Service horoscope. Office romance: behavioral features of zodiac signs Relationships should not interfere with work responsibilities

Believe it or not, check it out, but AmurMedia news agency invites its readers to start their working day by reading a horoscope. Even if horoscopes are just fiction, there is still some use in them. You probably noticed that there is no negativity in them, as in the same fortune-telling. No horoscope will tell you that there will be a fire, death or betrayal. Of course, the horoscope says that today is an unfavorable day for you, but it always gives you a chance to get around troubles and obstacles. So...

ARIES Much of what was private will become public. If you do not want to make this or that detail public, hide it away.

CALF You have more than enough energy today. Avoid pressure and excessive persistence in communicating with your loved one. New connections with business partners can be very strong. In the evening, have a good workout in the gym.

TWINS The day is good for business endeavors. You can plan a trip to the hairdresser for the evening. A fleeting office romance can cause open hostility from colleagues and superiors. Try to avoid official connections - you will only benefit.

CANCER You have more than enough energy. Men will demonstrate their readiness for knightly deeds. A fleeting office romance can cause open hostility from colleagues and superiors. Be careful with your car.

A LION Of course, you don’t want to offend anyone, but you are unlikely to succeed. Try, at least, that this is not a person who is too close and necessary to you.

VIRGO There is an opportunity to start a new business with brilliance and inspiration or continue what you started. Listen to the voice of your intuition, give meaning to your dreams! In solving many issues, you tend to be idealistic or overly arrogant, not taking into account what is obvious to your employees, partners or management. Unreasonable speculation, financial transactions or capital investments, as well as abuse of entertainment can have a detrimental effect on business and lead to losses. Under the influence of alcohol, you may make the wrong decision. You tend to avoid responsibility, fulfilling your responsibilities and obligations. At the same time, this is a good day to make the desired impression. But you can also fall under unwanted influence.

SCALES The day will be marked by high activity. Your sense of caution may hinder your career. The excellent mood and fighting spirit received along with a cup of morning coffee contribute to your performance. Conflicts with loved ones are likely, especially with older relatives.

SCORPION You study actively, get to know each other actively, and travel a lot. This is a day when relatives can provide significant help, and you communicate a lot with them. Business relationships with relatives, neighbors or joint business are possible. The day is also favorable for relaxation, travel and business trips. Contacts with foreign partners are favorable.

SAGITTARIUS The day foretells the refusal of high-ranking officials to support you. Many will receive bonuses or honorariums. Do everything planned for today, resolve controversial issues with your neighbors, and you will have time to prepare for the arrival of guests. It's better to spend the evening with your family.

CAPRICORN The day will be marked by high activity. Your work and duty to your loved ones will absorb all your attention. We advise you to devote more time to household chores and not to sort things out with family members.

One of the most loyal, honest and good-natured animals in the horoscope is the Dog. It is she who will stand at the helm of the new 2018.

One of the most loyal, honest and good-natured animals in the horoscope is the Dog. It is she who will stand at the helm of the new 2018. The dog belongs to the Earth element, which means you can count on intellectual development and peaceful events in life. The love horoscope for 2018 predicts strengthening of personal relationships, family traditions and sensitivity in communicating with loved ones. The dog will help you make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel in the previous year.

One should expect from the Dog not only peacefulness and forbearance, but also perseverance in achieving goals. She fights for happiness in her personal and family life without fear or reproach, showing fidelity.

Starting in July, there will be a surge of colossal energy that will help neutralize conflicts and misunderstandings in relationships. The priority should be tenderness, care and mutual understanding. If you show your sincere feelings, then in December the Dog will reward you what you deserve and will not leave you alone.

The Year of the Dog is ideal for procreation and the birth of a baby. Even if you are in a “civil” marriage, this will only strengthen the relationship, taking it to a new level. A child will be born into a happy family if the desire to have one comes from both.

The dog is opposed to divorce, so in 2018, under no circumstances decide to take such radical measures in your relationship. Patience, sensitivity and mutual understanding are what will allow loving hearts to strengthen relationships. Well, if you are both determined to break up, then this can be done next year, when the Pig will rule. An intelligent and devoted animal will become the patron of 2018, which will definitely help you in any difficult situations. Don't be reckless, but follow the traditions that have been established for centuries. Learn to be the first to make concessions and reconciliation, forgive and accept your loved one for who he is.

And now the forecast for the zodiac signs:


Gemini in the year of the Dog will fly on the wings of love, which will give them a lot of emotions and vivid impressions. Of course, not all romantic encounters will develop into something more and serious, but there is still a chance to meet “your” person. The love horoscope for 2018 promises Gemini a fateful acquaintance, but here you yourself need to keep your eyes open. It is possible to resume old relationships, although this is unlikely to lead to a good result.

Forecast for 2018 recommends family Geminis to independently solve problems that arise in relationships with their spouse. You don’t even need to tell your relatives about what doesn’t suit you or outrages you. And there are a lot of envious people around. In the Year of the Dog, try to avoid all gossip and not spread rumors yourself. As for an affair on the side, Gemini should not even think about it.


Of course, the mistress of 2018, the yellow Dog, will help you arrange your personal life, but the bulk of the worries and troubles in this regard will fall on your shoulders. Do not refuse new meetings, communication with friends and parties. Be as proactive as possible. Then Cancer can count not only on a fateful acquaintance, but also on the Mendelssohn march at the end of December.

The love horoscope for 2018 for Cancer predicts a change of residence. You will go for your loved one anywhere just to be together. The main thing is that you think about everything in advance so that you don’t regret your action later. After all, such sacrifices must be justified.

Family Cancer can expect pleasant surprises from fate in the year of the Dog. You will go on a long-awaited trip, have a great rest and learn a lot of interesting things about another country. The horoscope recommends that Cancer and his spouse open their own business, which will only improve your relationship.

a lion

It is impossible to imagine Leo without love, but the Dog recommends being careful. Either you will deceive someone, or you will be betrayed. The astrological forecast for love for 2018 advises Leo to take less risks with feelings, otherwise you can live the whole year in worries or breakups. If you already have a loved one, then devote more time and attention to him.

A lonely Leo can meet a “soul mate” if he himself begins to take his personal life more seriously. No flirting or dubious intimate relationships, then the year of the Dog will give you a meeting that will become your destiny. Better save your energy and feelings for the person who really deserves it. After all, Leo’s charm and pride make everyone around him go crazy.


In the year of the Dog, Virgo will have a little bit of everything - from true love to a banal office romance. To add romance and sensuality to her personal life, Virgo needs to not close herself off within four walls. It’s better to communicate more often with old and new friends and attend events. To charm the one you like, you just need to take the initiative. Listen to your heart, and don’t be suspicious or think that you are not loved or appreciated.

The love horoscope for 2018 recommends that Virgo reconsider her views on her external image. How long has it been since you went to a store and bought something stylish? Well, in order to find peace of mind, Virgo doesn’t mind doing yoga and meditation. If you normalize your internal state, your personal life will change for the better. A lonely Virgo can meet a loved one in the autumn. This will happen at an unexpected moment that will be remembered for a lifetime.


Libra in the year of the Dog needs to learn one thing - planning a fateful meeting is pointless. Anything can happen, like in a wonderful fairy tale, so look around often. Lonely Libras can make acquaintances that will leave an unpleasant aftertaste in their souls. The chosen one will turn out to be a selfish and mercantile person.

The love horoscope for 2018 promises a good financial situation for Libra, so quarrels with your spouse based on money are definitely not expected. There are no problems on a daily basis either, but it doesn’t hurt to add romance to the relationship. Libra should be generous with gifts or travel. And don’t even think about having affairs on the side, otherwise you will lead to a divorce.


Scorpio will definitely be lucky in love in the year of the Dog, but what to do with their irrepressible temperament? The love forecast for 2018 advises Scorpio to pacify jealousy and leadership habits, and to be more courteous and gentle in relations with the chosen one. Keep your emotions in check so as not to ruin your personal life. Some Scorpios will change their place of residence, some will part with their lover, and for others fate will give them a new wonderful meeting. The main thing is, don’t look back at the past and don’t blame people for things they didn’t do. It doesn't hurt to work on yourself!

The love horoscope for 2018 for Scorpio predicts unforgettable romantic dates. Well, if you were born in November, then an official marriage or wedding awaits you. It is possible that you will again exchange rings with someone with whom you were already legally married. And don't be afraid of anything! Sometimes you can enter the same river twice. Especially if you truly love a person and don’t believe in prejudices.


Lonely Pisces will splash around in love like in a warm ocean. There are unexpected meetings, beautiful courtships and a sea of ​​confessions. But you shouldn’t rush into making decisions. You can find out a lot of unpleasant things about your chosen one. But, if you don’t delve into his past, then everything will remain as it is - stable and sincere. One of the Pisces will return to a former lover with whom he broke off relations in 2017.

But family Pisces in the year of the Dog will be on the verge of divorce. And all this is due to the fact that life is not organized, there is not enough finance, and the passion has faded. Maybe there is a chance to revive everything? Then try to do this at the beginning of 2018. Try to start a common business, or plan the birth of a child.


In the year of the Dog, Sagittarius is expected to experience a surge of strength, energy and feelings, so he can safely count on everything related to love dates and adventures. The love horoscope for 2018 advises you to figure out in advance who you are on the same path with, and who it is better to forget altogether. If you don’t want to part with your loved one, then pacify your jealousy. This especially applies to men. Stop suspecting your chosen one of everything you can imagine. Yes, you have a rich imagination, but not to the same extent. Serious relationships are built only on trust.

The love forecast for 2018 for Sagittarius predicts the resumption of a long-standing romance. True, in the summer, many will fall in love and forget about past affections. Autumn will be a sad time for many Sagittarius. Separations and divorces are possible.


The Year of the Dog does not advise Aries to talk about his romance with a person with whom you were previously just friends. Your relationship will move to another stage and become more sensual. If you want to keep them, then become more gentle and attentive to your chosen one. The emotional and temperamental Aries should be restrained so as not to get into conflict situations with those who are truly dear to him.

In the year of the Dog, Aries may have problems on the personal front due to the fact that their partner will seem too childish and cold in their relationship. First try to understand why he behaves this way, and then draw the appropriate conclusions. The love horoscope for 2018 recommends Aries to be more proactive and be the first to make concessions.

Anyone who is single will meet a loved one in the Year of the Dog, with whom they will marry or get married in December.


Taurus in the year of the Dog will be bathed in love in the full sense of the word, so loneliness will definitely not threaten him. A lot of confessions, courtship and marriage proposals are expected. The main thing is that Taurus does not spray his feelings on everyone. First get to know the person, and then confess your feelings to him. Otherwise, fate will test Taurus by sending him selfish and flattering individuals. Turn to your intuition more often. She definitely won’t let you down and will give good advice.

2018 promises Taurus a community of interests and a joint business with a person for whom he will experience deep feelings. You can even open your own business if you both want it and think through everything to the smallest detail. The dog will definitely help in any way he can. Taurus and his chosen one will have the opportunity to strengthen their financial situation. An office romance is possible in the middle of the year. But keep in mind that the Dog does not like those who flirt on the side while married.


In the year of the Dog, one can say one thing about Capricorn - happy and completely in love. The love horoscope for 2018 predicts an interesting meeting for lonely Capricorn, which may change his destiny. The new chosen one will be for you not only a lover, but also a reliable friend. This combination is rare, but you are lucky. But try to get to know your chosen one better so as not to fall into the clutches of a mercantile and deceitful person.

The love horoscope for 2018 advises showing your chosen one your best qualities. Moreover, Capricorn, who honors family traditions, has almost no shortcomings. He is too good as a spouse - faithful and thorough. The dog already loves him.

At the beginning of the year, Capricorn does not bother to engage in external transformation and monitor the state of physical health. If you want to attract the attention of the opposite sex, then try to change for the better - tighten your figure, dress fashionably and get a new haircut.


The love horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius predicts a feeling that only Mexican TV series film about. You will fall in love at first sight and already on the second date you will start talking to your chosen one about the wedding. The dog does not advise you to make hasty conclusions, otherwise there will be a lot of mistakes and disappointments. It is possible that a person communicates with you only because of your high status in society or because of money. Well, or did he like your pretty face?

Family Aquarius needs to do everything possible to diversify the relationship with their spouse and add a unique “zest” to them. If you love each other as before, then nothing prevents you from creating something new, building a cottage, having a child and, in the end, having another “honeymoon” in the Canaries.

One of the most loyal, honest and good-natured animals in the horoscope is the Dog. It is she who will stand at the helm of the new 2018. The dog belongs to the Earth element, which means you can count on intellectual development and peaceful events in life. The love horoscope for 2018 predicts strengthening of personal relationships, family traditions and sensitivity in communicating with loved ones. The dog will help you make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel in the previous year.

An ideal relationship is just one step away!

One should expect from the Dog not only peacefulness and forbearance, but also perseverance in achieving goals. She fights for happiness in her personal and family life without fear or reproach, showing fidelity. The love horoscope does not advise lying, betraying and behaving selfishly with people around you. Otherwise, love and respect will be lost forever.

In order to get what you want in the Year of the Dog, you need to behave nobly and fairly. Then there will be harmony and tranquility in the soul, and the future will bring only a positive attitude and bright events in life. A love relationship with your chosen one will become much stronger and sincere, which will lead to a happy and long union.

Starting in July, there will be a surge of colossal energy that will help neutralize conflicts and misunderstandings in relationships. During this period, it is not advisable to give up and turn away from current problems. It is necessary to work hard on relationships to improve connections with partners. The priority should be tenderness, care and mutual understanding. If you show your sincere feelings, then in December the Dog will reward you just what you deserve and will not leave you alone.

Looking for a “soul mate”

The love horoscope recommends paying attention to those fans who are open, gentle and honest. This is the kind of person who can make a worthy match and become your “soul mate.” If your chosen one was born in the year of the Dog, then you can create a harmonious and strong relationship with him. In addition, enter into an official marriage, which will be characterized by perfect mutual understanding.

The main thing when searching for “your” person is to keep in mind only those who are free from marriage. Otherwise, the relationship will quickly reach a dead end and bring continuous trouble. If you start an affair with a person who has recently divorced, the relationship will be painful and vague for both. Mistress of the Year Dog is an ardent opponent of such relationships, so do not ignore her advice and do not pursue such love adventures.

It is important not to rush to conclusions and decisions. In order to propose marriage and even start living in a civil marriage, you need to get to know your new lover well. He does not tolerate haste, adhering to responsibility and thoughtfulness in such serious matters. You can make plans for the future and start living together only three months after meeting your chosen one.

If you are a family man, then the love horoscope predicts a strengthening of your relationship with your spouse. This applies not only to the spiritual, but also to the intimate side of life. Sensuality, tenderness and reliability will appear even in those couples who were on the verge of divorce. The marriage will become brighter, stronger and more frank. Well, sexual intimacy will acquire rich shades that will allow you to get maximum pleasure.

The love horoscope for 2018 does not advise stopping at the successes achieved in relationships. Together with your spouse, you need to “kindle” the fire of passion and bring unforgettable impressions into the union. Compliments, declarations of love, pleasant surprises and romantic evenings - all this will help married couples become even more attentive to each other in the Year of the Dog. Just exclude jealousy, which the mistress of the year especially does not like. Otherwise, you will not only quarrel with your loved one, but also scatter in different directions.

Love adventures and fleeting flirtation are not for married couples. If you cheat on your spouse, you yourself will end up in the same networks, or destroy relationships that have been built and strengthened over the years. In order to save the family, you need to be honest and decent. Then you can hope for a reliable and happy relationship. In 2018, many couples can ruin their own marriage if they follow temptation and get carried away with someone else.

Continuation of the family line

The Year of the Dog is ideal for procreation and the birth of a baby. Even if you are in a “civil” marriage, this will only strengthen the relationship, taking it to a new level. The main thing is not to doubt anything and solve all the problems that arise together with your loved one. A child will be born into a happy family if the desire to have one comes from both.

Call off the divorce immediately!

The Dog is opposed to divorce, so in 2018, under no circumstances decide to take such radical measures in your relationship. Try to find any threads that will reconnect your marriage and give you happy moments. Patience, sensitivity and mutual understanding are what will allow loving hearts to strengthen relationships. Well, if you are both determined to break up, then this can be done next year, when the Pig will rule.

The love horoscope recommends focusing on strengthening relationships, trusting your chosen one more and not hiding your true feelings. You need to listen carefully to the advice of the wise Dog so that in 2018 you do not spoil what is valuable to you and plays an important role in life. Turn to the voice of your heart more often so as not to make irreparable mistakes. If you are planning a divorce proceeding, then only in 2019, but not during this period.

Be patient and become more reasonable - this is what the love astrological forecast for 2018 recommends. Try to put things in order not only in your relationships, but also in your own thoughts that push you to take the wrong steps. To become truly happy, you need to be persistent and reasonable. Otherwise, even a strong relationship with a partner will collapse like a house of cards.

An intelligent and devoted animal will become the patron of 2018, which will definitely help you in any difficult situations. Don't be reckless, but follow the traditions that have been established for centuries. Learn to be the first to make concessions and reconciliation, forgive and accept your loved one for who he is.

Love horoscope for Aries for 2018

The Year of the Dog does not advise Aries to talk about his romance with a person with whom you were previously just friends. Your relationship will move to another stage and become more sensual. If you want to keep them, then become more gentle and attentive to your chosen one. Otherwise, you will quarrel more often than kiss. The emotional and temperamental Aries should be restrained so as not to get into conflict situations with those who are truly dear to him.

In the year of the Dog, Aries may have problems on the personal front due to the fact that their partner will seem too childish and cold in their relationship. First try to understand why he behaves this way, and then draw the appropriate conclusions. The love horoscope does not recommend being more proactive and being the first to make concessions. If you haven’t forgotten what “nobility” is, then use it more often in relationships with your chosen one.

Having changed internally, Aries will have the opportunity to paint love relationships in bright colors. Don't listen to the advice of people around you, but act on your own. After all, you can achieve a lot if you want to correct the situation. Anyone who is single will meet a loved one in the Year of the Dog, with whom they will marry or get married in December.

Love horoscope for Taurus for 2018

Taurus in the year of the Dog will be bathed in love in the full sense of the word, so loneliness will definitely not threaten him. A lot of confessions, courtship and marriage proposals are expected. Even neighbors and employees will look at Taurus with loving eyes. If you want to meet “the one and only,” then you need to go out in public more often, make acquaintances and not limit yourself to communicating only with your family. Then Taurus will definitely find a “soul mate” and will not exchange it for anyone in the world.
The main thing is that Taurus does not spray his feelings on everyone. First get to know the person, and then confess your feelings to him. Otherwise, fate will test Taurus by sending him selfish and flattering individuals. By the way, turn to your intuition more often. She definitely won’t let you down and will give good advice.

Promises a community of interests and a joint business with a person for whom he will experience deep feelings. You can even open your own business if you both want it and think through everything to the smallest detail. The dog will definitely help in any way he can. Taurus and his chosen one will have the opportunity to strengthen their financial situation. An office romance is possible in the middle of the year. But keep in mind that the Dog does not like those who flirt on the side while married.

Love horoscope for Gemini for 2018

Gemini in the year of the Dog will fly on the wings of love, which will give them a lot of emotions and vivid impressions. Of course, not all romantic encounters will develop into something more and serious, but there is still a chance to meet “your” person. The love horoscope for 2018 promises Gemini a fateful acquaintance, but here you yourself need to keep your eyes open and not run after every skirt. It is possible to resume old relationships, although this is unlikely to lead to a good result.

If Gemini is still single and lonely, then the Dog will help them meet their “soul mate” and become happy. By the way, this will be a whirlwind romance with a sequel. At the end of the year you can submit an application to the registry office and get married. The main thing is to be sincere and honest in relationships. No illusions or dreams about an ideal partner. Otherwise, Gemini will ruin everything themselves.

The family forecast recommends independently solving problems that arise in your relationship with your spouse. You don’t even need to tell your relatives about what doesn’t suit you or outrages you. And there are a lot of envious people around, who are just waiting for your family life to burst at all the seams. In the Year of the Dog, try to avoid all gossip, and not spread rumors yourself. As for an affair on the side, Gemini should not even think about it. Unless, of course, they want to have a thorough fight and break up with their spouse.

Cancer love horoscope for 2018

Cancers are used to dreaming about unrealistic love, building up an ideal image of a partner. Of course, the mistress of 2018, the yellow Dog, will help you arrange your personal life, but the bulk of the worries and troubles in this regard will fall on your shoulders. Do not refuse new meetings, communication with friends and parties. Be as proactive as possible and not just an observer. Then Cancer can count not only on a fateful acquaintance, but also on the Mendelssohn march at the end of December.

The love horoscope does not predict a change of residence. You will go for your loved one anywhere just to be together. The main thing is that you think about everything in advance so that you don’t regret your action later. After all, such sacrifices must be justified. Well, if your move is revenge on your former chosen one, then don’t even risk your peace of mind.

Family Cancer can expect pleasant surprises from fate in the year of the Dog. You will go on a long-awaited trip, have a great rest and learn a lot of interesting things about another country. The horoscope recommends that Cancer, together with his spouse, open his own business so as not to count rubles until salary. Please note that it is not advisable to talk about your goals and plans. Well, only to the closest and most understanding people.

Love horoscope 2018 for Leo

It is impossible to imagine Leo without love, as well as without the royal crown, which he does not take off even in moments of intimacy. He loves confessions, compliments and everything that follows from this, but the Dog recommends being careful. Either you will deceive someone, or you will be betrayed. The astrological forecast for love does not advise taking less risks with feelings, otherwise you can live the whole year in unrest or separation. If you already have a loved one, then devote more time and attention to him, and do not look at all sides to find another hobby. Moreover, you have been talking with your chosen one for a long time about living together.

Although, some Leo family members still decide to commit adultery, which the spouse finds out about. It is possible that this will not happen because you have fallen out of love with your marriage partner, but only from banal boredom. Do you want variety? The love horoscope for 2018 advises Leo to organize a trip with his family to the sea or abroad. Otherwise, you will get so caught up in the whirlpool of frivolous novels that your spouse will definitely file for divorce. Please note that there will be no return to old and sincere relationships.

A lonely Leo can meet a “soul mate” if he himself begins to take his personal life more seriously. No flirting or dubious intimate relationships, then the year of the Dog will give you a meeting that will become your destiny. Better save your energy and feelings for the person who really deserves it. After all, Leo’s charm and pride make everyone around him go crazy.

Virgo love horoscope for 2018

In the year of the Dog, Virgo will have a little bit of everything - from true love to a banal office romance. If you yourself are not yet ready for a serious and official relationship, then do not limit yourself in dating and courtship. In another case, Virgo needs to look at her life differently and change internally. The love horoscope for 2018 predicts an unforgettable meeting, after which you will definitely want to get married and forget your past hobbies.

So, in order to add romance and sensuality to her personal life, Virgo needs to not close herself off within four walls. It is better to communicate more often with old and new friends, attend events and corporate events. To charm the one you like, you just need to take the initiative. Listen to your heart, not to the grandmothers on the bench. And no suspiciousness or thoughts that you are not loved or appreciated.

The love horoscope does not recommend reconsidering your views on your external image. How long has it been since you went to a store and bought something stylish? Well, in order to find peace of mind, Virgo doesn’t mind doing yoga and meditation. If you normalize your internal state, your personal life will change for the better. A lonely Virgo can meet a loved one in the autumn. This will happen at an unexpected moment that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Love horoscope for Libra for 2018

Libra in the year of the Dog needs to learn one thing - planning a fateful meeting is pointless. Anything can happen, like in a wonderful fairy tale, so look around more often and don’t have your head in the clouds. The astrological forecast for love for 2018 recommends listening to the call of your heart more often, rather than analyzing everything that is happening around you. Lonely Libras can make acquaintances that will leave an unpleasant aftertaste in their souls. The chosen one will turn out to be a selfish and mercantile person.

Libras often do not control their emotions and desires, which is not very welcome in their personal lives. If you continue in the same spirit, the Dog is unlikely to pat you on the head. Most likely, your chosen one will run away from you, tired of sudden changes in mood and frivolous actions. Try to be more balanced and serious in relationships.

The love horoscope does not promise a good financial situation, so quarrels with your spouse based on money are definitely not expected. Naturally, you will have to work a lot, but there is a specific goal and incentive. There are no problems on a daily basis either, but it doesn’t hurt to add romance to the relationship. Libra should be generous with gifts or travel. And don’t even think about having affairs on the side, otherwise you will lead to a divorce.

Love horoscope for Scorpio for 2018

Scorpio will definitely be lucky in love in the year of the Dog, but what to do with their irrepressible temperament? Please note that if you do not learn to manage emotions and passion, then there can be no talk of any serious love relationships. The love forecast for 2018 advises Scorpio to pacify jealousy and leadership habits, and to be more courteous and gentle in relations with the chosen one. Especially if you sincerely worry about everything that happens in your destiny.

The dog will not give bad advice, so Scorpio needs to truly make friends with it. It will help you settle your relationship with the person you love with all your heart. Keep your emotions in check so as not to ruin your personal life. Some Scorpios will change their place of residence, some will part with their lover, and for others fate will give them a fateful meeting. The main thing is, don’t look back at the past and don’t blame people for things they didn’t do. It doesn't hurt to work on yourself!

The love horoscope predicts unforgettable romantic dates. Well, if you were born in November, then an official marriage or wedding awaits you. It is possible that you will again exchange rings with someone with whom you were already in a legal union. And don't be afraid of anything! Sometimes you can enter the same river twice. Especially if you truly love a person and don’t believe in prejudices.

Sagittarius love horoscope for 2018

In the year of the Dog, Sagittarius is expected to experience a surge of strength, energy and feelings, so he can safely count on everything related to love dates and adventures. The love horoscope for 2018 advises you to figure out in advance who you are on the same path with, and who it is better to forget altogether. If Sagittarius starts a new romance, then you need to keep your mouth shut. Talk less about how happy you are, otherwise you will definitely get the evil eye. Moreover, the relationship with the chosen one is still in its early stages.

If you don’t want to part with your loved one, then pacify your jealousy. This especially applies to men of this sign. Stop suspecting your chosen one of everything you can imagine. Yes, you have a rich imagination, but not to the same extent. Serious relationships are built only on trust, so learn this at the beginning of the year so as not to destroy what is valuable to you.

The love forecast does not predict the resumption of a long-standing romance. True, in the summer, many will fall in love and forget about past affections. It’s not strange, because you are so attractive that fans run around in droves and shower you with confessions. Autumn will turn out to be a sad time for many Sagittarius. Separations and divorces are possible. But, if you yourself are to blame for such a turn of fate, then it is better to repent. After all, the Dog also does not like cheating and flirting on the side, if you are a person not free from the bonds of marriage.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Capricorn

In the year of the Dog, one can say one thing about Capricorn - happy and completely in love. You will meet the person you have long dreamed of, so almost immediately you decide to propose to him. The love horoscope for 2018 advises showing your chosen one your best qualities. Moreover, Capricorn, who honors family traditions, has almost no shortcomings. He is too good as a spouse - faithful and thorough. The dog already loves him.

At the beginning of the year, Capricorn does not bother to engage in external transformation and monitor the state of physical health. If you want to attract the attention of the opposite sex, then try to change for the better - tighten your figure, dress fashionably and get a new haircut. Well, don’t forget to attend events where you can meet interesting and nice people. Stop being bored alone and living with work alone.

The love horoscope for a lonely person predicts an interesting meeting that may change his destiny. The new chosen one will be for you not only a lover, but also a reliable friend. This combination is rare, but you are lucky. But keep in mind that even the sun has spots, so try to get to know the person you're head over heels in love with. Otherwise, you will fall into the clutches of a mercantile and deceitful person. Then you will definitely not end up with disappointments and problems.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius

The love horoscope does not predict a feeling that only Mexican TV series film about. You will fall in love at first sight and already on the second date you will start talking to your chosen one about the wedding. The dog does not advise you to make hasty conclusions, otherwise there will be a lot of mistakes and disappointments. It is possible that a person communicates with you only because of your high status in society or because of money. Well, or did he like your pretty face?

If Aquarius meets a person who was born under the same zodiac sign, then you should not miss him. Fate itself brought you together on the same path. You don’t even have to think for a long time - this is your person, or... Of course, it’s “he”, so feel free to propose, bending one knee.

Family Aquarius needs to do everything possible to diversify the relationship with their spouse and add a unique “zest” to them. The love horoscope for 2018 advises saving energy for good purposes, traveling or moving to a new apartment. Stop quarreling with your spouse, then life will become much more interesting and brighter. If you love each other as before, then nothing prevents you from creating something new, building a cottage, having a child and, in the end, having another “honeymoon” in the Canaries.

Love horoscope for Pisces for 2018

For six months, Pisces will splash around in love, like in a warm ocean. There are unexpected meetings, beautiful courtships and a sea of ​​confessions. But you shouldn’t rush into making decisions. Otherwise, you will marry someone whom you will hate later. The love horoscope does not advise building a mental ideal or image of a noble knight. If you like a person, then you don’t need to look at him through a magnifying glass. Otherwise, he will definitely shy away from you, and you will be left alone.

Many Pisces families will be on the verge of divorce in the year of the Dog. And all this is due to the fact that life is not organized, there is not enough finance, and the passion has faded. Maybe there is a chance to revive everything, as if from the ashes? Then try to do this at the beginning of 2018. Moreover, you can start a common business, or plan the birth of a child. By the way, did Pisces say something about moving to a more comfortable apartment? The dog is happy to help you, so don’t deviate from your plans.

The love forecast for 2018 promises lonely Pisces a wonderful romance with a sequel. True, during it you can find out a lot of troubles about your chosen one. But, if you don’t delve into his past like you would through underwear, then everything will remain as it is – stable and sincere. One of the Pisces will return to a former lover, with whom he put an end to the relationship back in 2017.

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It is very important to maintain common sense no matter what happens. If you are able to reason logically in difficult circumstances and not be led by conflicting emotions, then the likelihood of serious problems is noticeably reduced.

Remember that it is better not to rush. It is better to make any decisions that relate to relationships with a loved one and the romantic sphere in general no earlier than October 20.

Taurus in October they should fall in love only if they have no other important activities. If a new feeling flares up, it will swallow you up and quickly require sacrifices: you will have to forget about entertainment. Of course, the most disciplined Taurus will cope with this, but are you sure that you are one of them?

Virgo in October they will communicate with a variety of people and will be able to please a lot of people. You have to decide which of the fans to give preference to, and your heart will suggest something extremely indecipherable. The main thing is to choose for yourself; your friends' advice will hardly be useful to you.

Scales will be especially attractive to others, so their personal life can become very, very rich. There will be a chance to restore a relationship with a person who was once dear to you, but could not return your feelings. Now that you both have changed, a completely different story may begin.

Scorpios you can use your charm even more shamelessly than they usually do. You manage not only to please people, but also to inspire them to perform great deeds - in your honor, of course. But don’t forget about a sense of proportion and don’t make someone you really care about jealous.

Sagittarius They will be very busy and will hardly find time for a real serious romance. But you will flirt with someone with great pleasure, and you will be glad to receive signs of attention. Now you manage to so charmingly refuse any proposals that you are called on dates again and again. So, when you find a free minute, you don’t have to spend it alone.

U Capricorn There will be a lot of different things to do in October. If you still decide to take a break from them for the sake of a romantic story, then you will try to make it bright and memorable. You, usually so serious, are now prone to frivolity and willingly follow the lead of your desires. Be careful - someone might take advantage of this.


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