Kombucha in cosmetology. How is kombucha beneficial for facial skin? Kombucha mask for dry skin

Kombucha is known throughout the world due to its universal, beneficial properties. It is believed that soldiers brought it to Russia after the Russo-Japanese War. Today it is the best remedy for treating sore throat, liver, atherosclerosis, gall bladder, normalizing sleep and lowering blood pressure. It is also widely used in cosmetology. The appearance of such a “medicine” resembles a jellyfish and only at the bottom there are bacteria, which do the main, important work.

Kombucha is a certain type of plant, substrate, which is rich in artificial fermentation products and fungi. This slippery film floats on the surface of its nutrient medium, which is tea or water. Over time, it turns into a carbonated drink, reminiscent in its taste of kvass, familiar to us from childhood.

Benefits of Kombucha for Hair

This plant is widely used for hair treatment. This mushroom saturates the body with essential nutrients and vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on hair growth. Hair stops falling out, becomes stronger, begins to grow faster and acquires shine. However, the beneficial properties of kombucha for hair do not end there, as regular use helps eliminate dandruff.

Composition and beneficial properties of kombucha:

The medicinal properties of kombucha are primarily due to its high content of beneficial substances.

  • essential wine spirit;
  • carbonic and organic acids;
  • sugar;
  • vitamins of group B1, B, P, C;
  • proteins, iodine, calcium, zinc;
  • enzymes;
  • aromatics;
  • bacteria with antibiotic properties.

Hair treatment with kombucha can also be done at home.. All you need for this is to correctly, following the instructions, prepare your own infusions or decoctions from such a medicinal plant. It is also recommended to consume a glass of this yummy daily before meals. The result will be noticeable no earlier than two months.

You should also take into account the fact that regularly rubbing the liquid into the scalp prevents the process of hair loss by saturating the bulb with the necessary elements. This procedure must be done thirty minutes before washing your hair. At the same time, you need to rub it in with light massage movements so as not to damage the hairs that have just begun to sprout.

Hair care must be correct and comprehensive, only in this case you will easily and quickly achieve the desired result.

Kombucha infusion for hair

The infusion is used to strengthen hair, get rid of dandruff and prevent hair loss.

Step by step recipe:

    Take green or black tea that does not contain aromatic additives and medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, celandine, sage, rosemary, nettle). Steam the dried mixture with hot water.

    After an hour, pour the liquid into a jar, add the required amount of sugar (six tablespoons are needed for one liter) and stir the ingredients well so that the granulated sugar dissolves.

    Then place the mushroom in the container and tie its neck with clean gauze.

    The jar must be placed in a warm place. The ideal temperature is 25 degrees.

    After seven days, you can rinse your hair with the “medicine”.

Brewing kombucha is easy and anyone can do it. As for rinsing, it must be done every time after you wash your hair.

Kombucha decoction for hair

If you want to use kombucha for oily hair, opt for decoctions. They need to be used five times a week. However, it is not necessary to wash your hair with shampoo. Simply wet your hair in the “medicinal” liquid and lightly rub it into the scalp. It must be prepared according to the instructions, otherwise it may be harmful.

Recipe for a healthy decoction:

    Take a mushroom infusion that has been aged for about one month.

    Dilute the liquid with water; for one glass of infusion you will need two glasses of water.

    Bring the liquid to a boil.

    Then leave it for 15 minutes to cool.

    Add a few drops of vitamin E and olive oil.

Rinsing hair with kombucha

Hair rinsing is suitable for any type and has no contraindications. It can be done with or without herbs. But keep in mind that you need to select herbs wisely, taking into account the condition of your hair. So, for example, rosemary, nettle and chamomile are ideal for brittle and weak ones. Those with oily hair should opt for horsetail, thyme and rosemary. But it is best to choose burdock leaves for dull ones. Also for all types you can add lavender flowers and birch buds.


    Dilute a glass of strong mushroom infusion with two glasses of water. However, the infusion must be aged for at least one month.

    Add an infusion of the above herbs.

    Rinse your hair after shampooing.

Hair masks with kombucha at home

Hair masks with kombucha are the most effective for treating a particular problem. To date, a large number of them have been invented. All mask recipes are easy to prepare and do not require expensive ingredients.. Here are the most popular ones.

Mask for all hair types

  • Take 1/3 cup of monthly, strong infusion.
  • Add one tablespoon of honey to the liquid. However, it must be natural and not contain flavorings or dyes.
  • Then add eight drops each of sage and lavender to the ingredients.
  • Rub the resulting liquid into the hair roots and leave for one hour.
  • After this, rinse it off with warm water.

Mask for dry hair

  • Heat a glass of monthly infusion over low heat.
  • Add a spoonful of honey to it and let the ingredient dissolve.
  • Then add a teaspoon of olive oil and eight drops of vitamin E and A (available at the pharmacy).
  • Distribute the mixture onto your hair, keep it for about forty minutes, then rinse with water.

Apply the product to wet hair, then wash it with shampoo. To enhance the effect, it is recommended that after applying the mask, wrap your head in film and insulate it with a towel.

Kombucha for hair: reviews of use

If you look at reviews of the use of such a product, you can conclude that this product really is one of the best. The result exceeds all expectations. The big advantage is that such treatment is cheap and everyone can afford it.

Nina, 25 years old

I had thin, weak hair. I carried out treatment with various expensive cosmetic products, but there was practically no result. I decided to try masks based on kombucha and was pleasantly surprised by the quick effect.

Alina, 38 years old

I had heard about the benefits of kombucha for a long time, but I didn’t believe that it could help get rid of dandruff. I decided to try it. The problem disappeared after two weeks.

Evgeniya, 19 years old

Kombucha really works wonders. Just recently my hair was weak and dull. After treatment with kombucha, they grow faster, become less dry, and acquire a healthy shine.

For dessert, video: How to make kombucha at home

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Kombucha is a thick white-brown film, similar to a jellyfish, that floats on the surface of the sweet tea infusion. Scientists have found that kombucha does not take tannins from its nutrient solution, but it does not survive without such a component as tea. The reason is that the sweet tea solution causes the fungus to synthesize ascorbic acid, which is a nutrient for the jellyfish. Tea also contains caffeine, which causes kombucha cells to divide, increasing the volume of the film.

Kombucha itself is a mutually beneficial coexistence of a number of yeast-like fungi and bacteria. Caring for kombucha is easy, and reviews of the drink are entirely laudatory.

According to researchers, the kombucha drink contains about 2.5% ethyl alcohol.

Yeast starts the fermentation process, the products of which are alcohol and carbonic acids, and bacteria cause ethyl alcohol to oxidize, and it is converted into acetic acid. The result is a kind of tea kvass - a slightly carbonated sweet and sour drink.

Kombuchas weighing up to 100 kg are grown on an industrial scale, since the “jellyfish” will grow and increase in volume if favorable conditions are created and free space in the container allows. At home, kombucha usually lives in a three-liter jar.

History of Kombucha

Wikipedia says that kombucha was first mentioned in the historical chronicles of the Han Dynasty, whose representatives ruled China around 250 BC. Then the drink was called a miraculous elixir of immortality and health. It was believed to balance the vital energy Qi and improve digestion.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the medusomycete was brought to Europe. The drink made from it became known as kombucha because someone mistakenly thought that it was similar to kombu-te (a drink made from a subspecies of seaweed - kombu seaweed). Experts have established that kombu-cha has a completely different biological nature than kombucha, but the distorted misnomer has already stuck.

This drink is widely known in Japan, where it is called kocha-kinoko, which literally translates to “kombucha.” The medical tradition of this country does not consider medusomycetes to be something magical and miraculous. Nobody believes in it as a drink of immortality, but sometimes an infusion of kombucha is prescribed to men and women as a stimulant of sexual desire.

Residents of Russia became acquainted with kombucha during the Russo-Japanese War. The drink became widespread in the middle of the last century, since its preparation did not require any scarce or expensive ingredients, and neighbors simply shared pieces of “jellyfish” with each other.

Kombucha from scratch

Growing kombucha at home is quite simple. Pour a third of sweet black tea into a three-liter jar (the amount of sugar is 4 tablespoons). The neck is closed with a piece of gauze, which is secured with an elastic band. At room temperature, after a couple of weeks, a thin film will appear on the surface of the liquid, which will grow and thicken over time - this is a medusomycete. After approximately 2 months, the kombucha is completely ready for further “exploitation”.

If you don’t want to wait that long, you can ask someone you know for kombucha or buy it on free classifieds sites for mere pennies. The mushroom reproduces simply: a lighter layer is separated from the old mushroom, washed, placed in a jar with a tea solution - and after a few days the drink is completely ready.

Kombucha recipe

To get a tasty medicinal drink, you usually take 1.5 liters of boiling water, in which 3-4 tea bags are brewed. Sugar is added to taste. Lovers of the sweet “mushroom” dissolve from 4 to 6 tablespoons of granulated sugar per liter, and those who like a more sour drink - 2-3 spoons. When the tea has brewed and the sugar has completely dissolved, let the mixture cool to room temperature, and then carefully place the kombucha into the jar. Close the jar with gauze.

Before drinking, it is recommended to strain the kombucha infusion through cheesecloth.
  1. Do not leave a jar of jellyfish near a window where the sun's rays fall.
  2. Don't forget to take care of your kombucha regularly. The mushroom should be washed under running water a couple of times a month. To do this, carefully remove it from the jar, straighten it, remove dying and old areas (they are usually dark brown), and hold the rest under a tap with warm water, carefully stroking the surface with your palm. After the procedure, place the mushroom again in a pre-washed jar with tea solution.
  3. If the temperature is too high, the medusomycete cells die.
  4. In the first 2-3 days after being placed in a new solution, the mushroom may not float on the surface, but sink to the bottom or remain at an average level. This is normal. Usually in these cases they say that he is “sick.” This is not a disease in the classical sense of the word, it’s just how kombucha adapts to updated living conditions.
  5. Usually, two containers are used to prepare the drink. The fungus lives in one, turning sweet tea into a solution somewhat reminiscent of kvass in taste, and the finished drink is poured into the other.
  6. It is better to keep the finished drink in the refrigerator. Fans of kombucha infusion claim that it tastes much better when cold.
  7. The thickness of the medusomycete should not exceed 4 centimeters, so remove the old parts in a timely manner, continue making a drink from the middle one, and share the top one with friends and acquaintances.
  8. You can make kombucha not only with classic black tea, but also with green tea. The principle of preparing the drink is no different.
  9. If mold appears on the surface of the mushroom, it means that unfavorable conditions have been created. But don’t rush to throw away the medusomycete. Rinse it thoroughly under the tap, remove any moldy film, and then place the kombucha in a new solution.

To enrich the taste, you can add mint, lemon balm, blackberry, cherry or currant leaves, rose hips, and pharmaceutical herbal preparations.

Beneficial properties of kombucha

Regular consumption of kombucha drink speeds up metabolism and helps eliminate a number of medical problems:

  • treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, gastritis, ulcers, etc.);
  • treatment of infectious diseases (sore throat, ARVI, runny nose);
  • treatment of stomatitis, relief of toothache.

Kombucha is often used as the main drink (in addition to pure water) for weight loss. Medusomycete contains probiotics that improve the function of the digestive system. In addition, it stimulates metabolism, forcing the body to more actively break down fat tissue.

Kombucha strengthens the immune system, helps remove toxins and salts, normalizes pH levels, improves overall well-being, and gives additional energy.

Kombucha also has anti-inflammatory properties. The healing infusion can be used to wash the eyes with conjunctivitis, the skin - to reduce the amount of acne, the antibacterial effect will be noticeable after 2-3 applications. Medusomycete will help in the fight against furunculosis, fungal diseases of the nails and skin.


For people with high acidity, it is better to make an infusion without sugar, replacing it with honey. Honey neutralizes the acid in kombucha.

There are no serious contraindications to drinking kombucha infusion, but those who suffer from diabetes should not drink kombucha in large quantities. The reason is simple: the miracle drink is made with the addition of a large amount of sugar.

The drink is also harmless for children, but for children it is better to dilute the finished tea kvass with water in a 50:50 ratio.

You should not drink kombucha infusion during or immediately after meals, as it speeds up the digestion of food and you risk getting hungry again too quickly.

Kombucha has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antibiotic effects. It can be used to treat a variety of diseases, and can also be used in home cosmetology.

In cosmetology, kombucha is used to restore and treat skin and various fungal infections not only of the skin, but also of nails. Can be used as an effective scalp and hair care product.

Skin care begins with cleansing. With the help of kombucha, you can perform deep cleansing of the skin, and the result obtained will be no worse than using an expensive high-quality peeling product. Also, products based on kombucha have a regenerating and tonic effect, therefore, an accelerated process of skin renewal occurs.

Skin cleansing

To cleanse the skin and remove dead particles, you can use mushroom kvass. For this purpose, you need an infusion that must be aged for at least one month.

Immediately before starting the cleansing procedure, the usual cleanser is applied to the face and a light massage is performed. This is necessary in order to remove dust, excess sebum, and dirt from the skin that has accumulated during the day.

Next, take a terry towel and soak it in very hot water, and massage the skin for several minutes to open the pores. If you have rosacea, this stage of cleansing will need to be skipped.

Take a cotton napkin, soak it in the kombucha infusion, wring it out lightly and apply it to your face. Cover the top with a terry towel (warm!). You need to lie down for about 5 minutes, then remove the mask and wash with warm water. Apply any nourishing cream. It is recommended to carry out this cleansing procedure once a week, approximately 3 hours before bedtime.


Thanks to regular rubbing of the skin using a warm infusion of kombucha, the blood circulation process is significantly improved, elasticity and smoothness returns. In addition, this product gives an excellent deodorizing effect, tones, refreshes the skin, and does not disrupt the natural pH balance.

To obtain such results, it is enough to periodically add one glass of kombucha tincture to the bath. Soon positive changes will become noticeable - the skin becomes softer and takes on a healthy appearance. But there is one main rule - the total duration of such a therapeutic bath should not exceed 20 minutes.

Kombucha for acne

Kombucha has excellent antiseptic properties, which is why it is widely used to fight acne. Only use kombucha tincture that has been aged for at least one month. In this case, the use of lavender, which has a calming and cleansing effect, is beneficial.

Dried lavender flowers are placed in a glass container, the tincture obtained from kombucha is poured, everything is mixed and covered with a lid. The hermetically sealed container is placed in the refrigerator and left for exactly three weeks. After the specified time, you need to filter the resulting infusion and add small quantities to the water used for washing.

Kombucha can help not only in the fight against acne, it helps eliminate age spots and freckles. It will be enough to simply wipe your cleansed face with a monthly infusion of kombucha several times a day.

It is useful to wipe your cleansed face with a cube of frozen monthly infusion every day. After this procedure, apply any nourishing cream to the skin.

Hand care

Baths and masks with the addition of kombucha infusion are incredibly beneficial for the skin of your hands and nails. Thanks to prolonged exposure, even very chapped and rough skin softens and smoothes.

It is useful to make such masks before going to bed, and in order not to spoil the bed linen, you need to wear simple gloves made of cotton fabric on your hands. It is not recommended to use gloves made from other materials, as the skin simply cannot breathe in them.

If your hands are very chapped, you should use a mixture of a month’s tincture of kombucha and olive oil (all ingredients are taken in equal proportions). After each hand washing, the product is applied to the skin. All household work should be performed only with gloves.

Kombucha is used to treat very brittle nails and eliminate unsightly white spots, the formation of which occurs as a result of a lack of valuable minerals in the body. As a rule, this is the first sign of acute deficiency of calcium, silicic acid and sodium. These substances are contained in tea kvass, so you need to drink it every day for at least 1.5 months. The desired effect will soon appear.

Before applying varnish to your nails, you need to wipe them with a cotton swab, which is soaked in a tincture obtained from kombucha. As a result, the nail surface is degreased, making the polish last much longer.

Kombucha for hair

The condition of your hair will depend on your general health. If the curls are very thin and weak, no expensive shampoo will help solve this problem, since the main reason for this phenomenon is a violation of proper metabolism.

Kombucha copes well with such problems. It will be enough to drink a glass of tea kvass every day during each meal. In this way, not only the metabolic process is normalized, but also the lack of minerals and other useful substances is replenished. This treatment course should be used for at least 1.5 months. Various infusions with honey, green tea, and the addition of various medicinal herbs are beneficial.

There is another popular beauty recipe with kombucha, which was used by Japanese geishas several centuries ago. Kombucha is infused for a whole month (no less!), then used to rinse curls, each time after washing (a small amount of product is taken). Literally after the first rinse, the strands acquire brightness and shine, look more even, and are much easier to comb and style.

Kombucha has a rather specific smell, but don’t worry, because it will disappear on its own very soon. It is useful to regularly use herbal tinctures with nettle or chamomile on a slightly warmed tincture of one-month-old kombucha.

The following remedy is perfect for strengthening hair - a glass of tea kvass (only one month old), slightly heated, but not boiled. Honey dissolves in it (1 tbsp.). The resulting solution is applied to damp and clean strands, slightly dried with a towel. Using a comb, the product is evenly distributed throughout the curls. To consolidate the result obtained, it is necessary to repeat this procedure several times.

Video about kombucha:

Today you can choose and buy cosmetic skin care products without any problems, but if you are at home, you can prepare lotions and masks for the skin yourself.

Today on the “Beautiful and Successful” website we will tell our readers how to use kombucha for the skin, how to make lotions and masks from it, and also share a recipe on how to grow a mushroom at home for those who do not have the opportunity to take it from someone "baby" for its reproduction.

Benefits of Kombucha for Skin

Kombucha, like the equally popular Japanese rice and kefir mushrooms, are living organisms that are formed by the mutual existence of several types of substances. Kombucha does not occur naturally in nature. It is grown in a sweet and sour environment. If earlier it could be seen often in homes, today kombucha is not so easy to get.

The list of beneficial properties endowed with tea kvass – as we call this organism – is impressive. The infusion is recommended for many diseases; it is wonderfully refreshing, helps the production of digestive enzymes, which normalizes metabolism.

We have already talked about whether it can help, and today we’ll talk about how to use kombucha for the skin for cosmetic purposes.

Products based on sour tea kvass from the mushroom cleanse the skin, nourish it, treat acne, help fight the smell of sweat and even make rough hands soft.

Tea kvass is good for the skin: it simultaneously has both cosmetic and therapeutic effects on it:

  • normalizes acid levels;
  • improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • opens pores.

From aged tea kvass they prepare lotions for washing, make nourishing and cleansing face masks, and use them as lotions for blue circles and bags under the eyes.

Kombucha: Facial Lotions

The drink tastes sour. Once on the skin, products based on it cover it with a thin film, thereby creating an acidic environment that kills microorganisms that cause skin problems. When an acidic natural drink comes into contact with the skin, the pores open - the skin “breathes”.

Kombucha for oily skin: washes

Cleansing the skin is considered an important point in skin care. Based on kvass, you can prepare several lotions for washing.

  • The easiest way to use sour infusion for facial skin is to rinse with kvass after washing with soap. You can wipe your face with a cotton pad dipped in tea kvass: you will wash away the remaining soap that destroys the acidic environment of the skin.
  • Many people like to wipe their face with ice cubes. The effect will be much better if you take the drink from aged kombucha as a basis. The more sour the kvass, the better. After you wipe your skin with ice, don't forget about a nourishing face cream.
  • You can prepare a wash by combining alkaline mineral water with mushroom kvass in equal parts. It is especially suitable for those with oily skin.
  • It is very good for oily skin to prepare a lotion by mixing an infusion of tea kvass with aloe juice. By rubbing your face with this product daily, you can help problem skin get rid of inflammation and irritation.

Kombucha: face masks

Sebum on the skin creates an environment in which dangerous microorganisms multiply. Kombucha face masks create an acid barrier, cleanse, nourish and protect. Tea kvass masks are suitable for all skin types, but they are especially useful for oily skin.

Kombucha: the best nourishing and cleansing facial masks

Nourishing masks with mushroom tea kvass are essential for the skin: they nourish it, delivering all the necessary substances, and increase blood flow to skin cells. Tea tree drink can be added to any nourishing masks, their properties will only improve. the site offers you several good proven recipes.

Banana mask

In half a glass of sour, aged tea kvass, add 2 tablespoons of mashed banana, 2 tablespoons of oil (preferably olive), and 2 yolks. Beat the mixture well with a blender. Leave the mask on your face for half an hour, then rinse and apply cream. It's best to do it before bed.

Bran mask

Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of bran in kvass tea. After 30 minutes, wash the mixture off your face. Don't forget to protect your face with night cream before going to bed.

Purifying mask for problem skin

To remove dead skin cells from the face, you need to prepare a product with an infusion of well-aged tea kvass. You need to grate 150 g of cottage cheese, add 3 tbsp to it. l. sour infusion and cosmetic clay. Beat the mixture well until it becomes creamy. Apply to facial skin, wait until it dries, then rinse with water. In addition to cleansing your skin of dead cells, you will moisturize and refresh it.

Kombucha for skin from bags and blue circles under the eyes

Kombucha is very good for the skin against bags under the eyes. It is necessary to massage daily with fingertips dipped in tea kvass. You need to massage with light touches, moving from the inner corner of the eye (from the bridge of the nose) to the outer. You can also make compresses under the eyes with cotton pads soaked in tea kvass. In addition to the cosmetic effect, this procedure improves visual acuity, that is, it has a therapeutic effect.

Kombucha for problem skin

The strong antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal properties that kombucha kvass has make it not just useful, but we would say even necessary for caring for problem skin.

Tea kvass not only cleanses the skin, but also relieves inflammation, has wound-healing properties, and stimulates the release of purulent inflammations on the skin.

Kombucha for acne on the face

To prepare an anti-acne lotion for problem skin, you need to take a glass of heated tea kvass, add dried lavender (2 tablespoons), and let it brew in the cold for at least 3 weeks. The mixture should be filtered and wiped on problem skin with acne or added to water for washing.

Cleansing facial skin with kombucha

  1. The first thing to do is cleanse the skin with any product.
  2. Soak a terry cloth in hot water.
  3. Apply the napkin to your face for 2 minutes, then remove it.
  4. Soak a cotton napkin in the mushroom infusion.
  5. Squeeze and apply the lotion to your face for 5 minutes, covering it with a warm napkin.
  6. Wash with warm water and dry your face well with a towel.

After cleansing with kombucha, your facial skin will be pink and fresh.

From the smell of sweat

Not everyone knows that kombucha kvass is an excellent deodorant that not only eliminates the smell of sweat, but also eliminates the cause of its appearance. The acidic environment fights bacteria, which, when multiplying, emit a sweaty odor. It is enough to wash your armpits and then wipe them with a handkerchief or napkin soaked in sour kombucha kvass. The smell will disappear.

There is no kombucha - how to grow?

If you don't have kombucha at home, try growing your own. To do this, leave the sweet tea in a warm place for several days. After 4-5 days, a film should form on it - this is the “germ” of kombucha. Now it needs to be raised.

Some sources recommend carefully removing the film and transferring it to a 0.5-liter jar, pouring fresh sweet tea. But on the forums they say that there is no need to rush to transfer the “embryo” of a future pet. It is better to wait until something similar to a small jellyfish - a slippery substance - forms in the cup. Sometimes this takes a month. As the mushroom grows, you need to change the container in which it will grow. This needs to be done gradually.

A pet raised at home is endowed with the same medicinal and cosmetic properties as “real” kombucha. Don't forget to care for and feed him:

  1. After 4 days in summer and 7 days in winter, the mushroom should be filled with fresh tea infusion.
  2. Do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to pour sugar directly onto the mushroom, just as you should not pour the remaining tea from the cups into a jar with a mushroom.
  3. It is better to have two containers for tea kvass - in one you will grow the mushroom, in the other you will pour the healthy healing drink.
  4. The mushroom needs to be washed periodically.

Kombucha is used very widely for cosmetic purposes: you can experiment endlessly, adding it to masks, making lotions based on it, cosmetic ice cubes for washing, etc. If you mix kombucha kvass with olive oil, you can save chapped skin on your hands. At night, you need to make a hand mask from tea tree oil and olive oil, wearing gloves at night. The skin of your hands becomes smooth.

The benefits of kombucha for the skin have been proven. It makes good masks and lotions that are easy to prepare at home.

Beauty is nature's greatest gift to a woman. But our world is structured in such a way that nothing eternal and permanent exists. So, in order to preserve this “gift”, a woman must make every effort and means. Immediately, nature comes to meet us and gives us a lot of natural, natural preparations that can easily be used to care for our appearance.

Sometimes it happens that you don’t even suspect that you have a powerful cosmetic product at hand, for example, an infusion of kombucha, which we want to draw your attention to. In relation to it, we are accustomed to the fact that an infusion of kombucha is just a tasty and healthy drink that quenches thirst and increases the defenses of the human body. But in reality, kombucha for cosmetology is simply an indispensable remedy for treating human skin and hair.

They improve the overall condition of the skin, treat the skin not only from acne and pimples, but also from allergies to external irritants, such as dust and fluff... Kombucha masks significantly slow down the process of skin aging, giving it smoothness, elasticity, peach tenderness and radiant health appearance.

An interesting fact is that the Chinese people knew about the properties and capabilities of kombucha 250 years BC. They called it "the elixir of youth and immortality." Yes, and the cosmetic properties of kombucha have also been known for quite a long time, but recently they have begun to forget about it, which should not be done. After all, using kombucha is much healthier than expensive artificial cosmetics.

Nourishing kombucha mask for aging skin

This mask consists of half a glass of kombucha infusion, carrot juice (1 tablespoon), olive oil (½ teaspoon) and one raw egg yolk. All components should be thoroughly mixed so that a homogeneous mass is formed, which is applied to the face with a brush for 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the face is rinsed with warm water.

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Kombucha mask with aloe juice for oily skin

To prepare the mask, you need to mix the kombucha infusion with freshly prepared aloe juice. Daily rubbing of the skin with this composition heals oily skin, dries it, relieves inflammation and irritation.

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Kombucha and clay mask for oily skin

To prepare this mask, white or blue clay is suitable, in the amount of 40 g, which should be mixed with 0.5 cups of kombucha infusion, one glass of plain water, 5 drops of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of lemon zest. All components of the mask are mixed and applied to the skin.

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Kombucha lotion for oily and sweaty skin

A lotion made from 0.5 cups of a month's infusion of kombucha, two tablespoons of vodka and three slices of lemon will help get rid of sweating in oily skin. First, for half an hour, the lemon is infused in the mushroom infusion, then the lemon is squeezed out and the infusion is filtered. Vodka is added to the infusion and the lotion is ready. The skin should be wiped with this lotion twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening.

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Kombucha and horsetail mask for oily problem skin

To prepare the mask, mix the infusion of kombucha with a decoction of horsetail. This mixture should be wiped every morning on oily problem skin.

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Kombucha and strawberry mask

A mask of kombucha (0.5 cup) with the addition of strawberries (5 berries) is suitable for oily skin. Strawberry berries should be mashed well and a kombucha infusion should be added to this mass. The mixture should sit for several hours. Next, drain the liquid and apply the thickener to your face overnight. As a result of using such a mask, the skin is toned and disinfected, irritation and excessive oiliness go away.

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Kombucha mask with avocado for dry, aging skin

Add 1/3 cup of kombucha infusion, two fresh egg yolks and burdock oil (2 tablespoons) to the blender bowl. Beat all the ingredients and add avocado pulp (2 teaspoons) and lemon juice (1 teaspoon) to the already whipped mass. Once again, beat everything with a blender, immediately apply the mask to your face and leave until the morning. When you wake up in the morning, rinse your face with warm water.

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Kombucha and wheat bran mask for dry skin

Combine four tablespoons of warm kombucha infusion with wheat bran and honey (3 teaspoons each). The mask is applied for 30 minutes to cleansed facial skin. Warm water is used to wash off this mask.

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Kombucha mask for dry skin

Prepare the dough from ½ cup of fresh kombucha infusion, two tablespoons of wheat flour, one teaspoon of liquid honey and beaten egg white. The dough-like mask is applied for 10 minutes to previously cleansed skin. After the time allotted for the mask has passed, wash your face with warm water.

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Kombucha Whitening Mask

A whitening mask is obtained by mixing ½ cup of kombucha infusion, one glass of cream, juice from one lemon, one egg and one teaspoon of glycerin. The ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed, which we apply to the face and leave for 20 minutes. Then the mask should be washed off with warm water.

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Kombucha toning mask

A mask made from kombucha (1/2 cup infusion), fresh milk (1/2 cup), cognac (1 teaspoon) and lemon juice (1 teaspoon) perfectly tones the skin. The composite masks are mixed and heated in a water bath. The mask must be applied to the face while warm, left for 10 minutes and washed off with warm water.

An interesting fact is that long-term storage of kombucha only improves its beneficial qualities, for example, every day more and more vitamin “C” accumulates in it.
Another interesting fact is that the beneficial infusion of kombucha is obtained from green tea, and not from black tea. This happens because green tea contains more antioxidants, which slow down aging and the development of atherosclerosis.

Beneficial properties of kombucha

Video bun for today.


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