Excellent breasts. Beautiful breasts

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Few people suspect, but each woman has such an individual breast shape that one can even use it to interpret the character of the owner of such a bust. It’s no wonder that women’s breasts have been discussed with such interest from ancient times to today by representatives of the opposite sex.

The question of which form of female mammary glands is considered the most attractive and ideal worries everyone without exception; in order to find answers, we need to take a closer look at all types of female breasts. According to experts, any type of bust can be perfectly emphasized if you know the rules for choosing underwear and clothing.

The first thing every woman should understand is that there are no clear standards for the ideal breast type. If there are any standards, they are all just inspired by the fashion industry, without any basis. Men have a completely different opinion about women’s breasts, their own.

Considering various sources of information regarding the classification of female breasts, it can be noted that some types of breasts belong to the journalistic style of description and interpretation, but there are also types that belong to the category of scientific data.

Here is an example of a popular classification of female breast types in the photo:

Shapes of female breasts: folk classification

In fact, the scientific interpretation of breast types, which will be given in this article, deserves more confidence from women. So what shapes do female breasts come in?

Small breast shapes

  1. Chloe. The mammary glands of this type have clearly defined contours. At the same time, the areola of the breast itself is small in size, the same can be said about the nipples. Owners of the “Chloe” breast type will never suffer from sagging mammary glands; this type of breast is often found in young ladies.
  2. Snowy mound. In ladies with this type of breast, the mammary glands are characterized by a pointed nipple and rounded mammary glands with an average level of elasticity. Such breasts do not sag over time and do not lose tone. At the same time, in the décolleté area in women there is a pale tint of the dermis, the same situation is with the areolas - they also have a pale color, despite their rather large size.

Medium sized female breast shapes

  1. buds. This type of chest is distinguished by the fact that it seems to be stretched slightly forward. The areola looks discreet, being small in size. Moreover, the nipples in this case are pointed and also look forward. The dermis in the décolleté area has a pale pink tint. Sometimes in women with “Bud” type breasts, thin red veins can be seen along the mammary glands area.
  2. Sappho. For those with Sappho-type breasts, a clear difference is the velvety and even silky skin in the décolleté area. But there is one “but” - breasts of this type cannot boast of sufficient elasticity; experts even note a certain lethargy. At the same time, the breasts are distinguished by large nipples and an areola of a rather dark shade.
  3. Circe. This breast shape has been a leader in the ideality of its structure and external data for many centuries. The mammary glands themselves have clear, rounded shapes, while the areolas are striking in their large size and perfect symmetry. The skin in the décolleté area is famous for its silkiness and extraordinary tone. When a woman actively moves, Circe’s breasts vary in a wave-like manner, attracting maximum attention.
  4. African savanna. The name of this type of breast can be explained by the fact that the mammary glands are often compared to a world atlas map. The width of the chest has slightly flattened borders, but overall it is quite rounded and attractive. The breasts do not sag over time, as they are famous for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. At the same time, the areolas of the mammary glands are small in size and have clearly defined lines. The nipples are also small.

Large size female breast shapes

  1. Dulka. If you compare the width of the mammary glands in the nipple area with its immediate base, then at its beginning the breast narrows slightly. The breast areola itself is large in size with an unsightly small nipple. The name “Dulka” originates from a comparative description of the shape of this variety of tomatoes.
  2. Peach. Breasts of this type are famous for their overall dimensions. They even give the impression of their own weight. They are called that because they have rounded shapes, like the fruit itself. The dermis in the décolleté area is famous for its certain fluffiness and slightly pink color. At the same time, the color of the areola favorably focuses all attention on it.
  3. Pear. The comparison of breasts of this shape with this fruit appeared for a reason. The thing is that the mammary glands themselves do not have elasticity and are lowered down, repeating the lines of a pear. The skin in the breast area has a brownish tone, and is famous for its elasticity and smoothness. The mammary glands are soft to the touch with a clearly defined tense nipple and small areolas.
  4. Chestnut. Despite the large size of the breast, it has a slightly flattened outline in terms of width. The skin in this area of ​​the body is characterized by extraordinary velvety and elasticity.
  5. Lady fingers. Breasts are called this way for a reason; they visually resemble Lady Fingers grapes. The skin is quite light; the areolas and nipples, on the contrary, are dark in color. The breasts are soft to the touch, one might even say juicy, with discreet nipples.
  6. Water surface. Breasts of this type have weakly defined areolas and cannot boast of elasticity and tone. But at the same time, the skin in the décolleté area is smooth and light in color.
  7. Alma mater. Owners of this type of bust are striking with their large dimensions. The skin in the area of ​​the mammary glands is pale in color, while the nipples at the breast look tense and are clearly visible.
  8. Turkish woman's eyes. Owners of this breast shape have mammary glands that seem to be elongated forward, while the nipples look in different directions and do not have clear symmetry.
  9. globe. In a woman with this type of breast, the mammary glands have ideally rounded shapes, resembling the globe of the Earth. In this case, the breasts have dark-colored areolas and large erect nipples.
  10. Renaissance. The name of this breast shape is explained by the excessively pale dermis, which doctors sometimes call transparent. The massive breasts feel quite soft to the touch. The breasts are bordered by large, pronounced nipples, but with small dark-colored areolas. Women with the Renaissance breast type often have many small moles.

With such a detailed list of breast shapes and types, any woman can compare the data and determine exactly which classification her mammary glands belong to.

Factors that determine breast shape

In order to understand why nature awarded a woman with one or another type and shape of breasts, you need to understand what factors influence the future breasts of a young lady.

Having such knowledge, a woman can even slightly adjust and transform her breasts.

  • The endocrine system, which determines and controls the production of sex hormones.
  • Heredity, thanks to which one can predict the future size of one’s own breasts from the female line of ancestors.
  • Diseases of the mammary glands, as a rule, here we are talking about neoplasms and tumors.
  • The number of fat cells in the mammary glands, you can control the volume of the fat layer yourself.
  • Muscle activity, since the pectoral muscles prevent the breasts from sagging and drooping, losing elasticity and tone.
  • Strong ligaments that act as a framework for the mammary glands, controlling the strength and shape of the breasts.

Painstaking and regular treatment, taking into account the above factors, will help transform the breasts and restore them to their former youth, elasticity and beauty. , normal hormonal levels and drinking regimen will take care of the shape and health of the mammary glands.

Fashion trendsetters dictate new rules. The neckline increases, the necklines drop, the shoulders and arms are exposed to the limit...

But if you don't take care of your breasts, you'll languish in a closed-neck blouse in the heat. Breasts are in the spotlight this season! It’s simply impossible not to take care of her!

Breast cosmetics are intended only for the skin. By increasing skin elasticity and hydration, we can achieve some increase in volume.

How to apply products for beautiful breasts?

  1. All products are best applied with light stroking and circular movements.- from the center to the sides. Grab the skin under the breasts and décolleté, being aware of the “surroundings” (primarily the inside of the shoulders).
  2. Do not apply any of the following care products to your nipples: This is an area with a high degree of natural pigmentation, and if not handled correctly, unwanted changes can occur here. You can lubricate the nipples only with a photoprotector, but it is better to isolate them from the sun with clothing.

Cleansing for beautiful breasts

Soft and neat. Everyday - cleansing milk, best for sensitive skin. Do not overuse shower gels with a high content of surfactants. Deep cleansing can be done, but not too often and using gentle means.

Moisturizing and strengthening beautiful breasts

Usually these functions go hand in hand.

Algae extracts, hyaluronic acid, urea derivatives add and retain moisture.

Ginseng and gingko extracts tone.

Shiitake and soybean extracts prevent damage to dermal fibers. Kigelia Africana promotes cell regeneration.

Various herbal combinations improve the synthesis of collagen and elastin, promoting skin tightening.

Test: your chances of beautiful breasts for many years

For each positive answer we award 1 point.

4-6 POINTS: It's time to rethink your breast care habits. Even if she is in good shape now, she won’t last long in this mode without losses.

2-3 POINTS: It can be better, but you are on the right track. Correct the “failing” points - and everything will be fine.

0-1 POINT: you have every chance of having the most beautiful breasts for many years, unless you change your tactics.

Is breast enlargement effective through drugs?

Numerous means to increase breast volume continue to excite the beauty industry and the imagination of consumers.

Drinks, tablets, chewing gums and creams promise stunning results. But these promises are not confirmed by anything. No one has seen clinical trials of these drugs with the publication of results in medical journals. They are certified, but this is only a guarantee of harmlessness, but not effectiveness. The mechanism of their action is unclear. Perhaps there is swelling, due to which the volume increases.

Manufacturers often talk about an increase in volume due to the growth of glandular tissue. However, according to a dermatologist, the effect on glandular tissue is fraught: “If, in principle, there is a tendency for glandular tissue to grow, then stimulation can lead to malignant processes. Any glandular tissue can grow, and no one can guarantee, for example, that a goiter will not grow instead of a beautiful breast.”

Therefore, you should always remember that any dietary supplements are registered as food additives that improve the general condition of the body and require caution in use.

Absolute contraindications to breast enlargement products - age under 18 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding, benign tumors and breast implants. Relative - an allergy to some of the incoming components. You should always consult a breast specialist before taking supplements. These products often contain phytoestrogens, which are important for the body as a whole and for the breasts in particular.

If there are products that stimulate the breakdown of fat, then there should also be products that encourage its accumulation. For example, in the laboratories of Methode Jeanne Piaubert they developed the Transbuster complex, which captures fats contained in foods and “feeds” bust fat cells with them. Based on this complex, Decollete 3D gel was created, which is recommended to be used three times a day between meals.

Salon and home treatments for beautiful breasts

Massage for beautiful breasts

Author's methods and modern developments of breast massage techniques allow you to establish blood and lymph flow, get rid of congestion, and significantly tighten the skin of the breast.

In addition, massage of the décolleté area is usually included in facial treatments. Some of the most interesting developments are Nadya Payo’s “42 movements” massage and various techniques from the brand’s SPA specialists (comfort zone).

Wraps for beautiful breasts

Isothermal wraps (corresponding to body temperature) are also good for the chest, since heating is not suitable for everyone. The composition of the wraps depends on individual preferences and characteristics. Wraps activate metabolism and improve breast skin.

Apply the mask in a thick layer to the skin until completely dry. A recipe for one of these masks: mix cottage cheese with olive oil and egg or sour cream with honey. Apply the resulting mass to your chest for 20 minutes, and then rinse off.

Masks for beautiful breasts Mud and algae masks regulate the water-salt balance,

remove toxins and nourish the skin with essential substances. And plasticizing ones provide a lifting effect.

Cold shower for beautiful breasts The procedure is unpleasant, but irreplaceable. It improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels,

makes breast skin elastic and firm. Perform it in a circular motion, starting from the left breast, for 1-2 minutes a day. If you are not able to subject yourself to such execution, experiment with ice. Run a piece of ice across your chest and then up to your neck. This is good skin and body care, you are guaranteed a lifting effect.

Diet for beautiful and healthy breasts

Formula for the most beautiful breasts

Apparently, men have nothing to do, since it is not enough for them to simply admire the beauty of a woman’s breasts, but they need to turn everything into mathematics, calculate and calculate from and to, in order to derive the formula for the ideal female breast.
1. The ratio of the upper and lower parts of the chest,

roughly speaking, the length from the beginning of the breast to the nipple, and from the nipple to the fold under the breast. Some “experts” say that it should be 1/3 to 2/3, i.e. 33% to 67%. Others, such as Patrick Mallucci, a plastic surgeon, believe that the ideal proportion is 45% to 55%. The owners of such parameters can be considered the American model Caprice Bourret and the Russian TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva. Draw a triangle ABC, the base of which is the line AC connecting the nipples, the corners are the depression between the collarbones and the two nipples. Having mentally drawn a figure, we divide the length AC in half, and what we get is divided by the distance AB (BC). For an ideal breast, the ratio is 0.4 - 0.6. If it is less than 0.4, the breasts sag, but if it is more than 0.6, they are too raised.

The most beautiful breasts in the world

This is clearly not the biggest, as many men and women believe. The most beautiful breasts can be exclusively natural. This is not a list of the most vulgar breasts or the most successful plastic surgery for breast augmentation.

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Tyra Banks

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Salma Hayek

Miss most beautiful breasts - Scarlett Johansson

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Jessica Simpson

Miss most beautiful breasts - Halle Berry

Miss most beautiful breasts - Madonna

Miss most beautiful breasts - Carmen Electra

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Katherine Heigl

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Audrina Patridge

Miss most beautiful breasts - Jennifer Aniston

Miss most beautiful breasts - Megan Fox

Miss most beautiful breasts - Caprice Bourret

Miss most beautiful breasts - Laetitia Casta

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Beyoncé Knowles

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Marisa Miller

I would be grateful if you add to this list or make comments.

Read on the topic beautiful breasts

A woman's breasts are a unique part of the body. Not many people know that the classic champagne glass is made in the shape of the breasts of the French queen Marie Antoinette - the wife of the French king Louis XVI. But, unfortunately, everything women They know that breasts undergo changes every ten years. This means that a woman constantly faces new questions and problems. So how can you maintain the beauty of your breasts without resorting to plastic surgery? Is this possible? Let’s try to understand these issues.

No operations

There are many myths that breast enlargement can be done using folk methods. For example, for this you need to eat a lot of cabbage. Of course, cabbage itself has never harmed anyone, but in fact, this vegetable does not affect breast size in any way.

Also, some believe that you can increase the size if you use oils with vitamins. However, this is also a myth. Of course, your skin will feel much nicer to the touch, but your breasts will not grow from oils. Various creams will not help in this case either.

There is only one effective way to increase your bust without plastic surgery. It is included in the set weight. But it is unlikely that anyone will voluntarily want to resort to this way. So the answer to the question of whether it is possible to enlarge breasts at home is no, it is not possible. But something else is possible.


As you know, there is no muscle tissue in the breast itself. Therefore, unfortunately, it is impossible to change the volume and shape of the breast through exercise. However, it can still be improved. The female breast consists of glandular tissue, connective tissue and adipose tissue. And everything underneath is muscle tissue. And now you can just pump her up. Then the bust will look visually, if not larger, then definitely firmer and more beautiful. To do this, you need to do simple exercises at home that do not require much time.

Exercise 1

We stand up straight. We draw as much air into the chest as possible and deflate it without using the stomach. Note that your shoulders should be straightened and your shoulder blades should be squeezed back.

Exercise 2

We stand up straight. At face level, we join our hands with palms together. And with all our strength we press on our palms as much as possible so that the pectoral muscles rise. Or, at face level, we clench our hands into a lock and forcefully try to stretch it in different directions.

Exercise 3

For this exercise you will need a special rubber expander. We stretch it at shoulder level and pull it in different directions.

Exercise 4

Push-ups will also help strengthen your pectoral muscles. At the same time, your chest should not touch the floor, and your butt should not move forward.

And note - so that the pectoral muscles are always in tone, you need to walk with your shoulders wide and breathe deeply.



You won't be able to enlarge your breasts without plastic surgery - we've found that out. However, it is possible to visually give it a larger shape. And, of course, clothes will help with this. If you want your breasts to look fuller, try wearing white clothes. After all, it is known that white makes you fat. Also add to your wardrobe clothes with prints and appliqués, ruffles and flounces, patch pockets on the chest and embroidered with sequins or flowers. Sweatshirts with a small neck and an American armhole will also help to visually enlarge your breasts.

Of course, the beauty of the breast is influenced not only by physical exercise and the upper cloth, but also underwear. First of all, you need to make sure that it is selected correctly. That is, in size. In addition, doctors say that regular exercise, a quality intimate life and a good mood spirit will help shape your breasts formerly beautiful form. And most importantly, remember that you should be proud of your breasts, no matter what size they are.

A pair of bolts
Victoria Beckham has once again proven that now you can buy almost anything, including fake tits. It's a pity you can't buy common sense at the pharmacy, it would come in handy.

Well, if you installed huge implants, then don’t go without a bra. It's not beautiful.

And again, all because of the desire to make my tits even a little bit bigger. You need to know the measure, otherwise it may skew.

Glass nipples
Some people believe that a good bra can hide everything. But no bra can cope with such nipples.

Typical for girls who torment themselves with diets. Pancakes can be compared to ruins, reminding us that something was once here.

Potential widows
Well, what else can you call them? You can strangle someone with such giants.

Victims of plastic surgeons look more like their tits were patched up after a car accident.

An anime fan's dream
Usually second-rate stars in the porn industry do this to themselves, but there are a number of fairly famous exceptions.

Such girls live for a very long time with the dream that their tits will soon grow. And being disappointed, they run to a plastic surgeon.

In the morning they can be in their place, but during the day they can scatter in different directions.

One-titty girls
When you meet such a specimen, there are only two thoughts in your head: either the girl has some terrible genetic disease, or she couldn’t afford an operation in a good clinic.

This is the next stage of degradation after the “anime fan’s dream.” Some girls always want more.

Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon is one of America's most famous natural wonders. And also the name for the tits that the plastic surgeon moved so widely apart from each other.

Pumped up dolls
A little more and they will explode.

This is what the combination of online games and fast food leads to. Fortunately, you can get rid of such deformity by dieting and going to the gym.


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