Healthy puree soups for children: simple recipes. How to properly prepare soup for a one year old baby? Vegetable soups for children 1 year old

There are many different recipes for 1-year-old children. You can make soup from chicken, veal, turkey or rabbit. Vegetable soups that are easy to prepare are also beneficial for kids.

Soup should be in the daily diet of every baby over 1 year old. A child does not need a large portion of soup for lunch. You can cook him fresh soups every day in small saucepans using water or broth. There are many simple, healthy and tasty soups for one-year-old babies.

Milk soup with noodles for a one-year-old child

Milk soup will be an excellent alternative for those children who do not like milk. To prepare a simple milk soup recipe you will need:

  • 200 ml milk
  • 1 tbsp. small vermicelli
  • 5g butter
  • A little sugar

Add milk to the pan and bring to a boil. After this, add the vermicelli and cook for 5-7 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally. When the soup is ready, add sugar and butter.

Milk rice soup for a 1 year old child

To prepare this soup you will need:

  • 200 ml milk
  • 1 tbsp. rice
  • 5g butter

Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Slowly add the rice and cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the rice is cooked through. When finished, add butter.

Vegetable soup for a 1 year old child

Vegetable soup can be made from a variety of vegetables. Broccoli and zucchini soup is considered healthy and tasty for a 1 year old child. You will need:

  • 50g broccoli
  • 50g zucchini
  • 1 potato
  • 1 tbsp. millet
  • 5g butter

Finely chop the vegetables and add them to boiling water. Cook for about 10-15 minutes, after which remove the vegetables. Place the washed millet there and cook for 30-40 minutes. When the cereal is cooked, add vegetables and butter to the pan.

Vegetable puree soup for a one-year-old child

This puree soup can be given to your baby when he is already familiar with many vegetables. You need to prepare in advance:

  • 1 tomato without skin
  • 50g zucchini
  • ½ carrot
  • ¼ onion
  • 50g cauliflower

Chop all the vegetables and add water. Cook the soup for about 15-20 minutes. When the vegetables are cooked, they need to be taken out, chopped in a blender and added back to the pan with the broth. Before serving, you can add a little sour cream or cream.

Buckwheat soup for a one-year-old child

Buckwheat soup is often given in kindergarten. You can cook this soup quickly and easily at home. Choose for yourself what you will cook with: water or broth. If using broth, you will need:

  • 100g meat: veal, pork, beef or chicken
  • 1 tbsp. buckwheat
  • 1 potato
  • ½ carrot
  • ¼ onion

Cook the meat broth. Its cooking time depends on the meat: chicken needs to be cooked a little less than other types. While the broth is cooking, finely chop the vegetables and rinse the buckwheat. Dip vegetables and buckwheat into the cooked broth. And cook for 15 minutes.

Pea soup for a 1 year old child

To prepare pea soup you will need:

  • 100g meat
  • 1 tbsp. peas
  • 1 potato
  • 1 small carrot or half of it
  • 1/4 onion

Before you start preparing this soup, rinse the peas thoroughly and soak them in water for at least 2 hours. You can soak it overnight. Boil the meat broth and add peas. It should cook for 1.5 hours over medium heat. If the broth boils away, you can add water. Add the chopped vegetables and cook for another 15 minutes. Add a little salt and the soup is ready. If your baby doesn't really know how to chew, use a blender to puree the soup.

Borscht recipe for a one-year-old baby

Borscht for 1 year old babies can be cooked without adding cabbage. It all depends on the child’s preferences and digestion. For borscht you will need:

  • 100g beef or pork
  • 1 potato
  • ½ carrot
  • ¼ onion
  • ½ medium beetroot
  • Greenery
  • Salt to taste

Place meat, uncut and peeled onions, carrots and beets into the pan. Cook over low heat for 45 minutes, after which you should remove the meat and vegetables and strain the broth. Place finely chopped potatoes into the purified broth and add salt. After 10 minutes, add grated beets, carrots and chopped onions to the pan. Don't forget to cut the meat and add it back to the broth. After 15 minutes the borscht is ready. You can add greens and pour into a plate. For a one-year-old baby, you can already season the borscht with a small amount of sour cream.

Chicken soup for a 1 year old child

To prepare a hearty and tasty soup you will need:

  • 100g chicken fillet
  • 400 ml water
  • 50 ml milk
  • ¼ onion
  • 1/2 tsp. flour
  • 5g butter

Pour water over chicken fillet and finely chopped onion. Cook for 15 minutes. At this time, mix butter and flour. When the fillet is cooked, grind the meat and onion in a blender until smooth. Add chopped meat and flour with butter to the broth, as well as milk. Bring to a boil and add salt.

Your baby has already grown up and you have started to think about how to diversify his menu? In this article we bring to your attention basic recipes and recommendations for preparing soups for 1-year-old children.

We have selected the healthiest and simplest soups that are guaranteed to please your baby and will not cause complications during the preparation process. So, let's begin…

By 8 months of age, the baby is ready to accept a more varied diet. The first stage of introducing complementary foods is behind us; the baby has already tasted vegetable and fruit purees. But now the time has come to taste the first soup for a child under one year old. To begin with, you should prepare clear vegetable soups, then puree soups and broths.

It is recommended to consult a pediatrician about introducing new unfamiliar foods into the diet. After all, the baby’s stomach has not yet matured; many basic enzymes are only at the stage of formation and therefore, at first, only one-component dishes can be digested.

How to understand that your baby is ready for complementary feeding

Relying on the well-known rules for introducing new dishes for infants, vegetable soup is included in the children's diet after the introduction of vegetables.

Pediatricians differ somewhat in their answer to the question of at what age should a child be offered first courses. Some say 6-7 months, others believe that the first should be introduced from 7-8 months of age, and for breastfed children it is optimal to start eating soup even from 9-12 months.

Only parents should decide for themselves when to start giving their child first courses, of course guided by the doctor’s recommendations and taking into account the individual characteristics and preferences of the child. It is recommended to make the first soup only from vegetables, and before eating, chop the grounds with a fork to stimulate chewing skills.

What can you cook with?

To prepare them, use those vegetables that the child is already familiar with and to which he is not allergic; in this case, vegetables such as zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, carrots and onions are optimal.

After introducing meat into the diet from the age of 8 months, you can start adding boiled chicken, rabbit or turkey fillets to the first courses. Lean parts of beef and veal are also very healthy.

It is very important to remember for young parents that they should always prepare only fresh food before each feeding.

How and what to cook with

We bring to your attention the basic rules and recommendations that should be taken into account when preparing the first dish for a child under one year old.

  • The very first children's soups are prepared exclusively with water.
  • It is strictly forbidden for children under one year of age to prepare dishes that involve frying vegetables.
  • It is strongly recommended not to add salt.

Fish soup for a 1 year old child

At this age, the baby cannot yet be offered many allergenic foods, but it is already recommended to introduce fish, since the beneficial microelements contained in it are extremely necessary for the full development of the child. A wonderful daily menu option could be fish soup for a 1-year-old child.

The fish first course is very simple to prepare. To start, choose fresh fish, such as salmon, pollock or hake. It is thoroughly cleaned of scales and fins and then filled with purified water in the proportion of 1 glass per 100 grams of fish. Lightly add broth and cook until done.

Pre-peeled and chopped vegetables are added to the strained broth and cooked until tender. You can also add a small amount of rice, herbs and egg yolk. The dish is served in the form of chopped vegetables and ground boiled fish in broth. This dish is guaranteed to please your baby.

Vegetable soup for a 1 year old child

Vegetable soups are very easy to prepare and there is not a single housewife who does not know how to prepare them. If you decide to prepare vegetable soup for a 1-year-old child, then it is important to add the ingredients in the correct order when cooking. Different vegetables require different cooking times, and this should be taken into account. This way, root vegetables take longer to cook than cabbage and other tender vegetables.

We bring to your attention the simplest recipe.

Prepare 1 potato, half a carrot, 50 g cabbage, 1 teaspoon sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon sour cream and a pinch of salt. Peel all the vegetables, cover the chopped potatoes and carrots with water and put on fire, after 7 minutes add the cabbage and cook until tender. Drain the finished broth and chop the vegetables using a fork or blender.

Pour a small amount of broth over the resulting puree, add salt and bring to a boil. Before use, add butter and sour cream and cool.

Meatball soup for a 1 year old child

First, you need to stock up on the following products: 100 grams of beef or other lean meat, 2 carrots, 2 potatoes, 2 quail eggs or half a chicken, 1 onion, 1 clove of garlic (optional). To prepare meatball soup for a 1-year-old child, everything is ready, you can start!

The recipe for making meatball soup is very simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. Boil the meat. Place the washed piece of meat in boiling water, bring to a boil and turn down the heat. Cook until done, then remove and cool. The remaining broth can be used for adult dishes.
  2. Cooking vegetables. Wash, clean, cut. Add carrots and onions to boiling water, bring to a boil and reduce heat. After 10 minutes, add potatoes and garlic. In 15 minutes, cook all the vegetables until cooked.
  3. Let's make meatballs. Grind the boiled meat with a blender or meat grinder, add eggs to it and mix everything well. We form small meatballs and add them to the soup when the potatoes are cooked.
  4. Bring the dish to a boil, when the meatballs have risen, let it simmer for a couple of minutes and turn it off. Add salt, maybe 1 bay leaf. Cover with a lid for a couple of minutes, then remove the leaf so that a rich smell does not appear.

Delicious meatball soup is ready!

Pumpkin soup for a 1 year old child

Delicious, tender, rich in vitamins and fiber, pumpkin soup should definitely become one of the key, favorite and desired dishes in the diet.

Pumpkin soup for a 1 year old child recipe:

  1. Take 250 grams of pumpkin, 1 potato, 1 carrot, half a glass of water, half a glass of milk or cream, dill and salt.
  2. Wash the pumpkin, peel and remove seeds and cut into cubes.
  3. Wash, peel and chop the potatoes and carrots.
  4. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add carrots first, potatoes later, and pumpkin at the very end.
  5. Add salt and cook for about 30 minutes until the vegetables are soft.
  6. When blending the finished soup in a blender, add herbs.
  7. Reheat the soup for 5 minutes, adding milk or cream.

Pumpkin soup for a 1 year old child will also be very useful for parents, because this vegetable is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

Broccoli soup for a 1 year old child

To make broccoli soup you will need the following ingredients: 50 grams of broccoli, 1 potato, half a carrot, half an onion, half a medium tomato, salt and bay leaf.

The cooking method is very simple:

  1. Finely chop the onion and sauté in sunflower oil
  2. Wash the vegetables thoroughly, peel and cut the potatoes and carrots, and separate the broccoli into florets. Throw potatoes and carrots into boiling water and let simmer for 7 minutes.
  3. Then add the broccoli and onion, cook everything until tender for about 10 minutes. A couple of minutes before the end, add the peeled and finely chopped tomato, add salt and add a bay leaf.

Broccoli soup for a 1 year old child is full of vitamins. For the youngest children, you can grind it in a blender and add sour cream or olive oil when serving.

Chicken broth for a 1 year old baby

The basic rule to follow when preparing chicken soup is to cook it in a second broth. And even the second chicken broth for a 1-year-old child should be diluted with water to reduce the amount of substances harmful to children's health. The advantage of this broth is its low fat content.

To prepare it, rinse the meat well and place in a pan with cold water. Bring to a boil and drain the first water. Now pour hot water over the chicken and cook until done. It is recommended to strain the finished broth and safely use it as a base for chicken soup for a 1-year-old child.

Soup recipes for children over two years old

When children reach two years of age, the amount of meat and fish they consume should increase significantly. After all, thanks to these products, babies receive the proteins and extractive substances necessary for growth and normal development.

Soup recipes for children over two years old are based on all the above suggestions, only taking into account the addition of various types of meat. Cooking variations can be very different, it all depends on the imagination of the parents. The main thing is to use fresh and high-quality products!

Soup is a healthy food that many adults and children enjoy eating. Mothers try to diversify their child’s diet after he reaches 8 months of age. They introduce fermented milk products, fruits, natural desserts, vegetables, meat and, of course, broths. Soups made with vegetable, low-fat meat or fish broth are very beneficial for children's bodies. They improve the functioning of the small stomach and intestines, cleanse the kidneys and liver. Especially useful for children who suffer from constipation and colitis. They saturate with energy, essential nutrients and vitamins. Any mother can find time to prepare a simple low-fat soup for her one-year-old baby.

What broths can you cook with?

Classic soups are prepared based on vegetable broths (lean), meat (beef or pork), and fish. They usually start with light vegetable broths; they are adequately accepted by the digestive system and do not burden the liver and pancreas. Soups can be prepared either in the form of puree, creamy or liquid consistency, as well as milk and cereal, classic - cooked in a slow cooker or over a fire. Remember that soup for a baby who is 1 year old is different from the soup you prepare for a baby, for example, 5 years old.

What broth should I cook my child's first dish with? Usually they start with soups made from light vegetable broths with a puree-like consistency; they will remind the baby of the usual childhood dishes from jars, favorite purees of fruits, meat and vegetables, and porridge. To get acquainted with the first courses, they are prepared from one or two vegetables that are already familiar to the baby and have been tested for the absence of an allergic reaction:

  • Potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, and pumpkin are perfect. Later, the recipe can be diversified with carrots, tomatoes, herbs, and peas.
  • Before the baby reaches one year of age, the vegetables are ground and diluted with water. After 1 year of life, chopped vegetables are boiled or just vegetable broths are given. Such dishes are healthy for children's bodies and are rich in fiber and plant fibers.

Meat broths and fish broths are not served to children under one and a half years old, since they are difficult to digest and can have an adverse effect on the liver, pancreas and the entire digestive tract, and can cause an allergic reaction and the development of gastritis.

Mothers give meat and fish broth to children who suffer from poor appetite, weight loss and frequent illnesses, but this is the wrong decision, because a fragile gastrointestinal tract can react negatively to such an adult product. Canned food and seasonings are prohibited.

Let's decide on salt and sugar in dishes for children over 1 year old

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Is it possible to give one-year-old babies salt and sugar? It is possible, but in very moderate quantities. When seasoning a dish with salt, it is easy to make a mistake, even when we are preparing the usual adult dinner, we often find that we have over-salted the food. In order not to make mistakes when preparing soup for a child, do not add salt and sugar in their pure form - make aqueous solutions.

Prepare the saline solution:

  • Pour 25 g of salt with half a glass of water;
  • boil the mixture for 10 minutes;
  • the solution must be cleared of impurities by passing through a sterile bandage;
  • pour into the saucepan again, bring water to the volume that was at the beginning of cooking, boil again;
  • Place for storage in a sterile container, add to food at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 200 g of food.

Prepare a solution of granulated sugar:

  • Pour 100 g of pure granulated sugar into half a glass of boiling water;
  • simmer for up to half an hour over low heat, stirring so that the sugar does not burn;
  • strain the resulting solution through sterile gauze;
  • pour into the same saucepan, add water to the original volume and boil again;
  • pour the solution into a sterile storage container;
  • add to food, taking into account that 1 ml of such a solution or syrup contains 1 g of sugar;
  • Store the solution in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Vegetable soup recipes for children

We offer you recipes for simple, but nutritious and varied in ingredients soups with vegetables and water. They are given until the baby reaches the age of one and a half years, in puree form, then you can slowly try real broths on dietary meat or fish. Soups with buckwheat and rice cereal are popular.

First course with cereal

Cream soup with rice and green peas:

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of cereal, 2 teaspoons of butter, a glass of water, half a tsp. saline solution. Pre-boil 2 tablespoons of green peas.
  2. Cook the rice until cooked. Rub through a sieve, do the same with green peas.
  3. Add a glass of salted water to the pureed porridge and peas.
  4. Moderately season the finished dish with high-quality butter.

Important! Prepare this dish if your child does not have a negative reaction from the gastrointestinal tract to green peas. Does your baby suffer from constipation? Rice water may make the situation worse. On the other hand, the dish normalizes the digestive activity of the toddler, who is prone to laxity.

Borsch for the little ones

Vegetarian borscht:

  1. Take 80 g of beets, half as much cabbage, the same amount of onions, half a large potato, a quarter of a carrot, one and a half cups of vegetable broth, half a teaspoon of tomato paste or twisted tomatoes.
  2. Grate the peeled and washed carrots, onions and beetroot on a coarse grater. Shred the cabbage. Cut the potatoes into small cubes or strips.
  3. Mix cooked vegetables with tomato paste in a saucepan. Pour a glass of boiling water and simmer for half an hour.
  4. Add half a glass of broth and butter to the stewed vegetables. Cook for 5-10 minutes.
  5. You can add a teaspoon of low-fat sour cream to the borscht.

Creamy soup with green peas and sauce

Cream soup with green peas:

  1. Prepare all the ingredients for the soup. Take 20 g of potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and turnips, a quarter glass of vegetable broth, half a teaspoon of canned green peas, 30 ml of cream.
  2. Prepare the ingredients for the sauce. You will need 150 ml of milk, a quarter of a teaspoon of flour and half a teaspoon of butter.
  3. Wash and cut the potatoes and carrots into cubes. Break the cauliflower into small florets and wash. Cut clean turnips into strips and run through boiling water.
  4. Mix the vegetables in a saucepan and boil in salted water, add green peas at the end of cooking.
  5. For the sauce, combine all the ingredients and mix well so that no lumps of flour form.
  6. Rub the boiled vegetables through a sieve, mix with the resulting milk sauce and vegetable broth, and boil again.
  7. Before serving the crumbs, add butter.

Recipes for soups with meat broth

By “meat” we mean broths made from turkey, chicken, rabbit, lean beef and veal. Remember that meat broth contains extractive substances, it contains antibiotics and hormones that are used to “improve” meat in agricultural production, and bone broth generally leads in the amount of harmful substances. When preparing meat broth for your baby, take parts without fat and bones, purchase the products at trusted points of sale, and drain the first broth.

Rice soup with turkey fillet broth

We offer you a light soup made from dietary turkey meat broth:

  1. Boil 50 g of turkey fillet, take a meat grinder or blender and grind the meat with it.
  2. Rinse 2-3 tablespoons of rice well. Boil it in salted water for half an hour
  3. Pour boiling water over one clean tomato and remove the skin. Let it simmer in a frying pan.
  4. Grate one carrot on a fine grater, chop one small onion. Combine the vegetables and boil them in 200 ml of water.
  5. Mix boiled vegetables, rice and fillet, pour in broth and stir again.

DIY chicken noodles

  1. For the noodles itself, prepare one egg, half a glass of flour, one tablespoon of water.
  2. For the soup, take a quarter of a carrot, one small head of onion, a quarter glass of water and 100 g of chicken fillet.
  3. Boil the chicken broth, remove the chicken meat and cut into portions.
  4. Prepare the noodle dough, cut it into thin and narrow, not too long strips as in the photo.
  5. Mix carrots and onions with noodles in the prepared broth, simmer for 10 minutes. Add meat at the end of cooking.

Buckwheat soup

Buckwheat and meat are an ideal combination in terms of both benefits and taste. We offer you a recipe for buckwheat soup with beef or chicken broth:

  1. Prepare the broth.
  2. Wash one tablespoon of buckwheat, one finely chopped potato, half a carrot and an onion.
  3. Add cereal and vegetables to the broth. Cook for 20 minutes.

Beef meatball soup

  1. Prepare a broth from 200 g of beef, half a carrot and 20 g of parsley root.
  2. Form meatballs: remove the meat from the broth, cool and pass through a meat grinder twice along with white bread soaked in cold water. Mix the mixture with 1 egg and grated onion.
  3. Finely chop the potatoes, place them in boiling broth and cook until tender - 15-20 minutes.
  4. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add meatballs to the soup.

Soups with fish broth

Ukha can be offered to children closer to two years of age. Give a very small amount the first time to check for allergies or negative gastrointestinal reactions. Everything is in order - give the baby soup in fish broth. The fish should be of high quality, not fatty - fillets of perch, pollock, pike perch, hake. Consumption of canned food is prohibited.

Fish fillet soup with rice and vegetables

Delicious fish soup with rice:

  1. Take 100 g of fish fillet, one and a half glasses of water, a teaspoon of cereal, half a potato and carrot, a small onion, a teaspoon of butter, a little salt in the form of a solution.
  2. Cook medium-cut fish and onions for half an hour. Remove the fish pieces.
  3. Add well-washed cereal and finely chopped vegetables to the broth.
  4. Cook until the vegetables are ready, 2 minutes before removing from the heat, add the fish pieces.

Fish soup with light meatballs

We offer you not meat balls, but fish fillets:

  1. Boil 100 g fillet with parsley and onion. Strain the resulting broth.
  2. Take a blender or meat grinder, grind the cooked pieces of fish with them, add white bread soaked in water. Form into meatballs.
  3. Boil the cooked meatballs in the broth. Add them to your ear.

Important! Meatballs are prepared not only from fish, but also from veal, lean beef, according to the same recipe. Children eat them with great pleasure.

Two dessert soups

Soups can serve not only as a first course for lunch, but also as an unusual healthy dessert. Many housewives make liquid kutya for the great Orthodox holiday of Christmas, which is precisely an example of a dessert soup.

We offer you a recipe for delicious dried apricot soup with rice:

  1. Boil a tablespoon of cereal, 6-8 pieces separately. dried apricots for half an hour. Grind the dried fruits through a sieve along with the broth.
  2. Mix dried apricots and rice, add 1 tsp. sugar syrup and boil for a few minutes.

Quick sweet pumpkin cream soup in a slow cooker:

  1. Mix 300 g of pumpkin pulp, 100 g of milk and a teaspoon of semolina in a bowl. Place it in the slow cooker.
  2. Turn on the “Cooking” mode and wait 15 minutes.
  3. Grind the finished pumpkin dish in a baby blender and serve warm.

Soups are the main national feature of Russian cuisine. Introducing soup into a baby’s diet, as a rule, begins at 6 months, after the child has tried vegetable purees, compotes and porridges. However, it should be remembered that soup for a one-year-old child is significantly different from the soup that mom and dad are used to eating for lunch.

The first and most important rule for preparing the first soup for children under one year old: the use of meat and fish broths is excluded, the soup must be prepared in water. Secondly, the soup prepared for today’s lunch should not be used tomorrow, that is, each time mom will have to cook one serving of soup.

Soup for a six-month-old baby will be similar to the already familiar vegetable puree, only a little more liquid. Potatoes, zucchini, carrots or cauliflower should first be boiled in water until tender, and then chopped in a blender or mashed well with a fork. Dilute the resulting vegetable puree with vegetable broth until smooth (approximately to the consistency of kefir). The first soups for babies should consist of one component.

For older children (from 8 months), you can no longer grind vegetables to a puree consistency, but cut them into small pieces, so your child will learn to chew. Unlike the first soups, these dishes can consist of several components (vegetables), and also include meat, cooked separately and then chopped in a blender (veal, turkey, chicken).

Soups with meat broth can be included in the diet of a baby from 10 to 11 months in very small portions (about 30 ml), since meat broth is still too heavy food for babies. Also, closer to the year, you can add a little pasta to soups.

How to cook soup for a child?

  1. It is best to simmer the broth for soup over low heat under a lid.
  2. Vegetables should be placed in boiling water, taking into account the cooking time of each component. This way, more vitamins will be retained in boiled vegetables.
  3. You need to add salt to the soup at the end of cooking.
  4. When preparing soup for a one-year-old child, you should not use bouillon cubes, hot herbs and spices, garlic and bay leaves.
  5. Freshly prepared soup is best eaten immediately. When reheated, the nutrients in the soup become less.
  6. Meat broth for “children’s” soup should not be too concentrated. During the process of cooking meat, the water must be drained several times. Also, you should not cook soup from bones; it is better to take lean meats (chicken, turkey, veal).

Puree soup recipes for children:

From zucchini and cauliflower

Zucchini – 50 g, cauliflower – 50 g, water – 200 ml, butter – 5 g

Cut the zucchini and cauliflower into small pieces, add boiling water and cook until tender. Then pour the vegetable broth into a separate container, and chop the vegetables in a blender or rub through a sieve. Dilute the resulting puree with broth. Add a little salt to taste and add butter.


Chicken meat – 70 g, water – 400 ml, milk – 50 ml, onion – 5 g, flour – 5 g, butter – 5 g

From the chicken, cook chicken broth with the addition of onions. Mix butter with flour. Grind the meat in a blender or pass through a meat grinder twice. Add butter and flour to the meat, dilute with broth and milk. Bring to a boil again and add a little salt.

From potatoes

Potatoes – 100 g, water – 200 ml, milk – 100 ml, butter – 5 g

Peel the potatoes, chop finely, add water and cook until tender. Then pour the potato broth into a separate bowl. Mash the potatoes with a fork or grind in a blender. Add milk to the puree, a little salt and, if necessary, to make the soup more liquid, a little broth. Bring the soup to a boil and add butter.

Vegetable soup with meatballs

Minced lean veal – 100 g, potatoes – 1 pc., carrots – ½ pc., onion – ¼ pc., raw egg yolk – 1 pc.

Finely chop the vegetables and boil in water. Then drain the vegetable broth and mash the vegetables a little with a fork. Pour broth over mashed vegetables.

Add the yolk to the minced meat and make small meatballs. Place the meatballs in the soup and cook until done. Add a little salt to the finished soup.

Meat broth soup with pasta

Lean veal, potatoes - 1 pc., carrots - ½ pc., onions - ¼ pc., small pasta (stars, letters and numbers, spider web) - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Boil the meat broth, remove the meat, grind in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Boil finely chopped vegetables in the same broth. When the vegetables are ready, transfer them to a separate bowl and lightly mash with a fork. Pour broth over vegetables and meat, bring to a boil, add pasta 3-5 minutes before ready. Salt the soup a little.

Bon appetit to your baby!


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