How to increase the shelf life of homemade mayonnaise. How long does homemade and store-bought mayonnaise last in the refrigerator?

- This is a cold sauce made from high quality vegetable oil with the addition of egg yolk, mustard, sugar, vinegar, and sometimes other seasonings are allowed. Mayonnaise remains an indispensable dressing today.
This sauce imparts a delicate and piquant taste to both fish and meat dishes! The amazing consistency of mayonnaise can make your dishes truly royal if stored correctly.

!!!Attention: Mayonnaise should not be frozen (at low temperatures (0°C and below), the product will separate and become unsuitable for consumption).

Choosing mayonnaise correctly:
1. Compound. High-quality mayonnaise should not contain preservatives, emulsifiers or flavorings. Mayonnaise should contain egg yolks, not powdered eggs. An overly thick consistency indicates a large amount of starch or milk powder - according to the classic recipe, they should not be there. There should be no taste of fat; this is a sign that the oil may not be fresh.
2. Packaging. The packaging must be absolutely sealed.
3. Appearance. Mayonnaise should be thick enough, have a uniform creamy structure, white or light cream color. There should be no bubbles in it, which indicate spoilage of the sauce.
4. Smell and taste. Mayonnaise should be slightly spicy, from sour to sweet and sour, without pronounced bitterness.
5. Expiration date. The longer the shelf life, the less useful and more harmful it contains.

+Beneficial properties of mayonnaise:
1. Vegetable oil (rich in vitamins and essential fatty acids for the human body)
2. Promotes complete absorption of food.
3. The benefits of mayonnaise can only be realized if it is made from natural ingredients.

- Harmful qualities of mayonnaise:
1. It contains high fat content.
2. Stabilizers E415, E440, thickeners E1414 and E1422 (which can lead to intestinal and stomach diseases, and also contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel)
3. Aspartame or E951 (considered one of the most harmful additives, in many countries it is prohibited for use. Long-term use of aspartame causes increased fatigue, nausea and headaches, accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the ears, decreased visual acuity)
4. Mustard, vinegar and spices (not recommended for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases)
5. Cholesterol contained in egg yolk can adversely affect your health.

Making mayonnaise at home:
Homemade mayonnaise recipe
Egg yolks – 2 pcs.
Olive oil (vegetable oil is also possible) – 200 g.
Vinegar – 1 teaspoon.
Mustard – ¼ teaspoon.
Pepper and salt to taste.
Homemade mayonnaise recipe:
Place the yolks, vinegar and mustard in one container.
Add salt to this entire mass and mix.
Beat it until smooth, pouring oil into it until you get a thick consistency.
If the mayonnaise is too thick, you can dilute it with boiled water.
Also, if desired, you can add: garlic or dill, onion and a little lemon juice.

Mayonnaise sauce rightly enjoys great love and worldwide popularity. It is an excellent accompaniment to any dish, be it meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, etc. The city of Mayonnaise is called the birthplace of mayonnaise; it was there that it was invented by local culinary specialists to please the Duke of Richelieu.

We usually buy mayonnaise in stores, where it is presented in a wide range. But it’s much more interesting to try making this delicious and satisfying sauce at home. And believe me, making mayonnaise at home is not at all difficult.

Since the Middle Ages, the composition of mayonnaise, of course, has changed; today various chemicals are added to it - preservatives, taste improvers, flavors, stabilizers, etc. Manufacturers are trying to make the sauce cheaper to make, so instead of oil they put water, instead of mustard - flavoring, and instead of eggs - dry egg powder.

If you prepare mayonnaise yourself, you can be sure that no harmful or unnatural products will get into it, because we will prepare it only from high-quality absolutely natural ingredients. Of course, the delicious taste of homemade mayonnaise cannot even be compared with any store-bought mayonnaise. To feel the difference between a homemade and store-bought product, you should prepare this delicious sauce at home.

How to make homemade mayonnaise?

In fact, making homemade mayonnaise is not at all difficult, you just need to have such familiar ingredients on hand as vegetable oil, eggs, salt, mustard, sugar, vinegar or lemon juice.

If you prefer olive oil, preferably refined, then your mayonnaise will have an unusually delicate taste. Requirements for eggs - they must be impeccably fresh. The thickness and richness of taste depends on the number of chicken eggs; the more eggs, the thicker and tastier the sauce.

To make mayonnaise have a pleasant natural sourness, lemon juice is added to it. You can put vinegar instead, but then the taste of the sauce will not be as delicate and subtle. Very little sugar is added to mayonnaise; sometimes it is replaced with fructose.

In addition to these ingredients, salt and mustard are added to mayonnaise; it gives the sauce a piquant spiciness. Well, then – the spices you like. This could be garlic, basil, horseradish, dill, tarragon onion, etc.

Remember an important feature of preparing mayonnaise - do not try to make your work easier and beat the sauce with a mixer. Real mayonnaise should be mixed only with your hands, in this case you will avoid unwanted bubbles that are created when using a mixer and worsen the taste of the sauce.

So, what do we need to make mayonnaise in our own kitchen? Using a whisk, try to mix the yolks with salt and sugar well until smooth.

Then add oil a little at a time and continue rubbing. Mix the mixture without beating, in a circle. After this, start pouring in lemon juice and mustard, after completing the process, mix everything thoroughly.

Now that the base is ready, you can put into it whatever you think is necessary - crushed garlic, dill, horseradish, tomato paste, etc. Mix everything well again and that’s it! You can eat!

Shelf life of homemade mayonnaise

Place it in the refrigerator and try to use it within a week. Pour it into a jar that has an airtight lid, do not leave it in the light.

After eating, do not forget to put the jar in the cold. Remember that the number of eggs in the sauce affects its shelf life. The smaller the number of eggs you put in the mayonnaise.

Today, mayonnaise is the most widespread and popular sauce all over the world, which is an excellent accompaniment to almost any dish. Today we will teach you how to make mayonnaise yourself - at home.

It perfectly complements the taste of meat, fish, vegetables, eggs and other products. Mayonnaise owes its name to the Mediterranean city of Mayon, where it was invented several centuries ago especially for the Duke of Richelieu.

Why homemade mayonnaise is better

Since then, the original recipe for mayonnaise has changed somewhat; manufacturers began to add various chemical components, flavors, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers, stabilizers, and preservatives to it.

In an effort to make the product cheaper, they replaced the oil with water, the eggs with powder, and the mustard with flavoring.

As a result, such mayonnaise can even harm your health. We are used to buying ready-made mayonnaise in the store, and don’t even think that we can quickly and easily prepare it ourselves at home.

Unlike store-bought mayonnaise, homemade mayonnaise does not contain any chemicals, so you can rest assured that it is safe and of quality.

And the great taste of homemade mayonnaise cannot be compared with any mayonnaise from a bag. To be convinced of this, just try to make real mayonnaise at least once.

Making homemade mayonnaise is quite simple; for this you will need vegetable oil, eggs, mustard, lemon juice or vinegar, sugar and salt.

  • It is best to take refined olive oil, then the mayonnaise will be especially tasty.
  • Eggs must be fresh. By the way, the more eggs, the thicker and richer the mayonnaise will be.
  • Lemon juice is necessary to add sourness to the sauce, although it can be replaced with vinegar, but then the taste of mayonnaise will become coarser.
  • You need very little sugar; it can also be replaced with fructose.
  • Also, a little salt, mustard and various spices are added to mayonnaise to taste: garlic, horseradish, dill, basil, cheese, onion, tarragon, etc.

What you need to make homemade mayonnaise

So, for cooking you will need

  • 200-250 ml olive oil
  • 2 yolks
  • 1.5 teaspoons sugar
  • tablespoon lemon juice
  • half a teaspoon of salt
  • teaspoon mustard and additives to taste
  1. It is very important not to use a mixer when whipping mayonnaise, but to mix it by hand, then bubbles will not form in it, and the taste will be more pleasant.
  2. Mash the yolks with sugar and salt using a whisk. When the salt and sugar dissolve, begin to pour in the butter in small portions, continuing to stir.
  3. Mix in a circular motion, but do not beat. Then add lemon juice and mustard and stir until smooth.
  4. At this stage, you can also add any additives to mayonnaise to taste, for example, crushed garlic, finely chopped dill, tomato paste, etc. Stir again, and delicious homemade mayonnaise is ready!

How long does homemade mayonnaise last?

Homemade mayonnaise should be stored in the refrigerator or at a temperature of 6-10 degrees for no longer than a week. It is best to store it in an airtight jar in the dark.

And the more eggs there are in mayonnaise, the shorter its shelf life. Therefore, always prepare only as much mayonnaise as you can eat within a few days.

Text - nusha

Mayonnaise is a sauce whose classic recipe contains egg yolk, vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and pepper. There are many types and varieties of this product. The differences lie not only in the composition and additives of different spices. This product is distinguished by the number of flavors, preservatives and emulsifiers that some manufacturers generously endow their products with. It is very easy to get poisoned by this sauce if you do not know how and under what conditions to store mayonnaise. And after improper storage, allow the consumption of expired products.

How to choose

  1. When purchasing this product, first of all pay attention to its composition. It is important that the sauce is made from natural ingredients, without various additives, to increase its shelf life.
  2. In the store, the sauce should be in display cases - refrigerators. If mayonnaise is stored on an ordinary shelf, it is better not to buy such a product.
  3. The packaging must contain the date of release of the product and its expiration date. If the period is short, the product is natural, and if it is long, the sauce contains preservatives.
  4. A high-quality product must have absolutely sealed packaging, since its components are quite sensitive to the environment. Based on this, it would be better to purchase a classic sauce made from natural ingredients in reliable modern packaging.
  5. Classic Provencal sauce should be stored under the conditions specified by the manufacturer. And use it within the stated expiration date of the product. The shelf life of mayonnaise, as a rule, will depend not only on the ingredients included in its composition, but also on the presence (quantity) of preservatives.

Storage rules according to GOST

The storage conditions for mayonnaise are strictly regulated by GOST standards. According to generally accepted standards, these products should be kept in refrigerators or warehouses equipped with ventilation, with low constant humidity.

The storage temperature of mayonnaise varies from 0°C to +18°C (will depend on its composition). And it should be stored in dark rooms protected from light.

Conventionally, mayonnaise sauces are divided into those prepared at home and those purchased in the store. They have different expiration dates.

Store-bought sauce

If the shelf life of mayonnaise in the refrigerator is very long, such a product contains many different additives and preservatives. It is most often used for preparing food in fast food chains. But for homemade salads it is better not to buy such a product.

The maximum time specified by the manufacturer for which mayonnaise can be stored is 3 months. But depending on storage conditions, the shelf life of mayonnaise may vary:

  • 7 days – at +14°С -+18°С;
  • up to 3 weeks – at +10°С -+14°С;
  • up to 1 month – at 0°С -+10°С.

The above data refers to products in hermetically sealed factory packaging. In this case, there is no need to place the sauce in an additional container.

When the temperature where the sauce is stored is around +18°C (no higher), you can keep the product without a refrigerator for a short time.

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Storing sauce in an airtight container

When the factory sealed packaging is already opened (damaged), the shelf life of mayonnaise will be reduced several times.

  • At temperatures of 0°C -+7°C, the sauce, which is in unsealed packaging, will remain usable for 2 weeks.
  • At room temperature, storage of mayonnaise in an open package will be very short: only a few hours.

Homemade sauce

This homemade sauce recipe includes fresh eggs. In store-bought products, egg powder is mainly used.

Due to the fact that homemade sauces contain only natural products, their shelf life is much shorter than that of factory-made ones.

  • in the refrigerator – 3 days (in a tightly closed container);
  • without refrigeration – 1, maximum 2 days (in a closed container);
  • in the refrigerator – 36 – 48 hours (opened);
  • without a refrigerator in an open form - no more than 3 - 4 hours.

The shelf life of homemade mayonnaise will depend on the conditions in which it will be kept.

The optimal storage conditions for homemade sauces are:

  • storage temperature+4°С -+7°С;
  • air humidity — 75%;
  • clean , hermetically sealed container.

If you add mustard to homemade sauce, its shelf life can be extended by 1 - 2 days.

The container in which it is located has a great influence on the shelf life of homemade mayonnaise. The correct way to store it is in a tightly closed, clean, glass jar in a cool, dark place.

Storing mayonnaise outside the refrigerator

Sometimes a sudden power outage or refrigerator breakdown makes you wonder how long mayonnaise can be stored at room temperature? And also how much the shelf life of homemade mayonnaise differs from store-bought mayonnaise.

In the cold season, containers with sauce are sent to the balcony, and in the summer, when the temperature is above +18°C, you can use food foil. It is pre-cooled in water, after which the jar of sauce is wrapped in several layers so that there are no open areas left.

In a jar wrapped in foil, the shelf life of mayonnaise without refrigeration will be 3–4 days. It is important to continually cool the foil as it heats up.

Is it possible to freeze mayonnaise

Mayonnaise cannot be stored at low temperatures. It breaks down into components and completely loses its homogeneous structure and taste. Therefore, storing this product in the freezer is not a good idea.

Storing salads dressed with mayonnaise

Salads dressed with mayonnaise sauce become unsuitable for consumption much earlier. Therefore, you need to add it to the dish right before serving.

The shelf life of salads with mayonnaise will depend not only on the composition of the sauce itself, but also on the type of products in the recipe. The ones that will go bad the fastest are:

  • salads containing eggs, for example (a few hours in advance),
  • milk (24 hours),
  • containing acidic foods and vinegar (1 – 4 hours).

Beet salads dressed with mayonnaise sauce can be stored in the cold for 1 - 2 days in a container closed with a lid or cling film.

Mayonnaise sauces are present in many dishes and are products of daily consumption. But since they are classified as perishable, you need to know how long mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator and without it, so as not to expose yourself and your family to the risk of poisoning.

Among the numerous recipes for salad dressings, the first place has long been occupied by mayonnaise (fr. mayonnaise) and has successfully maintained its position for many years. But not every person has a clear idea of ​​how long mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator or other place. Before we tell you in more detail about the storage conditions of mayonnaise, let’s dive into the history of its origin. It's amazing how many people can't imagine their life without this sauce, but few people know how it came to be. The name of this sauce comes from French. “mayonnaise”, which in Russian means “yolk”, and it is this that is the basis of the mayonnaise recipe. And it was invented in the 18th century by the cook of the Duke of Richelieu in the city of Mahon - these are those distant times when the city was besieged by the British. It is also called “Maona Provençal sauce” or “Provençal”. Now there are many ways to make homemade mayonnaise, storage is what unites them. Next, you will learn about where to store, in what and for how long this sauce is stored.

The most important thing about storing mayonnaise

    Once the package is opened, shelf life is significantly reduced.

    Unopened mayonnaise can last for several days without refrigeration.

    Mayonnaise cannot be frozen.

How to store mayonnaise according to GOST

In accordance with modern GOSTs, only the storage conditions for mayonnaise and mayonnaise sauces are strictly regulated. So they must be kept in special refrigeration chambers or specialized warehouses, the temperature range of which varies from 0°C to 18°C. In addition, the room should be relatively dry, with a constant level of humidity and well ventilated. Mayonnaise should never be exposed to sunlight.

How long mayonnaise should be stored according to GOST is regulated by the manufacturer itself, depending on the composition of the product and the presence of preservatives. These deadlines are indicated in the technical documentation for a specific brand of product, as well as on the packaging.

How to store store-bought mayonnaise

The shelf life of mayonnaise in the refrigerator depends, first of all, on its quality.

You should not buy this product if it is intended for long-term storage. If the packaging indicates an overly long shelf life for mayonnaise, this indicates the presence of too many preservatives in its composition.

The maximum shelf life of such mayonnaise, which is indicated by manufacturers, is up to 90 days. But most often you can find the following terms on the packaging, depending on the temperature:

  • at 0-10°C, safe storage of mayonnaise is possible for up to 30 days;
  • at temperatures from 10 to 14°C – no more than 20 days;
  • at 14-18°C – 7 days.

It is worth noting that these terms apply only to mayonnaise whose packaging has not yet been damaged. Therefore, there is no need to place it in additional containers. If the room temperature is below 18°C, you can store store-bought mayonnaise without refrigeration. But it’s still better not to risk your own and other people’s health and send this product into the cold.

How to store opened mayonnaise

After opening the package, the shelf life of mayonnaise is sharply reduced. You definitely can’t leave it in the refrigerator, since at room temperature this product will become unsuitable for consumption after just a few hours. No more than 7°C - this is the temperature at which opened mayonnaise should be stored. At this temperature and humidity up to 75%, open mayonnaise will not spoil quickly. If the package is glass with a tight-fitting lid, the mayonnaise can be left in it. And if it is packaged in a plastic tube, then before putting it in the refrigerator, it is advisable to transfer it with a clean spoon into a clean glass or plastic container to limit the access of oxygen.

The shelf life of opened mayonnaise is no more than 14 days.

At the same time, you should not lick the neck or puncture site of the mayonnaise tube so that bacteria do not get into it. The specified period of storage time does not apply to those packages of mayonnaise whose expiration date will soon expire! So, to prevent mayonnaise from spoiling for as long as possible, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to:

  • natural thick consistency;
  • packaging integrity;
  • no air bubbles;
  • foreign particles or liquid;
  • no product separation;
  • uniform shade and color characteristic of mayonnaise.

How to store homemade mayonnaise

Some people even doubt whether homemade mayonnaise can be stored. This is understandable, because it contains raw yolks - a perishable product. Up to four days - this is how long homemade mayonnaise can be stored for the longest possible time, but it is best to use it immediately after preparation. Homemade mayonnaise is stored under the following conditions:

  • temperature 4-7°C;
  • humidity not more than 75%;
  • clean and tightly closed container;
  • To extend the shelf life of homemade mayonnaise in the refrigerator for a day or two, add a little mustard to the composition.

Can mayonnaise be stored in the freezer?

You cannot store store-bought or homemade mayonnaise in the freezer. Technically, of course, this can be done, but there is no point in it. The fact is that at low temperatures (0°C and below) the product will separate and become unsuitable for consumption.

In general, how long homemade mayonnaise can be stored also depends on the components that make up it.

Historians believe that French cold sauce got its name from the city of Mahon, which is located on the Balearic Islands. In the mid-18th century, this stretch of land was captured by France, and the British attacked the French army to recapture it. It got to the point that the French soldiers under the command of the Duke of Richelieu used up all their food supplies. All they had left was fresh lemons, olive oil and eggs. The need to tighten the belts of the commander-in-chief did not suit him, which he, in a uniform that was far from polite, informed the cooks about. One resourceful cook, trying to please his superiors, came up with a tasty and satisfying sauce from an available set of products, which was then called mayonnaise in his homeland.

Store-bought or DIY: which one to choose?

The ability to properly prepare mayonnaise at home will definitely come in handy on the farm. The process will only take a few minutes, and the result will delight you with both taste and healthy composition. However, real cold sauce, like any natural product, cannot be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Making a small portion for dressing one salad is not as profitable as preparing a whole kilogram. A comparison table showing the features of store-bought and homemade sauces will help you make the best decision.

Table - Comparison of home and industrial mayonnaise

Industrial production deprives the main ingredient - vegetable oil - of most of its beneficial properties. Only calories and unhealthy fats remain untouched in it. Egg powder, which is the second main ingredient in mayonnaise, contains protein. However, it does not contain any useful vitamins and microelements. Moreover, egg powder is present in the sauce only in the best case. At worst, soy is added to the product instead.

The calorie content of homemade mayonnaise without eggs is even lower than that of a homemade product with an egg component. 100 g of this sauce contains 157 kcal. At the same time, the “diet” label placed on the packaging of store-bought sauce is just a cunning marketing ploy.

Benefits and harms of the product

Mayonnaise prepared with your own hands is healthy and suitable not only for adults, but also for the younger generation. Unlike a store-bought product, in which there is not a trace of benefit left. Below are the three main and most valuable properties of this sauce.

  1. Egg and oil vitamins. The fortified composition of mayonnaise sauce is varied. It contains all the vitamins B, C and PP, vitamin A for vision, D for high-quality growth and formation of muscles and bones. With the product, a whole range of useful substances will enter the body, which has a beneficial effect on many organs and systems.
  2. Proteins and amino acids. Egg white is considered one of the most easily digestible. Moreover, it is best absorbed not in fried or boiled form, but in the form of whipped egg whites that have not undergone heat treatment. Nothing similar can be said about the powdered eggs used to make industrial white sauce.
  3. Excellent digestibility. Not only the protein of chicken and quail eggs is almost completely absorbed by the body. Olive oil is also classified as a product of this type. It normalizes digestive processes and accelerates metabolic processes. Neither one nor the other component can be found in a store product.

Traditional mayonnaise recipe...

Peculiarity. The classic version of the homemade mayonnaise recipe includes four ingredients. The ingredients listed below yield approximately 0.3 kg of white sauce. That is, a little more than what a standard store package contains. The color of the finished product, according to reviews from culinary experts, is light yellow. The texture of homemade mayonnaise is glossy and smooth. You can prepare it in 5 minutes if you have such “helpers” in the kitchen as a mixer or food processor. In addition, classic homemade mayonnaise is prepared without sugar, which means it is free of extra calories.

Product set:

  • chicken eggs - two pieces;
  • lemon – half a fruit;
  • olive oil - three quarters of a glass;
  • mustard - optional.

What we do

  1. Carefully separate the chicken yolk from the white. We place the first in a bowl for whipping, the second we put in the refrigerator for future needs.
  2. Add one and a half teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the yolks.
  3. If desired, add half a tablespoon of mustard at this stage.
  4. We begin to beat the ingredients using a whisk or mixer set to the initial mode.
  5. Very slowly, literally a few drops at a time, add vegetable oil to the composition of the future mayonnaise, continuing the beating process and not stopping for a second. Slow introduction of the oil component is one of the most important conditions. Otherwise the sauce will separate.
  6. Add another one and a half teaspoons of lemon juice to the finished mayonnaise and mix.

The recipe for healthy homemade mayonnaise with mustard can be made without lemon. In this case, the sour component will need to be replaced with vinegar in the amount of one tablespoon.

...and its original variations

The step-by-step recipe for homemade mayonnaise has many variations. For example, lean - cooked without the egg component. Or garlic – ideally in harmony with fish, meat and vegetable dishes. If desired, Dijon mustard in the mayonnaise sauce can be replaced with French grainy mustard. But this option is not for everyone. However, whatever your preferences, among the recipes offered below, you can definitely find one that suits your taste and liking.

Lenten without eggs

Peculiarity. Those who limit themselves during Lent will probably find the recipe for white sauce “allowed” during this period useful. An important rule is to “free” the composition of the dressing from “forbidden” eggs, or rather, from yolks. The basis of lean mayonnaise can be nuts, flour and even apples. Below is a proven quick recipe for lean homemade mayonnaise, the preparation of which will not raise any questions even for a novice cook.

Product set:

  • water – 750 ml;
  • refined vegetable oil - eight tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - four tablespoons;
  • mustard - three tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - two tablespoons;
  • salt - two teaspoons.

What we do

  1. Sift the flour through a sieve, saturating it with oxygen as much as possible.
  2. Add a little clean drinking water and mix until the mixture is homogeneous, without lumps.
  3. Pour the remaining volume of water into the flour, pour the mixture into a saucepan and put it in the oven, or simply put it on the stove. The task is to bring the flour substance to a boil and, accordingly, thicken. You can also use a microwave oven for this.
  4. Remove the flour and water mixture from the oven and set aside to cool.
  5. In a wide bowl, mix vegetable oil and mustard. Season with salt and sugar. If desired, you can add ground black pepper, then beat thoroughly with a mixer.
  6. Add the oily liquid into the cooled thick mixture, doing this in two or three steps, gradually. From the moment the introduction begins until it ends, the mixer must beat non-stop. The whipping process will last about two minutes.

To check if the mayonnaise sauce is thick enough, use a whisk to form a swirl and see how it behaves. If the vortex does not change shape, then the density of the product is correct. If it settles quickly, it means the mayonnaise is too liquid; you need to add a little more oil.

Dairy without cholesterol

Peculiarity. A recipe for homemade mayonnaise in a blender with milk is a dietary version of the sauce, which is free of the cholesterol component due to the absence of chicken eggs. Freshly squeezed lemon juice plays the role of a thickener in this version. The product instantly turns the milky liquid into a dense, thick white mass. If during the process of cooking and mixing the ingredients you feel that the sauce is not whipping up, add a little more lemon juice. Experts recommend using electrical appliances rather than a whisk, in particular an immersion blender.

Product set:

  • milk – 120 ml;
  • refined vegetable oil – 0.3 l;
  • salt - two teaspoons;
  • mustard - one teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - one tablespoon;
  • sugar - optional.

What we do

  1. Pour the entire volume of milk and butter into the bowl for an immersion blender, begin to beat at the highest speed, then immersing the blender and then removing it.
  2. After a few minutes, when the mixture begins to thicken, add lemon juice and beat for another couple of minutes.
  3. Then add the spices, reduce the speed to medium, and mix.
  4. Taste and adjust the taste with seasonings if necessary.

At the final stage, you can add any greens to the cold sauce. It will turn out both tasty and beautiful. This mayonnaise is used for dressing salads and as a sandwich spread.

Unconventional with cayenne pepper

Peculiarity. Amateur chefs debate whether cold sauce without oil can be called mayonnaise. There is nothing seditious about this. The dressing is not only dietary, but also very piquant thanks to cayenne pepper, which has a positive effect on the digestive system and stimulates the digestion of food. If you don’t have cayenne pepper on your farm, you can replace it with ground black pepper. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the sauce does not turn out too spicy. The quail eggs in the recipe can be replaced with four chicken eggs.

Product set:

  • quail eggs - six pieces;
  • drinking water without gas - one glass;
  • cayenne pepper - half a teaspoon;
  • curd cheese – 120 g;
  • wine vinegar - four teaspoons;
  • salt - a pinch.

What we do

  1. Boil the quail eggs until tender, and then use a mortar and pestle to make a paste from the yolks by grinding.
  2. Season the ground yolks with pepper, add some salt, and begin to gradually introduce curd cheese into the future sauce.
  3. Stir the mixture thoroughly after adding each portion of cheese.
  4. At the end, add vinegar and other seasonings as desired to the sauce.
  5. Place the sauce in the refrigerator. After a few hours, the product will thicken and acquire the consistency familiar to mayonnaise.

You can store homemade mayonnaise both in the refrigerator and at room temperature. In the first case, the cold slightly changes the taste of the sauce, but extends the shelf life to four days. In the second, the taste remains original, but the “life expectancy” of mayonnaise is reduced to 12 hours.

Spicy with garlic

Peculiarity. Mayonnaise with garlic would be inappropriate for salad dressing. But if you intend to serve it in a gravy boat and place dishes of baked vegetables or meat dishes on the table, this version of mayonnaise sauce will be just right. 100 g of product contains only 206 kcal, of which 20.6 g are healthy fats, 2.5 g each are proteins and carbohydrates.

Product set:

  • chicken egg - two pieces;
  • vegetable oil – 120 mg;
  • mustard - one teaspoon;
  • fresh lemon juice – two teaspoons;
  • salt and sugar - two pinches each;
  • garlic - five to six cloves to taste.

What we do

  1. Using an immersion blender, beat the yolks of two eggs for a couple of minutes.
  2. Then slowly add vegetable oil to the whipped yolks, continuing the automatic process of mixing the ingredients.
  3. Dilute the mayonnaise with seasonings and garlic passed through a press, mix, and serve.

According to the rules, vegetable oil should be added in half a tablespoon. As soon as there are four tablespoons of oil in the mixture, the product can begin to be administered in larger doses.

Note to housewives

At first, housewives have many questions regarding the thickness of mayonnaise, strong taste, excessive acidity of the sauce, or, conversely, unexpected blandness. Five useful tips will make the task easier and protect you from making common mistakes.

  1. The "correct" color. Don't expect the prepared mayonnaise sauce to be pure white. He shouldn't be like that. The absence of dyes, the presence of homemade eggs and mustard in the composition gives the final product a slightly yellowish tint.
  2. Lack of protein. Even a small amount of protein in the sauce at the initial stage can turn the product into a mess. Butter and yolk - this is the recipe for a thick mayonnaise emulsion. Everything else just gets in the way, diluting the final product.
  3. Quail alternative. The desire to prepare a light and delicate sauce with an airy texture can be put into practice using quail eggs. You can replace chicken ones with them in any “egg” recipe.
  4. The key to density. Lemon juice regulates the thickness of the product. But you can adjust the density of mayonnaise with cold. Just an hour or two in the refrigerator - and the sauce is the way you are used to seeing it. If the dish turns out to be too thick, just dilute it with regular drinking water to the desired consistency.
  5. Milk temperature. All mayonnaise ingredients should be at room temperature, except milk. It whips worse when heated. It is better to add milk to mayonnaise immediately after removing it from the refrigerator.

Some chefs recommend mustard powder as an alternative to mustard. They say the taste is more unusual and piquant. Others advise that when using olive oil, be sure to dilute it with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:3. This strategic move will help rid the final product of a slight bitterness. True, sunflower oil should be refined, not aromatic. Otherwise the sauce will go in the trash.

If you decide to make your own mayonnaise, don't be afraid to experiment. Add any seasonings and herbs to the sauce, including chopped fresh cucumber. This way you will discover a lot of new tastes that are appropriate when serving certain dishes. Once you try homemade mayonnaise sauce, store-bought mayonnaise will immediately cease to be relevant to you. You get used to good things quickly - that’s the law.


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