What happens to a man's body when he kisses. Why do people kiss

History and facts about kissing

Once upon a time, back in the Garden of Eden, the first kiss took place between the first people. Through it, lovers express their feelings. Kisses are remembered and appreciated. Kisses convey the most reverent feelings. Let's talk about the role of kisses.

Psychologists say that a kiss reveals the essence of a person’s character most clearly. If a person prefers to kiss slowly, enjoying every micro-movement, if he attaches importance to every stroke (from little things the whole grows), then his attitude towards kissing can be described as especially reverent.

Exchange energy through kisses

Esotericists teach about the existence of chakras, centers that are located along the spine. There are seven energy chakras in total, influencing various areas of life. When the lips are ready to merge in a kiss, the Anahata chakra opens, which is responsible for the depth of relationships at the heart level. The energy of love accumulates in this energy center, and during a kiss the partners can exchange energies.

During a kiss, part of human nature passes into the energy body of another person. After a kiss, people’s energy shells become similar, and this is reflected even externally. When the bursts fade, the color pictures of the aura resemble each other.

What types of kisses are there?

A calm kiss is characterized as a barely perceptible touch of the lips;

A strong kiss - characterized by noticeable pressure on the lips;

Pinch kiss - with this kiss, the skin is captured by the lips in an attempt to identify erogenous zones;

Kiss-hickey - forcefully sucking the partner's skin, after which a mark (bruise) is formed;

Tickling kiss - during such a kiss, a certain erogenous zone is tickled with the lips;

Pen stroke kiss - a kiss that involves lips and tongue;

A tracing kiss - the open lips of one of the partners slide with varying pressure over the skin of the other.

Virgin kisses:

A trembling kiss - when a girl experiences increasing passion and is able to bite her partner: when the upper lip slides, the lower one trembles slightly;

Moderate kiss - the girl submits to her partner, allowing him to dominate every movement;

A biting kiss - a girl with her eyes closed kisses her partner's lips.

Interesting things about kissing

Tony Plantome (University of Pittsburgh, USA) came to the conclusion: the brain sends a signal to the body for puberty, but only on the condition that one of its areas, the hypothalamus, receives a certain type of protein, which is formed thanks to the Kiswa gene.

In English "kiss" means kiss. The earlier the kiss occurs, the faster the process of growing up for a teenager begins.

Sex therapists define kissing as a method of nonverbal communication and a type of emotional contact. A kiss is a sign of a harmonious relationship; it indicates the possibility of continuing the relationship, pleasant contact and access to the intimate sphere.

The first kiss determines whether the relationship can develop. If during a kiss you seem to dissolve in your partner, look at how he behaves in the kiss, and then you can clarify a lot of things in his character, and in your relationship, of course.

In ancient Rome, it was customary to kiss loved ones, as well as passers-by. In the Middle Ages, the rules underwent some changes: if a man openly kissed a girl in public, he was obliged to marry her. In the 19th century, customs associated with kissing resumed and continue to this day.

In Japan, kissing in front of witnesses is not accepted. The concept of a Japanese kiss implies a distance of about half a meter between people who are leaning towards each other to briefly touch their lips.

In America (Indiana), according to a long-standing law, it is still prohibited to kiss men who have grown a mustache.

Psychologists say that with a kiss, quintessence is most clearly manifested. If a person prefers to kiss slowly, enjoying every micro-movement, if he attaches importance to every stroke (from little things the whole grows), then his attitude towards kissing can be described as especially reverent.

If a person kisses a partner as if it is necessary to maintain decency, then he has a symbolic attitude towards the kiss.

If during a kiss the head is tilted to the right, this is a sign of an emotional person, to the left - a tendency to be calculating, or the kiss does not bring pleasure.

People who are not prone to kissing are secretive and withdrawn, and perhaps lack self-confidence. A person who kisses often, on the contrary, is highly sociable.

Exchange energy through kisses

According to the ancient philosophy of Jena, energy in the human world is male and female, Yin and Yang. When kissing, these two types of energies unite.

As bioenergetics experts explain, when kissing, the flow of energy from one partner moves to the other, and at the same time an interchange of energies occurs.

Esotericists teach about the existence of chakras, centers that are located along the spine. There are seven in total, affecting various areas of life. When the lips are ready to merge in a kiss, the Anahata chakra opens, which is responsible for the depth of relationships at the heart level. The energy of love accumulates in this energy center, and during a kiss the partners can exchange energies.

During a kiss, part of human nature passes into the energy body of another person. After a kiss, people’s energy shells become similar, and this is reflected even externally. As the bursts fade, the colors resemble each other.

What types of kisses are there?

Kisses come in many different forms. Let's consider the classification of kisses according to Gerard Lele (sex therapist):

calm kiss - characterized as a barely perceptible touch of the lips;

a strong kiss - characterized by noticeable pressure on the lips;

pinch kiss - with this kiss, the skin is captured by the lips in an attempt to identify erogenous zones;

kiss-hickey - forcefully sucking the partner's skin, after which a mark (bruise) is formed;

tickling kiss - during such a kiss, a certain erogenous zone is tickled with the lips;

pen kiss - a kiss that involves lips and tongue;

tracing kiss - the open lips of one of the partners slide with varying pressure on the skin of the other.

There are many interesting classifications of kisses.

Virgin kisses: trembling kiss - when a girl experiences increasing passion and is able to bite her partner: when the upper lip slides, the lower one trembles slightly;

moderate kiss - the girl submits to her partner, allowing him to dominate every movement;

biting kiss - a girl with her eyes closed kisses her partner’s lips.

A kiss can be intended not only for the lips, it can cover various erogenous zones, including the neck, ear, décolleté, chest, abdominal area, back, elbow area, genitals.

Alfred Wolfrem, a resident of the USA, was recorded in the Guinness Book: in 8 hours he managed to kiss 8001 people (1990).

In 2008, a mass world kiss was recorded in Bosnia (Tuzla), with 6,980 couples kissing.

A mass kiss was registered in Ukraine in Lugansk in 2002, when 2,745 city residents kissed.

American researchers consider a kiss as a preventive measure for the immune system, because thanks to a kiss, bacteria are exchanged, which is not enough to cause an infection, but that is exactly the amount of bacteria needed to produce antibodies.

Doctors come to the conclusion that a kiss lasting three minutes or more gives pleasure, accelerates the pulse, and is a preventive measure for vegetative-vascular dystonia.

If you enjoy three short kisses in the morning, each of which lasts about 30 seconds, rest assured that you are guaranteed a great mood. In addition, the brain is saturated with oxygen, which increases brain activity, and the skin receives protection from wrinkles.

If the kiss is passionate and long, it helps burn calories (up to 150 calories). This kiss involves 29 facial muscles, which are just as easily activated when running a kilometer distance.

Tony Plantome (University of Pittsburgh, USA) came to the conclusion: the brain sends a signal to the body for puberty, but only on the condition that one of its sections, the hypothalamus, receives a certain type of protein, which is formed thanks to the Kiswa gene.

In English "kiss" is a kiss. The earlier the kiss occurs, the faster the process of growing up for a teenager begins.

This process is also typical for mature partners, so married couples who do not neglect kissing and kiss each other 10 times a day increase the duration of sexual activity by as much as five years!

Conclusion: kiss for health, it is good for your body and mood!

It's no secret that kissing is very important in a relationship. It turns out that 59 percent of men and 66 percent of women say they lose interest in their partner if their first kiss isn't very pleasant. Additionally, researchers say that most people can remember up to 90 percent of the details of their first kiss.

Do you know everything about this type of manifestation of feelings for a loved one?

Kissing Can Boost Your Immune System

During a 10-second kiss, lovers exchange 80 million bacteria. If this idea makes you run to the bathroom to brush your teeth, pause for a moment. As it turns out, exposure to these bacteria can provide a healthy boost to your immune system as it is a natural form of nature's vaccination. When your body is exposed to “foreign” microbes, it causes your body to produce antibodies against them, which in turn leads to the development of immunity and helps prevent disease.

Guinness World Record

Remember the beginning of a relationship when you want to kiss your loved one for several hours without taking a break. But even the longest kisses you exchange at the beginning of a relationship cannot compare to the one registered by the Guinness Book of Records in 2013 in Thailand. It lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds.

Kissing can improve your dental health

During kissing, both partners produce more saliva, which is good news for oral health. Kissing stimulates the salivary glands, and saliva helps buffer the acidic environment of the mouth. Tooth decay is caused by acidic byproducts that form when bacteria in the mouth break down carbohydrates. Increasing saliva helps our teeth resist this acid attack and re-mineralize.

The first kiss in cinema history

It occurred between actors May Irwin and John Rice during the Broadway comedy Widow Jones. The comedy was released in 1896, at a time when kissing in public was "very frowned upon." The 23-second scene was banned from public viewing in many regions, and the head of the Catholic Church even called for censorship and so-called “moral reform.”

Needless to say, this sounds strange these days, when kissing is one of the most chaste acts of love depicted on the silver screen (think, for example, Fifty Shades of Gray).

Kissing releases feel-good chemicals

The main benefit of kissing for your physical health and well-being is the release of oxytocin and dopamine. Oxytocin helps you feel closer to your partner, while dopamine is the “feel-good hormone” that helps you experience pleasure. Dopamine is responsible for regulating mood, behavior, sleep and cognition, and also helps with decision making and creativity.

Kisses can prolong life

A group of German doctors and psychologists led by Dr. Arthur Szabo found that men who kiss their girlfriends or wives every morning live on average five years longer than those who do not. Unfortunately, the study doesn't say anything about women's life expectancy. In addition, people who receive a daily morning kiss miss fewer days from work due to illness, have a lower chance of getting into a car accident on the way to work, and earn 20 to 30 percent more.

Kissing can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels

Passionate kissing normalizes your pulse, which helps lower blood pressure. They also reduce levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with weight gain, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Although diet and exercise are the best ways to combat such problems, there is nothing stopping you from adding some kisses to your healthy regimen.

Your kissing style developed before you were born

When you kiss, do you tilt your head to the left or to the right? It turned out that the person does not make this decision consciously. During the last weeks of pregnancy and the first six months after birth, babies develop one of the earliest examples of "behavioral asymmetry" - turning their head to the left or right.

Kissing Can Help You Find Your Soulmate

It turns out that with the help of a kiss you can determine whether a person is suitable for you for a long-term partnership. Scientists have concluded that people are drawn to those who have a specific biological profile, and kissing may be one way to evaluate this through the exchange of saliva that occurs during the act. The hormones found in saliva can subconsciously tell you whether a person is a good partner for you.

You use a lot of muscles when kissing

Kissing not only burns 26 calories per minute, but also uses about 30 facial and 112 postural muscles. Kissing can also help you smooth out fine lines and tighten the muscles in your neck and jaw.

Kissing can relieve stress

It turns out that partners who kiss frequently have lower levels of stress and are more satisfied with their relationships. The secret is that sharing affection with your partner creates a feeling of calm, and touch and physical affection can help reduce reactions to stressful situations in general. So next time you're feeling stressed, try kissing your partner. This can help improve not only your health, but also your relationships.

In some US states you can be arrested for kissing in public places

Although it is highly doubtful that kissing can lead to jail time, there are still some old laws regarding this act of love in place in the United States. For example, in Iowa, men with mustaches cannot kiss a woman in public; in Hartford, Connecticut, men are not supposed to kiss their wives on Sundays; and in Colorado it is illegal to kiss sleeping women. To be fair, Colorado's law makes sense - no one should kiss another person without their permission.

Fear of kissing is known as philemophobia

Don't laugh: fear of being kissed is a real thing. Officially, this condition is known as philemophobia. Most often it is common among young and inexperienced people who are afraid of doing something wrong, although it can occur at any age.

This phobia can be caused by a variety of factors, including fear of germs, body odors, touch, or fear of intimacy. Because severe philemophobia can affect overall well-being and the ability to have romantic relationships, a person may require treatment.

The origins of kissing

Behavior analyst Jaclyn Moreno describes French kissing as "a passionate, deep, loving kiss that involves touching each other's lips with their tongues." The phrase itself appeared between British and American soldiers who returned home from Europe after the First World War. They said that they kissed their wives and girlfriends the way the French did.

Correct kisses

Despite the abundance of research and experts who study the art of kissing, none of them can still tell you how to determine whether you are a really good kisser. There are really only two sure-fire ways to make sure you're doing it right: ask your partner what he likes, and practice to perfect it.

In this issue we will talk about what happens to your body during kissing and how dangerous they are in terms of transmitting bacteria.

You will be surprised, but in the 16th century in Rus', among wealthy families there was a so-called kissing ritual, when a husband or father asked an important guest to kiss his wife or daughter as a sign of friendship and respect. The girl herself had to bring a drink to each guest, and then kiss him on the lips. Unlike those times, now a kiss is an exceptional sign of affection and love, rather than a demonstration of respect. Moreover, a separate scientific discipline, philematology, has emerged that studies kisses and their effect on humans.

Our lips are covered with nerve endings, the number of which is a hundred times greater than those on our fingertips, which is why a kiss triggers a huge amount of emotions in your brain. Information from receptors located in the oral zone is instantly transmitted to the parts of the brain responsible for emotional and sexual reactions. At the same time, your pulse quickens, and the brain begins to produce endorphins and other neurotransmitters that contribute to the feeling of euphoria. According to scientists, even calories begin to be burned, and phosphorus and calcium are transferred through saliva, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the oral cavity.

Now, let's talk about the dangers that kissing can entail. The human intestine contains more than 1 kilogram of bacteria, and the total number of their cells exceeds the number of cells in the entire human body. Therefore, it is not surprising that during a kiss we convey to our partner not only positive emotions, but also a significant part of our microorganisms, whose number is tens of millions of pieces. As a result, you can easily become the owner of any airborne disease. Also, there are scary stories that you can even get HIV through a kiss. To begin with, let us remind you that this virus is transmitted exclusively through blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. Even if you have a huge sea of ​​abrasions and wounds in your mouth, the results of many studies indicate that in order to be able to get HIV, you need to have open wounds from which blood will practically flow, and the kiss must be very deep and long.

And finally, a few more interesting facts about kissing. The first film in which people openly kissed was released only in the 18th century, and already in the 19th, or rather at the end of it, a holiday dedicated to this activity was invented in Great Britain, which is now recognized by the UN and celebrated around the world on July 6th.

It’s hard to disagree that a kiss has power. Kiss– perhaps one of the most enjoyable activities in the world, bringing extremely positive emotions. The shortest kiss burns almost 2 kcal, but at the same time a whole storm of reactions occurs in the body. How, why and why do people kiss?

Kiss Study

For many years now, these questions have been studied by physiologists and sociologists, anthropologists, and psychologists. Some researchers are sure that kissing is an exclusively positive activity. Others, on the contrary, are still in doubt. From a microbiologist's point of view, kissing is harmful. So what does a kiss bring more, benefit or harm? How much can one little kiss tell about a person?

Kiss - this word for most of us has a romantic connotation. But first of all, this is a way to express your attitude towards a loved one. There are a great many varieties of kisses. From welcoming to cold. This is one of the methods of nonverbal communication when you can learn much more about a person than during a conversation.

The science of kissing

Kissing turned out to be not as simple as it seemed. It is not for nothing that a whole science appeared several decades ago - philematology. Philemotologists take kissing more than seriously. They analyze the speed of movement, duration, and degree of lip pressure at the point of contact with the partner. True, when evaluating kisses, you always have to take ethnic differences into account. People kiss on all 6 continents, but they do it in very different ways. However kisses affect people the same way, regardless of what nation they belong to. After all, from a physiological point of view, we are no different from each other. Any kiss begins, perhaps, with the most sensitive organ, the lips.

There are an incredible number of receptors on the lips: taste, tactile, temperature and pressure receptors. There are much more of them in the mouth area than in other parts of the body. Our lips are almost 4 times more sensitive than our cheeks, the skin on our lips is much thinner, so our lips always have a slightly pinkish tint. The more often we kiss, the less noticeable are our age-related changes in the lip area, although here scientists have not revealed all the secrets. There are special glands in the lips that, when pressed, release only 10,000 volatile molecules. These molecules enter the brain and cause very strong arousal.

During a kiss, signals from many receptors enter the brain, namely the hypothalamus and the cerebral cortex, then from there to the organs responsible for sexual reactions and for the manifestation of strong emotions. In a split second, a whole cascade of incredible changes occurs in the body.

What happens during a kiss

What exactly happens inside your body during a kiss? To find out, scientists are analyzing human skydivers. Philemotologists claim that during a jump, exactly the same reactions occur in the human body as during a kiss. As an experiment, subjects were selected, some jumped with a parachute, and others kissed. Blood tests were taken from the subjects and blood parameters and their chemical composition were compared in laboratory conditions. Several hormones were detected in both samples, one of them was adrenaline. But in the blood of a kissing person the list of hormones is much higher.

Is there anything dangerous about kissing? How does a kiss help us choose a life partner?

Tensing the muscles

In order to kiss we have to tense a lot of muscles. After all, during a kiss, more than 40 muscles of our body are activated. The face and neck contain ¼ of the muscles in our entire body. There are 57 muscles on the face alone, thanks to which we have rich facial expressions and the ability to kiss. When, during a temperamental kiss, we reach out to our partner, the neck muscles come into motion. To stretch the lips, the chewing and cheek muscles are used. When, due to a surge of hormones, our pupils dilate and we instinctively close our eyes, the supra-cranial and orbicularis oculi muscles come into play. And approaching again, we activate the neck muscles. During the kiss itself, the muscles of the mouth actively work.

To make such a number of muscles work, you have to expend a lot of energy. Scientists have calculated that in just a minute of a passionate kiss, our body spends at least 2 kcal. Considering that the average adult diet is about 2000 kcal, 1000 kisses are enough to use up all the daily energy. Is it possible to lose weight on the kiss diet? Doctors believe that most likely yes, if the kiss is one that expends energy, a high-quality kiss.

Kiss from a medical point of view

However, what is considered beneficial can be harmful. A huge number of bacteria live in the mouth of any person. So when you kiss someone on the lips, it is very easy to exchange them, but this is a big risk for the human body. In fact, exchange of microflora through a kiss, increases our body's resistance. Having encountered such bacteria, the body will be able to quickly develop immunity.

By the way, we receive our first immunity against bacteria immediately after birth, with mother’s milk.

We don't always kiss to confirm our feelings. Some researchers suggest that a kiss is a kind of express test for genetic compatibility with a partner, which is instantly carried out by the brain. But are your personal choices always the same as your brain's? After all, a person may like a person visually, but not the smell.

So is it worth kissing? Of course yes. After all, this activity is extremely useful. It is difficult to find a replacement for something that simultaneously brings pleasure, prevents aging and helps strengthen the immune system. And most importantly, kissing is approved by science.

What could be more romantic and intimate than a kiss? Even with the help of an innocent “smack” we convey our warmth and love to each other, we become closer and dearer. But not everyone thinks about why a kiss is an integral part of human relationships. By delving into this issue, you can learn a lot of interesting things. Child and family psychologist Alisa Maiskaya spoke about the nature and meaning of a kiss, as well as its healing properties.

Why do people kiss?

In cases where it is impossible to express their feelings in words, people resort to non-verbal means. Kissing is one of the most pleasant actions of one person towards another. And a person receives his first pleasure in life through the mouth - this is the breast and mother's milk. From this moment on, a feeling of security, peace, pleasure is inextricably linked with the touch of lips to the body. Mothers kiss their children to reassure them, and the child then carries the kiss into the adult relationship. That is why, throughout one’s life, oral pleasures remain important ways to satisfy one’s needs, not only physiological ones, such as nutrition, but also emotional ones, i.e. kissing. Also, during a kiss, the body produces so-called “happiness hormones.” We can say that people kiss to feel happy.

Is it different for animals?

Kissing is not unique to humans. Observations of great apes have shown that they are also capable of this, for example, when they want to express a certain positive feeling - be it sympathy or reconciliation - they gently touch their lips to another individual. The processes of sniffing and licking each other by animals can, rather, be attributed to methods of obtaining information and exchanging pheromones, rather than to a kiss.

What happens in the body during a kiss?

A kiss has the ability to convey not only feelings, but also a charge of positive energy. This charge serves as a stimulus to certain areas of the brain, which, in turn, stimulate the production of various hormones. This includes serotonin (“the hormone of happiness”), and oxytocin (“the hormone of affection”), and dopamine (the hormone responsible for the feeling of joy), as well as adrenaline, which increases the heart rate, which helps saturate the blood with oxygen. In my opinion, a kiss can be confidently called a natural antidepressant.

Do kisses help with other ailments besides the blues?

It is hardly possible to call a kiss a medicine, but the effect of hormones released during the intertwining of lips can improve the health of the body for some time, in particular, have a positive effect on metabolism, and reduce any pain that a person may experience at this moment. And, as a result, a kiss can strengthen the immune system.

Are there any negative effects?

The only negative thing that can be called negative is the fact that infectious diseases are transmitted through a kiss. Viral ones, such as influenza, herpes and others, are especially dangerous. Also, during a kiss, a large number of bacteria are exchanged. In some cases, this helps strengthen the immune system, but it can also play a negative role.

The only available way to protect yourself from the transmission of diseases through a kiss is the same as with any intimate contact. Therefore, it is first important to find out about the presence of diseases in the person you are kissing. If there is a suspicion that one of the partners has an infectious disease, close physical contact should be avoided.

Some people are disgusted by kissing, believing that it is unpleasant and immoral. What does this mean?

People who are disgusted by kisses are most often incapable of emotional disclosure and rapprochement. In most cases, this indicates psychological trauma received by a person in early childhood, or a certain upbringing. Perhaps he was raised in excessive severity, taught that kissing is debauchery and vulgarity. In some cases, such an attitude towards a kiss may be one of the symptoms of a mental disorder, but is not a clear indicator of any mental illness. And sometimes it is simply caused by a heightened sense of disgust and fear of violating hygiene or becoming infected with something from another person.

Why do people most often kiss with their eyes closed?

There are a number of physiological reasons why this happens. For example, it is believed that by spontaneously lowering the eyelids, a person’s mind is protected from sensory overload. By closing his eyes during a kiss, a person turns off one of his senses and surrenders more fully to his emotions. And thanks to this he gets maximum pleasure. And sometimes a person closes his eyes for reasons of modesty or to prevent his partner's face from blurring due to too close eye contact. But I note that not everyone closes their eyes at the moment of a kiss. If they are open, then this makes it possible to control the situation and monitor the partner’s reactions, which is extremely important for many people.

Do men and women have different attitudes towards kissing?

A kiss is one of the first steps in a relationship between a man and a woman. And as a result, it leads either to the development of these relationships, and, accordingly, to sexual contact and procreation, or to their cooling. For this reason, the importance of a kiss for both men and women cannot be overestimated. The latter are highly susceptible to the influence of psychological sensations caused by a kiss. For them, it is associated primarily with biological indicators of the compatibility of kissers. Women not only love to kiss, but also find out in the process to what extent their partner is suitable for them. Most men consider a kiss as a prelude to sexual contact, and their pleasure from a kiss depends not only on the ability to open emotionally, but also on the degree of sexual arousal.

In your opinion, is kissing in public something indecent?

It all depends on the behavior of the partners. A tender kiss between people who clearly love each other will never look indecent. And sometimes it will even evoke positive emotions in others. Passionate kisses that turn into sexual play are a completely different matter. They are just as inappropriate in public as sexual intercourse. In any case, this is primarily a question of the morality of the society in which we live, and the education of both partners.


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