How to become soft and tender. How to learn to be feminine with a man

Femininity comes in different forms. It happens that a woman looks very feminine in appearance, but it is impossible to live next to her. And from the outside it seems strange that such a beautiful woman is alone. And having been in the shoes of her man, you understand why. For all her beauty, she can turn out to be despotic at home, arguing about things and without reasons, selfish, not wanting to serve anyone.

And that's why it's important to talk about holistic femininity, in this book I call it mature. That femininity that is the same both inside and outside. Four levels of human life can help us with this.


  • The physical level, which includes everything related to our body.
  • The emotional level is where everything related to relationships resides.
  • The intellectual level is where our knowledge, skills, and mental attitudes live.
  • The spiritual level, where the relationship with God, the direction of life, and its meaning.

If we are talking about femininity, then it is important to approach it comprehensively, from all four levels.

1. Femininity on the physical level

For starters, this includes how we look externally. And there are a lot of components.

  • What are we wearing? To what extent are clothes feminine and highlight our femininity?
  • How chaste are our clothes? How much does she retain feminine energy? Or does it evoke lust, provoke and spill everything we have accumulated into nowhere?
  • What is the condition of our skin? Has she been taken care of? Have we emphasized our beauty with cosmetics?
  • What is our relationship with hair? Are they healthy? Are they well maintained? Are they tidy?
  • Are we wearing jewelry or accessories? Do we know how to wear all this and complement our looks?
  • What shoes do we wear? Trampled boots or delicate shoes (not only stiletto heels can be feminine, there are also ballet flats and low-heeled shoes)
  • What is the state of our health? Especially in the female part?
  • Do we watch our figure or have we not cared about it for a long time? It is said that the most feminine part of the figure is the waist. That is, a woman should always have it. Do we have it?
  • How do we move, how do we walk, are our movements smooth?
  • How do we talk? How pleasant is our voice to ourselves and to those who speak to us?

This also includes how we create—or don’t create—the space around us:

  • Do we know how to cook and put love into food?
  • Do we know how to create an atmosphere in the house?
  • Do we know how to create comfort with simple little things?
  • Do we know how to get rid of junk in our lives in a timely manner?
  • Are we able to maintain cleanliness and order within reasonable limits?
  • Can we create a feeling of a full cup in the house, no matter how wealthy our family is?

2. The emotional component of femininity

Since everything here is about relationships, there is a lot of work here:

  • Do we understand ourselves? Do we know our needs and desires? Do we know how to inform our loved ones about this?
  • Do we understand others or are we completely self-obsessed? Do we understand that others generally have these same desires and aspirations?
  • Do we know how to see the needs of a loved one? Do we know how to distinguish between desires and needs? And do we give our loved ones what they need?
  • Do we know how to have fun in relationships? And do we know how to give pleasure to others in relationships?
  • Do we know how to serve loved ones or do we consider it beneath our dignity? Do we demand service from others?
  • Do we know how to forgive or do we carry grievances within us for years and decades? Do we eat our hearts with such memories or can we let them go and move on?
  • Do we know how to ask for forgiveness or are we too proud to do so? Do we consider ourselves right to the last, even if it hurts someone and destroys our relationships?
  • Are we putting energy into relationships or are we just trying to get something for ourselves from relationships?
  • Do we know how to accept our loved ones with all their characteristics and shortcomings?
  • Are we creative and able to creatively solve problems and situations?
  • Do we know how to support and inspire loved ones, especially men? Or do we just press, demand and blackmail?
  • Can we forgive mistakes? For yourself? Close ones? To those around you?
  • How do we build relationships with the world? Are we trying to earn love? Or do we think that everyone owes us something?
  • Do we judge others, complain, criticize? Are we multiplying negativity in the world or increasing the amount of goodness and light?
  • Do we have strong, warm internal relationships with our parents? Or are we offended by them, hate them and take revenge? Are we grateful for giving us life and for everything they have given us?
  • Do we see individuals in our children or do we try to assert ourselves at their expense and make our dreams come true?
  • Do we have a good connection with our family, with our ancestors, with our ancestral energy? Or are we offended by everyone and everything and try to reduce contacts to a minimum? Do we know our ancestors and do we know how to be grateful to them?
  • Do we know how to thank and say kind and warm words? Do we know how to accept gifts, compliments, and gratitude from others? After all, receiving is no less important than giving.
  • Do we know how to open our hearts to our loved ones? Do we know how to talk about our feelings so as not to hurt the feelings of another person?
  • Do we know how to deal with our feelings? Do we know how to live them? Or do we block? Or do we pour it on whomever we have to? Do we even know how to feel?
  • Do we live by our hearts or our heads? Do we know how to feel or do we just think without stopping?
  • Can we love? So that the one we love feels it? And do we know how to accept love from those who give it to us?
  • How do people feel after communicating with us? Are we sucking everything dry? Do we trample others in the mud? Or do we inspire and inspire confidence?
  • Why do we develop femininity at all? For myself? To bloom and smell for no one? Or to light up someone's life with your love?

3. Intellectual femininity

Are intelligence and femininity compatible? It often seems that a woman should be as stupid as possible, and then it will be easier for her. But this is not true.

  • True femininity is wise. That is, her knowledge is of an applied nature; she not only knows what to do, how to do it, she knows how to do it. Knows what to say and how. Knows when to speak and to whom. And so on.
  • Good manners. True femininity knows how to behave in society. And this is not a mask, not a pretense. She just doesn’t ask people uncomfortable questions, isn’t vulgar, and apologizes when she hurt someone.
  • Knows how to obey her husband. More precisely, she first obeys her father, then her husband, then her adult son. Able to trust and transfer responsibility and decision making.
  • She speaks in such a way that it is pleasant to listen to her. With a good vocabulary. No foul language.
  • He doesn't argue. Truth is not born in a dispute; disputes destroy relationships. And there is no point in them. None. Why waste time and effort?
  • He doesn't get smart. He does not brag about his reading and erudition. Uses his knowledge for its intended purpose.
  • Does not open others' eyes to the truth. Allows others to be who they are.
  • Is he studying women's arts, is he striving to master them? Develops as a woman, in women's disciplines - beauty, home economics, creativity, family relationships.
  • He studies the laws of life, strives to understand how to live. He doesn’t come up with the rules of the game for himself, but learns from his ancestors, studies, analyzes.
  • He never stops in his inner growth. Always strives to become even better.

4. Spiritual femininity

  • Do we understand that we are a part of a whole? Or do we believe that we created all the happiness with our own hands, and misfortunes fell on themselves according to the law of meanness?
  • Are we grateful to the Higher powers for everything that has already been given to us? Or do we just ask for something again and again?
  • Do we know how to trust our destiny to Higher powers? Do we understand that they know better what to give us and when? Or are we constantly fighting and trying to get something else for ourselves?
  • Do we know how to pray – sincerely and from the heart? Do we know how to open our hearts to Higher powers?
  • Do we know how to pray for loved ones and do we do it regularly? Do we understand that instead of worrying about someone, it is better to pray for them? And do we have enough inner determination and generosity for such prayers?
  • Do we understand that people need love most when they deserve it least? And do we know how to love in such situations? In illness, in poverty, in grief, in mistakes?
  • Are we helping people around us? Do we understand that God has no hands other than ours? Do we try to support and help those around us?
  • Do we engage in charity – at least in some form? At least from time to time?

For me personally, there is a lot of work on this list. Endless edge. Grow and grow. Grow up and mature. Open your heart, melt it, learn to give and receive love...

I don't believe in partial femininity. It can only be whole. The one that is beyond doubt. Harmonious on all four levels. Otherwise, it’s just a surrogate.

I don't believe in the femininity of girls with open bodies that are blatantly sexy. I don’t believe in femininity, which takes someone else’s husband away from the family.

I don’t believe in femininity, which proves something to everyone and teaches something.

I don’t believe in the femininity of those who don’t have a man next to them for a long time - there’s no such thing as a beautiful flower that no one needs.

I don’t believe in femininity, which is only for oneself, when it deliberately does not have a continuation in the form of children.

I don’t believe in femininity, which kills itself at work for the sake of a career and money.

I don’t believe in femininity, which destroys its family with scandals and reproaches, betrayals and foul language.

I don’t believe that femininity can be indifferent to other people’s troubles or even cruel to another person or creature.

I don’t believe in the femininity of stupid and narrow-minded people who don’t try to learn something.

I don’t believe in the femininity of those who simply waste their lives and measure everything with money and material goods.

I don’t believe in the femininity of those who perform abortions.

I don’t believe in the femininity of those who crush their husbands under their heels.

I don’t believe that whiners, victims, complainers, infantile creatures can be feminine.

I don’t believe in femininity, which proves its femininity to everyone.

I do not believe. Because true femininity is beyond doubt. No matter who looks at it and no matter when it happens, the effect will be the same. Only a woman can be seen in her. Even if she is in a bad mood or crying. Even if she makes a mistake or is just learning to react correctly. Even if she is just starting her journey, and it is not easy for her.

By developing simultaneously on all four levels, we come to integrity, harmony, and maturity.

Talking about femininity is about as difficult as describing music or painting - it is perceived by us at the level of sensations and emotions, but at the same time it is difficult to define. It is not so easy to explain in a nutshell how exactly a feminine girl differs from an unfeminine one - this mysterious parameter has little in common with the length of legs, hair color and shade of lipstick, as well as with erudition or intelligence quotient. Men, when asked to decipher the concept of femininity, also give out various characteristics: softness, tenderness, harmony, attractiveness, charm, calmness. The elusive combination of all these qualities creates an aura around a woman, a special energy field, which is called femininity.

Oscar de la Renta dress, earrings, bracelets, everything - RL Jewel

Let's be honest: femininity is not very encouraged by the laws of the modern world. Quite the contrary: in order to build a successful career, survive in a huge city, and become successful in our profession, we sometimes have to compete with men on an equal basis and show far from feminine acumen, willpower and perseverance. How to maintain balance in such conditions and not turn into an “iron lady”? It turns out that everything is not so complicated: femininity is a quality that can be “remembered” rather than developed. Initially inherent in us by nature, it only requires the opportunity to open up. Try to make at least some of the suggested methods a habit, and perhaps very soon you will feel how your mood changes and how much more harmonious your life becomes.

Ask men for help

This advice is especially useful for independent ladies who are accustomed to “putting out fires” with their bare hands and “stopping anything at a gallop,” without resorting to male help. Set a daily request rule for yourself: every day, ask a man you know (or don’t know) to help you - even if you think that you are quite capable of handling it yourself. Ask to sort out a frozen computer, carry a heavy box to a nearby office, pump up a tire, unload bags of groceries from the trunk and bring them to the apartment - there are a lot of options. Pay attention to your own emotions and the mood of the man who agreed to help you: you will be surprised to find that even strangers will, as a rule, be happy to be knights for you, even for five minutes - and you, in turn, will probably enjoy feeling like a fragile princess who is not shy and not afraid to ask for help and does not strive to put everything on her shoulders.

Oscar de la Renta dress, earrings, ring, everything - RL Jewel

PHOTO Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

Show healthy selfishness

If you have ladies around you who radiate femininity, then you have probably noticed how they have an amazing ability to put their interests as a priority. Neither family nor work pressures prevent them from regularly finding time for fitness and going to the cosmetologist; they are constantly passionate about something - a new book, an interesting hobby, a theater premiere - and they fantastically find time and energy for these hobbies. At the same time, they cannot be called narcissistic egoists - oddly enough, neither family nor career suffers from the lack of their care; rather, on the contrary: only by charging herself with pleasant impressions, devoting sufficient time to her desires, a woman is ready to give attention to her family and be fully realized in her life. work. Conclusion: learn to please yourself and pay attention only to yourself, at least for a short time, every day. Make a list of what gives you pleasure - it could be listening to your favorite music, walking around the evening city, taking a fragrant bath or reading an exciting book. Even if this “me time” lasts only 30-40 minutes a day, one thing should become your mandatory ritual.

Watch your speech

Get creative

Creativity, even the most “useless” one, is an emotional “battery” for a woman, helping her maintain femininity and be in harmony with herself. Take the time to find the time and choose the type of creativity that is close to you - there are a huge number of options: it could be handicrafts, creating websites, drawing, singing, sculpting, scrapbooking, making bouquets or origami... A separate item worth highlighting is pair dancing ( remember the film with JLo, Susan Sarandon and Richard Gere “Let's Dance”): in addition to smooth movements and grace, they teach you to trust your partner, give him the role of the leader - which means that each dance class can safely be considered a mini-training on the topic of femininity.

Oscar de la Renta dress, Aquazzura sandals, earrings, ring, everything - RL Jewel

PHOTO Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

Feminine appearance does not necessarily mean pastel colors, floor-length dresses, ruffles and bows. Rather, it is the ability to look not boring and constantly find new shades of the image. If you've been faithful to the same style for years, try experimenting with silhouettes, colors, accessories, and hairstyles. Ideally, of course, a consultation with a professional stylist would not hurt, but you can completely limit yourself to the advice of friends whose taste you trust. Well, in fairness, dresses and skirts should be given special attention - they really add femininity to the image.


Maintaining femininity in the frantic rhythm of a big city is very difficult: traffic jams, deadlines, constant rush and chronic lack of sleep successfully instill in us self-discipline and multitasking, but not femininity. To avoid emotional breakdowns, not to become “hardened” and not to turn into a “man in a skirt”, find at least five minutes a day for simple meditation - even such a minimal “feeding” will help you relax and maintain spiritual harmony, despite stress and force majeure.

Production, style: @rljewel

Makeup, hair: Lena Yasenkova

Models: Gulsina, Nastya Tarasava


Let's start with the hair. They should be long. This is necessary to emphasize gender differences as much as possible. Short haircuts suit very few people. And men, as a rule, don't like them. However, if the hair is excessively long - to the butt, below the butt, to the knees - this causes men to associate it with an elderly woman from the village.

The following remark is addressed to women over forty years of age. During this period, menopause begins, and many decide to cut their hair length. This is absolutely impossible to do. Your hormonal levels change, you begin to smell differently, and if you also cut your hair, you turn into a kind of asexual creature for men. They stop noticing you.

It is very important that the eyes are expressive. If nature has not rewarded you with such a look, then you just need to resort to the help of competent makeup.

Men are attracted to a small nose, like... But don't be upset if your nose is not so close to perfection. The most important thing is that it looks harmonious on the face.

Lips should be plump and sensual. In men, on a subconscious level, there is a strong association between the lips on the face and the labia. Therefore, when girls use bright, newfangled shades of lipstick - purple, blue, yellow, dark brown, men get the impression that the girl is sick with something, that something is wrong with her. Even if the man is not aware of this. It is better to give preference to more natural shades. If you really want a bright lipstick, buy, for example, red.

The neck is considered beautiful when it is long and flexible. It can be emphasized with the help of a spectacular, correctly selected neckline.

Maximum contrast should be achieved between the hips and waist. If you don't have a very narrow waist by nature, you can use one secret. You need to tone up your shoulders and hips a little in the gym. This will make your waist appear narrower. Or choose clothes of the appropriate style.

Men like long legs. That's why they are so attracted to girls in heels. However, it is interesting that some studies say that the longer a girl’s legs, the less temperamental she is.

When it comes to clothing, we must emphasize gender differences as much as possible. Dresses and skirts are the best helpers in expressing femininity. If you decide to wear jeans, then they should highlight your butt.

Shoes. Since men like small feet, it is better to put aside oversized sneakers and shapeless UGG boots. There is no need to chase fashion too much. Don't forget who created it.

Estrogen is the most important female hormone. It is thanks to him that our forms become so attractive. Estrogen levels can be influenced through a properly selected diet with a reduced content of meat products and by training intimate muscles.

Men like unobtrusive and light scents. They associate heavy scents with very old women. You need to be careful with expensive perfumes as they are mostly heavy. After all, it can be very disappointing when you pay thirty thousand for a bottle of precious fragrance, and men will run away in different directions. It is preferable to wear a light, playful perfume.

The twenty-first century is a time when femininity, sexuality, grace and other similar qualities are relegated to the background. Girls try to become independent, receive several educations, and strive to work on an equal basis with boys. They dress in sharp suits, have short haircuts and try to look masculine. The concept of “unisex” is increasingly entering our lives, blurring the line between man and woman. Sometimes it seems that in society the stronger and weaker sexes have swapped places. Now the heads of the family are strong and confident ladies. They managed to develop such qualities as toughness, authority and determination.

Having achieved unimaginable heights in their careers and positions in society, many beauties lose that important feature that distinguishes them from men - femininity. Having turned into a commander in a skirt, it will be difficult to find that softness and charm, which is precisely what is valued. And without such qualities it is simply impossible to build a personal life. How to become feminine, despite the established image and cultivated sense of leadership? How to make others see you not only as a “workhorse”, but also as a subtle, vulnerable soul?

Femme fatale: why you shouldn't trust gloss

Unfortunately, many young girls consider the female ideal to be a kind of bitchy beauty, cold, strong and rational. This image is promoted by modern media. They advertise this style as the only one possible for a successful woman. In any fashion magazine you will find cold beauties with predatory facial expressions and empty eyes. It feels like the photographer has to really piss off the model first in order to take a photo like this. But there are only a few shots with a soft, feminine face and sparkle in the eyes. It is not surprising that the younger generation strives to imitate the image of a vamp woman, and only for the sake of fashion.

Consciously depriving themselves of femininity, girls build relationships with the opposite sex on scraps of knowledge gleaned from Western films and magazines. It is there that the standard of attractiveness is considered to be a female boss, capable of crushing any man under her. And then they wonder why their boyfriends don’t want to see them as a weak woman in need of protection and understanding.

Instead of waiting for a man to see your subtle and vulnerable nature, try to figure out how to become more feminine and gentle. With your war paint and image of a fatal beauty, you are unlikely to attract those men who want to have a normal family and children. It is customary to spend time with such girls, but they marry calm, affectionate and gentle ones.

By the way, representatives of the fair sex abroad have brought men to such a state that they are even afraid to look at the ladies. So they can sue. It is not customary for them to let a stranger pass ahead, help or carry bags. If a guy is riding in an elevator with a girl, he should under no circumstances talk to or look at her. And any compliment is considered sexual harassment. Unfortunately, emancipation has reached our country. But do you really want to be like Western beauties who no longer excite, but frighten men?

Why you need to be feminine

God created man and woman so that they would complement each other, not replace each other. Emancipation and feminism are good in moderation. But in their personal lives, these principles will not bring happiness to the fair sex. No matter how highly you value your acquired qualities of a strong woman, men dream of a tender and soft lifelong friend. This does not mean at all that for a normal marriage you will have to become a “wimp”. Femininity is not a weakness, but a strength that helps make a man firm and confident, a protector and provider. In a word, who he is supposed to be by nature.

Let's imagine a situation where the wife earns money, and the husband sits at home and drinks beer in the evenings. In the end, the couple divorces and he leaves for someone else. And then something unusual happens! A guy who never lifted a finger before now opens his own business, takes his new passion to the Bahamas, showers her with gifts and doesn’t allow her to work. Why did he change so much? It’s just that the second wife (bride, girlfriend) did not take on the burden of responsibility for the family and finances, but behaved exactly like a real woman. She awakened his masculinity.

But this does not mean that you should constantly push your significant other to take action. Many ladies completely misunderstand the concept of “femininity”. In personal relationships, they take pride in the role of the neck, which turns a man's head in the right direction. Accustomed to being a leader in society, they transfer this quality to the family, wanting not just equality with a man, but also complete dominance in relationships.

Such wives strive to compete with a man for the right to make decisions. They want to put the final point in any dialogue. Ladies simply snatch the position of leader and head of the family from the hands of the stronger sex. Proud of their ability to manipulate and provoke a man, they accuse their husbands of not being loving and tender enough for them.

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Let's take a look at the explanatory dictionary and see what the word “femininity” means. What will we see? "Tenderness, softness, grace." And not at all the ability to make everyone dance to your tune. If you don’t believe me, read it for yourself and understand what the opposite sex expects from you. If you strive to make your husband henpecked, then this indicates that you are trying on the male role in family relationships. And no matter how much you dream in your heart of a strong comrade or boyfriend, you are unlikely to attract him with such behavior. Real men do not need commanders in the house; they are looking for feminine, soft and gentle women.

How to learn to be feminine and gentle

Many modern representatives of the fair sex, having fallen into the trap of the “emancipe” image, can no longer instill in others the idea that they are weak and defenseless persons. They are not expected to be gentle and condescending, they are not given flowers and sweets, and they are not pleased with gifts. The chance of meeting your man's man disappears like smoke. And if there is already a family, then the rule “Me and the horse, me and the bull, ...” applies. You know the continuation. Why should a husband take care of a woman if internally she is already stronger than him?

Remember the wonderful film “Office Romance”? The heroine survived the betrayal of her friend and isolated herself from the outside world with her work. She was not interested in anything other than her career. And gradually she turned into a robot. How can you love a creature made of wires and steel? The fact that there was one desperate member of the opposite sex who made her feel feminine is a miracle. This is why we love fairy tales where the impossible is possible.

In real life, things are completely different. In order to change internally, you need to want it. It’s not enough to understand how to become feminine and desirable - you need to go towards this goal. What you know in theory, you need to be able to apply in practice. Understand yourself and find the reasons that prevent you from being a real and great woman. And there are enough ways to achieve this. If you just want to, you can move mountains.

  • Look at yourself from the other side

Such a quality as femininity is hidden in each of us. There is no need to doubt this. Remember once and for all: this is how nature intended. Look deeper into yourself. Try to find what you are so stubbornly hiding from yourself and others. Perhaps you are afraid of something?

You can’t fool yourself - inside each of us, even the strongest and most unyielding in appearance, there lives a small, weak woman who dreams of a strong shoulder nearby. And since it is inside, why not take the risk and let it out? Your timidity, gentleness and shyness have a right to exist. Don’t be afraid to show these purely feminine qualities; with them you will be appreciated much more.

  • Stop being a leader

Don't be too assertive in relationships with the opposite sex. Remember, a woman's strength is in her weakness. Don't get too competitive, trying to achieve a leadership position, and don't turn your family into a wrestling ring. Having achieved incredible success at work, you may be disappointed with the results.

Pay attention to male psychology, which still contains a little logic. Since instead of femininity and softness you feel strength and authority, there is no need for a man to protect and pamper such an Iron Lady. Isn’t this what every woman secretly desires?

  • Be positive

Radiate positivity, be cheerful and playful. Believe me, it is difficult not to notice a cheerful coquette or accuse her of lack of femininity. Why envy other representatives of the fair sex who are able to smile sweetly and flirt? A good disposition and innate femininity will help you cope just as well. Plus, learn to smile with your eyes.

  • Love yourself

By loving yourself and your appearance, you will find the answer to how to become feminine. Chasing fashion accessories and haute couture clothes - such efforts will not yield anything. If you don’t feel light from within, no one will notice your vulnerable nature. Surprisingly, some representatives of the fair sex manage to remain masculine in a pink dress. But you can be feminine and gentle with a boyish haircut. Only your inner self will help others to discern the feminine essence of others. Get rid of complexes and raise your self-esteem. After all, you are a unique woman, and it’s time for everyone else to know about it.

  • Go to a beauty salon

No matter how much we would like it, men love with their eyes. Whether a girl is three times smart, long roots, hair tied up in a bun, a face that doesn’t have a drop of makeup on it – all this is repulsive. To become feminine, you will have to change not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

First of all, update your haircut. If you don’t have time for complex styling, ask your hairdresser to create a hairstyle that you can do in five minutes in the morning. Don't forget to dye your hair a bright, rich and rich color. Have you dreamed of being a redhead, but are you afraid of experiments? Why not take a risk? Hair will always grow back. But there will be something to remember later, even if everything turns out badly.

With cosmetics the situation is more complicated. Nowadays, only a few know how to use eyeliner, eye shadow, powder, and foundation. There is a way out - sign up for a makeup artist course. And, of course, train in front of the mirror. By the way, don’t forget to wash off your makeup at night so you don’t wake up in the morning with circles under your eyes like a panda.

  • Update your wardrobe

Every representative of the fair sex should have a little black dress in her closet. But don’t forget about light sundresses, pumps, sandals, a flirty skirt, a peignoir and beautiful underwear. What, you've never worn stockings? Try it! By the way, men go crazy when they see that a woman is not wearing tights, but fishnet stockings.

  • Take up women's sports

Don't know how to become feminine? Sign up for a dance class. Rumba, waltz, salsa - all this is taught to the fair sex in all cities. These activities are suitable for different age groups. This way you will not only relax, but also put your figure in order. Want something sexier and more exotic? Great, oriental dancing, Pole-dance, etc. will suit you. And some evening, demonstrate erotic movements to your significant other. Believe me, the result will exceed all your expectations.

“Femininity is kindness wrapped in tenderness” - wonderful words of Alexey Filatkin. This phrase could not more accurately describe the essence of what men want us to be. Looking for an answer on how to become more feminine does not mean making concessions to their desires. In order to find personal happiness, we must not forget about ourselves. You just need to reclaim your essence and enjoy all the benefits of being a woman that Mother Nature has given us.

Discussion 5

Similar materials

Compare two girls: a girl in a baggy T-shirt, blue jeans, sneakers and a girl in a light dress, cute ballet flats or shoes and beautiful curls. Which one do you think guys and young men will pay attention to? Of course, for the second one. About the first one they will think: “Is this even a boy or a girl? She should be more feminine!” But femininity is not only about clothes. Feminine girls feel more confident and comfortable. But how to achieve this?

1. Take care of your skin.
Wash your face after every walk, apply lotion every day, and wear only the bare minimum of makeup necessary. Use a scrub 1-2 times a week to help your skin's natural cycle of producing new cells.

2. Choose elegant makeup.
Lip gloss and mascara are suitable for every day (apply them carefully, no one likes clumps of mascara on the eyelashes). You can also highlight your cheekbones with blush, apply some eyeshadow in a pleasant color: for example, pink or beige. Too much makeup never suits anyone, it looks artificial. And as you know, the best beauty is natural.

3. Maintain hygiene.
Shower regularly, always comb your hair, and cover your nails with a natural shade of polish: pale pink or clear with glitter. Brush your teeth twice a day! If you wear perfume, apply it in moderation.

4. Take care of your nails.
Keep your nails in order, uneven nails look unattractive. If you have just started transforming into a feminine girl, do not use dark shades of nail polish, choose “girly” colors such as pink, pale lilac, beige. Buy a hand moisturizer, it will improve your nails and make your hands softer.

5. Take care of your hair.
Try to avoid electronic hair styling devices such as hair dryers, curling irons, and straightening irons. Let your hair dry on its own. After they are dry, comb them with a wooden comb, it does not harm the hair.

6. Take care of yourself.
Eat right and exercise. If everything is fine with your health, then everything is fine with your figure! But if you still think that you weigh too much, contact a nutritionist, he will suggest a diet that is suitable for you. After all, you won't be feminine if you don't have confidence in your appearance.

7. Keep your teeth white.
Brush your teeth twice a day and occasionally have them whitened by the dentist and you'll be fine! Also, if you have uneven teeth, don’t be afraid of braces, think about the beautiful smile you will have after they are removed. :)

8. Get enough sleep.
Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Every girl needs to rest; healthy sleep will set the pace for a good day.

9. Have a sense of style.
It is very important to be in fashion. Read on websites, in magazines, what is best to combine with what. Try combining clothes from your wardrobe. You may not be very successful at first. But, as they say, “the first damn thing is lumpy,” so try and you will succeed! Find your style because it is better to be different with your style than to be like the rest. When buying clothes, do not forget about the basic wardrobe of every girl.

10. Wardrobe.
Pink is a typical color for girls, but don't be afraid of black and blue, they can look cute too.
In your wardrobe you should have:
- one black or dark skirt for school;
- any other skirt for walking to your taste;
- walking shorts of your choice;
- several simple T-shirts in pastel colors. they go well with shorts and jeans;
- two pairs of dark skinny jeans;
- a cute sweater for cold weather;
- a pair of light blouses for school;
- at least three pairs of shoes: sports, for school and for walking;
- two dresses for serious celebrations;
- one light dress for summer.

11. Good stores to buy cute clothes.
- Forever 21
- H&M
- Zara
- New Yourker
- Stradivarius
- Mango
- Zolla

12. Be graceful.
Straighten your back and raise your head. Always make sure that you walk with your head up, your shoulders back and your back straight.

13. Be a bright, cheerful and happy person.
Don't laugh all the time, it annoys people. Instead, make others laugh and don't take yourself too seriously.
Be nice and generous, being narcissistic will not bring you any closer to feminine behavior. Always smile and be nice to everyone. And most importantly, control yourself and don’t act rashly.

14. Don't let others make fun of you.
If someone is trying to make fun of you, let them know that, for example, your generosity is not weakness at all, but respect for others. Don't swear, but be nice and restrained even in an argument.

15. Be romantic.
Read novels and be interested in poetry, listen to love songs.

16. Stop swearing.
Cursing and loud voices are not feminine. It can be hard to unlearn, but swearing is the worst thing a girl can say. Learn to speak correctly, it's an art. Find a good “volume” so that people can hear you clearly without having to listen and cover their ears from screaming.

17. Don't stuff your mouth with food.
Chew your food thoroughly, do not make unnecessary sounds, and swallow it. Don't bite off huge pieces - take smaller ones. When sitting at the dinner table, do not rest your elbows on the table, do not slouch, do not slurp, and never speak with your mouth full. If those sitting at the table with you have said something to you and are waiting for an answer, let them know that you have not yet chewed your food.

18. Spend time with other girls.
Girls love going to shopping centers and having long conversations. Get together with your friends and go shopping, have a sleepover, or go to the movies. If you don’t have friends or they are busy with business, call your mom, she will be glad to have your attention.

19. Keep a diary.
Write down what motivated you throughout the day and everything that interests you.

20. Stay organized.
If you're not organized, it causes stress and mild panic, and it's also unfeminine. Make sure your things are in order. Check all your cabinets, shelves and drawers, everything should be in perfect order, maintain it.

21. Focus on your studies.
It is important to do well in school. Try to study well in every subject and do all your homework. Do not talk or exchange notes during class. It will be awkward if you are noticed. Participate in class discussions and respond in class. Participate in school activities. Read additional literature on new topics at school. Help those who ask you for help.

22. Read or watch the news.
Subscribe to public pages or blogs whose topics interest you. Watch the news on TV regularly. What happens in the world and in your city is very important. If you are not interested, watch it in order to continue the conversation in the future. You'll look a little stupid if you don't know the latest developments.

23. Play sports.
Select the section that interests you: swimming, figure skating or something else.
Sports will improve your posture, figure and health.

Other tips:

A true girl knows how important a handbag is. Your purse should contain the following: chewing gum, phone, nail file, handkerchiefs, makeup essentials (mainly mascara and lip balm), comb, pens, notepad, and a small mirror.
- Always have lip gloss (lip balm) and a small concealer pencil with you at school. You never know when a pimple might pop up.
- Be friends with a lot of people, don't exclude anyone and don't act like you're better than someone. Being a feminine girl also means being kind to everyone, even if they are rude sometimes.
- Express yourself and show your sincere feelings. Don't try to be someone you're not. Nobody likes “actors”.
- When you are at school, always keep things on your desk in order.
- Don't get yourself into trouble. Try not to break important rules, and always think about the consequences of your actions. You never know - it might save you from unladylike behavior.
- Don't fart or burp, or rub your nose in front of others. This is not at all feminine, and it will only turn people away from you. Always remember good manners wherever you go!
- If you have any talent, for example, drawing, dancing, singing or playing any musical instrument, then do not hide it, use it. Let people see how good you are at something when you share your creativity or play a musical instrument. If you are good at playing roles, then look for a theater club for yourself.
- Don't be modest. Being a feminine girl means that you have your own personality. Don't be afraid to show yourself a little.
- A girl should not have hairy legs and armpits.
- When you write messages, emails or talk to someone on the Internet or anywhere else where you have to type, remember that you must have correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. You don't want to appear uneducated, and text without grammatical rules is very offensive.
- Respect your parents.
- Always remain calm around young people, never be afraid to talk to them. This will make you seem more experienced and they will start to respect you. Don't flirt to get what you want - it's not fair.
- Be smart. A feminine girl should be a good conversationalist. Therefore, it is important to learn what is interesting to you and what will be useful to you in life. Read books and enrich your vocabulary. People will appreciate it because you are smart and confident.
- Always remain yourself.

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A diary can be a chronicle of your daily life, a summary of your most personal thoughts, or simply serve as a cheat sheet for remembering what needs to be done and when. There are no specific ready-made rules for keeping a diary, and it all depends on your passions and preferences, but there are general recommendations for those who decide to start keeping their own diary, which are given below.

And sometimes a person sits down to write a personal diary simply because he wants to. Without any specific purpose. And this is also quite normal, because in general we are now talking about deeply personal activities.

— Selection of tools:

The next step to starting to keep a personal diary is choosing tools. Now in stores there is simply a limitless selection of different notebooks, notebooks and other stationery. What exactly to choose is a matter of taste for each person. For some, it is more convenient to take a large A4 notebook, while others would prefer to hide their secrets in a miniature notebook that easily fits in the palm of your hand. In any case, you are free to design your personal diary according to your own preferences.

— When to write:

And the third question is when to start writing? In principle, again, there is no specific answer, and there cannot be one. Write when your soul requires it. Many people prefer to give themselves over to their inner experiences before going to bed, when no one is disturbing them and they can calmly think about the events and listen to themselves. This is probably the most optimal time. But again, not for everyone.

— Design ideas:

1. Cover

This is the face of your diary. Be sure to sign it. If you wish, you can draw something or stick it on it. Since this notebook is used frequently, it is advisable to wrap it to make it last longer.

2. First page

On the first page it is best to write basic information about the author. It’s almost like filling out a questionnaire, but in addition to traditional questions, you can highlight some personal moments known and significant to only one author.

3. Lettering and stickers

And finally, you can use various sayings, favorite quotes, inscriptions and even stickers in the design. Develop your own tagging system - and you will have a unique code known only to you.

— What to write:

What could you tell yourself? Yes, almost anything your heart desires! This kind of information such as secrets, experiences, stories can easily become the content of a personal diary. You can write down some facts, even the prices of new things - then it will be interesting to read about it. The more details, seemingly insignificant and empty, the more rich and lively the recordings will become.

Keep diaries, get to know your own soul through them - and something beautiful and infinitely deep will be revealed to you. Or rather, you yourself.


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