Kufta is a favorite dish of Asian and Middle Eastern peoples. Azerbaijani kufta What equipment makes a kafta kofta

Armenian kufta is an excellent traditional meat dish. There are many recipes for kofta, I cook it according to my own recipe, which has already been tested many times. The most important thing is to prepare the minced meat correctly; otherwise, without much effort, you can prepare a very dietary meat dish, since the Armenian kufta is boiled in water and not fried.

For this dish we will need the following products: beef, milk, salt, pepper, onion, egg, cognac, melted butter.

According to the original recipe, the beef should be cut into thin slices and then beaten for a long time with a kitchen hammer until it is almost minced. I pass the beef through a meat grinder several times to get a fairly fine minced meat.

Cut the onion into small cubes and add to the minced meat.

Beat in a chicken egg.

Pour in cognac, Armenian of course!

Add milk, you can add just water instead of milk, in the same amount.

Add salt, ground black pepper and flour.

Mix the minced meat well with all the ingredients in a blender. As a result, we get quite liquid minced meat that sticks to our hands.

Pour water into a wide-bottomed pan, add salt and let the water boil. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low and only then put the kufta into the pan. Divide the resulting amount of minced meat into four to six parts and roll each part into a ball. Using a ladle, place the koftas one at a time into the water and cook for 20-25 minutes.

We take the finished Armenian kufta out of the water, cut it into circles, pour over melted butter and serve with rice or vegetables.

Despite the fact that boiled kufta looks dull, the taste will pleasantly surprise you!

Bon appetit!

Ishli kufta is an incredibly tasty traditional dish of Armenian cuisine, without which not a single celebration in its homeland is complete. There is no housewife in Armenia who does not know how to cook this dish. And if you haven’t tried ishli kufta yet, especially for you we will tell you how to make it and reveal the secrets of preparing an authentic Armenian dish.

How to cook ishli kyufta in Armenian - recipe?


For shell:

  • minced meat (pork and beef) – 650 g;
  • – 1 glass;
  • large egg – 1 pc.;
  • refined vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • ground sweet paprika – 1 teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.

For filling:

  • minced beef – 500 g;
  • – 1 glass;
  • onions – 350 g;
  • refined vegetable oil – 70 ml;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • fresh herbs;
  • lemon.


Wash the bulgur, pour boiling water over it and leave for seven to ten minutes. After this, drain the water and grind the semi-finished cereal in a blender or pass it through a meat grinder. Add vegetable oil, minced meat, eggs, ground paprika, black pepper and salt to the ground mass and mix well until a sticky consistency is obtained. If necessary, you can add a little flour for viscosity. Place the shell mixture in the refrigerator for a while, and while it cools, prepare the filling.

To do this, first fry in a dry frying pan, and then grind the walnuts using a rolling pin or in a blender. We clean the onions, chop them into very small cubes and sauté in a frying pan with refined vegetable oil until translucent. Then add the minced beef (it should be quite fatty) and fry it together with the prepared onion, thoroughly kneading the lumps. Place nuts in the prepared minced meat, add finely chopped fresh herbs, season everything with ground black pepper (do not add salt), mix, remove from heat and let cool completely.

Now we form the ishli kyufta. After wetting your hands with water and lemon juice, take about a tablespoon of the mixture for the shell with bulgur, form a flatbread, about five millimeters thick, put an incomplete tablespoon of the filling with nuts in the center and, closing the edges, sculpt a product shaped like a lemon. In this way we make the remaining “cutlets” and place them in the refrigerator for about thirty minutes.

During this time, pour about one liter of purified water into the pan, heat it to a boil and put the chilled ishli kofta into it one at a time. Boil the dish over low heat for ten minutes, and then remove it to a sieve and let it drain.

There is also the option of preparing ishli koftas followed by frying. In this case, boil the products in boiling salted water for only three minutes, and then fry them in a heated frying pan with sufficient amount of refined oil.

Serve the dish with lemon slices, fresh vegetables and herbs, after pouring additional lemon juice.

Very often in Armenian cuisine, feijoa sauce is served with yishli kofta. To prepare it, you need to place the washed fruits in a blender bowl, add peeled garlic cloves to taste, a little fresh herbs, salt and vegetable oil and beat for a few seconds to obtain a spicy sour substance, which is the sauce.

K yufta is a meat dish (essentially giant meatballs) that is very common in the Caucasus. The recipe for kofta is quite ancient and each nation of the Middle East can boast of its own version of preparation.

Today we invite you to cook Armenian kofta with us.


  • Beef (pulp) – 1 kg
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Flour – 50 g
  • Cognac - 50 gr
  • Salt - to taste
  • Black and red pepper - to taste
  • Milk – 200 ml
  • Butter – 80 g (for serving)

Step by step recipe

  • Let's prepare products for kofta in Armenian style. Wash the beef pulp under running cold water. Remove the husk from the onion. Milk can be replaced with water (used to soften the minced meat). In some versions of Armenian kyufta, cognac (50 g) is added.

  • We use a meat grinder and grind the meat. It is very convenient to use a kitchen processor for this. If you have a manual device at hand, then you should twist the meat 3-4 times.
  • Add black and red pepper to the meat and add salt.
  • Pour the entire portion of milk (or, as described above, water) into a bowl with minced meat. Let's beat the eggs in there. Let's add flour. Mix until smooth. The mass turns out to be quite viscous.
  • Finely chop the onion. Add to the minced meat. Let's mix.
  • Divide the resulting meat mass into approximately four parts. With wet hands we form large meat balls. In a convenient saucepan, bring water to a boil. Using a large spoon, carefully lower the huge piece of meat into the boiling water. Armenian kofta should be cooked for 30 minutes.

Kufta - dish of Armenian national cuisine. There are many recipes for making kufta, but the basis of the recipe is fresh meat, remains unchanged. Classic kofta recipe suggests that a piece of meat is beaten with a wooden hammer on a stone until it becomes a homogeneous mass, but now more often this dish is prepared using a meat grinder - the meat is cranked 5-6 times, or even better and faster using a kitchen processor - it grinds the meat to a puree. states in a matter of minutes. Next, the meat is flavored with cognac, milk, chopped onions, and seasonings are added, the minced meat is formed into a ball and boiled in boiling water, to which dry red wine is sometimes added. Armenian kofta is usually served on lettuce leaves, with butter and pomegranate seeds placed on the pieces.

For reference, according to Wikipedia: the word kufta comes from the Persian language کوفتن, or, kūfta means “meat balls”, or “to grind”. Kufta is considered a traditional dish of the Middle East and South Asia; early recipes suggested preparing this dish exclusively from lamb, coating the meat with egg yolk and saffron. Armenian kufta is currently mainly prepared from veal or steamed beef.

Armenian kufta recipe ingredients

Steamed beef 1 kg

Milk 0.5-1 glass

Cognac 50 gr

Onion 1 large head

Salt, pepper - to taste

For serving: lettuce, pomegranate

Step-by-step photo recipe for Armenian kyufta

1. Steamed veal is cut into pieces.

2. Finely chop the onion.

3. Grind the meat in a processor (or, as I already wrote, scroll it several times in a meat grinder).

4.Add a raw egg to the minced meat, mix, add cognac and milk, salt, pepper and spices, mix everything well.
5.Next, add finely chopped onion to the minced meat, knead the minced meat well, form meat balls, while wetting your hands in milk or water and lightly “beating the minced meat”, tossing the balls from hand to hand. From 1 kg of meat, I formed 5 balls.

6. Boil the kyukhta in slightly salted water (if desired, add 100 ml of red wine to the water) until cooked. Cooking time depends on the weight of the meat balls (from 30 to 50 minutes, meat balls weighing approximately 270 grams, I cooked for 35 minutes)

Ready Armenian kyufta cut into plastic pieces and served on lettuce leaves, with pieces of butter and pomegranate seeds placed on top.

Kufta, the recipe for which involves the use of lamb or beef, is a traditional dish from the Middle East and South Asia. It gained the greatest popularity in Armenia, Turkey, and Azerbaijan. An interesting fact is that Turkish kofta has 291 varieties. Armenian kufta is made from beef. At the same time, in Arab countries, ishli is also called kufta, and is prepared mainly from lamb.

There are important features in preparing this dish, without which it is impossible to make a delicious lunch. If you do not follow the technology, the kufta will simply disintegrate during the cooking process. It should be noted that this dish does not require special skills - even those who have little knowledge of oriental cuisine can prepare it.

It takes about two hours to prepare the kofta, but the result is worth it! It is not for nothing that kufta is one of the most favorite hot dishes of many nations - Armenian, Georgian, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Iranian.

Kufta is a kind of meatball, which is larger in size than regular meatballs. Ishli has the shape of a ball, which is prepared exclusively from meat without adding lard. This is what distinguishes kufta from the usual cutlets, meatballs and meatballs. Many who have tried a properly prepared dish claim that it vaguely resembles very tasty boiled sausage. Of course, the taste depends on the chosen recipe and type of meat. We recommend that beginners try making Armenian-style ishli, which contains beef.

It should be noted that Armenian kyufta is the most traditional dish. In Armenia, not a single solemn event is complete without it.

It is especially often served at wedding feasts. Kufta is considered one of the main hot meat dishes of Armenian cuisine. Of course, sometimes it is made from lamb, but the classic recipe calls for only young beef.

A dish made from beef will taste much more familiar than lamb kofta. The fact is that lamb has a specific taste and aroma that you need to get used to. Adherents of Slavic cuisine sometimes cannot eat lamb at all. In this sense, using beef is an ideal option. We guarantee that your guests and loved ones will like this hot dish.

Classic Turkish kofta can be made from lamb or beef. Moreover, there are 291 recipes for this dish. Every Turkish family has its own secrets for preparing ishli, for example, kofta on skewers, kofta with potatoes and breaded herbs.

In South Asia, kufta is a lunch made from rice, vegetables, and fruits. The fact is that meat is not a popular product in Bengal due to objective reasons. Asians came up with their own kofta from familiar products. Interestingly, the dish has become widespread in some European regions. Among them are Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, Croatia, Romania.

There is a special type of dish - kufta-bozbash. It is pea soup with meatballs. Usually inside the meat ball there is a piece of sour fruit - cherry plum or plum. Bozbash has become especially widespread in Azerbaijan. This dish is prepared in all regions that survived Turkic influence. The soup is served with various vegetable-based sauces.

Recipe for classic Armenian kyufta

The classic Armenian recipe is simple and very tasty. It is very important to choose and prepare the meat correctly. It is advisable to use beef without blood - in this case, the meat balls will be dense and flavorful. If possible, choose meat from an animal that has been slaughtered not by electric current, but by the old method - with a knife.

It is necessary to choose meat without fat and veiny streaks. The hip part is ideal.

So, for the Armenian kofta, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of beef;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • 180 grams of cognac;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Beef and onions must be passed through a meat grinder, then grind the minced meat using a blender. The minced meat for proper meat balls should be similar to tomato puree. After this, you need to add flour, cognac, salt and spices to taste. Black pepper, coriander, suneli hops, marjoram, red pepper, white mustard, dry garlic, thyme, dried basil, dried parsley are best suited to the dish.

After the minced meat is ready, you need to pour water into a large saucepan and heat it to such a state that it does not hurt to put your finger down (approximately 40 degrees). After this, you need to take a deep ladle. The deeper it is, the neater the balls will turn out. The ladle should be cooled under running cold water to make it easier to give the dish the correct shape. After this, you need to use it to form large balls with a diameter of 7–10 cm and lower them into a pan with warm water. On average, meat balls should be cooked for 50 - 60 minutes.

According to all the rules, it is forbidden to make cuts on the Armenian kyufta. But there are situations when it is not possible to find meat without blood. In this case, we recommend making neat cuts on the balls 10 minutes before readiness. This secretion will help release blood that can accumulate in the middle of the meat ball if the minced meat was originally mixed with blood. Remember that the finished balls must have the same light shade inside and outside, which indicates that the correct cooking technology has been followed.

The finished kofta must be generously poured with melted butter, after which it can be served. This dish goes perfectly with a vegetable side dish, various tomato sauces, and mashed potatoes. It suits the taste of adults and children. It is no coincidence that kufta is one of the main dishes of Armenian cuisine, which is famous for its many incredibly tasty and interesting dishes.

Turkish cooking recipe

For the dish you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of lamb;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 1 bunch of cilantro;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 large onion;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.

It is necessary to remove all the fat from the lamb, and then pass it through a fine meat grinder. After this, you need to add finely chopped herbs, onions, garlic to the minced meat, then salt and pepper it. Next, you need to take 500 ml of refined vegetable oil and pour it into a deep fryer or saucepan. Next, you need to form large balls from the minced meat and fry them in hot oil until cooked. The advantage of the dish is its low fat content.

To prepare the sauce, take the pulp of 1 kilogram of tomatoes, 200 ml of broth, 2 chopped cloves of garlic, chopped 1 onion, 2 teaspoons of powdered sugar, salt, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, cilantro and spices. Be sure to use seasonings such as black pepper, nutmeg, ginger, white pepper, cloves. You can use a ready-made quatre-epis mixture.

First you need to fry the onion in butter until transparent. After this, you need to add broth, tomato paste and tomato puree and simmer the mixture in a frying pan for about 15 minutes. At the end you should add spices, powdered sugar, cilantro. Cool the sauce and serve it with the kofta. It is very important to use cilantro, as this ingredient gives the sauce an unforgettable aroma.

Kufta is an incredibly tasty dish that is most often prepared with a meat base. Mainly beef and lamb are used. There are different variations of kufta: with rice, with vegetables, or in the form of meatballs in a pea soup called bozbash. This type of lunch is common in the Middle East and South Asia. It should be noted that each nation has changed the kofta recipe based on their taste preferences.


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