The procedure for calculating pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan. What is a pension in Kazakhstan: procedure and features of registration and receipt

There are no changes in 2019 on the issues: “change of retirement age in Kazakhstan”, “lowering the retirement age in Kazakhstan from 2019”, “new retirement law” with the advent of the new President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. The law to raise the retirement age has already been adopted and is working. The retirement age of women in Kazakhstan will be increased gradually, annually by 6 months for 10 years until 2027. Thus, women born since 1964 will retire at age 63, on par with men in 2027. So read here:

  • latest news about retirement age in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Retirement schedule for women in Kazakhstan (retirement age grid) with explanations and examples: retirement by date of birth for women born in 1960, 1961, 1962, as well as women born in what year retire in 2018, 2019, 2020 and other years;
  • how to find out when a person will retire according to the new system;
  • early retirement for civilians.

Men retire in Kazakhstan at 63 years old. But when do women retire in Kazakhstan? When can women receive an old-age pension? In accordance with Art. 11 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On pension provision of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, from January 1, 2018, the retirement age of women in Kazakhstan will gradually increase over 10 years (from 2018 to 2027 inclusive), increasing annually by 6 months and reaching the threshold of 63 years , i.e. matching the retirement age of men. In fact, this is the Law on increasing the retirement age in Kazakhstan.

Look at the table below for a schedule of gradual increases in the retirement age for women in Kazakhstan by year, starting in 2018. Find out what age women will retire this year.

Schedule for increasing the retirement age of women in the Republic of Kazakhstan:

date Women's retirement age Retirement for women
until 2018 58 years old born before 1959
from January 1, 2018 58.5 years Born 1959
from January 1, 2019 59 years old Born 1960
from January 1, 2020 59.5 years Born 1960
from January 1, 2021 60 years Born 1961
from January 1, 2022 60.5 years Born 1961
from January 1, 2023 61 years old Born 1962
from January 1, 2024 61.5 years Born 1962
from January 1, 2025 62 years old Born 1963
from January 1, 2026 62.5 years Born 1963
from January 1, 2027 63 years old Born 1964

In the table, we noted in the column “Women at what age they retire this year” for 2 years at a time, for example, in 2019 and 2020, women born in 1960 will receive an old-age pension.

What does it mean? The website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( explains that:

  • if a woman was born, for example, on January 6, 1960. She turns 58 on January 6, 2018. However, from January 1, 2018, according to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the retirement age of women has increased - they retire at 58.5 years (i.e. 58 years and 6 months). This means that a woman will be able to retire when she turns 58 years old and another 6 months (58.5 years), i.e. six months later - July 6, 2018;
  • if a woman was born, for example, on August 20, 1960 (she will turn 58 years old), the retirement age from January 1, 2018 for women in the Republic of Kazakhstan is 58 years 6 months (58.5 years), then after 6 months it will already be February 20, 2019, but here, from January 1, 2019, the legislation already provides for the generally established retirement age 59 years old. This means that the woman will retire at 59 years old, i.e. August 20, 2019.

Therefore, those who were born in the second half of the year (from July) will retire at the age of the next year.

Early retirement or who can retire early in the Republic of Kazakhstan:

Those who lived from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963 (at least 5 years) in environmental risk zones affected by nuclear weapons tests at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site:

  • men - at 50 years oldand if you have a work experience of at least 25 years as of January 1, 1998;
  • women - at 45 years oldwith a work experience of at least 20 years as of January 1, 1998.

Women who have given birth to or adopted 5 or more children and raised them until they are 8 years old, upon reaching 53 years of age, can also retire early.

For participants of the funded pension system, if pension savings are sufficient, the right to assign pension payments from the funded pension system at 50 years and 6 months in the event of purchasing a pension annuity is retained.

Helpful information!

You can calculate at least approximately the total amount of your pension on the website in the “Electronic Services” section, where there is a “Pension Calculator”:

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Pension increase in Kazakhstan 2018.

Some citizens are interested in what the retirement age is in Kazakhstan. In general, all issues related to retirement play an important role for the population. All the features of obtaining the status of a citizen who has retired in Kazakhstan will be discussed below. Each state has its own rules in this regard.

Gender dependent

What is the retirement age in Kazakhstan? There is no clear answer to this question. The fact is that a lot depends on the length of service, position, and most importantly, on the gender of the person.

Almost all over the world, women retire earlier than men. And Kazakhstan is no exception. Accordingly, an exact and uniform age for retirement cannot be determined. But each gender has its own age limits. After achieving them, you can think about applying for pensioner status.

Types of pensions

An important point is also to understand what types of pensions are available in the country. Indeed, in some cases it is possible to obtain pensioner status earlier. So what can the population count on?

Among the main types of pension payments are:

  1. For the loss of a breadwinner. It has nothing to do with retirement age in Kazakhstan. Assigned to people who have lost the only breadwinner in the family.
  2. According to the age. The main type of support for pensioners. It is because of this payment that people are interested in retirement age. In Kazakhstan, in order to receive an old-age pension, you still need to have a certain amount of work experience.
  3. Due to disability. Most often it is issued by pensioners, but appropriate payments are provided to all people with health conditions.
  4. Social pensions. They are paid to those who do not have enough experience, but have reached the required retirement age. A kind of support for the population who have not dedicated their lives to a career and employment.

The most common is the old age pension. There is also one for length of service. They are given to people who serve in the country's armed forces. Or working in certain fields of activity. It is this category of citizens who reaches the age of retirement the fastest.

Required experience

The Law “On Retirement Age” in Kazakhstan indicates the need for a future pensioner to have a certain length of work experience. The higher it is, the better. But in order to receive old-age pension payments, you need to work for a specific time. How much exactly?

Women and men have different minimums in this area. The beautiful half of the population must work for at least 20 years. And men are supposed to officially work for at least 25 years. Only after this can you count on an old-age pension. And only in this situation is it worth thinking about how much the retirement age is in Kazakhstan. Until you have sufficient work experience, you will not be able to obtain government support.


So at what age do people retire in this state? There are several options. The first is when a citizen has a certain work experience. Then, as already mentioned, you can be interested in age restrictions for certain categories of persons.

The retirement age in Kazakhstan for women in 2016 is 58 years. Accordingly, representatives of the fair sex must reach the specified age to receive an old-age pension. And work together with this for at least 20 years.


With women everything is clear. What about men? In most countries, as already mentioned, they reach retirement age later. And they should have more work experience.

The retirement age in Kazakhstan for men in 2016 is 63 years. Additionally, as noted earlier, you will have to work officially for 25 years. Otherwise, you will not be able to claim an old-age pension. These are the rules that apply today in Kazakhstan.

By the way, the established rules will be in force in the country until 2018. And then you will have to deal with some changes. More on them a little later. First, you should find out when you can retire early. There are some categories of beneficiaries who are granted the right to take earlier legal leave.

Preferential categories

So, the retirement age in Kazakhstan for men and women is currently set at 63 and 58 years, respectively. But in some cases, you can retire and receive an old-age pension earlier. And significantly.

People who lived in environmentally hazardous areas for at least 5 years from 08/29/1949 to 07/05/1963 or suffered from nuclear weapons at the Semipalatinsk test site can retire earlier. However, even here, men and women have different retirement ages. Today it is:

  • 50 years for men (25 years of experience accumulated before 1998 inclusive);
  • 45 years for women (with 20 years of experience).

Accordingly, these are the age restrictions that apply in Kazakhstan for preferential categories of the population. As practice shows, there are not so many such pensioners.

Having many children

It is worth paying attention to one more important nuance. The retirement age in Kazakhstan will be changed if we are talking about a large family. As in a number of countries, here parents with many children have the right to early retirement. And by age.

This rule applies mainly to women. Mothers of many children can retire after they reach 53 years of age. Work experience does not play a significant role in this case. Accordingly, this is exactly the retirement age in Kazakhstan for women - mothers of many children.

How many children should there be in a family? Only 5. This includes both relatives and officially adopted children. In this case, minors will have to be raised until at least 8 years of age. For single fathers, the issue is resolved on an individual basis. In practice, men do not retire early due to having many children. This right remains with the woman.

Changes - a fairy tale or reality?

Now it is clear what the retirement age is in Kazakhstan. What type of changes are the authorities planning to introduce into the country’s pension system? Now, as already mentioned, raising the retirement age is being actively discussed in almost all countries. And Kazakhstan is no exception.

Accordingly, at some point, you will have to accept that retirement for men and women will be delayed until later. That is, you will have to remain in the status of an able-bodied citizen. Previously, the retirement age in Kazakhstan was 55 years for women, but now it has been raised to 58. And this procedure will continue.

To date, Kazakhstan has already adopted a law that will allow raising the retirement age. The previously stated restrictions are in effect until 2018. And after that, we will have to put up with the fact that the retirement age for men and women in the country will be pushed back to a later date.

Future plans

The government does not hide its plans for the future. All able-bodied citizens can easily find out what they need to prepare for. From January 1, 2018, the previously established rules for retirement will begin to change. It is planned to increase the retirement age in Kazakhstan every year. What age-related changes await the population? It is noted that citizens will have six months added to their retirement age. The process will last until 2027.

By the way, the changes will affect only women. They want to bring them to the same retirement age as men by the specified period. Accordingly, in 2027, women will have the right to retire only at 63 years of age. There is no information yet about changes in this indicator for men.

Payment amount

What kind of support can pensioners count on? What is the average pension in Kazakhstan today?

The size of the basic pension in the country is 11,965 tenge as of 2016. Starting from 2017, it is planned to change the pension calculation system. The amount of payments will depend on length of service. Thus, pensioners in Kazakhstan will come closer to receiving the money they deserve according to the principle of settlements in force in Russia.


Now it is clear what the retirement age is in Kazakhstan. What age-related changes are planned is also not a mystery. In general, the situation with retirement requires special attention. It is likely that the previously developed plan to increase the retirement age for women will be changed. Or they will supplement it with a corresponding increase in age restrictions for men.

It is recommended to simply remember the approximate plans for the future, and then monitor how the situation with retirement is in the country. What is clear so far is that it is only planned to raise the retirement age in Kazakhstan. No one will definitely reduce it.

Almost every second pensioner will receive an addition to their basic pension

Finally, our old people received good news from Astana. The pension increase only affects one component of the pension - the basic payment - but it is still great news. Their basic payment, in common parlance, the “Nazarbayev bonus”, since this money comes straight from the state budget, will increase by 46% and from July 1 will correspond to the cost of living established every year by the law on the republican budget.

On Monday, Vice Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan Svetlana Zhakupova announced that about 940 thousand pensioners in Kazakhstan will receive a basic pension payment in the amount of 100% of the subsistence level.

There are 2 million 148 pensioners in the country. The living wage is set at 28,284 tenge.

Thus, for the first time in Kazakhstan, a more equitable methodology for calculating the labor participation of people who have reached retirement age will be applied in practice. And this participation will be converted into state support.

And everything, in this case, depends on the seniority of the pensioner. The calculation is as follows. If until now all pensioners, regardless of their work experience, receive the same basic pension - 54% of the subsistence minimum, then in the future the size of this payment will depend on their work experience and length of participation in the pension system.

According to the relevant ministry, from July 1, the so-called strict mathematical calculation will be introduced. For pensioners with less than 10 years of work experience or no work experience at all, a basic pension will be provided in the amount of 54% of the subsistence level, that is, at today's level. For each year beyond 10 years, the basic pension will increase by 2%. And for pensioners with 33 or more years of work experience, it will be 100%.

Thus, equalization, at least at the level of the basic pension, is cancelled.

Here is additional fresh data from Svetlana Zhakupova. 44.5% of successful pensioners will receive a basic payment in the amount of 100% of the subsistence level. Another 43-44% of pensioners can count on 74-90% of the subsistence level. And 120 thousand pensioners who have less than 10 years of work experience will receive an increase of 54%, that is, at the current level - 15,274 tenge.

The state abandoned the idea of ​​taking away bread from those who had worked only briefly throughout their lives, but decided to encourage people to gain more work experience.

Moreover, to calculate 100% of the subsistence level, it must be assumed that not just entries in work books will be used, but also data on real pension contributions from wages. Based on the data in the State Center for Retirement, you can immediately determine whether a person actually worked and whether he thought about his retirement future.

“The length of service will be calculated as on January 1, 1998. This is participation in labor activity in the solidarity system until January 1, 1998, and after January 1, 1998, periods of participation in the funded pension system will be calculated through the transfer of mandatory pension contributions to the funded pension fund.”, - said Svetlana Zhakupova.

So, if you are a pensioner, then from June 15 you can find out through e-government services how much your pension will increase According to the vice minister, a one-time automatic recalculation of pensions has already been made.

But if someone is not satisfied with the calculation, which they see in electronic form before July 1, then they can probably challenge it with the social department. To do this, you will need to provide all documents confirming your work experience and the amount of pension contributions during the disputed periods.

Everything is fine - pensioners with extensive experience will begin to receive significantly more. For these purposes, to increase the basic pension, additional funds will be allocated from the republican budget, amounting to hundreds of billions of tenge (various information sources give figures from 128 billion to 530 billion tenge), probably until the end of the current financial year.

However, the fact that exactly how the cost of living is determined in the country is alarming.

As you know, it is prescribed in the republican budget every year, but, amazingly, the statistical committee calculates it every month, and it turns out that it is significantly lower than what is required by law. That is, when drawing up the budget, the government calculates this indicator of the quality of life as if with a reserve. For example, in May the cost of living was 26,468 tenge, while the republican budget set it at 28,284 tenge.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the government, when it suddenly needs to sequester social spending (there are such times - we are not immune!), may restrain the increase in the minimum subsistence level, despite the fact that today it is too low. And thus save money on paying the basic pension.

« Until 2043, people in Kazakhstan who have worked before 1998 will retire, that is, before the transition to the funded pension system. In addition to the basic pension and their accumulated pension, they will also receive a joint pension. After 2043, only participants of the funded pension system will remain, and their basic pension will be calculated according to the same principle, only based on the length of participation in the funded pension system.”, - Tamara Duysenova once expounded this logic when she was the head of the Ministry of Social Protection.

In general, it’s like this: the state will take care of pensioners. But it’s better, of course, that they think about their future themselves!

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ASTANA, June 17 – Sputnik. In Kazakhstan, starting from July this year, the procedure for calculating the basic pension will change. What determines the size of your pension today and how to calculate it - read the material.

Who is entitled to a pension

Citizens of Kazakhstan, foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the republic have the right to pension payments.

What does a pension consist of?

The payment consists of three indicators:

  • basic pension
  • solidarity/labor (deductions before January 1, 1998 are taken into account)
  • funded pension (contributions after January 1, 1998 are taken into account)

Basic pension

The basic pension is paid regardless of what kind of joint or funded pension you receive. Currently, the size of the basic pension is the same for everyone - 15,274 tenge.

However, from July 1, 2018, it will depend on the length of participation in the pension system and on the cost of living, which changes every year in Kazakhstan.

Those who have ten or less years of experience or none at all will receive a minimum basic pension - 54% of the subsistence level or 15,274 tenge. For every year worked for more than ten years, the basic pension will increase by 2%. With 33 or more years of service, a person will receive the maximum basic pension - 100% of the subsistence minimum or 28 thousand 284 tenge.

The length of participation in the pension system will include:

- other - caring for a child up to three years old, a disabled person from childhood to 16 years old, time of residence for spouses of military personnel, employees of special government agencies, diplomatic workers, and so on.

The innovation will affect both future pensioners and current ones - from July 1, 2018, their basic pension will be recalculated.

According to the authorities, the new method of assigning a basic pension will not only improve the financial situation of pensioners, but will also strengthen the work motivation of Kazakhstanis: the longer a person works, the greater the pension he receives.

At the same time, according to expert Aidar Alibayev, changes in the basic pension will in no way improve the lives of Kazakh pensioners and will not affect their quality of life.

“The basic pension will increase by a small amount. The average pensioner in Kazakhstan has three basic vital needs: food, rent and treatment. The basic pension does not cover even one of these needs. That is, the pensioner needs to choose: either housing and communal services with rent, either treatment or food,” Alibaev told Sputnik.

Solidarity (labor) pension

When calculating the labor pension, the average monthly income for any three consecutive years starting from January 1, 1995 is taken into account. The size of the labor pension is 60% of the average monthly income.

The upper limit of average monthly income is limited to 46 monthly calculation indicators - this is 110 thousand 630 tenge as of 2018.

The labor pension is also affected by the length of service as of January 1, 1998. To receive a full joint pension, the length of service on this date must be: for men - at least 25 years, for women - at least 20 years.

If the length of service is more or less than required, the pension will change:

— pension payments for each year of work in excess of the required length of service increase by 1%. However, the maximum pension payment is 75% of the average monthly income;

— if the length of service is less than required, a reducing factor is applied.

For 2018, the mandatory minimum joint pension indicator in Kazakhstan has been set at 33 thousand 745 tenge.

Funded pension

Each employer must regularly make mandatory pension contributions in the amount of 10% of the employee's monthly income. The money is transferred to the employee’s individual pension account opened in the Unified Accumulative Pension Fund (USAPF).

The management of pension assets of the UAPF is carried out by the National Bank together with the Council for Management of Pension Assets under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today, the fund has over 9.6 million accounts for mandatory pension contributions. As of June 1 of this year, the fund contains savings for mandatory pension contributions in the amount of more than 8 trillion tenge.

Expert Aidar Alibaev called the current funded pension system ineffective.

“The activities of the UAPF are not transparent. What kind of people make decisions about where to invest our money? It would be better, in my opinion, to partially return to the previous system - to a competitive environment and allow a private management company to access pension assets. It seems to me that a competitive environment is always better than a monopoly position,” Alibaev said.

Retirement age

The retirement age for men today is 63 years, for women - 58 years and six months. However, the retirement age for women increases every year; the changes apply to women born from 1960 to 1964.

Gradual increase in the retirement age of women:

  • from January 1, 2018 - upon reaching 58.5 years of age;
  • from January 1, 2019 - upon reaching 59 years of age;
  • from January 1, 2020 - upon reaching 59.5 years of age;
  • from January 1, 2021 - upon reaching 60 years of age;
  • from January 1, 2022 - upon reaching 60.5 years of age;
  • from January 1, 2023 - upon reaching 61 years of age;
  • from January 1, 2024 - upon reaching 61.5 years of age;
  • from January 1, 2025 - upon reaching 62 years of age;
  • from January 1, 2026 - upon reaching 62.5 years of age;
  • from January 1, 2027 - upon reaching 63 years of age.

Who can retire early?

  • citizens who lived from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963 (at least five years) in environmental risk zones, who suffered as a result of nuclear weapons tests at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site: - upon reaching 50 years of age; women - upon reaching 45 years of age.
  • who gave birth or adopted five or more and raised them until the age of eight. They can retire when they reach 53 years of age.

At any age, citizens are interested in the issue of pension provision. Questions arise: when can you retire, how to correctly calculate your future pension and how to arrange payments?

Pensions in Kazakhstan are calculated by the State Center for Pensions. In order to apply for a pension, a citizen should submit an application to the State Center for Pension. Every person of pre-retirement age should know all the features and conditions for receiving compensation for labor output.

What is needed for registration

Pensions in Kazakhstan are accrued after providing a full package of documents and registration at the state center. List of required papers:

  1. An application filled out on a special form.
  2. A certificate of income for any three years starting from 1995. It must be issued by the employer or the company where the employee worked. If a person does not have the opportunity to obtain such a certificate, the average income will be determined by contributions to the Pension Fund.
  3. A passport of a citizen of another country or a residence permit for a migrant.
  4. Help with address information.
  5. Certificate of bank account status.
  6. Employment history.
  7. Diploma and certificate that confirm education.
  8. Persons liable for military service must present a military ID.

Mothers with many children who have given birth to 4 or more children must present additional documents:

  1. Birth certificates of children.
  2. Their passports.
  3. Children's certificates and diplomas.
  4. Certificate with address details of children.
  5. Marriage certificate. If a citizen is divorced, you must provide a certificate of divorce.
  6. In the event of the death of a child, provide a death certificate.
  7. If there was an adoption, you must provide court permission for the adoption.

Pensions in Kazakhstan are calculated for citizens who lived in radiation risk zones upon presentation of a certificate confirming this fact. The period of residence must be five years, ranging from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963.

At the center you must present original documents along with copies. This will confirm their presence and authenticity. Another person can submit documents for obtaining a pension benefit if he has a certified notarial deed.

Registration process

Retirement in Kazakhstan can be arranged in several ways. Methods for obtaining benefits:

  1. At the place of registration, through the State Center for Pension Payments (SCPV). You must submit your application and the required package of documents at your place of residence. The center specialist checks the received documents and issues a coupon if the data matches the required ones.
  2. Through the Public Service Center - a special center for serving citizens. The procedure for submitting documents is the same as through the state center.
  3. Registration through the website

To submit an application using the website, you must have an electronic digital signature (EDS). Sequence of actions for registration through the site:

  1. To register on the portal, you must enter your personal data.
  2. After registration, you must activate your personal page.
  3. You should go to the “Citizens” tab and select “Social Security”, then go to the “Assignment of state basic pension payment” tab and click “Order a service online”.
  4. The next step is to fill out an electronic application, where you need to indicate personal data and bank account number. The application must be signed using an electronic signature.
  5. In the “History of receiving services” tab, you can check the status of this application.

Calculation of pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Today in the Republic of Kazakhstan the retirement age for men is 63 years, and for women - 58 years. Since 2018, the government wants to increase the retirement age for women by six months every year. This will only affect the female population. This increase in the retirement age for women will continue until 2027, until the retirement age reaches 63 years.

This law was adopted because seventy percent of pensioners are women. In addition, the legislation took into account the category of people for whom the retirement age will be reduced:

  • For women who have given birth to or adopted more than four children, the retirement age starts at 53 years old.
  • 50 years is the retirement age for men who have worked for 25 years or more, who were subsequently affected by nuclear weapons tests, or if such a pensioner lived for five years in a radiation zone in the period from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963.
  • 45 years for women who have worked for twenty years or more and who were injured as a result of nuclear weapons testing if they lived for five years in a radiation zone from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963.

What is the pension in Kazakhstan and state assistance?

Payments of pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan are carried out using special systems. There are three accrual systems:

  1. Basic. This type of accrual increases every year and as of 2017 is equal to 12 thousand 802 tenge. All pensioners receive this type of government assistance, regardless of earnings and contributions.
  2. Labor, or solidarity. It is accrued only to people who have more than six months of work experience and who worked before 1998. If the work experience is less than six months, citizens will receive basic payments. Here only length of service is taken into account, since until 1998 there were no pension contributions. To receive a full pension, a man must have at least twenty-five years of service, and a woman must have at least twenty years of service. If it is less during the calculation, then the payments will be less.
  3. Funded pension. Since 2014, pensions in Kazakhstan have been transferred to JSC UAPF (unified savings fund). Upon reaching retirement age, a state citizen can sign an agreement with JSC UAPF to receive savings from his pension. Savings can be paid monthly, in a lump sum or once a year.

How pensions are calculated in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The pension calculation in Kazakhstan is 60% of the average monthly salary. Each year, benefits increase by one percent if years of service exceed the required years. But such additional payments do not exceed seventy-five percent.

Pensions in Kazakhstan are divided into minimum and maximum. The lowest payment is 28 thousand 148 tenge, and the maximum is 93 thousand 29 tenge. A Kazakh citizen, if he has work experience but does not have sufficient income, will have a minimum pension. If a citizen had a high labor income, the maximum pension can be calculated with a coefficient of 0.75 of the maximum amount and will be equal to 69 thousand 772 tenge.

Receiving a funded pension

In Kazakhstan, in addition to state, basic and labor pensions, there are four types of labor support payments, which are paid from the Unified Accumulative Pension Fund. Payments are made through pension and voluntary contributions.

The Pension Law in Kazakhstan determined the main payments to the UAPF. They are divided this way:

  • payments according to schedule;
  • making payments from pension and voluntary contributions;
  • payments from the UAPF when leaving for another permanent place of residence, outside the state borders;
  • in connection with the death of the person who received these amounts (the funds are issued to the heirs and for the burial of the deceased).

Types of funded pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Not all residents of the state can receive funded pensions. Categories of people for whom payment of state assistance from the UAPF is intended:

  1. Subjects who have reached old age.
  2. Men with at least twenty-five years of experience. The length of service until January 1, 1998 is being taken into account for those who lived at least 5 years in the radiation zone.
  3. For women over 45 years of age and with at least 20 years of work experience. The length of service until January 1, 1998 is being taken into account for those living for at least 5 years in the radiation zone.
  4. Women with many children who have given birth to more than 4 children.
  5. Disabled people of the first and second groups.
  6. Military, law enforcement and government officials.

At the expense of pension contributions, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have entered into an agreement with an insurance company, have reached 50 years of age, have a harmful work experience of at least five years, and those who have moved to another place of residence outside the Republic of Kazakhstan can receive a pension. Disabled people and citizens over 50 years old have the right to a pension from voluntary contributions to the UAPF. If a person made pension contributions, but did not reach emerital age and died, his family will receive financial assistance for burial. You need to know that payments from the UAPF are subject to tax at the rate of ten percent of the amount.

Package of documents for registration of funded pensions

In order to apply for a funded pension, you need to write an application and submit documents to the UAPF branch. List of required documents:

  • applicant's passport plus a copy;
  • bank details and bank account number.

For each category of pensioners, the UAPF may require an additional package of documents. Legally, the process of processing compensation from the UAPF can be handled by a trustee. To do this, you need to fill out a special application with a notary.

Increasing pensions in Kazakhstan

From July 1, 2017, the bill of the Republic of Kazakhstan provided for an increase in pension payments by 20%. The Minister of Labor stated that in 2017 and 2018 there will be a gradual increase in pensions from the republican budget. The joint pension will increase by 11% (taking into account the nine percent increase at the beginning of the year), and the basic pension will be increased by 13% (taking into account the 7% increase at the beginning of the year).

The increase will affect all citizens of retirement age. If in 2016 the minimum basic pension was 37,789 tenge, then in July 2017 it will reach 45,711 tenge. The average basic pension will increase from 55,117 tenge to 66,676 tenge.


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