I'm not very beautiful, how to live. The story of one very ugly girl

Of course, this can only be your opinion, which is actually far from the truth. It's rare to meet truly ugly people. It is important to understand that everyone has their own characteristics, and to perceive their imagined or real shortcomings precisely as characteristics.

I consider myself ugly, what should I do?

Once Coco Chanel, who is now considered a style icon, noted: “If a woman is ugly, then she is simply stupid.” Even in those days, there were many ways to highlight your best sides and de-emphasize your shortcomings. Nowadays, the fair sex has many opportunities to improve their appearance.

Realize that if you are ugly, it is your choice. Do you want to receive more compliments and love your reflection in the mirror? So we need to act! Determine what features you are dissatisfied with, make a plan with points in which you describe how you can correct this or that problem. Now that you have this plan in place, get to work!

Complexes or imperfect appearance

In fact, your lack of confidence in your own appearance may just be a complex that someone once instilled in you. They pointed out some “flaw” to you and you believed it.

Many of your “imperfections” that you are embarrassed about may not be noticed at all by people or not considered as such. Such self-doubt indicates low self-esteem, and a visit to a psychologist can normalize the situation.

Probably, many have heard stories about stars who, having a beautiful appearance, were dissatisfied with themselves or had complexes about their fading youth, going under the knife of a plastic surgeon. As a result, the appearance, which seemed standard to millions of people, was simply ruined. Such celebrities include Renee Zellweger, Lara Flynn Boyle, Melanie Griffith, Meg Ryan and many others. Surely, these women decided to undergo surgery, ceasing to consider themselves beautiful. Look at the photos of these actresses before plastic surgery, and see that their claims to themselves were very far-fetched.

How to understand that you are a beautiful girl

One of the main criteria in this matter is the compliments of others. If people periodically note the advantages of your appearance, then apparently you are really beautiful.

There are simply no specific beauty templates. The ideal changes every decade, and every culture has completely different ideas about female beauty.

However, note that beauty does not always translate into charisma, charm, sexuality or intelligence. It’s great if you have undeniable external and internal advantages, but if you are deprived of physical beauty, you can be no less successful in all areas of life than written beauties.

Surely, you have often heard stories about how men leave their beautiful wives for seemingly completely inconspicuous people. Many people ask the question: “What did he find in her?”, but when you watch such women in person, everything becomes obvious - they are so charming, smart, sexy and attractive that external “ordinariness” ceases to be so.

And this effect happens quite often. You may hear about some woman that he is very beautiful, but when you see her at the first second, you don’t understand everyone’s admiration. Once you start observing such a woman, you suddenly also begin to notice her beauty. It's all about charm - you're not born with it, but actively develop it.

How to love yourself if I'm fat

If excess weight really upsets you, then there is only one way out - to get rid of it. You may think that you are already doing everything possible, but the hated kilograms remain in place. This means that this is not true and you are not doing your best, in other words, you are not trying hard enough.

Girls who cannot lose weight are either not motivated enough or have health problems. To exclude the second option, get examined by an endocrinologist, nutritionist, or gastroenterologist.

Set yourself a deadline within which you need to lose weight. For example, you can read stories of girls who got rid of personal weight. There are many groups in this area on VK, where you can see the “Before” and “After” results, and make sure that with the right degree of desire and perseverance, you can also achieve the desired forms.

What should I do if I have an ugly face (long nose, bad skin, small breasts)

Many believe that at least 50 percent of beauty consists of other qualities - not the nose or breasts. If you have well-groomed hair, clear skin, healthy teeth and a slim body, then you can at least be considered a pretty girl or woman. All of these points are quite achievable if you really want it.

There are several large sites on the Internet where girls leave detailed reviews with photographs about how they managed to grow their hair or bring it to its ideal condition. There you will also find information about skin care, sports activities and healthy diets.

There is also a lot of information on the Internet on how to visually smooth out certain imperfections.

Plastic surgery is the solution

If this is not enough for you, and some part of the body or face is seriously poisoning your life, it seems that it is time to think about surgical intervention. Many women, for example, having undergone rhinoplasty, admit that they really regret that they did not take this step earlier. Contact a specialist and find out his opinion - is surgery really necessary for you?

Consider possible risks. If plastic surgery is your only option, then choose your clinic carefully. Look for real reviews, try to get in touch with the institution’s clients through a social network, asking them about all the “pitfalls” of the operation. Often, such interventions are not cheap, and if you do not have the required amount, then this is not a reason to be upset. Many clinics perform the operation on credit, “splitting” the payment into several payments.

I don't like my height - I'm too tall or short

Whatever your height, look for the positives in it. Tall and short stature are good in their own way. Tall girls often envy their miniature friends, and they, on the contrary, are dissatisfied with their diminutiveness, dreaming of adding more than a dozen centimeters to their height.

To make it easier to gain self-confidence, find information about celebrities who are about the same height as you. They often look great and don't seem to have any self-esteem problems at all. See what these stars wear, what style and hairstyles they prefer, and try to get closer to these canons.

How to live as an ugly woman

What to do to love yourself

Realize that there is no other you in the world and that’s great! Perhaps your appearance really does have some shortcomings, but why did you decide that they deserve more attention than your advantages?

Pay attention to your strengths, highlight them, and focus on them. Behave confidently, and this will have a positive effect on the attitude of others. Probably, many girls have noticed this phenomenon: a girl who is ugly in your opinion behaves confidently and even a little defiantly, and at the same time she has a wonderful personal life, and many fans seek her attention. Self-confidence sometimes attracts much more than external beauty.

Tricks of makeup and transformation using clothes

There are many videos on the Internet that clearly demonstrate how even the most homely person can turn into a model from the cover of a magazine after applying makeup correctly. Now there are many techniques, affordable cosmetic products and salon treatments that can significantly change your appearance for the better. Watch some video tutorials and you will see that these skills are not difficult to master!

Clothes, like makeup, are designed not only to hide nudity from others and to escape the cold, but also to draw attention to your winning sides, highlight your skin tone, visually enhance hair color, add or hide volumes in the right areas. places and the like.

Determine your color type using numerous tables on the Internet and read which shades will suit you. It is quite possible that previously, for some reason, you avoided, for example, the color pink, without even suspecting that combinations with it were the most suitable for you.

Examples of successful imperfect stars (cinema or Hollywood) who became famous thanks to or despite their imperfections

There are many women in the world who cannot boast of an ideal appearance, but very few pay attention to this. However, if there are such women, then these women do not care about their opinion, because they have achieved fame, recognition and success, despite criticism. Let's talk about some of them.

This woman is successful, rich and has many fans around the world. What made her so? At first glance, it’s difficult to call this actress’s face ideal, but when you start watching how she speaks, looks, moves, laughs, you forget that her appearance is imperfect.

In the 60s of the last century, she even played in the film “Funny Girl.” This is a biographical film about the real person Fanny Brice, who, despite many features of her appearance (squint, big nose, etc.) managed to become a real Broadway star. Barbara saw in herself many similarities with Fanny, but, like the prototype of the film, Streisand managed to achieve success, despite external shortcomings.

When Winnie was a child, she often had to catch other people's eyes on her, and the reason for this was her disease Vitiligo. The girl had to face ridicule and insults, and she no longer expected anything good from life until she pulled herself together and showed willpower. Having grown up, the Jamaican native went on the show “America's Next Top Model,” instantly captivating its creators. The girl managed to become famous in America and abroad, having concluded many expensive contracts. Now she is in demand, successful and famous, but once upon a time those around her called her a cow, because of the white spots on the dark skin of her face and body.

Now this graceful Englishwoman regularly appears on big screens, being the standard of elegance for many women. Surely, for Tilda herself it is strange to be in such a status, because, according to her, in childhood she was not perceived as a girl. The actress notes that she decided to “turn off sexuality,” but this did not save her from the public’s attention, and it’s all about her incredible charisma!

The popular actress has heard criticism addressed to her since childhood and continues to hear it to this day, but this did not stop her from becoming a world-famous star. Moreover, he is a happy mother and wife. In addition, in her youth, Parker was in a long-term relationship with one of the first handsome men of Hollywood, Robert Downey Jr., and today she is a real style icon!

How to live with an ugly appearance? How to live as an ugly woman

Hello. I am 21 years old, female. I suffer from severe depression. The fact is that I am very ugly. Since childhood, I was plagued by ridicule, endless nicknames, and mockery at school. The boys mocked: “I won’t sit at the same desk with this ugly girl!” I began to hate myself, became shy, downtrodden. I quit studying at the university because I could not concentrate on my studies due to constant depression and depression.

After I unrequitedly fell in love with a guy who, as I accidentally found out, said behind my back that he had nothing against me, but I was just terribly ugly, and he wouldn’t date me, I wanted to commit suicide. I gave up everything, lost all desire to live. But still she overcame herself and found a job. There I accidentally overheard a conversation among work colleagues who were discussing me and called me as terrible as a nuclear war. Crocodile, scary, ugly - after ten years of such reviews about myself, I stopped feeling like a human being.

The consolation that appearance is not the main thing helps little - I have not yet met a guy who would prefer an ugly-looking girl to a pretty one. Not everyone bullied me at all - but friendly relations are all that you can count on. Love, sex - apparently this is for others, not for people like me. At 21, I'm still a virgin. There were some cases when they offered sex, but these were men older than me, completely uninteresting, who did not even try to please me, but simply calculated that someone like me would not refuse, no courtship was necessary.

One even openly said about me: “And this freak is still acting like God knows what.” Apparently, people like me have nothing to count on love, compliments, or courtship. I feel like a nobody. I'm tired of life. I just don't see the point anymore. Probably, people like me sooner or later get used to their ugliness and live. I can't. I can’t feel inferior, ugly, I’m tired of being neglected as a woman. When I see pretty girls my age surrounded by fans and attention, I'm ready to scream in despair.

How to live with an ugly appearance? To live and not to exist? Thank you if you read all of this.


How to live as an ugly woman - Women’s club “Chocolate Mood”

Have you noticed that even very ugly women can be happy in love, while beautiful women sit alone? Does our happiness always depend on our appearance?

"I am 20 years old. I suffer greatly from loneliness and self-doubt. Pena has a very short stature and a round, expressionless face. Against the backdrop of tall, beautiful singers, I look terrible. Will I really be alone all my life and no one will pay attention to me? The authors of these letters - very young girls and already mature women - are tormented by their instability, the reason for which they see in their unsuccessful appearance. Is appearance always to blame? Psychologist Maria Makarushkina will try to think about this today.

Doctor, cut off my ears!

And why did God give me this terrible wide nose? They say a big nose is a sign of kindness, but why do I need such kindness? And the small dull eyes? If “the eyes are the mirror of the soul,” then that means the soul... It’s better not to think further. How many tears have been shed because of expressionless eyes, but overly expressive noses! But are we really that bad? Is plastic surgery really the only salvation from bitter complaints about cruel nature? Fortunately, this is not the case, you just need to seriously work on yourself.

Probably everyone is familiar with flirtatious women, convinced of their irresistible attractiveness, who, despite very modest external data, have a lot of fans and are never alone. The secret is simple - these women are unconditionally confident in their worth, in their capabilities and charm. Our own opinion of ourselves is incredibly important to the people we deal with. We will not be valued if we do not value ourselves. It is known that most of the top models of the world’s catwalks in real life are “gray mice” - discreet, ordinary. Their main advantage is the ability to transform themselves, take on different images with the help of makeup, clothes and... self-hypnosis. “I thought I was very ugly. I had tiny breasts and too thin legs. I went crazy from these experiences. It took my photographer friend a long time to convince me to try acting. Several years of working as a model have changed my self-esteem so much that now I look at the same forms not without pleasure,” says the famous photo model Marina B with a smile. So, if you are determined to cut something off, cut it better ears, so as not to hear the opinions of others about yourself, sometimes completely incorrect.

Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors

The criteria for beauty are extremely diverse, the boundaries between ugliness and ideal are blurred. As life shows, people who are fat, thin, or hunchbacked get married. Men, enchanted, in love, simply do not attach importance to these features. And for the vast majority of them, spiritual and intellectual qualities mean much more than height, plumpness or expressionless eyes. There are a great many tastes, as well as opinions.

Are we as ugly as we think? We live in a kingdom of distorting mirrors. Mirrors are distorted by parental instructions, first events, first interactions with boys. Our first experience either disfigures us or embellishes us. One careless word can leave a mark on a teenager’s soul for life. From the letter: “I remember the day well - my mother and I were standing at the entrance to the entrance and the neighbor said to my mother: “Dear, what handsome guys you have, why is it that your daughter is so unlucky!” I grew up with a feeling of my ugliness and I got so used to it that I couldn’t trust the men who confessed their love to me. It’s strange for me to hear people say that they considered me the first beauty of the institute. I don’t know how to deal with this. Lena".

And here is a more positive illustration from a letter from a 15-year-old schoolgirl: “I used to consider my appearance not very pleasant. But when a very handsome guy started dating me, I changed my attitude towards myself. Now I like myself and am one hundred percent confident in myself!”

Don't waste your energy on fruitless regrets about the lack of long legs and thick hair! Play with your image, find a new, more attractive role for yourself (remember your favorite actress). And you will see how your appearance will change.

Beauty is a terrible force

At different times, different peoples had different attitudes towards the concept of beauty.

  • For example, the Evi-Guayega Indians considered white missionaries very ugly: “To become a man, you need to paint yourself. Anyone who does not do this is no different from an animal.”
  • Modern Indian women's haircuts are seen as a traditional sign of widowhood, and not as an expression of secular elegance.
  • White teeth adorn a person, although there are peoples who have a different opinion. The Dusuns from Boris Island still believe that the main advantage of a beautiful mouth is black teeth, and from infancy they smear them with resin.
  • The only point where the peoples of the earth agree in their tastes is compliance with the rules of hygiene. Neatness and cleanliness everywhere are an indispensable condition for a beautiful appearance and the key to success among men.


How can we live, ugly ones?

Every woman has her own opinion about her appearance. Most often, this opinion is not voiced in public, but privately we all know how to evaluate our face.

Someone with satisfaction recognizes himself as “beautiful.” Some people ironically think that they look “so-so.” Some people settle for “pretty.” And someone sighs bitterly at the mirror. Ugly.

I quite sincerely consider myself ugly. Not that she’s ugly, but just where is Oksana Fedorova and where am I...

This does not prevent me from being married to the most handsome guy in our year, raising two stunningly beautiful daughters, having a couple of ardent admirers and being sincerely friends with men.

This also does not prevent me from making a career in almost all the jobs in which I find myself.

And yet: shyness inappropriate for an adult, a powerful inferiority complex, a dislike for photography and a hatred of mirrors - I constantly have to fight to the death with all this.

Let's face it: beautiful people (not only women, but also men) have a much easier life.

Recent studies by recent American scientists have experimentally proven that men are much more likely to pay attention to beautiful women and make decisions in their favor when hiring, when choosing a business partner, and when starting a family.

And ugly ones are perceived as second-line candidates.

Just now I read in an article dedicated specifically to the problems of ugly people: “you will say that appearance plays a role in one’s career. Yes, there are professions where external data may be required when applying for a job: personal assistant, secretary, etc.

But for those who work at a telephone exchange, at a machine, behind a counter, is it really necessary to have unearthly beauty?

Many business managers are not concerned about what their employees look like. What matters to them is how they perform their duties.” Calm down, my dears, thank you very much on behalf of all the ugly people!

The only remark: beauty is a very streamlined concept. It is clear that Oksana Fedorova is a beauty, this has been confirmed internationally. But each of us can be beautiful - just depending on which catwalks we are on.

I once complained to my boyfriend: “If only I were beautiful like Sharon Stone...”, to which he replied: “Well, firstly, Sharon Stone is not beautiful, and secondly, I like you better.”

As they say, the main thing is to find a person for whom you will be better than Sharon Stone.

So we, the ugly ones, can live only this way: straightening our shoulders, straightening up, proudly carrying our wild head through life, with a clear awareness that we are very beautiful women, and those who do not understand this are fools themselves.

VELVET: Anna Sevyarynets


how to live with ugly appearance

Requests for help

Write your story

Hello. Tell me, how to live with an ugly appearance? The thing is, it's scary. This is not only my opinion, other people often tell me about this... even my loved one said that I am not beautiful on the outside, but beautiful on the inside. Although it is believed that all people are beautiful in their own way... or that the inner world is more important, in my opinion this is all nonsense. Whatever one may say, people first of all pay attention to appearance. People who are beautiful in appearance are loved more; a positive attitude towards them subconsciously develops. It is a fact. And not beautiful people like me have a hard time living. I have a lot of complexes. I was often teased as a child. I don't know how to live with this. I have a huge nose, I can’t do it without plastic surgery, but my parents are against it. I don’t understand why... why other people can enjoy life and have many fans, but I can’t. I've recently stopped believing in God. Since such injustice is happening in the world, it means He does not exist. Apparently I was just unlucky.. Support the site:

Olya, age: 17 / 06/28/2013

It's funny to get upset because of beauty. You better think what kind of person you are, why did they love you? The most important thing in a person is his actions - not his appearance. I'm not handsome either - so what? But I have a wife and daughter whom I love very much and they love me. That's why I live! There are no ideal people, and you don’t need to listen to those fools who laugh at you. You decide who you are and no one else. Just enjoy your life and don't pay attention to others. AFTER LIFE IS ONLY GIVEN ONCE!!!)))

Ryoidenshi, age: 22/06/28/2013

Dear Olya, hello! It seems to me that all people - both women and men - know this feeling when they are dissatisfied with their appearance. And even more so at your age. Therefore, firstly, you are not alone in your experiences, and secondly, it is clear from this that some of these people want to assert themselves by speaking badly about others. You should not pay attention to such words. Sorry if I say something wrong - I don’t know the full situation - but in my opinion, a “loved person” certainly shouldn’t say unpleasant things. On the other hand, you see, it turns out that you also have a fan) who liked you not only internally (which, by the way, is much more important), but also externally, since, in your opinion, people initially pay attention to appearance. You can correct your appearance without plastic surgery, try to highlight your eyes and lips with makeup, this will distract attention from your nose if you don’t like it so much. You can also choose a hairstyle so that it visually corrects imperfections. But the most important thing is still not this, you need to love and respect yourself! And it is very important to turn to God. Read the Gospel, go to church, pray for good things. God is waiting for each of us and wants to accept us. Read the parable of the prodigal son, whose return his father was so overjoyed at. I wish you all the best. I wish you happiness, sincere love - for God, your neighbors and adequate love for yourself. Everything will be fine!

Marigold, age: 19/06/29/2013

Olya, you shouldn’t be so worried about your appearance. Although I was also worried before. And then I realized that happiness does not depend on appearance. I have seen couples many times, the girl is not at all beautiful, her nose is crooked, etc., but it is clear that there is love between them. And there are also very beautiful lonely girls in the world... Who just can’t get married. Still, the main thing for guys when choosing a life partner is character, spiritual qualities, and then beauty. So don’t worry, you have a boyfriend, we can be happy for you. Apperciate things which you have.

Pooh, age: 25/06/29/2013

Good evening. Girl, I know for sure what complexes are. I couldn’t look at the mirror. On the subway I thought that everyone was looking at me. This was no longer bearable. I turned to God and prayed day and night. With time I suddenly stopped paying attention. No complexes at all. And everything started to get better. believe in God, don’t doubt, don’t sin, and you’ll understand what I’m saying. Don’t think of me as a fanatic, but these thoughts come from demons. good luck to you

Anar, age: 32 / 06/29/2013

Olya, firstly, it’s not about appearance - I know many examples of beautiful women whose husbands left them for less attractive ones, their appearance becomes boring... I had a friend at school - an incredibly beautiful girl, all the boys were in love with her... smart, from a good family... but fate turned out to be difficult - she fell in love at the age of 15, dated for many years... got married... husband drinks, goes out, drugs, children with disabilities... I saw her a couple of years ago, the same features, she hasn’t aged much... but he pulled beauty out of her, shook out her whole soul... but she could have crushed anyone, it was only worth looking at... fate seems to be like this... you have a loved one, appreciate it. And your nose - you’ll soon be 18, your parents don’t dictate to you... your nose, whatever you want, do with it :)

Mila, age: 35 / 06/29/2013

Olya, If you want a nose operation, then it’s up to you, not your parents. The only thing is you need to find money for the operation and a good surgeon. Many people were teased in childhood and you are not the only one who has such problems.

sk, age: 33 / 06/29/2013

Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy. Over time, you will love yourself as you are, the main thing is that the guy loves you and your loved ones too, because sometimes a girl is beautiful and completely alone, men only look at her appearance, she is a toy for them. beauty is not for long, a beautiful inner You have peace and that’s good, just don’t forget about makeup, beautiful clothes and believe me, you will be much prettier. Worry less about it, if God deprived you of beauty, then he will give you something else. Look for the meaning of life in something else, love your loved ones , help people, improve yourself, don’t despair)

Anya, age: 17/06/29/2013

Olenka dear! Well, don’t worry so much..If you are physically healthy, then this is the main thing..When your health goes away from this hassle, and it will be so, I assure you, I have come to this..Then it will really be a problem..And now we need calm down and understand that we often don’t like ourselves and others.. Firstly, no one gave us such a commandment.. Secondly, the whole world is in Photoshop and plastic. You can’t tell who actually looks like) People are losing their individuality... There are identical women all around, dolls with the same face. There is no spiritual world inside, such a woman is not suitable for a family. But all sorts of preoccupied people rush at such people, but not for long. ..But everyone is probably given something of their own for this life..Everyone has something special..And if you already have a loved one, it means that he has found something important for himself in you. Well, what does he say there that you are not beautiful, he just feels your lack of self-confidence. And you be smarter, stop creating complexes and pretend that you are the best and that you know it.. Yes, it’s not easy, but nothing will work out.. If he tells you something about appearance, confidently put him in his place.. Be independent.. Study and get a good job.. This will give you strength and confidence... And about the operation, etc.. First, get on your feet. Stop letting yourself be humiliated and then see, maybe in general, everything will change.. Hugs and wish you peace and joy in your soul) Be happy Olya!

Olya also forgot to write... you write that people tell you that you are scary... Well, what kind of people are they? What normal person would say that... I just can’t imagine who you’re communicating with? Because of your complexes, you allow yourself to communicate with such people and also allow them to humiliate you. You think about why you have such people around and what connects you... Perhaps it’s just your fear of being alone... You drive away such friends, calmly, of course, without complaint... Just look from the outside at how they treat you and draw conclusions... Remember, don’t let yourself be with anyone humiliate. If this happens, these are no longer friends..

Kirien, age: 36 / 06/29/2013

Hello! There is a joke that is true: “Why are women with small breasts happier than those with large breasts? - Yes, because they are definitely not loved for their boobs.” I’m quite serious: “Why do you need a lot of fans if you have a loved one?! Don’t you think this is a betrayal? No serious boy will be with you if you are favorable to attention from others. Your loved one appreciates your inner beauty. For him, you are the best. Great! What else do you need, Olenka? To have a path sprinkled with roses?! It’s a show of show. But having a stash for a rainy day is not a matter of envying other party girls. there are a lot of people, but they are constantly changing. No one is dear. By the way, they usually get married late or don’t get married at all: they no longer have the strength or desire to communicate with a man, there is no habit of constancy and responsibilities... And life is mostly everyday life. to be happy, you need to love, first of all, an ordinary simple life, work and a few close people. Everyone was teased in childhood and whispered something nasty behind their backs. And then what to suffer forever, or what? With age, people become smarter and behave better? otherwise, but not all. Is someone else's lack of brains your problem? Why should this interfere with your happiness?

Elena Ordinary, age: 37 / 06/29/2013

You are actually much better than you think to yourself. I am sure of it. You just need to believe in yourself.

Melanie, age: 36 / 06/29/2013

Even beautiful people feel bad and they also have their own complexes. And those people who turn a blind eye to their shortcomings are lucky and enjoy life! If you have a big nose, then do a beautiful hairstyle, makeup, dress nicely and feel 100%! How you feel is how people will treat you. I also have a lot of complexes, and when they used to tell me this phrase: “How you feel is how people will treat you,” I didn’t understand how this was possible, but then I tried it and was surprised by the result! I just woke up, went to the shower, did my makeup, my hair,...(not necessarily daring to put on makeup, dress up and do super hairstyles - you just need to tint your eyes a little, lips with gloss, for example, do the so-called home hair styling, dress nicely and so that you were comfortable and that’s it - YOU ARE A PRINCESS!) After that, I didn’t look much at myself in the mirror so as not to notice flaws - acne, pimples, small lips... And I went for a walk. On this day, 2 guys complimented me and 1 came up to meet me! You just need to believe, believe that you are beautiful, that you are feminine, that you have a beautiful smile, that your nose is a normal size... and then others will believe it! Love yourself, love to live, be kind, attentive... And especially since you have a boyfriend, this means that you have a person to whom you can open up, who will support and protect at the right time. Therefore, you are not so unhappy! Look at life positively! And you don’t need to do any operations! This is, of course, a personal matter for everyone and I don’t want and won’t point it out to you, but it’s still better not to. Your boyfriend, your friends loved and accepted you for who you are. And don't be ashamed of it! Maybe your nose isn't that big. Perhaps this is your so-called highlight. Believe that only those people who believe in themselves and love themselves, no matter what, enjoy life. Even if they have a big nose, small eyes, irregularly shaped lips... BUT they love themselves! And you LOVE YOURSELF NO MATTER ANYTHING!!!

Dorotty, age: 15/06/29/2013

“People who are beautiful in appearance are loved more”...Olya, are you sure about this? Beautiful people are envied, and often with black envy. Models and actresses plot intrigues against each other; one model even had sulfuric acid poured in her face, simply out of envy, so that she would stop participating in a beauty contest. So, there are different situations. External beauty is not only a gift, but also a test for a person. I once read a letter from a girl “I don’t want to be beautiful” on one of the sites. She said that all the problems in life are because of her beauty. Girls envy her, are not friends with her, she cannot hold out at work for long, because... the less beautiful female group oppresses her, the men all pester her or consider her a whore, the boss offers her a bed. It happens. So, it’s better not to be beautiful, but to be average in appearance. I have noticed more than once that beautiful girls are often arrogant, arrogant, capricious, and angry. And not particularly beautiful girls are sweet, kind, the light of kindness radiates from their faces, and this is much more attractive than just beautiful facial features. And I’m sure you have your own charm and charm. My boyfriend also told me that my face is not beautiful, but cute. At first this offended me, but he loves me for my soul, and left girls more beautiful than me, just to be with me. By the way, you are still very young, and teenagers and young men see appearance first. But over the years this passes, and a person’s inner qualities begin to be valued. Think about it, Olya! And the nose is higher!

TanyaT, age: 28 / 30.06.2013

Olya, what is the problem exactly? Young, healthy - everything is ahead. There is a MCH who loves. Why sit and beat yourself up? Do you think beauty is the most important thing? The main thing is health, inner peace and a harmoniously developed personality. I am beautiful, but due to illness there are no friends left and soon there will be no beauty either... And all my life I have had problems with my friends, because people are envious. And the guys... somehow were unlucky... they came across the wrong ones. In addition to appearance, there is also a soul.

Nyuta, age: 29 / 07/02/2013

Olya, unfortunately, every person has problems in life that they have to overcome: some are not in good health, some were unable to receive a normal education, others have relatives with a completely unbearable character... I'm sure that you are a sweet, pretty girl, but at 17 years old very few people like their appearance. Try going to a stylist, joining a fitness club, sewing yourself an absolutely stunning dress... The more small “steps” you take towards improvement, the fewer unpleasant thoughts you will have about your appearance. I have a friend who is a girl in the literal sense dazzling appearance. Some even called her the Venus de Milo... But alas - at 33, she is not married, has no children, and in general - no close male person... And another friend is clearly overweight, petite, with a large nose - dearly loved by her husband, their marriage has been for more than 15 years, they have a daughter. So, bright appearance is far from the key to a successful and happy life, no matter how the presenters of all sorts of fashionable verdicts and “take it off immediately” try to convince us of this.

Anna, age: 33 / 07/02/2013

Olya, hello! there is no justice in the world - that's a fact. It’s also good to realize that there is no principle that controls destinies, that leads people somewhere - no. Do cats think about what their fate is? What about elephants and rhinoceroses? It’s comical, but what I mean is that a person, in fact, is the same biological species, but with developed intellect and psyche, and therefore worries about justice and his fate.

Your appearance, your face was largely determined by the combination of your parental genes. No luck - yes, most likely, that's it. Just bad luck, it happens to everyone. Some people are born healthy, beautiful and in a rich family, while others are born sick, ugly and in poverty. For the first, all the delights of life are immediately available, and for the second, if he works hard, persistently and purposefully to solve his problems, he will only have a chance to possess all these delights.

At the same time, I think that most people already really understand that you should not underestimate the importance of appearance for building relationships and a healthy psyche. The face - the most individual part of a person - has a very significant meaning in all this.

So, life dealt us cards. For some - trump cards, for others - a junior suit. The point is to replace weak cards with strong ones.

You can whine about what a freak I am, or you can do everything to improve the situation, but if you can’t change something, you’ll have to change your attitude. =) And finally, something can be compensated by other strengths. I'll start with the first one.

1. Hairstyle. 2. Makeup. 3. Skin care. 4. Dental services. 5. Vision correction. 6. Facial plastic surgery. These are just some of the ways to improve the appearance of your face. If your soul does not harmonize with your face, work on the latter as much as possible. Yes, some things require money and time. Yes, the effect of something is not guaranteed. But who said it would be easy? If you want to live fully, move forward to changes for the better. The phrase “be yourself” refers primarily to your inclinations, predispositions, and character (although you also need to work on the latter). But not to appearance. Therefore, in my opinion, if the face is very unsatisfactory, and there are no contraindications against plastic surgery, then why not do it? What if just this little thing (on the scale of life) is the key to the beginning of your happiness?

Unfortunately, with the current level of technology, not everything can be changed. Therefore, you will have to change your attitude towards something. Accept yourself exactly as you are. You will also have to work on this psychologically, but there is no other way. The state of inner harmony that you achieve will make you much more beautiful in the eyes of others than if you worry and have complexes about some features of your appearance.

1) change in the appearance of a person;

2) work to achieve internal harmony;

3) development of other aspects of your physical, intellectual and spiritual components -

These, albeit difficult, are ways to achieve happiness. Develop a plan, work in each area, evaluate the results, make adjustments, MANAGE YOUR LIFE.

Think about it carefully. I hope this will help you take the path of development and achieve significant results.

P.S. And remember that completeness in life is in emotions. And bright emotions can be obtained not only from communication with the opposite sex. ;)

Every woman has her own opinion about her appearance. Most often, this opinion is not voiced in public, but privately we all know how to evaluate our face.

Someone with satisfaction recognizes himself as “beautiful.” Some people ironically think that they look “so-so.” Some people settle for “pretty.” And someone sighs bitterly at the mirror. Ugly.

Emperor, age: 23 / 02/08/2014 Previous request Next request

This does not prevent me from being married to the most handsome guy in our year, raising two stunningly beautiful daughters, having a couple of ardent admirers and being sincerely friends with men.

This also does not prevent me from making a career in almost all the jobs in which I find myself.

I quite sincerely consider myself ugly. Not that she’s ugly, but just where is Oksana Fedorova and where am I... And yet: shyness inappropriate for an adult, a powerful inferiority complex, dislike of photography and hatred of mirrors -

I constantly have to fight with all this not for life, but for death. Let's face it: beautiful people.

Recent studies by recent American scientists have experimentally proven that men are much more likely to pay attention to beautiful women and make decisions in their favor when hiring, when choosing a business partner, and when starting a family.

(not only women, but also men)

Just now I read in an article dedicated specifically to the problems of ugly people: “you will say that appearance plays a role in one’s career. Yes, there are professions where external data may be required when applying for a job: personal assistant, secretary, etc.

But for those who work at a telephone exchange, at a machine, behind a counter, is it really necessary to have unearthly beauty?

Many business managers are not concerned about what their employees look like. What matters to them is how they perform their duties.” Calm down, my dears, thank you very much on behalf of all the ugly people!

life is much easier And ugly ones are perceived as second-line candidates. The only note:

I once complained to my boyfriend: “If only I were beautiful like Sharon Stone...”, to which he replied: “Well, firstly, Sharon Stone is not beautiful, and secondly, I like you better.”

beauty is a very streamlined concept

So we, the ugly ones, can live only this way: straightening our shoulders, straightening up, proudly carrying our wild head through life, with a clear awareness that we are very beautiful women, and those who do not understand this are fools themselves.

VELVET: Anna Sevyarynets

Hello. I am 21 years old, female. I suffer from severe depression. The fact is that I am very ugly. Since childhood, I was plagued by ridicule, endless nicknames, and mockery at school. The boys mocked: “I won’t sit at the same desk with this ugly girl!” I began to hate myself, became shy, downtrodden. I quit studying at the university because I could not concentrate on my studies due to constant depression and depression.

After I unrequitedly fell in love with a guy who, as I accidentally found out, said behind my back that he had nothing against me, but I was just terribly ugly, and he wouldn’t date me, I wanted to commit suicide. I gave up everything, lost all desire to live. But still she overcame herself and found a job. There I accidentally overheard a conversation among work colleagues who were discussing me and called me as terrible as a nuclear war. Crocodile, scary, ugly - after ten years of such reviews about myself, I stopped feeling like a human being.

The consolation that appearance is not the main thing helps little - I have not yet met a guy who would prefer an ugly-looking girl to a pretty one. Not everyone bullied me at all - but friendly relations are all that you can count on. Love, sex - apparently this is for others, not for people like me. At 21, I'm still a virgin. There were some cases when they offered sex, but these were men older than me, completely uninteresting, who did not even try to please me, but simply calculated that someone like me would not refuse, no courtship was necessary.

One even openly said about me: “And this freak is still acting like God knows what.” Apparently, people like me have nothing to count on love, compliments, or courtship. I feel like a nobody. I'm tired of life. I just don't see the point anymore. Probably, people like me sooner or later get used to their ugliness and live. I can't. I can’t feel inferior, ugly, I’m tired of being neglected as a woman. When I see pretty girls my age surrounded by fans and attention, I'm ready to scream in despair.

How to live with an ugly appearance? To live and not to exist? Thank you if you read all of this.

. It is clear that Oksana Fedorova is a beauty, this has been confirmed internationally. But each of us can be beautiful - just depending on which catwalks we are on.

As they say, the main thing is to find a person for whom you will be better than Sharon Stone.


Philosophy of beauty or how to live if you are unlucky with your appearance?

Many people would not refuse to have a more spectacular and beautiful appearance. It seems to them that happiness, health, career and money would simply fall into their hands if their appearance were more beautiful. But is this really so? How is life for handsome guys, is it easy?

It would seem that there is a connection between such phenomena as beauty and high earnings, but American scientists have found that tall, slender and attractive employees earn about 5 percent more than their plain-looking colleagues. Most often, this phenomenon is explained very simply by beautiful people, more self-confident, more active and charismatic, they attract people to themselves and achieve greater success in negotiations and when concluding contracts. So maybe it’s not about beauty as such, but about self-love? Those whom society considers not beautiful enough should not worry. You just need to love and value yourself, and then others will value you, including those who pay your salaries.

Beautiful people are happier

These conclusions were also voiced by the Americans. And the happiness of handsome men, in their opinion, is based precisely on the fact that they earn more. Strange logic. Apparently Americans see happiness this way. Money is happiness. Another version is that beautiful people also choose handsome men as partners. It’s easier for beautiful people to start a family, but is their marriage long-lasting? This remains in question?

Beautiful men and women have higher intelligence levels

This time the experiments were carried out by the British. Scientists have found that beautiful girls and young women have a higher intelligence level by 11.4 points, and handsome boys and boys have a higher intelligence level by 13.6 points. It was not possible to find out what caused the results of such an experiment, but the fact remains a fact.

The left side of the face looks more harmonious

In fact, it’s no secret that people’s faces are not proportional. But scientists went further and experimentally proved that the left half of the face is much more proportional and symmetrical than the right. And how can this be useful? Yes, just when taking pictures for social networks, you can be sure which angle to choose for a successful result. By the way, you can buy a trimmer for your nose and ears.

To attract your soulmate, you just need to know one secret - smile.

Here it’s not about beauty as such, it’s about a sincere smile. However, smiling only helps women. The fact is that women do not like men who smile, because a smile indicates a man’s lack of masculinity and reliability. On a subconscious level, women do not perceive such men as their future partner. But for women, a smile is the main weapon in the fight for a man’s heart. Men love women with doll-like baby faces and a sincere, sweet smile. So maybe it’s not about beauty, but about sincerity and positive infusion?

Attractive people are more likely to forgive shortcomings

Scientists say that beautiful people are forgiven for many oddities and unexpected actions. And this is all out of curiosity, romantic motives, or simply because beautiful people “please the eye.” This is especially true for people of the opposite sex. A man is able to forgive a beautiful girl a lot, but another woman is more likely to become the beauty’s enemy and main envier.

These facts about beauty are certainly interesting, but contradictory and unproven. So those with beautiful appearance need not be overly happy, just as people with ordinary appearance should not be needlessly upset.

Finally, we can give some advice to those who want to be successful in life, no matter how excellent data nature has awarded them:

It is necessary to love and respect yourself.

Always take care of your appearance and enjoy it.

It is necessary to monitor your health and psychological infusion.

Learn to turn your shortcomings into highlights and advantages.

Increase confidence in yourself and your beauty.

You shouldn’t talk badly about yourself; people often perceive others not by their appearance, but by how they position themselves.

These tips will help you love yourself and respect your own person.

Whether a person is beautiful or ugly is a controversial issue.

But a person who radiates self-confidence, positivity and kindness will always be in demand, loved and respected.


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