacation package. The trip can be organized if all the guests can agree among themselves and pay for the tour for the heroes of the occasion.

There are also budget, but no less original options. Spouses can be given tickets to the theatre, excursion or exhibition.

Whatever the anniversary gift, it should be packaged and beautifully decorated. In addition to the main gift, blue or blue flowers would be appropriate.

An original piggy bank would be a good gift. This way the family can save money for something necessary and valuable. A piggy bank can be in the form of a handmade money box.

Spouses should also take care of gifts for each other. These can be both pleasant little things and serious things that the other half has long dreamed of. The main thing is to complement the gift with warm words of gratitude and recognition.

Money box for turquoise wedding anniversary

All the preparations described above will give a special status to a turquoise wedding. This event will remain in the memory of all those present for a long time.

Now you know what kind of wedding is called turquoise. This milestone could not have been achieved by husband and wife without mutual love, respect and daily hard work.

If the family has a tradition of celebrating marriage anniversaries, then 18 years is an excellent occasion to gather all relatives and friends at the festive table and remember the best events of the past years. In addition, the anniversary will allow remember your feelings for each other and introduce a note of romanticism into the existing relationship.

March 31, 2018, 01:15

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Good day, my dear readers and guests. Today I want to please you with an interesting selection of ideas on what to give for a turquoise wedding.

18 years is a rather symbolic date for married life. On this day the family celebrates its coming of age. Left behind are misunderstandings, quarrels, omissions and periods of crisis that could rock the family from side to side. The family has grown, the children have matured. Now is the time to plunge into a new wave of relationships, devote time to yourself and each other.

It is noteworthy that the stone itself, after which the eighteenth anniversary of marriage is named, is translated from Arabic as “victory.”

And, indeed, this period of married life can be marked as victory over all the worries and problems that the spouses had over these 18 years. Crystal, topaz and tin weddings have been completed.

There are a lot of ideas for gifts for a turquoise wedding; the bluish stone itself, which is classified as semi-precious, seems to hint that this anniversary can be dipped in the symbol of turquoise.

Choosing a gift for my husband

  1. Weapon. Everyone knows what a weakness the stronger sex has for different types of weapons: swords, daggers, crossbows, revolvers or rifles. If your man collects weapons, then add a copy of a beautiful dagger with turquoise to his collection. Even if he hasn’t bought a weapon before, no man can resist a beautiful folding knife or crossbow, with which he can go out into the countryside, practicing his shooting accuracy.
  2. Shirt with blue cufflinks or a tie clip with turquoise decoration.
  3. Ashtray from semi-precious stone.
  4. Flask, decorated with stone. It will become an indispensable thing for those who travel a lot.
  5. Cigarette case, business card holder or fountain pen decorated with stones.
  6. Desk set for the office, decorated with semi-precious minerals.
  7. Chess or backgammon, inlaid with turquoise.
  8. Spinning, tourist tent, sleeping bag - the gift does not have to be associated with the symbolism of this holiday. You can emphasize turquoise only with design, wrapping. It is better to give a truly necessary and useful thing to your loved one than to try to follow traditions and give a trinket.
  9. Set of tools will appeal to any man who loves and knows how to work with his hands.
  10. The motorist can be pleased with new covers in the car, discs, massage chair.

What to give your wife for a turquoise wedding?

  1. Jewelry with turquoise stone. Bracelet, earrings, necklace, ring, beads or pendant - turquoise looks very feminine and beautiful on any woman, emphasizing her grace.
  2. Casket, decorated with turquoise stones.
  3. Barrette with turquoise.
  4. Vase in turquoise color.
  5. Bag or luxury clutch in a fashionable bright turquoise color.
  6. Perfume. To add anniversary significance to this gift, you can wrap the perfume in a bright blue package.
  7. Stole or an umbrella in bright colors.
  8. Magazine or coffee table, decorated with precious minerals.
  9. Coffee machine. Complete your gift with a bright turquoise cappuccino cup.

What can parents give to spouses?

  1. Bedding set. A practical gift that will not be superfluous in any family. Of course, to highlight the symbol of the holiday, choose a set in turquoise.
  2. Blue tablecloth. Serving napkins complete with turquoise rings will be a very stylish addition to the tablecloth.
  3. Tea or coffee service. It will be beautiful if you choose dishes in a bluish color.
  4. Romantic trip. Spouses who were busy raising children and everyday worries may not have traveled outside their city or region for a long time. Buy them a ticket for at least a few days to a boarding house or an excursion to an interesting place. Let them relive their honeymoon and enjoy each other's company.
  5. Oil burner with a set of essential oils. A beautiful and useful gift that creates a pleasant atmosphere at home.
  6. Appliances. Parents can afford to give not a symbolic, but a truly necessary gift for the family. Steam generator, washing vacuum cleaner, mixer, multicooker or electric kettle. Just stylishly tie the gift with a bright blue ribbon and you will have a themed gift.

Gift ideas from friends for spouses for the 18th anniversary

  1. Cake, decorated with turquoise decor. This is a beautiful and non-binding gift, with which you can go on a visit, even without an invitation, to please the happy “young people”.
  2. Set of bath towels in blue.
  3. Chic bouquet in bright blue + a box of expensive chocolates for a woman and a bottle of good alcohol for a man.
  4. Set of elite tea and coffee They will look great with a coffee tray.
  5. Balloon flight. A wonderful gift that will give you many bright emotions.
  6. Souvenir with stones. This could be a vase, a tree with gems, a small jewelry box, a money clip, or figurines.
  7. Frame, decorated with stones. Complete this gift with a certificate for a photo session and your friends will appreciate your attention.
  8. SPA service for two. This could be a hammam, a Thai massage given to a married couple. All this helps to open up your feelings, relax and experience many new emotions.

A wish bracelet, which is also a talisman, would also be a great gift idea. Give one of these and the couple will definitely be together.

How to beautifully celebrate a turquoise anniversary

Of course, it all depends on your financial and mental state.

If your soul asks for a holiday, then why not arrange a beautiful day for yourself with flowers, music, guests and gifts?

Do financial possibilities allow? Then book a banquet hall or a cozy cafe. Invite your closest and dearest people. To prevent an evening at a restaurant from turning into a banal dinner, think about decorating the room and serving.

An interesting idea would be to send out invitations to all guests with the obligatory requirement that everyone come in blue clothes. This way your guests will already be in the right mood. Decorate the hall in white and turquoise tones. Let the balloons, napkins, flowers and dishes be in the same style.

If you are planning a noisy party at home, then you should also not forget about proper table setting and home decoration. Hang bright balloons, buy napkins and ribbons in blue. Your guests will certainly appreciate your efforts and emphasize your impeccable taste.

A picnic is another great idea to celebrate your day with close friends. You can also try to decorate the place where you plan to gather (dacha, edge of the forest, lake) with balloons and paper flowers in advance.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Every wedding anniversary is important for a married couple, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a round date or not. Every year lived together is the property and pride of the family. Husband and wife become closer to each other every year. 18 years after the wedding, feelings become stronger and more reliable. This date is called very beautifully - turquoise wedding, which means “victory” in Arabic.

B Iris for a married couple means that the spouses were able to withstand all adversity, quarrels and conflicts and thereby gained victory.

During this period of “coming of age”, children have already matured, there is less fuss and hassle, which means that there is more time for each other. Turquoise is a stone that is the personification of love and fidelity. If a husband and wife have been able to maintain their original feelings and respect for 18 years, then nothing can stop them from staying together.

There are many options for celebrating 18 years of marriage. You can have a family dinner in your home, or you can arrange a real celebration by inviting your closest and dearest people to it.

The second option, of course, requires both financial and time expenses, but the wedding anniversary is worth it. Children, who by this time have already grown up, will benefit from a demonstration of family values; by their example, parents show them how important family is. If the number of guests does not fit in the apartment or house, choose a cozy cafe or restaurant for the celebration. It is advisable to decorate the room with balloons or turquoise paper pompoms. Vases with flowers should be placed on the tables; if possible, it is better to cover the tables with turquoise tablecloths.

As for dishes, what the whole family loves is put on the table. Surely over so many years everyone’s favorite recipes have appeared. Cold cuts, vegetables, sandwiches, canapés - all this will be appropriate for the festive table.

Don't forget about the birthday cake, which should also include a symbolic turquoise decor.

Pay special attention to your outfits; on this day you should be beautiful. The spouse can wear a stylish suit with a turquoise tie. The wife's dress can be in the same unusual sea green color.

If you don’t want to waste time organizing a competition program, invite a toastmaster. An experienced host will be able to create a festive atmosphere and will not let any guest get bored. And if you are a creative person, then get down to business and draw up a script for a turquoise wedding. The presenter can be one of your friends or relatives, it’s good if the person has a good sense of humor and a loud voice.

Traditionally, on this day, the “newlyweds” exchange turquoise rings. It is believed that this stone will bring wealth and prosperity to the family.

Pay attention to the musical accompaniment of the holiday; there should be a lot of dancing on this day. It’s better to choose catchy music so that everyone wants to start dancing.

Considering that the turquoise shade resembles the color of a sea wave, you can decorate the banquet hall in the shape of a ship’s deck. With this option, your husband can dress in a sailor’s costume. The feast is diluted with fun competitions, toasts, and the presentation of gifts. Guests are sure to shout out: “Bitter!”

Possible competitions:

"Marriage is..."

Each guest is given a piece of paper and a pen. The challenge is for them to write down what marriage is in three words. Then these leaves are given to the heroes of the day, they read these statements out loud and recognize the author of the lines, who are given a small souvenir. The winner can be given a bottle of champagne.

"Dress your partner"

To participate in the competition you need 3-4 married couples, including the heroes of the holiday. Women are given a pair of socks, and men are given gloves. After this, all competitors are blindfolded.

The task of men is to put gloves on their partner by touch, and the task of women is to put socks on their partner in the same way. This competition is very fun.

Gift ideas for husband and wife

A wedding anniversary is a celebration of two people who love each other and carry their feelings through the years. To please your soul mate, you must present a gift with love and from the bottom of your heart. A woman, after eighteen years from her wedding day, changes.

During this period, she already has sufficient experience of family life, and therefore has a certain life wisdom, which allows her to maintain marriage ties. Appearance also undergoes minor changes, and the moment comes when femininity is most clearly visible.

There is more time for yourself due to the fact that there are fewer household chores associated with raising children. Therefore, a husband can give his beloved wife a set of expensive cosmetics or some perfume. Giving jewelry with turquoise will look traditional and symbolic. The jewelry box looks great in this quality. In turn, the wife should not ignore her beloved husband. Men during this period are especially passionate about their careers and cars, so it would be appropriate to give a gift that is related to this area.

To be symbolic, buy cufflinks or a ring with turquoise as a gift. If your spouse loves bright things, give him a turquoise shirt as a gift.

How to congratulate spouses for friends and relatives - tips

What to give a married couple for their 18th wedding anniversary? This question is relevant for those who are among relatives and invitees. In fact, there are many options, the main thing is to give a gift with love.


Traditionally, turquoise-colored items or jewelry with turquoise are given as gifts on this day. For example, you can give a turquoise bedding set or a set of bath towels of the same shade.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

In order for the holiday to be “saturated” with goodness and positivity, you need to fill it with congratulations and toasts.

Possible text of congratulations in prose:

“Our dear heroes of the day, today is your holiday. You have reached the “coming of age” milestone in your marriage. Now you are allowed to devote more time to each other, travel and simply enjoy family life.

Your children have grown up and become more independent, which is why you have more free time for each other. We, in turn, want to wish your family well-being, health, good luck and prosperity. Be faithful and devoted to your love, preserve and appreciate what has been given to you by fate. May God grant you to live together until your blessed wedding and invite us all to this great holiday. Know that we are proud of you! Congratulations on this joyful day!”

Expensive …. (names of spouses), I want to congratulate you on your 18th wedding anniversary. Today is a holiday, which is proof that you love each other and are happy together. All I can do is be happy for you and sincerely from the bottom of my heart wish you simple human happiness. I won’t wish for mountains of gold and a lot of money – this needs to be achieved. But I wish you health, good luck and luck with great pleasure. Congratulations, my dears. Be happy, you are a wonderful couple. Happy 18th anniversary! Bitterly!"

If you don’t know how to express your thoughts beautifully or just want to read beautiful congratulatory poems, you can buy postcards that already have text on them.

The floor for a congratulatory speech must be given to parents and children.

Original and practical gifts

When buying a gift, you need to choose something that the couple might need. For example, bed linen or a set of towels are always useful around the house. A set of dishes will also be very appropriate.

If possible, you can donate some household appliances. A rather original gift would be a painting depicting a married couple. The picture is drawn from a photo of the spouses.

Funny and cool gifts are also appropriate on this day; you can choose some fancy figurines on the theme of marriage.

Here you will learn how to celebrate and what to give for a turquoise wedding:

Many may say that 18 years of marriage is not a round date, so it does not deserve special attention. In fact, this is not true. To be able to rethink and understand values, you need to live them and attach great importance to them. A turquoise wedding is not a reason for lavish celebrations, it’s just a reason to say warm words to each other once again, to be glad that you are still together and happy. Family holidays are the key to a happy and fulfilling family, do not neglect them. Are you celebrating your wedding anniversaries??

In this article:

The moment when the newlyweds said “YES!” in front of the altar, is a kind of point of no return. From this moment on, young people forget about their “I” because the concept “WE” appears, which guides them in later life. Quarrels and misunderstandings are an integral part of the process of getting to know each other. Years go by, relationships become calmer and more mature. Anniversaries pass one after another, and the spouses are suddenly struck by the thought: “What is a wedding at 18 and how to celebrate it?”

18 years - turquoise wedding

Eighteen years have passed since the day when the lovers exchanged rings and began to be called family. Now you can celebrate the coming of age of married life. This date is called differently in different countries. Thus, in North America, porcelain is chosen as the talisman for the anniversary; in France, delicate, romantic daisies are used. In our country, the 18th wedding anniversary is officially called a turquoise wedding.

Turquoise is a mineral of extraordinary beauty, the beauty of which is emphasized by a frame of precious metals (silver, gold). Its color ranges from sky blue to bluish-green. In Ancient Persia, sages believed that wearing turquoise jewelry every day attracted happiness and wealth to its owners and ensured the integrity of already acquired property.

For most couples, this is a special anniversary. It symbolizes strong relationships, the ability of partners to find compromises, to sacrifice their interests for the common good. Spouses display a special skill: to understand each other wordlessly.

The wedding anniversary of 18 years is significant, since turquoise will now help protect the most valuable acquisition of a married couple (love). Astrologers warn that the number eighteen means the beginning of a new round of the family journey. This means that the heroes of the day must prepare for new challenges and the fight for their love.

Celebrating a turquoise wedding

Party invitations can be styled according to the theme - in turquoise shades, decorated with shells and sand. In addition, you can specify this color as the dress code for guests.

Since turquoise is associated with the sea, a celebration on the shore of a reservoir would be quite appropriate. A Hawaiian party would be an interesting solution, of course, if the 18th wedding anniversary falls during the warmer seasons. Typical accessories (boas, flowers, glasses, Panama hats) must be taken care of in advance.

Anniversary gifts

Gifts should highlight the theme of the holiday. Therefore, any items that are decorated with turquoise are suitable: figurines, frames, vases, amulets, dishes. The price also includes exclusive gifts. For example, a photo album that displays all 18 years of marriage, or an amateur video clip, a photo session with spouses, or a photo collage. Children can present crafts they have made themselves.

A box decorated with turquoise in which spouses can store their wealth will be useful. An unexpected gift will be a portrait of a married couple. And if the celebrants love surprises, you can organize a ride in a hot air balloon or on horses.

Mutual gifts between spouses

The 18th wedding anniversary is a day when you can and should give gifts to each other. Husbands give their spouses jewelry, the obligatory element of which is turquoise. You can go to a store together, where your spouse can choose clothes, shoes, and accessories in turquoise shades.

For men, an acceptable gift is a turquoise shirt and tie. Wives can please their loved ones with cufflinks with turquoise and tie pins. Writing instruments decorated with this mineral or a photo frame with your own photo are also relevant. Men place them on the desk in the office.

After eighteen years of living together, a married couple celebrates a turquoise wedding.

Eighteen years is a very significant date, an event symbolizing the maturity of the family union. The couple had a lot of time during which mutual understanding was formed.

Perhaps your child will also celebrate his coming of age quite a bit later. Surely by this moment all the difficulties in the relationship between you have been resolved, conflicts have been resolved, crises have been overcome.

A new layer of family life is opening up, representing a completely new stage of development. Children grow up, show more and more independence, their lives become more autonomous, and, as a result, the number of difficulties that need to be resolved decreases, and more and more time appears for showing attention and care for their other half.

Turquoise wedding: how to celebrate your 18th anniversary

Undoubtedly 18th wedding anniversary can be noted as the age of majority of the marriage union.

Dressed up in a school uniform: wearing collars, skirts, bows, you can celebrate a turquoise wedding according to the original scenario. For example, by taking photographs taken over different years from albums, you can create a whole collage or gallery, entitled: “Growing year after year!”, or some similar title.

You are of age, which means now you can afford absolutely everything! Entertain yourself and your guests with invited bartender shows, alcoholic cocktails, original competitions and sweepstakes - have fun from the heart, now everything is allowed to you!

And don’t forget: on this day, it is necessary to use shades of turquoise in the holiday decoration, table setting, and room decor. And also take care of turquoise jewelry and accessories.

What to give your spouse for a turquoise wedding?

What to give your husband or wife for a turquoise wedding? It is not for nothing that the eighteenth anniversary is called turquoise - after all, turquoise is translated from Persian as “bringing happiness.”

Thus, by exchanging rings on this day, the spouses invest an important sacred meaning into this action - thereby reminding their loved one of the purity of their eternal feelings for him.

Having overcome all kinds of barriers and obstacles on the path to happiness, a married couple on this significant day celebrates the triumph of their unshakable love, devotion and loyalty to each other, illuminating the passage of adulthood with the light of their hearts full of love.

Celebrating this holiday, the wife will be extremely pleased to receive from her husband, as a sign of his unbreakable love and deep gratitude for the years they have lived together, a chic bouquet of her favorite flowers, which exactly the husband, of course, has long been aware of.

What to give for a turquoise wedding if you are a guest

As always, a gift for 18th wedding anniversary reflects the name of the holiday. Relatives and friends of those celebrating the anniversary give exquisite, eye-pleasing turquoise rings, bracelets, necklaces, home decorations with turquoise trim, various figurines and accessories.

Turquoise is distinguished by the fact that it looks organically in absolutely any interior, delighting owners and guests with shades of green, blue and even bright blue. Giving flowers and sweets is also an integral tradition of a turquoise wedding.

It is known that amulets made of turquoise attract only successful situations to their owner and fill his life with happiness and prosperity. Therefore, having received so many gifts from this stone on this day, the spouses simply will not be able to complain about the lack of happiness in the future.


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