Beautiful congratulations to fellow teachers. Congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse and prose from parents and children

27/09/2017 - 11:02

Today is a holiday for all teachers and workers of the preschool education system. And this means that you can not only sum up your activities, on this holiday you can feel how important YOUR profession is and is needed by all of us, by all those who trust you with the most valuable thing - children.

And if in the morning you have already received congratulations from your students and parents, then in the evening you will probably receive congratulations yourself or congratulate your colleagues on the holiday. It doesn’t matter whether it’s at the holiday table or just in the lobby of your kindergarten.

Well, the form of congratulations is also different: both in poetry and in prose. We cannot help but include the teachers’ anthem in the selection.

My dear colleagues, I congratulate you on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers. May every day open up new horizons of great opportunities and great ideas to us, may our children always be happy and cheerful, may we be able to make any activity and hobby colorful and bright, may each of you be truly happy, loved by your children and loved ones.

Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on our day! I would like to wish you patience, moral strength and, of course, wisdom, which is so necessary for raising children. Your work is noble and grateful, happy holiday!

Dear Colleagues. We are strong in difficult things. We persistently help children overcome their difficulties, we do not sleep day and night in the name of a great goal, in the name of a happy future for children. So what can you wish for? Patience and perseverance, joy and love for our work! Happy holiday, colleagues!

My glorious and respected colleagues, I congratulate you on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers. I wish everyone well-being, confident strength and good health, generosity of soul and understanding, cheerful mood and moral calm, respect and high success, good luck, family happiness and prosperity.

Dear and dear colleagues, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Happy Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers. Please accept my sincere congratulations and wishes for good health and prosperity, respect and understanding, a joyful mood and smart children, obedience and fun, high success and a wonderful mood.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers. I would like to wish everyone sincere joy and cheerful smiles, family well-being and happiness, a great mood and understanding with the children, exciting games and educational events, great success and goodness.

I wish you, friends,
Good health.
To go to work
You are always with love.
Holiday, joy,
Children's laughter
Let them surround you.
Quarantines in groups let
It doesn't happen at all.
And, of course, also
“Modest” salary for you.
So that we have her,
Like the deputies.

Congratulations colleagues,
On a professional day,
Your work is not easy, and most
Noble on Earth.

I wish you a lot of happiness,
So that it lasts for centuries,
And of course love too -
It’s impossible to live without her!

Colleagues! Congratulations
Today sincerely, cordially.
Our work, without embellishment,
Important for everyone, of course.

Let the years fly by like smoke,
Love to you, endless joy,
Obedient, smart preschoolers
That they love and respect you!

Preschool workers,
Dear colleagues,
Our congratulations to you,
Sparkling, colorful.

You are in creative flight
Fly far away
Inspire more often
It's so easy with you.

Children are playing nearby
And we wish you:
To be the best in the world
And light up hearts!

Let the work be difficult -
You need to be successful:
They trust us from a young age
The most tender age.
I wish you, colleagues,
So that you get less tired!
So that work inspires,
There was no shortage of money!
Well, a friendly team
Let's celebrate the day beautifully!

To all preschool teachers
I wish you obedient guys
I wish you to have fun with the children,
It’s a joy to work for good.

Our profession is kind and bright.
After all, young hearts trust us.
And, as they say, they are the flowers of life.
Although sometimes they are capricious.

Our dear teachers, kindergarten workers, with all our hearts the editors of “Regions of Russia” congratulate you on your professional day!!! I wish you health, good parents, good leadership and higher salaries!

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We work with you in kindergarten,
And our work is useful for literally everyone.
The baby is growing up in front of us,
His new success depends on us.

We will help the baby “overcome” the potty
And we will add knowledge, teach goodness.
I wish us all to have more time,
Arriving at work in the morning.

And at home everyone has only peace,
Warmth, kindness, understanding in everything.
We will arrange a feast on Teacher's Day,
Let’s sit with our souls, and then we’ll sing!

I wish you, friends,
Good health.
To go to work
You are always with love.
Holiday, joy,
Children's laughter
Let them surround you.
Quarantines in groups let
It doesn't happen at all.
And, of course, also
“Modest” salary for you.
So that we have her,
Like the deputies.

Colleagues, today is our holiday! Only a person who truly loves them can work with children. A man with a big noble heart and a pure soul. Our work is not easy, but how much joy you get looking into these little carefree eyes! Let your life be simply filled with the love of your family and the respect of your students and their parents. Let your energy not run out, and let optimism help you achieve all the most difficult tasks in life. Creative success in such a noble cause!

Your calling is to be sensitive and gentle,
Your calling is to raise children,
It's not just this kind of work,
This is the gift of God - the love of giving.

May all the love that you give to children
It will return to you threefold,
May you have enough patience in your work,
And let happiness reign in your family!

Happy Teacher's Day, preschool workers
I will gladly congratulate all my colleagues.
May you be satisfied with life,
And may great success await you in everything!

Work brings inspiration
Notice happiness in the shine of your eyes.
May joy often come to visit you,
And the kids always listen to you!

Health, goodness, great love to you!
May every day bring joy,
May all your dreams come true, of course
And may only prosperity await you.

I am glad to congratulate all colleagues
Happy Day of Kindergarten Worker!
Kindness and love to you,
Happiness, peace, beauty.

I want to go to work,
Looking into the distance with optimism,
Be successful, create,
Don't live your life in vain!

There are so many wonderful professions in the world!
Of course, it is impossible to list them all.
So interesting, honorable, dangerous...
But Happy Teacher's Day to all of you, friends!

Today is our day, we celebrate it.
Colleagues, I hasten to congratulate you now.
Our duty, our credo is, of course, children.
We sadly see them off to first grade.

I wish you all success in your work,
Good luck in love and peace in the family.
And may our every day pass in care,
There is no more beautiful profession on Earth!

My dear colleagues,
Nice preschoolers,
Congratulations on our day,
Nowadays we are the culprits.

I wish you patience
Inspiration and warmth.
Our mission is sacred
We carry a charge of goodness.

Let the kids make you happy
Let their ringing laughter sound,
So that you always understand -
There is no more happiness in life.

For the teacher, patience -
The most important component.
And quiet time is one salvation,
After all, there is no moment to rest.

I wish you, colleagues,
Save as much as possible
Be patient with this. I know,
It's not easy to keep track of everything.

We hold so many destinies in our hands,
And my heart hurts so much for everyone.
Let it be our reward
Children's smiles and laughter.

To all kindergarten employees
The best reward in life
So that work inspires,
And so that you don’t get bored!

On this day to all colleagues
I wish that completely
You weren’t sad at work,
Let it be in the mood!

Health and patience to you,
To make your nerves stronger,
So that love accompanies
And goodness, so that it fills!

Colleagues, I want to congratulate you today
Happy universal holiday to us.
I wish you an easy job,
There are endless opportunities for everyone in it.

So that your eyes always shine,
And everyone around you understood.
Everything to be harmonious:
In business and in your personal life.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day 2019 and Preschool Worker in prose

WITH Today, on the day of the teacher and all preschool workers, I am very happy to congratulate all the employees of our kindergarten. All of you: teachers, assistant teachers, cooks, music workers, nurses, housekeepers, and everyone else - work for the benefit of our younger generation. Your work is noble. You make an invaluable contribution to the education of the younger generation, giving them the opportunity to grow up as smart, capable, healthy, physically developed people. Thank you very much for your selfless work, for your love for children, for your patience, for your desire to work. I wish you all the best: good health, happiness, luck, family well-being!

IN Our work is so necessary for all of us. People of different professions trust you every morning with raising their children. You fully cope with your mission, giving children not only knowledge and skills, but also care and warmth. Your students feel your kind attitude towards them. And, believe me, with warmth in their hearts, they will remember the years spent next to you, many years from now. Thank you for everything!

IN A teacher or other preschool worker, if he works not only according to instructions, but also puts his heart into his work, becomes almost a family member for the child, and his behests will be remembered by the child for many years, and his warm affection will remain forever! Thank you for taking care of the kids! Happy Teacher's Day!

D Our dear teacher! Exupery wrote in his fairy tale: “We all come from childhood.” And how right he was! Everything that is important in us, adults, was laid down in childhood. And how lucky is the one with whom a kind and wise mentor stood next to him at the very dawn of his life. We are happy that our children have a person like you! Every day you give our children your warmth and energy, childlike spontaneity and passion! You open your heart to them, and the children are drawn to you, just as timid spring shoots are drawn to the clear sun. So may God grant you health, patience, inexhaustible creativity, kindness, and all the brightest things in your life! May your days be filled with the same light that you give to our children every day and every hour! Happy Teacher's Day to you! Be happy!

P Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers! There are many children under your supervision, and everyone is surrounded by attention, everyone spends their days with smiles and cheerful laughter! You take care of children not only according to the instructions of pedagogy, but also to the dictates of a kind, bright soul! Happy holiday! Happiness and love!


P In the first years of a child’s life, it is very important to teach him a thousand things, help him correctly perceive the world around him and simply grow strong and develop! So that parents do not give up because of their troubles, there are you in the world - teachers and other preschool workers, whom we trust as ourselves and today, on your professional holiday, we warmly congratulate you and wish you happiness and many years to come!

ABOUT Why doesn't the child want to go to kindergarten? Ours is in a hurry, and all because you work there, wonderful people, for whom children are the main wealth that requires the most attentive attention! On Teacher's Day and all preschool workers - please accept our congratulations and best wishes!

WITH words of gratitude and warm, sincere wishes - that’s all for you today, our dear teacher! You guide your children through the beginning of their life’s journey, holding their hands tightly, making sure they don’t stumble. You are always ready to explain, show, help with advice and, of course, forgive pranks. Thousands of apologies and tears of repentance were real only thanks to your fair decisions, which at times are not easy. On your professional holiday, Teacher's Day, we wish you a good mood and gratitude from your students! Be happy, healthy and successful! Share your wisdom, teach children to be fair, honest, and reliable, so that they can confidently enter life as real people.

IN Our difficult and very responsible profession requires enormous dedication and attention - after all, you work with children. Today I want to congratulate you on the holiday - the day of the preschool education worker! I wish you good health, endurance, and inspiration in your work for many years to come! Your daily contribution to the development of our children is invaluable work! Thank you for everything!

TO When parents are rushing to work or on errands, someone must look after the children, and then you, the educators, come to the rescue! By surrounding your kids with sensitive attention, you make sure that they are well-fed, healthy and develop harmoniously. On Teacher's Day, please accept my congratulations!

TO Every year, at the most romantic time - the end of September, Teacher's Day is celebrated. Even nature itself gives these wonderful people who raise our children dances of fallen golden leaves. And on such a wonderful day, I would like to wish you the same bright mood and the same beautiful life. Let your work be only a joy to you, the children will be obedient, and their parents will be just as grateful. I also want to wish you the patience that you so need. Love that will help cope with the most restless pupils. Good luck, which will send you only the best children, and hope for the best.

D Our dear teacher! On this day, allow me to congratulate you on the professional holiday of all who are rightly called the blacksmiths of human souls and creators of new people. Your work is immeasurable and incomparable with other types of activity: someone deals with soulless machines, someone with empty words, and you deal with living people, and thanks to you they become cleaner, brighter, better. Those who came to you foolish and cocky now proudly say that they were your students. Let the flow of their gratitude, which you deserve in full, not become scarce! Happy holiday! Happy Teacher's Day!

TO Each of us gets to raise our own children. But there are people for whom education is a calling. A teacher is not just a person with an appropriate diploma. A teacher is a person endowed with colossal patience, immense talent and boundless love for people in general and children in particular. Wisdom and kindness, condescension and understanding, enthusiasm and inspiration - these are the traits that amaze people in this profession. On your professional holiday, I would like to wish you not to lose all this valuable baggage, so that each new student can draw from this source, like from a well, what is good, wise and eternal. And may fate thank you for such hard and useful work, because we entrust the most valuable things to educators. Be happy!

IN In childhood, more than anything else, a child wants to have fun, however, he also needs to gain knowledge about the world around him and slowly prepare for school... On Teacher’s Day, I want to warmly congratulate you and thank you for your equal care for all your little charges!

R Not everyone is capable of being a teacher - it is difficult daily work and a great responsibility. First of all, to parents, the state and the students themselves. After all, what is invested in the development of children in childhood affects their personal development in the future. With you, we don’t have to worry that they won’t learn something and won’t fully develop their abilities. You are a teacher by vocation, thank you for everything you do for our children! May God grant you health, strong nerves, strength and all earthly blessings! Happy Preschool Worker's Day!

D kindergarten is the first team of a little person. Here he will find new friends, learn a lot of interesting things, and simply having a good time during his childhood, he will grow up strong, smart, well-mannered and happy! Happy Teacher's Day! You are real wizards who help our children grow up with a happy smile!

N and the kids play happily along the paths, and you watch over them, take them to lunch and nap, and in the evening - return them to their parents safe and sound, happy and matured for another day! On Teacher's Day and all preschool workers, we want to congratulate you, say thank you for your excellent work and wish you all the best!

P Please accept my congratulations on your professional holiday! Teacher's Day is a wonderful occasion to sincerely congratulate you and wish you new success. You were not mistaken when choosing a profession, you managed to find your calling - and that’s wonderful! How children are drawn to you, how they love you, and what warmth and pleasure your eyes radiate when you play and study with the kids. It’s nice to look at you, you feel comfortable among children, and they feel good, happy and calm with you. I wish you to continue to enjoy your professional successes and enjoy your work. Let your students love you, your parents support you, and your management appreciate you!

D Our dear (name, patronymic), we congratulate you on Teacher’s Day! We would like to say “Thank you” to you for teaching us how to draw, sculpt from plasticine, make crafts and applications. We love it when you read us fairy tales, play with us, go for a walk. We wish you to always remain as kind, caring and patient.

IN Years are carried away by words, and years are carried away by memories. We wish you that they are only light, bright and long - for the rest of your life. I wish you, dear, patience, good luck, happiness. May dark clouds never darken the sky above your head! Let all children's smiles turn into an unforgettable bright bouquet! Let children never upset you! You are the kindest, most sensitive and caring person, so we are very glad that you are leading this group. We wish from all parents family well-being, good salary, excellent health! We are always ready to support you - in any business or endeavor. Always remain so active and cheerful!

IN Raising children is the most difficult, labor-intensive, but at the same time, the most rewarding process in this world. Seeing how your students grow, how they apply the knowledge, skills and abilities that you gave them - what could be better for a teacher? Today is your holiday, and on this day I sincerely want to wish you great happiness, health, prosperity and joy, as well as love and kindness. Let only the best be in your destiny, and let life be so affectionate and kind to you that you will always be lucky! I wish you find great gifts on your life’s journey, and may your students remember you for many years to come!


P Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers! And in a quiet hour, and when they are learning to draw daisies, and when they are eating semolina... You do not take your eyes off the pupils, and they are quite happy to listen to such a wonderful teacher, they grow by leaps and bounds to the delight of us, their parents! So may happiness always accompany you for your important, good work!

IN kindergarten is the kingdom of kids, and you are its wise rulers, and while you are at work, parents can safely go about their business, knowing that there is someone to take care of the restless boys and girls! Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers!

Dear colleagues of the team,
Happy holiday today to all of us, dear ones,
Let our children be obedient
Fireworks go off in our honor.

I wish all my colleagues happiness,
Kind, reliable bosses.
So that the team is protected
And covered with the veil of the Lord!

Today is an unusual day -
Day of Garden Workers.
We congratulate all colleagues.
Your work is the most important of all works.

We wish you good health,
Peace, joy, love
And the most beautiful flowers,
So that they bloom all year long.

And also an active life,
Creativity and kindness,
So that it works perfectly,
May all your dreams come true!

Congratulations to my dear colleagues on our professional holiday. I would like to wish everyone health, strength and patience. Never lose self-control and restraint, always remain as wise, reasonable and kind. I wish you to receive only pleasure, positivity and a charge of eternal youth from your work from our beloved little students.

Colleagues, happy holiday to you all,
Spiritualization to everyone,
Let children's laughter inspire
But the main thing is patience!

Comfort in the house and warmth,
In the family you understand,
To have a happy life,
No disappointment.

Let the work be difficult -
You need to be successful:
They trust us from a young age
The most tender age.
I wish you, colleagues,
So that you get less tired!
So that work inspires,
There was no shortage of money!
Well, a friendly team
Let's celebrate the day beautifully!

Dear colleagues, teachers, nannies,
You communicate with kids all day long.
You live in the world of childhood, distributing good things,
It will return to you along with a childish smile.

We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you
So that your students always understand you,
To make the education process positive,
And a gentle tune sounded incessantly in our souls!

All my colleagues, girls,
I hasten to congratulate:
From babies, from diapers
We need to rest, friends!

Because I wish you
I want joy and happiness
And flutter like a butterfly,
After all, our life is so beautiful!

And of course, girls,
I wish everyone love
So that they whisper in your ear:
" I love you so much"!

Dear colleagues
Today is our holiday,
And instead of boring elegies,
The time has come for fun.

And how can we not have fun?
We can't live without humor.
To mess around with a bunch of kids,
Natural inclination is needed.

I wish you for a smile
There was always a reason.
Let troubles, sorrows, mistakes,
They never touch you.

We work in a kindergarten
And sometimes it’s not easy.
Yes, not an ideal salary,
It's quite a long way from there.

Demand is great everywhere,
We are responsible for almost everything.
For children, for dirty dishes,
Supervision is needed every hour.

But we chose our path
Our holiday is today.
And we can’t get away from it,
We come here willingly in the morning.

The children will greet us joyfully,
The mood will be lifted.
We are responsible for them,
We need to educate them.

Congratulations to you colleagues,
Start the day with a smile
Every day I wish you
And you don’t know fatigue at all.

We are second mothers for children,
We direct them in the right direction.
Our work is responsible and important!
We will sit with everyone for a little while,

Let's tell a story, calm you down,
Let's gently put you to bed.
We get tired quickly, we won’t hide it.
And I want to wish us

Loving your good cause
Have patience and love
So that the soul wants to sing
And so that as many words as possible

Love, care and support
You heard and said
So that the heart is sensitive, tender,
So that our parents appreciate us!

May there be a heap on this Boxing Day
And a bag of thanks
Will light flower gunpowder in the soul,
So that everything in the world is OK!

Today we have a common holiday.
Colleagues, congratulations!
We are an example and a nanny for children,
We are in sight of their clear eyes.

So let him be in a good mood
Will greet us every day,
And even the walls help
Be on top with a smile.

On September 27, all preschool workers will accept the most sincere, kind, and sometimes funny congratulations on Teacher’s Day 2017. Parents and children will dedicate sweet poems and sincere prose to their beloved nannies and teachers. The head of the preschool educational institution and members of the city administration will certainly congratulate their colleagues. Toddlers and future first-graders attending kindergarten will give their teachers funny pictures and hand-signed postcards.

Sincere congratulations to all preschool workers on Teacher's Day 2017

On September 27, Russia celebrates the main holiday of representatives of the most humane profession - educators. It is preschool workers who raise future great scientists, astronauts, researchers, famous military men, talented doctors, teachers and even presidents and ministers. In most cities and villages, only women still enter this profession. Of course, we all remember the kind-hearted director of the kindergarten from the movie “Gentlemen of Fortune” and “The Mustachioed Nanny” from the comedy of the same name, however, such examples are only found in movies so far. Unfortunately, men do not consider working in a preschool educational institution as a possible career. However, in some cities, kindergartens are still run by representatives of the stronger sex. On Teacher's Day 2017, sincerely congratulate the employees of the preschool institution and wish them endurance, children's love and salary growth.

Examples of sincere congratulations on Teacher’s Day 2017 - Wishes to all preschool workers

Today in Russia tens of thousands of preschool workers work as “second mothers”. With their patience, affection, and sincere care for children, they help children grow into kind, kind-hearted people. On Teacher's Day 2017, celebrated on September 27, congratulate each of them on this wonderful holiday. It doesn’t matter whether the teacher works in a private or municipal preschool educational institution - in any case, he does his job with great love and diligence.

Thank you for the smiles, thank you for the warmth,
Raising a child is very difficult.
Let every educator, for his work and love,
Will receive a large bouquet of flowers this holiday.

And children's little hands will hug you for
That they wiped away tears when it was hard for them!
We all cordially congratulate you on this holiday,
We wish you health, success and love!

Being a teacher is not a job
This is an everyday concern
About the most important citizens of the country,
May they be obedient and smart!

On your holiday, please accept congratulations
And take your bow to the ground,
May all your personal aspirations
They will come true. They are important to us!

Sometimes you can’t cope with one thing,
It’s easy for you and a bunch of kids!
And for this we are rooting for you,
And we highly appreciate your work!

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. The education of all generations is in your hands and in your power, you open the doors for children to the land of happy childhood and dreams, you give children the necessary knowledge and opportunities to show their talents. With all my heart I wish you never to lose the kindness of your heart and inspiration for your work. Be happy and healthy.

Preschool institutions employ teachers and music workers, nannies and nurses, cooks and administration workers. On the day of their professional holiday, coming in 2017 on September 27, the kindergarten children and their parents will prepare funny congratulations for their teachers. Little children just starting out in life trust their favorite kindergarten workers. They learn from them reading and writing, arithmetic, work, good attitude towards nature and people.

Examples of cool congratulations on Teacher's Day

Many adults, living with good memories of the kindergarten, grow up and come with their children to the kindergarten, which many years ago became their second home for a while. Every September 27, on Teacher’s Day, together with their daughters and sons, they prepare funny congratulations for their relatives’ teachers and music workers, nurses and cooks, nannies and the manager. Select some of them and wish the employee of the preschool institution a great mood and smiles.

A teacher is like a second mother,
He stubbornly hurries to go to bed,
Keeps a vigilant eye on order -
But the baby does not comply with it.

If you are sad, the teacher will regret it,
He, like a mother, knows how to console.
We congratulate you today,
And we wish you happiness and love!

Someone says something
Someone is listening.
Someone broke a toy
In a quiet hour I tore the pillow...

You need to smile
Don't take it out on the kids!
Raise them with love!
We wish not to know troubles!

I want to wish you this holiday!
Become the best educator of all!
Well, you need to be patient -
Children should always smile!

Kind congratulations from parents and children on Teacher's Day

On Teacher's Day, September 27, hundreds of thousands of preschool teachers will receive congratulations from their students and their parents. Children will definitely tell their “second mothers” the kindest words that come from the heart, read them a poem, sing songs, dance and give them homemade cards. The teaching profession is worthy of respect. Despite the small salary and the highest responsibility for each child, preschool workers communicate with the children every day in order to develop the best human qualities in each of them.

Examples of congratulations on Teacher's Day from children and parents

Teacher's Day as a separate holiday for all employees of preschool institutions appeared quite recently, in 2004. Until this time, preschool employees celebrated it as Teacher’s Day in October. Now, kindergarten teachers accept the kindest and most heartfelt congratulations from parents and children on September 27. The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance. It was on this day, in 1863, that the first kindergarten for children was opened in Tsarist Russia. Now tens of thousands of kindergartens hospitably open their doors to their little pupils every day.

Congratulations, teachers,

Happy this bright, warm day.

And we wish you to live happily,

Without worrying about anything.

Congratulations, our nannies,

You are the most caring of all.

May your work be a joy to you,

And success always awaits you in everything!

You are all dear to our children,

Almost irreplaceable.

And we, parents, are happy,

You have become close to them.

Happy Teachers and Preschool Workers Day!
Obedient pupils, satisfied parents.
Let them respect and love immensely,
Let your vacation last approximately six months.

The salary is growing, the mood goes with it,
All your ventures will be successful.
Illuminate your children with your love,
You will receive admiration from them in return.

Educators are a calling.
These are the ones who know how to love.
Only the best wishes to you,
We will not tire of thanking you.

To you health, kindness and patience,
Let them start paying more money,
So that you are always in a good mood
I wanted to go to work!

Cool congratulations on Teacher's Day to colleagues

In ancient times, particularly in Rome and Greece, the upbringing of young children was trusted only to well-trained warriors. People of that time sincerely believed that only a legionnaire could cope with the indomitable temper of a child, withstand all his whims, and provide a decent upbringing and education. Several centuries later, this opinion was refuted by fragile, feminine educators. Hundreds of thousands of moms and dads trust them every year. Fellow teachers know better than others about the difficulties of being a preschool worker. On September 27, they congratulate each other on their professional holiday with funny poems and cards.

Examples of cool congratulations and wishes for colleagues on Teacher’s Day

Unlike the legionnaires who raised the children of Rome and Greece several centuries ago, without weapons or armor, our teachers deal with restless, cheerful kids who come running to kindergarten in the morning. Modern “Mary Poppins”, while parents are at work or busy with household chores, manage to teach children literacy and arithmetic, tell them amazing fairy tales, and calm them down in case of a dispute or quarrel. On their professional day, September 27, colleagues working in a preschool institution funnily congratulate all the nannies, teachers, music workers and nurses who work with them in the same preschool institution.

I wish you, friends,
Good health.
To go to work
You are always with love.
Holiday, joy,
Children's laughter
Let them surround you.
Quarantines in groups let
It doesn't happen at all.
And, of course, also
“Modest” salary for you.
So that we have her,
Like the deputies.

Today is an unusual day -
Day of Garden Workers.
We congratulate all colleagues.
Your work is the most important of all works.

We wish you good health,
Peace, joy, love
And the most beautiful flowers,
So that they bloom all year long.

And also an active life,
Creativity and kindness,
So that it works perfectly,
May all your dreams come true!

We work with you in kindergarten,
And our work is useful for literally everyone.
The baby is growing up in front of us,
His new success depends on us.

We will help the baby “overcome” the potty
And we will add knowledge, teach goodness.
I wish us all to have more time,
Arriving at work in the morning.

And at home everyone has only peace,
Warmth, kindness, understanding in everything.
We will arrange a feast on Teacher's Day,
Let’s sit with our souls, and then we’ll sing!

Funny congratulations on Teacher's Day in pictures

Most teachers go to work in kindergartens out of vocation. They take pride in raising the future generation. Many employees of preschool institutions remember each of their pupils, his character and habits, hobbies and affections. Despite the enormous responsibility taken upon themselves, preschool teachers enjoy doing what they love. On Wednesday, September 27, 2017, kindergarten children will congratulate them by presenting funny pictures and drawings.

Examples of funny congratulatory pictures for Teacher's Day

Preschool education in Russia is given great attention. Very often, the quality of knowledge given to a child in kindergarten determines his future studies at school and even his chosen profession. Kindergarten students who love their teachers grow up to be kind-hearted, sympathetic people. On their professional day, preschool employees will receive cheerful congratulations in pictures from children and future first-graders.

Congratulations to the kindergarten staff on Teacher's Day

Since in preschool institutions it is not only the teachers themselves who are involved in the education and upbringing of children, on September 27, the holiday of all kindergarten workers, children and their parents will congratulate nannies, music teachers, nurses, cooks, and orderlies. In addition, congratulations and warm wishes on this day will be received by students of pedagogical colleges studying there in order to come to the preschool educational institution in a few years and start teaching children. Young specialists really want to work in their specialty. Today, the average age of the teaching staff does not exceed forty years. Interest in the chosen profession has also increased due to an increase in the average salary of a kindergarten employee.

Examples of congratulations to kindergarten workers on Teacher's Day in verse

On Teacher's Day, children attending kindergartens will be happy to congratulate all the employees of their favorite preschool institution. They will dedicate the most playful songs and kind poems to nurses and teachers, music directors and cooks, nannies and orderlies.

There is no more difficult job in the world -
Raising other people's children.
And you are busy all day:
Learn, play, undress, dress.

The kids are making noise and frolicking.
And he doesn’t always listen,
But mischief will not work here -
Find an approach to everyone.

You are a teacher no matter what!
The kids love you very much.
And we want to congratulate you,
We say “thank you” for everything!

We wish you a day of peace on this holiday,
Always enjoy everything
Always only joy and positivity,
The work requires patience and creativity.
So that your quiet hour is truly quiet,
So that everything works out beautifully and dashingly.
And so that discipline, and so that obedience...
So that happiness knocks on your door without delay,
So that life is sonorous, like children's songs,
And every year was interesting!

A teacher is not a job,
Not a measured life.
This is service without calculation,
Her calling is to love.

Calm the crybaby with affection,
To pacify the bully,
Put the fighters in a corner,
And praise the obedient.

Dress everyone, put them on shoes, build them,
Walk and feed
And your big soul
Divide without remainder.

All preschool workers, including nannies, orderlies, nurses and other kindergarten employees, will accept congratulations on Teacher’s Day 2017 on the morning of September 27. Parents and children will wish teachers patience and happiness, large salaries and a calm family life. In the evening, colleagues will gather at the festive table to discuss how the day went, carefully look at the funny pictures given to them by the kids for the celebration.


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