What is important for a man to hear from a woman. What does every man want to hear? How do you feel

There is an opinion that only the female sex “loves with the ears.” But this is not entirely true; it has been scientifically proven that men listen much more to nice ladies. Words can bring a person to terrible anger, and they can also help to make the most embittered person feel better. Angry bull or cute cat? You decide.

Psychologists say that to improve family relationships, you need to start studying the male brain. It has a bunch of features, for example, a woman can listen to several people and do several things at the same time, while a man is only capable of one thing and interlocutor at a time. And most couples cannot understand this, starting to treat their chosen one as themselves.

What does the entire male sex want to hear? What phrases will please your partner and bring back the former passion in the relationship?

Consider a list of phrases that can drive away anger and irritability from the heart of your spouse:

  • “You’re such a good guy, you always help me.” You should always thank a man for his help. It doesn’t matter if you threw out the trash, went to the store after work, or washed the dishes, just say “thank you.” After all, every little thing like this deserves gratitude. And if you add a hug or a kiss to this gratitude, the man will definitely be happy. Quite often, everyday life blurs the lines between men's and women's responsibilities. And the fact that the husband takes out the trash is considered the norm, which means there can be no talk of gratitude. Do not forget that these are still women’s responsibilities, and the man should be thanked. Then he will understand that you appreciate his work, which will help avoid some conflict situations.
  • “How was your day?” “Did you eat anything at work?” Always ask your partner about his affairs. Show you care. This way the man will understand that you care about him.
  • “Beloved, dear, dear.” Such words will be pleasant to any man, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Before you switch to “lisping”, make sure that your chosen one likes it. Some people like to be “cats and dolls”, while others like it the other way around. Many men are annoyed by such nicknames, and instead of pleasant things you will get troubles. To avoid such troubles, directly ask your spouse what words would be pleasant for him. If he doesn’t like one of the nicknames, you can call him by his name in an affectionate form (Vitenka, Sashenka...and the like). Any, even an adult, man will be pleased with such treatment.
  • “I wanted to be with you,” “Stay with me.” According to psychologists, every person is pleased that someone needs his company, his presence, and men, as a rule, are no exception. Therefore, do not be afraid to once again ask your man to sit with you, to be close to you. Find an activity that can bring you together, such as going to the cinema or a simple evening walk. Stay alone and chat about everything. Such moments will help a man take his mind off the daily routine.
  • “You can count on me,” “I’m always happy to help you.” The male sex is distinguished by its strength and independence. But, even despite this, they will be pleased to receive your support, to know that you will help in difficult times. A simple example is when your lover is repairing something, you can hand him the tools. The main thing is that you see for yourself and offer your support when needed. Don't wait until he asks for it himself. Be attentive to your chosen one.
  • “How brave you are.” Say this phrase every time your loved one saves you from some bug or spider crawling along the wall. The man will be very pleased, and he will want to protect you even more.
  • “I feel so good with you,” “No one can replace you.” Your chosen one will be very pleased with such words as a balm for the soul. Well, who doesn’t want to hear that he is the one and only in the whole wide world? A man should know that you can no longer live without him.
  • “Your eyes (or any other part of your body) are so beautiful.” Moreover, you need to speak with an admiring look after looking at it for a long time. A man will undoubtedly notice this expression on your face, which will bring him great joy.
  • "I love you so much". The most popular phrase, which does not happen in abundance for both men and women. Talk to your partner about your feelings as often as possible, at dinner or while walking, it doesn’t matter. You don't need a reason to confess your love. Such words will melt any heart, don’t forget about it.
  • “Well, how can I not love you?” This phrase sounds especially good in combination with the previously listed phrases, for example, “You have such beautiful eyes, how can you not love you?” After these words, any man will melt, and in addition, he will understand that he got the best woman in the world.

Now let's look at a couple of simple tips that will help you avoid trouble when communicating with a man:

  • Phrases during intimacy. When making love, men have one goal - to give pleasure and satisfaction to their lady. While a woman thinks about everything at the same time. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to please your partner a little during intimacy. Talk about how you feel incredibly good with him or that he is irresistible. Any such phrases will be pleasant for your man. And it is quite possible that from warm words, he will begin to try harder.
  • Discussing your man's relatives. Remember, you should always say only good things about the parents and other relatives of your chosen one. It doesn't matter what they actually are, but when you mention them, you must restrain yourself. For every representative of the stronger sex, family is the most sacred thing, and by insulting them, you yourself run into rudeness.
    There are situations when a man himself does not speak very well of his loved ones, but even in this case you should remain silent. Never support him in these reviews. He is now angry at his relative because of something, but after a while everything will return to its place.
    It would also be advisable to make friends with his relatives. After all, there are guys for whom parents come first.
  • Your man needs to know that he is the best for you. Therefore, you should not compare them with someone else, the male sex is a vulnerable sex. There is no need to say that your ex was better in some way. But if you do compare your chosen one with someone, then he must definitely win in that comparison, otherwise a quarrel cannot be avoided.
  • Men love to be praised just as much as women. They like that their strengths have not gone unnoticed. Women tend to receive compliments and therefore take it for granted. As for the male sex, this is not typical for them, and such pleasant words bring them double joy. Receiving compliments, a man will begin to try even harder for you to please you. Therefore, tell your chosen one more often that he is handsome, smart, and so on.

By following these simple rules and using the phrases listed above when communicating with a man, you will attract his attention even more and receive even greater sympathy.

In addition, do not forget about physical pleasures. Such as kissing, holding hands, hugging. Moreover, this must be done for no reason.

Women care about emotions, which means words of love and compliments. Men are guided by logic. And they love only with their eyes, so they have no need for unnecessary conversations and tenderness.

This traditional view is finally giving way to the understanding that we all have in common the desire for our loved one to acknowledge our importance in their lives. And it is just as important for men not to guess about this, but to hear specific words. What are they?

I understand you

Men are pioneers by nature; they want to feel like winners. When external circumstances are not favorable to victorious movement forward, the last thing you want to hear is criticism or advice on what should have been done. All he needs now is support. A smile, a hug and the words: “I understand how difficult it is for you now. If you want to talk, I'm here."

I appreciate everything you've done

In a healthy relationship, both partners want to support each other. It is important for a man to feel that his care and attention are needed. This gives him confidence that he plays a significant role in the life of a loved one.

Be alone as long as you need

To understand the problems, he needs to be alone. It is important for him to analyze the situation and live it emotionally, and this has nothing to do with his attitude towards you.

I was wrong. Please forgive me

In the heat of a quarrel, we can all hurt each other with hurtful words. They injure men no less. He needs to hear an apology that makes him feel like you value him and didn't mean to intentionally hurt him.

You did it amazing

Yes, yes, your praise and admiration is important to us. Recognition of victories by a loved one inspires and stimulates further achievements. This applies not only to achievements, but also to everyday trifles.

In other words, if he dismantled the garage or helped replant the plants, you shouldn’t take it for granted. Be generous with your praise, and he'll be more willing to do things that bring you joy.

You excite me

You will not hear him ask: “How do I look today?” This doesn't mean he doesn't need confirmation that you find him attractive. Tell him that he is sexy and that you feel good with him. And you will find a partner with whom you will feel like you are in an intimate relationship.

Why don't you spend time with your friends?

He will be grateful for this if he is going through a stressful period that requires extreme concentration. It is important for him to understand that you support and understand him and do not make him feel guilty for the fact that, having little free time, he decided not to spend it with you.

Thank you

It is important to hear a simple word from a loved one as often as possible. This means: you notice and appreciate everything he does for you.

tell me about it

Many men live with big plans and like to look to the future. This could be a desire to start your own business, improve your knowledge, or succeed in a hobby. By listening to him with interest, you make it clear that you take his intentions seriously and believe in him.

I need you

This inspiring phrase makes men radiate from within. The fact that you perceive him as a reliable partner is important for his self-esteem and self-confidence.

I believe in you

You give him confidence that there is no doubt that he has the determination to achieve everything he has set his mind to. You believe in his abilities. Thanks to these words from the person closest to you, this is exactly what will most likely happen.

Modern women are business-minded and independent individuals, but in relationships with men they become completely helpless. If even the most insignificant disagreement arises between a couple, the woman is lost, unable to find the right words for reconciliation. As they say in the East, good words can please even the most evil snake. In order to strengthen or restore a relationship with a man, sometimes just a few pleasant and affectionate words are enough. In addition, a woman should know who, when and what words to say.

Let's decide who to say these words to. Of course, these words will be addressed to the man you love. Now let’s clarify when to say nice words to him? Yes, all the time! It remains to be seen what words a man should say? Even after a long relationship, partners often complain that they no longer understand each other and speak different languages. These words are repeated endlessly.

Maybe stop repeating a hackneyed phrase and just try to understand the language of your loved one? Find a shortcut to his heart? This can be done in the simplest words. For example, how often does a woman say to a man: “Sit with me for a while?” By the way, psychologists say that men also pronounce similar words. A man feels more comfortable when he goes somewhere with the woman he loves.

In a family, from the very beginning, you need to develop a rule that partners will do everything together. However, unlike a woman, a man needs verbal stimulation from time to time. You need to praise him and thank him for his help. There are times when a man will need a woman's assistance on special occasions, for example, advice on what gift to buy for his boss. In such cases, one cannot refuse him. There is no need to refuse a man; it is better to use this situation to your advantage.

Don't skimp on words of praise and gratitude. Your husband will someday be able to appreciate your support. Often it is enough for men that a woman notices his victory, even the smallest one. If she can still celebrate this success with words, we can consider that it is at her feet. The tired phrase: “a woman loves with her ears, and a man with her eyes” is not entirely accurate. Men love to hear pleasant words too. Therefore, do not skimp on praise, although you cannot overdo it. Moderation is good in everything.

The word is a tool that everyone can use. However, not everyone can use this tool rationally. Moreover, with a word you can make a man “fly”, but with a word you can “kill” him.

It is not necessary to say these words; they can be written on a postcard or sent by email. A man will be pleased to receive such a visual message when he is in the office.

What words do men like to hear? Is there a specific list of such words? Hardly? ! But you shouldn’t even affectionately call a man by animal names: “bunny”, “bear”, etc. It is better to replace them with traditional ones: “dear”, “darling”, “beloved”, etc. It is difficult to say what words you like to hear men in certain situations. This can be determined through trial and error. A woman will have to hone her skills. She should be generous and open a man's heart with kind words.

It is recommended to accompany words of love and compliments with touch. When talking about touching, it does not always mean sexual contact. You can walk down the street or shops holding hands. Watch TV on the sofa, hugging each other, and during breakfast, fleetingly pat your man on the head and add the words: “How good you are, dear.” After such a breakfast, a kiss of gratitude from a man is guaranteed. Who knows, perhaps the partners lacked such relationships for a long time. In a love relationship, the parties must be attentive. It is worth paying attention to the serious or humorous statements of your other half. It is necessary to listen to your loved one and pay attention to what he “demands”. What pleases him most: pleasant words, gifts, walks together, etc.?

Naturally, lovers have sex. What does a man want to hear during sex? Science has proven that the female brain is designed in such a way that she can do several things at once. Men, when having sex, can concentrate on only one activity. Therefore, most often during sex, men are silent. However, this does not mean that they cannot hear during sex. By nature, the stronger sex is a hunter. That is why he likes it when his woman is as excited as possible during sex. A woman can best show this state not only through actions, but also through words. The girl should inform the man in words at what stage of the satisfaction process she is at. Words during sex help increase male arousal.

Words should not only increase a man’s sexual desire, but can help a girl win over her lover. Therefore, partners must voice all their desires during sex. You can't regulate your words during sex. Some people like to hear intimate words at this time, some - tender, some - sophisticated, and some even vulgar. But most often, men are pleased when during sex they hear how good his partner is. A compliment expressed by a girl quietly in his ear will give him no less pleasure than sex itself. Moreover, these words can be the simplest and most banal, for example, saying that he is a god in bed or unique.


Women, men... Sometimes it seems that we are from completely different planets... Even more - from different galaxies! When we think about our stronger halves, we consider them to be some kind of unearthly, unusual creatures, whose desires and needs are so different from our, feminine, sweet whims. They say about us: they say, girls love with their ears, and this is partly true: sincere words can easily turn our heads, we need them, we want to hear them every day. For men, we assign a different “feeling” of love: the path passing through the stomach. However, this does not mean that the guy does not want to hear kind words from you! We decided to conduct an experiment by asking both men and women the same question, which is what every man wants to hear! As we expected, the fact that we are completely different was confirmed. The idea of ​​the words that the strong half of humanity wants to hear does not coincide with what women tell them. For me, they are all greedy for praise - everyone, deep down in their souls, wants to be the best. All a woman needs to do is make a young man believe in himself...

To begin with, I decided to ask this question to 10 women. As it turns out, many girls believe that a man should be praised, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Remember how in the series “Interns”, when Lyuba came to Kupitman for advice about the behavior of Boris Arkadievich. He actually gave her very valuable advice about what to say, namely to praise, to let her know that he is better than everyone else. “Why praise him if he doesn’t do anything?” – Lyuba asked rightly. “Say that he does nothing divinely,” Kupitman answered her. And this is what ended up happening:

1. “You are so strong, smart, reliable!” (Aida, 27 years old)

2. "You are my best adviser!" (Janelle, 27 years old)

3. "It was the best sex of my life!" (Nurgul, 21 years old)

4. “Honey, I have so much fun with you!” (Love, 39 years old)

5. “You’re doing so well!” (Adele, 23 years old)

6. “Darling, why aren’t you sitting in a pub with your friends now?” (Alexandra, 25 years old)

7. “I am confident in you! This feeling gives me peace and stability!” (Veranika, 25 years old)

8. “When you’re so close, I lose my breath!” (Julia, 21 years old)

9. “Let’s not talk too much, there are more fun things to do...” (Aliya, 30 years old)

10. “I’ll go to my parents myself, you can relax at home while I’m gone” (Tarbiya, 35 years old)

The men reacted to this issue with humor. But seriously, it is important for them (as well as for us) to feel needed and significant. The words a man wants to hear very much depend on what he needs in his life at the moment. All representatives of the stronger sex are different, they all have their own emotions, goals and feelings. Of course, for this reason, everyone wants to hear something different, but there are still phrases that any young person will like.

1. "I'm sorry, I was wrong. How can I make amends"? (Timur, 26 years old)

2. "Do I talk too much?" (Evgeniy, 22 years old)

3. “From today on, I decided to walk around the house naked!” (Azamat, 29 years old)

4. “I’m behind you, like behind a stone wall!” (Amir, 25 years old)

5. “Do you want to repair the car together?” (Nurlan, 31 years old)

6. "You're going to be a dad soon!" (Azamat, 27 years old)

7. “Should we have a whiskey tasting?” (Artem, 23 years old)

8. "Score a goal in my honor!" (Alexey, 25 years old)

9. “Listen, dear, I make good money. Why should you work, better learn to play poker!” (Alisher, 35 years old)

10. “You don’t have to rush home, get some work!” (Dmitry, 33 years old)

I think it turned out pretty funny! Of course, many of the things that the men named were just jokes, although since they named it, apparently they really wanted to hear it. A loving woman should be able to find the right approach to her man. Criticize him as little and as rarely as possible, even if he is wrong. You can politely tell a man not to grumble and get angry. This can only ruin everyone's mood. There is no need to tell a man that he is bad. On the contrary, men need to hear words of love from a woman, that he is desirable and good, then everything will be fine in family relationships. In general, I think you can just ask what your man would like. No doubt he would be touched that you are interested!

Reading time: 7 minutes. Published 04/11/2016

Your words can make a man a God or... cause him suffering. And your relationship with him will depend on this. So what do representatives of the stronger half of humanity want to hear from their women?
I bring to your attention several of the most common phrases that will sound like music to your man. And of course they will improve the quality of your relationship! Variants of this phrase:

  • How can I help you?
  • How can I ease your condition?
  • What would you like right now?
  • What would make you happy?
  • Is there anything I can do to make us both feel better?
He really wants your care for him. Caring gives your man a sense of the depth and strength of your relationship. After all, this is how you make it clear that his physical, moral and emotional well-being is important to you. Here's what men say when they hear these phrases:
  • “I feel like a person who is cared for, listened to, heard and understood.”
  • “I understand that she really cares about how I feel in a difficult situation, and she really wants to help me.”
Variants of this phrase:
  • You solved this problem so easily!
  • I'm delighted how you... (fixed the TV, set up the computer, nailed the hanger, pulled the clothes cord...)
  • You took a weight off my shoulders.
  • I couldn't do this alone!
  • You did a great job for me.
When a man loves you, he wants you to feel comfort, coziness and security next to him. By letting him know that his efforts were not in vain, you inspire him to continue making efforts in this direction. Here's how men respond to these words:
  • “I realized that I had created a good base on which we could build much more and develop our relationship.”
  • “I would do even more for her!”
Phrase options:
  • I'm proud of you.
  • I believe in you.
  • You definitely can do it!
  • I'm with you anyway.
  • I don't care what others think, I know you better and I have confidence in you.
  • In my eyes, in any case, you are a wonderful (strong, talented, purposeful...) man.
“My wife is my fortress,” - this is how the famous artist Evgeny Zharikov paraphrased the famous catchphrase. A better image of support is perhaps hard to find.
Your man needs to know that he can count on you. Always. Both when he takes risks and when he pours champagne to celebrate a victory.
But a man is the embodiment of strength. Does he need support?
You are significant to your man like no one else. AND when you support him, believe in him and are proud of him, he becomes even stronger:
  • “Her support gives me confidence that I can solve many problems.”
  • “I have more strength.”
  • “I feel prepared to withstand the harsh conditions that I have been put under.”
  • Let's have a picnic!
  • Let's play tennis (ride bikes, swim...)
  • Let's go on an excursion.
  • Let's go to the festival.
  • Let's stay home and order dinner.
Your man wants you to spend time with him, and not only in case of important and useful matters. He needs shaking, switching, play, a positive charge of emotions like air! Relationships become insipid and turn into a routine if they always follow the model “home - work, work - home, weekends - TV”.
Therefore, arrange small holidays. And don't get hung up on one thing. If he usually takes you to cafes or restaurants, host the reception at your place. And if you also prepare a dish that you master or that he likes, you will win doubly!
What do men think?
  • “The pleasure of spending time together is so refreshing to our relationship!”
  • “We usually have special sex after events like this.”
  • You turn me on so much!
  • When you do things like this, I lose control...
  • Touch here...
  • More please...
  • I'm going crazy from your smell...
  • Where did we stop last time?
Your man wants to know that he is still desirable to you, excites you, and you can't wait to get into bed with him. And it’s not at all necessary to hope that he initiates sex every time. Take the first step! Let him know how much you want him. You don't risk being intrusive or immodest.
Men are delighted with this:
  • "It helps me feel sexually powerful."
  • “It fires me up!”
  • “I know that I am interesting, desirable, this adds warmth to the relationship, makes us closer.”
  • I'm so grateful to you!
  • I have no words…
  • I can't tell you how great you did!
  • Your help is so important to me!
  • Your care makes me truly happy.
  • I'm very pleased that you thought of this.
A huge number of men want a simple thing: to be appreciated for what they do. He knows that you need him. He strives to help you. A loving man wants to make you happy, it’s in his blood.
Therefore, sincerely express your gratitude to him. Don't skimp! This is the fuel that motivates him to continue in the same spirit:
  • “I know that she will highly appreciate my hard work and results. So I’m willing to put in the effort.”
  • “Her gratitude is a sign to me that I make her happy, which means I’m a real man!”
  • “When I do something for her, she feels special and is willing to give a lot in return.”
  • I love when you smile.
  • I love your hands.
  • I love your hugs.
  • I love watching you when you make things.
  • I love your voice.
  • I love listening to you snore in your sleep.
  • I love your confused look too.
  • I love your shirts, ties and socks.
When you say “I love...”, you are turning to him with your heart. And his heart responds. He feels with all his being that your love is unshakable and unconditional.. He stops being afraid of his vulnerability and gains the ability to express his love in return. Isn't this what you want?
  • “A woman who can speak about her love openly and strongly is a gift from fate.”
  • “Words are very important to me. But if these words are accompanied by a loving look, or even better, a gentle touch or hug, it’s just a thrill!”

So, if you want to show your man how much he means to you, use all the phrases that were discussed. Let your wise instinct tell you how and in what combinations to do this. And you will become the one and only for him.


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