When can you cut your hair in August? When should you avoid visiting the hairdresser?

To ensure that your hair is always healthy and strong, and that your hairstyle retains its shape for a long time, we suggest paying attention to the lunar haircut calendar for August 2016. With the help of this calendar, you will always know when cutting your hair in August 2016 will be favorable and successful, and when you should not start experimenting with your hair.

Please note that all times in the lunar haircut calendar indicate Moscow. Therefore, take this fact into account when planning your haircut.

August 1 - 28 lunar day Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer
August 2 - 29 and 1 lunar day Moon in Leo New Moon occurs at 23:45
August 3 – 2 lunar day Waxing Moon in the sign of Leo Do not cut your hair today, as this may adversely affect your relationships with others. Dye your hair with natural dyes - this way you can attract money to your family. Today you can try changing your hairstyle.
August 4 - 3 lunar day Waxing Moon in Virgo Cutting your hair on this day is unfavorable for your health. You cannot bleach your hair - only dye it with natural dyes. On this day, it is recommended to comb your hair as often as possible.
August 5 - 4 lunar day Waxing Moon in Virgo If you cut your hair today, you will feel groundless fears all day. You shouldn't radically change your hair color today. Do a simple hairstyle - it will give you energy.
August 6 - 5 lunar day Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra Today you can cut your hair. Moreover, a haircut will help you get rich. Dye your hair light - this will help you sign a lucrative contract. A voluminous hairstyle on this day will have a positive effect on your health.
August 7 - 6 lunar day Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra On this day, cutting your hair can lead to health problems. It is not recommended to dye your hair today. Hair should not be disheveled today. Assemble carefully and secure.
August 8 - 7 lunar day Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra Cutting your hair on this day can lead to a quarrel with like-minded people. This is an unfavorable day for hair coloring. Curl your hair with soft curlers - this will give you extra energy.
August 9 - 8 lunar day Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio Cutting your hair on this day will bring you good luck and improve your health. A favorable time for a radical change in hair color. Part your hair today.
August 10 - 9 lunar day Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio First quarter begins at 21:21 Do not cut your hair today, as cutting may bring illness to you. To avoid possible mishaps, dye your hair a light shade. Today, try to pin your hair up as high as possible.
August 11 - 10 lunar day Do not cut your hair on this day so as not to scare away your luck. Dye your hair with natural dyes, this will help you strengthen your immune system. Try to comb your hair with a wooden comb more often.
August 12 - 11 lunar day Waxing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius Cut your hair on this day, then your life will become brighter and more interesting. Dye your hair in copper or gold shades, then you will soon make a profit. Today, hair should be styled thoughtfully and carefully.
August 13 - 12 lunar day Waxing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius On this day, hair cutting is not allowed, as it may adversely affect your destiny. Dye your hair with natural dyes - it will bring you success. Make an original hairstyle, then you will find yourself at the peak of an energy surge.
August 14 - 13 lunar day Cutting your hair on this day will bring health to you and your hair. However, dyeing your hair today is not recommended. Give yourself the hairstyle you want today.
August 15 - 14 lunar day Waxing Moon in the sign of Capricorn On this day, cutting your hair should bring you good luck. It is recommended to dye your hair only with gentle dyes. Part your hair on the side or in the middle.
August 16 - 15 lunar day If you cut your hair, it may cause headaches. You can only dye your hair dark and only with natural dyes. Try to make your hair perfectly straight, this way you will retain positive energy.
August 17 - 16 lunar day Waxing Moon in the sign of Aquarius Don't cut your hair today, otherwise you may have health problems. It is better to dye your hair using natural dyes. Put your hair in a bun to save yourself from possible troubles.
August 18 - 17 lunar day Moon in Pisces Full Moon occurs at 12:28 Hair cutting can lead to minor injuries and ailments. Dye your hair dark colors - this will help you make the right decision. Braid your hair.
August 19 - 18 lunar day Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces Don't cut your hair today, it may attract financial troubles. You can dye your hair, but in a color that has a positive effect on you. Make an emphasis on your bangs in your hairstyle. This will bring you good luck.
August 20 - 19th lunar day Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces Cutting your hair on this day will have a positive effect on your life expectancy. Dye your hair its natural color - this way you will attract the right people to you. Comb your hair more often - this will give you additional positive energy.
August 21 - 20 lunar day Waning Moon in Aries It is not recommended to cut your hair on this day. Today is also an unfavorable day for hair coloring. Today you can do any haircut, just don’t let anyone touch your hair.
August 22 - 21 lunar day Waning Moon in Aries This is a favorable day for cutting hair. Dye your hair a light shade - this way you will attract “light” people. Use metal pins or clips in your hair today.
August 23 – 21 lunar day Today, cutting your hair will give you a joyful mood. You can dye your hair on this day, but it is advisable to use natural dyes. Give yourself a simple and easy hairstyle today.
August 24 - 22 lunar day Waning Moon in the sign of Taurus Today is a favorable day for changing your image, so any haircut is possible. Hair can be dyed any color. To maintain positive energy, curl your hair in large curls.
August 25 - 23 lunar day Waning Moon in Gemini The last quarter begins at 06:43 Cutting your hair on this day can add extra pounds to your weight. It is recommended to dye your hair in its natural color. To maintain a positive energy balance, comb your hair more often.
August 26 - 24 lunar day Waning Moon in Gemini This is the worst day to cut your hair, so don't take any risks. You can dye your hair only with natural dyes. It is recommended to do your hair in waves.
August 27 - 25 lunar day Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer Don't cut your hair today to avoid problems with your vision and eye health. Today it is not recommended to dye your hair. On this day, your hair can be hidden under a light scarf.
August 28 - 26 lunar day Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer This is a favorable day for cutting hair. A haircut will give you joy. Dye your hair in its natural color, so you will find a common language with others. It is recommended to comb your hair.
August 29 - 27 lunar day Waning Moon in the sign of Leo Today you can change your appearance, so any haircut is possible. You are allowed to radically change your hair color. Get a beautiful and feminine hairstyle today.
August 30 - 28 lunar day Waning Moon in the sign of Leo On this day, cutting your hair will attract increased attention from the opposite sex. It is not recommended to dye your hair today. Get a simple hairstyle today, without any frills.
August 31 - 29 lunar day Waning Moon in Virgo Today is an unfavorable day for cutting hair. Misfortune may happen to you. Postpone hair coloring to another day to avoid financial instability. Braid your hair - this way you can avoid negativity.

Every person has a great connection with the cosmos, and an even greater connection with the Moon. Its phases, location in relation to the Earth and the signs of the Zodiac into which this celestial body falls directly affects each representative of the planet. Therefore, it is important to connect any of your activities with astrology, even if you decide to get a haircut. The haircut calendar for August 2019 will help you properly plan your visit to the hairdresser, in accordance with the positive lunar influence. Find out in advance the favorable and unfavorable days for carrying out any manipulations with your own hair.

The most favorable days for cutting hair in August

For the eighth month of 2019, the days when the Moon will be in the house of the Zodiac signs Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus will be favorable for haircuts. These periods fall on the following dates: 3, 4, 6, 8, 15, 16, 23, 29. Less fortunate numbers will be: 9 (influence of Scorpio), 13 (Moon in Sagittarius), 24 (Taurus), 31 (in house of Leo). Here you will need to study the calendar, scheduled for each day, where you will see what the day will be positive or negative (for example, you can get a haircut, but not put on makeup).

Keep track of the most favorable days for a haircut and your hair will not only look chic. Thanks to the positive lunar influence, you will be able to maintain your energy potential, get rid of everything bad in life, and create harmony and prosperity around you. Be aware of all the events of this month every day to protect yourself from negative consequences.

Bad days

The most unlucky dates for getting a haircut in August 2019 are 19, 21, 28. These are the days when the Moon is in the Zodiac of Pisces, Aries and Cancer. On these dates, categorically refuse to plan a visit to your stylist - you risk acquiring serious illnesses, incurring a series of life failures and large material losses. Additionally, you should be careful with haircuts according to the following numbers: 1 (Moon in Cancer), 12 (in the house of Sagittarius) and 27 (Cancer). These dates have less negative impact, but it is better not to take risks and still reschedule the haircut to a more successful day.

Full lunar hair cutting calendar for August 2019

In order to be fully prepared, check out the detailed forecast of events for each date of the month. This way you will be as informed as possible and protect yourself from the negative influence of the Moon on your destiny and health. Try to plan your haircut and color calendar for the eighth month of 2019 according to the astrological recommendations below.

1. This Monday cannot be called favorable for a haircut. If it is important for you to get rid of the excessive guardianship of loved ones, then cut your hair. However, remember: after this the curls will become unruly and stiff. Instead, plan a regular hair care routine that focuses on health and nutrition.

2. Full moon. A haircut planned for this date can give its owner more confidence, which will help her in her decision to radically change her life for the better. It is better to cancel the painting, because this may cause financial problems.

3. Leo, under the influence of the new moon on this day, has a positive effect on hair thickness. You can safely plan a trip to the hairdresser to carry out any procedure with your hair: from cutting to coloring. Be sure to get a haircut if you want good luck to come into your life. However, it is better to avoid curling - it can seriously damage your hair, not having its effect as intended.

4. If your goal is to grow your hair, schedule a haircut to renew the ends. Hair growth will resume and accelerate, and the beautiful shape of the hairstyle will last for a long time. Any beauty activities will bring you material well-being.

5. The positive influence of the Moon extends to this date, so feel free to plan a visit to the beauty salon. Procedures not only with haircuts, but also with hair chemistry, coloring, and health improvement will be equally successful.

6. With the acquisition of a new hairstyle, you will receive a lot of positive energy, which will bring you inspiration and charge for creative endeavors. If you dye your hair a dramatic color, this can bring useful business contacts.

7. The day is neutral for carrying out any manipulations with your hair, but it will not bring much success if you plan to dye it. An updated haircut can save you from illness, and it is possible that you will even have money in your home.

8. Be sure to cut your hair - this will give you a heightened sixth sense. Developed intuition is very important for you during this period, because you are able to resolve a large number of long-hanging issues and receive good material rewards for your work. Be sure to dye your hair to recharge your sexual energy - this will give you many interesting acquaintances with members of the opposite sex.

9. This Tuesday is less successful for changing your hairstyle. A haircut threatens to negatively affect love relationships. It’s better to limit yourself to simple styling with curly curls, which will charge you with natural energy and give you success.

10. It is better to postpone curling or dyeing your hair until a more successful date, because you risk missing out on important achievements for which you have been preparing for a long time. You will not get the results you expected.

11. If you decide to visit a hairdresser, then limit yourself to simple procedures that are aimed at improving the health and nutrition of your hair. You can color it with natural dyes (henna or basma, for example). Thus, strengthen the health of your hair and significantly increase its resistance to sunlight.

12. A haircut done this Friday will not bring the desired results: the hair will not be easy to style, and the hairstyle itself will quickly lose shape due to rapid growth. Reschedule your beauty routine to another date of the month.

13. A more or less favorable period for a haircut, which can protect health and protect against negativity. Your business productivity will increase, which will bring many good results later.

14. A positive day of the month for the implementation of any plans to change the image. If you get a haircut, your hair will become stronger and hair loss will decrease. The overall health of the body will be strengthened, and things in the career field will improve. There may be unexpected good news that can radically change your life.

15. The positive influence of the Moon in Capricorn extends to this period, so feel free to plan your haircut. A new hairstyle can sharpen your intuition, and you will solve most financial issues. Business will flourish thanks to an endless stream of large orders.

16. A haircut will have a very favorable effect on your plans. Career affairs will improve material well-being, and a period of successful transactions will begin. Relationships with loved ones will become warmer, and many everyday issues will be resolved.

17. Not the best time for a haircut, which can cause health problems. To prevent positive energy from leaving you, wear your hair straightened. This will help you stay active and productive.

18. Haircut is undesirable because it can negatively affect the circulatory system, as well as the endocrine system. Activity will be reduced, so concentrate on inner peace and harmony.

19. The moon is waning. Trimmed hair can cause problems to the scalp, which can lead to dandruff. A new hairstyle promises changes that will adversely affect your destiny. It’s better not to cut your hair, but simply carry out general strengthening procedures to improve the health of split ends.

20. The negative influence of the Moon continues, so it is better to postpone any planned events aimed at changing the image. This way you will preserve your energy strength, health, and the positive influence of your charisma.

22. Be sure to schedule a visit to the hairdresser on your calendar. A new image will improve your emotional background and give you a good mood. A haircut will bring hope and make an old dream come true.

23. Trimmed hair can relieve health problems. Important people will begin to appear in life who will help arrange your destiny. Creative activity will increase - it will bring many useful ideas into reality.

24. Less favorable day for beauty treatments. However, slightly trimmed ends will bring energy potential, thanks to which you will increase your importance in society. There is a high chance of improved health.

25. This number of the month is charged with slight negative energy, so put off any manipulations with your hair. There is a high risk of troubles in relationships with people and at work.

26. Astrologers predict that a haircut will charge you with a lot of energy. Everything will go well, your health will improve. You can make large acquisitions - this will bring many benefits in the future.

27. It is worth protecting your hair from any procedures, because this will negatively affect your psycho-emotional state. This Saturday is literally saturated with negative energy, so refrain from external contacts with people, spend time with your family surrounded by nature.

28. Getting a haircut this Sunday is fraught with depression. Additionally, it can bring many conflicts related to the division of property of a domestic nature. Wait out this period and do not give in to momentary desires.

29. Astrologers promise a lot of success and popularity. Therefore, hurry up to visit a beauty salon to recharge yourself with positive emotions and enhance your charisma and charm with the help of a fashionable hairstyle. You will receive a powerful boost of energy, health, and your financial well-being will improve.

30. Postpone any plans you might have about your hairstyle, because it may adversely affect your vitality and longevity. The stars do not signify anything good in the area of ​​material well-being.

31. Astrologers say that the last Wednesday of the month is neutral for haircuts. There is a high probability of improving career affairs and promoting profitable deals. A new hairstyle will give you a lot of enthusiasm, which will help you maintain high productivity.

Present to your attention Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for August 2016. Thanks to this calendar you will be able to find the one suitable for cutting and coloring your hair. Here you can find the perfect day for a haircut at any time by scrolling the page. If you have the opportunity to choose the desired favorable day for a haircut, it is better to choose it. Otherwise, don't worry - think positive! We hope you find this lunar coloring calendar useful and you will be happy. with our August 2016 haircut calendar:

Always remember that any of your actions that relate to your appearance can, at some point, greatly change your destiny. Before visiting your favorite stylist or colorist, always consult your beauty calendar.

Date/Lunar dayMoon in Zodiac signMoon phaseFavorable and unfavorable days for haircuts and hair coloring
August 1, 2016, 28, MonMoon in CancerWaning moon
August 2, 2016, 29/1, TueMoon in LeoNew Moon 23:45There is no need to cut your hair on this day - cutting your hair can lead to division of the soul and poor hair growth. 1 lunar day is not suitable for haircuts, as this procedure shortens life today.
August 3, 2016, 2, WedMoon in LeoWaxing CrescentHaircut on the 2nd lunar day is not recommended - it can lead to quarrels and unfavorable situations in your life.
August 4, 2016, 3, ThuMoon in VirgoWaxing CrescentHaircut on the 3rd lunar day is also not recommended. This can cause health problems and improper energy distribution. (For example, it may provoke you to make thoughtless purchases)
August 5, 2016, 4, FriMoon in VirgoWaxing CrescentDon't get your hair cut on the 4th lunar day. This can bring into your life the fear of losing something valuable (we are not talking about material things), as well as possible minor illnesses.
August 6, 2016, 5, SatMoon in LibraWaxing CrescentThe 5th lunar day after long unfavorable days is good for both haircuts and coloring. It will bring wealth and prosperity into your life
August 7, 2016, 6, SunMoon in LibraWaxing CrescentDo not cut or dye your hair on the 6th lunar day. You may get sick or simply become depressed. Haircuts are especially not recommended on this day.
August 8, 2016, 7, MonMoon in LibraWaxing CrescentAgain, the 7th lunar day is not a good day for a haircut - you can attract quarrels into your life.
August 9, 2016, 8, TueMoon in ScorpioWaxing CrescentThe 8th lunar day is a very favorable day for coloring - you can bring an abundance of colorful events into your life
August 10, 2016, 9, WedMoon in ScorpioWaxing CrescentOn the 9th lunar day, haircuts are not recommended, but you can pamper yourself with coloring, but only without haircuts, so as not to attract diseases.
11 August 2016, 10, ThuMoon in SagittariusWaxing Crescent10 lunar days are a good day for everything, both for cutting and coloring hair: increase strength and success, increase sensitivity.
August 12, 2016, 11, FriMoon in SagittariusWaxing CrescentThe 11th lunar day is one of the best days of the month for coloring, combined with a haircut. On this day, the subtlety of perception improves, the mind becomes more insightful and clear.
August 13, 2016, 12, SatMoon in SagittariusWaxing CrescentOn the 12th lunar day, coloring and haircuts are strictly not recommended - you can attract suffering and a threat to life.
August 14, 2016, 13, SunMoon in CapricornWaxing CrescentHaircut and coloring on the 13th lunar day will increase your attractiveness and bring a lot of useful acquaintances.
August 15, 2016, 14, MonMoon in CapricornWaxing CrescentHair coloring on the 14th lunar day will bring good luck to your life and improve the results of your endeavors
August 16, 2016, 15, TueMoon in AquariusWaxing CrescentAstrologers do not recommend getting your hair cut and dyed on the 15th lunar day; it is not the most favorable day of the month - it is possible that your blood pressure may increase or your health may become unstable. May cause headaches and feelings of fear.
17 August 2016, 16, WedMoon in AquariusWaxing CrescentAlong with the 15th lunar day, we strongly advise against cutting your hair and coloring your hair on the 16th lunar day; you may incur feelings of fear and anxiety, which will cause you to make many mistakes in the future.
18 August 2016, 17, ThuMoon in PiscesFull Moon 12:28The 18th lunar day is a bad day for haircuts. The possibility of various diseases occurring due to the influence of evil spirits.
19 August 2016, 18, FriMoon in PiscesWaning moonDo not get your hair cut on the 18th lunar day - there is a high probability of problems with property, including theft.
August 20, 2016, 19, SatMoon in AriesWaning moonThe 19th lunar day is very suitable for coloring and haircuts. It prolongs life.
August 21, 2016, 20, SunMoon in AriesWaning moonThe 20th lunar day is especially bad for coloring.
August 22, 2016, 21, MonMoon in TaurusWaning moon21 lunar days are a great day for transformation to increase beauty and prosperity. Astrodogs lament being in a harmonious state in the near future.
August 23, 2016, 22, TueMoon in TaurusWaning moonThis is a good day for any transformation - reasonableness and expediency in your future purchases. Luck is on your side.
August 24, 2016, 23, WedMoon in TaurusWaning moonThe 22nd lunar day is a good day for a haircut to improve your well-being, as well as to get a beautiful complexion.
August 25, 2016, 24, ThuMoon in GeminiWaning moonThe 23rd lunar day is an acceptable day for coloring and haircuts; improving your appearance portends well-being in the family.
August 26, 2016, 25, FriMoon in GeminiWaning moon
August 27, 2016, 25, SatMoon in CancerWaning moonThe 25th lunar day is bad for haircuts; problems with hair growth are expected as a result.
August 28, 2016, 26, SunMoon in CancerWaning moonThe 26th lunar day, according to astrologers, is one of the best days for cutting and coloring hair. Brings good luck and happiness.
August 29, 2016, 27, MonMoon in LeoWaning moonThe 27th lunar day is a good day for cutting and coloring. After visiting the beauty salon you will get a pleasant and joyful feeling.
August 30, 2016, 28, TueMoon in LeoWaning moonThe 28th lunar day, like the 26th, is the most favorable day for going to a beauty salon for a haircut and coloring. A good mood and good luck will accompany you.
August 31, 2016, 29, WedMoon in VirgoWaning moonThe most unfavorable day of the month, do not cut your hair or dye your hair on this day - this may cause illness.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for April 2016.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for May 2016.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for June 2016.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for July 2016.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for August 2016

August 1, Monday, moon in Cancer, 28th lunar day begins at 03:00. If you need help or support with anything, then before the hairdresser starts working, think about your problem. The Moon will solve it or attract the right people to you.

August 2, Tuesday, moon in Leo, 29 and 1 lunar days begin at 04:07 and 23:47. Never, under any circumstances, get your hair cut during the New Moon.

August 3, Wednesday, moon in Leo, 2nd lunar day, starts at 05:17. Quarrels, conflicts and even scandals can be attracted by a haircut on this day.

August 4, Thursday, moon in Virgo, 3rd lunar day, begins at 06:29. Do not make an appointment with the master on this day, this way you will avoid problems with money.

August 5, Friday, moon in Virgo, 4th lunar day, begins at 07:41. Direct your energy to other important matters, but leave the haircut for later.

August 6, Saturday, moon in Libra, 5th lunar day, starts at 08:51. Money day! Be sure to get your hair cut today and you can safely expect money in the very near future.

August 7, Sunday, moon in Libra, 6th lunar day, starts at 10:00. On this day, it is recommended to get a haircut only before 10 am, then the stars will not be on our side.

August 8, Monday, moon in Libra, 7th lunar day, starts at 11:07. Difficult period. A meeting with a master can disturb your inner peace, making you feel anxious out of the blue.

August 9, Tuesday, moon in Scorpio, 8th lunar day, begins at 12:13. In the first half of the day, do not go to the beauty salon, but after 12:13 the Moon will be more favorable.

August 10, Wednesday, moon in Scorpio, 9th lunar day, begins at 13:18. If you decide to get your hair cut, make sure to see your hairdresser before lunch! After 13:18 it is better to do other things.

August 11, Thursday, moon in Sagittarius, 10th lunar day, begins at 14:22. A very controversial period, it is best to stay at home and not go to any salons.

August 12, Friday, moon in Sagittarius, 11th lunar day, begins at 15:24. In the first half of the day, forget even to think about hairdressers, but after 15:25 a very favorable period begins! Not only will you be very pleased with the result, but you will also delight those around you.

August 13, Saturday, moon in Sagittarius, 12th lunar day, begins at 16:23. The chic time for a new haircut will remain until 16:23, after which the position of the stars will be negative.

August 14, Sunday, moon in Capricorn, 13th lunar day, begins at 17:16. To avoid damaging your hair, refrain from cutting your hair until the evening. After 17:16, a new hairstyle will turn you into a magnet for beautiful and mutual love.

August 15, Monday, moon in Capricorn, 14th lunar day, begins at 18:04. A new haircut during the day will help attract your soulmate, and after 18:04 it will open up great opportunities for you.

August 16, Tuesday, moon in Aquarius, 15th lunar day, starts at 18:45. If you want to receive a magical bonus from the Universe, some chance that helps attract favorable changes, get your hair cut before 18:45. Next, going to the stylist can lead to great fatigue and apathy.

August 17, Wednesday, moon in Aquarius, 16th lunar day, starts at 19:20. You are already very beautiful and sweet, there is no reason for you to appear at the hairdresser.

August 18, Thursday, moon in the sign of Pisces, 17th lunar day, starts at 19:50. The moon will not appreciate your desire to change your appearance. Better take a walk.

August 19, Friday, moon in the sign of Pisces, 18th lunar day, begins at 20:17. This day is not suitable for transformations, avoid salons.

August 20, Saturday, moon in Aries, 19th lunar day, begins at 20:42. Today you can only get a haircut after 20:42.

August 21, Sunday, moon in Aries, 20 lunar day, begins at 21:06. Get a haircut and get rid of all diseases! But plan your trip to the hairdresser only until 21:06! Then comes an unfavorable period.

August 22, Monday, moon in Aries, 21 lunar day, begins at 21:32. Getting a haircut today means difficulties and obstacles will arise. After 21:32 the Moon will be much calmer.

August 23, Tuesday, moon in Taurus, 22 lunar day, starts at 22:00. Good period! You can safely go to the salon!

August 24, Wednesday, moon in Taurus, 23 lunar day, begins at 22:32. Day of fulfillment of wishes! Before the stylist starts cutting your hair, make a wish. It will definitely come true!

August 25, Thursday, moon in Gemini, 24th lunar day, begins at 23:11. Attract new blessings to yourself today with a new haircut!

August 26, Friday, moon in Gemini, 25th lunar day, begins at 23:57. Time to get busy. True, they should not be associated with the salon.

August 27, Saturday, moon in Cancer, 25th lunar day lasts until 16:25. Don't get your hair cut today, and you won't be affected by problems and troubles.

August 28, Sunday, moon in Cancer, 26th lunar day, starts at 00:52. Do you dream of meeting Lady Luck? Visit the hairdresser and you will become her favorite!

August 29, Monday, moon in Leo, 27th lunar day, starts at 01:55. A new haircut will turn you into a very confident and successful person.

August 30, Tuesday, moon in Leo, 28th lunar day, begins at 03:03. A new hairstyle will enhance your charm. You will begin to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

August 31, Wednesday, moon in Virgo, 29th lunar day, begins at 04:13. Unfavorable day for a haircut.

*Time in the lunar calendar is Moscow.

Haircuts for August 2016 were prepared by Anastasia Volkova

Lunar calendar of haircuts for August 2016, indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the zodiac signs, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days for cutting hair. The lunar haircut calendar will allow you to almost always be aware of what the Moon is like at the moment. The lunar hair cutting calendar for August 2016 will be able to assist you in planning a visit to the hairdresser and will be able to help you determine the favorable and unfavorable days of the month for cutting your hair.

Lunar haircut calendars by day for the year ahead:

In the Lunar Haircut Calendar for August 2016, various events have a specific effect on cutting a person’s hair. By choosing the most favorable day for a haircut, you will preserve your positive forces and get rid of everything negative, and find harmony with yourself and the outside world.

What significance does the Moon have for our soul? This question can be answered as follows - it is a symbol of the subconscious of every person, a conductor of emotions and feelings. She is very receptive and sensitive, and perfectly controls human reactions.

But the Moon is just a reflection of our energy and a symbol of intuition, femininity, and sometimes also sensory and phenomenal abilities. Therefore, the lunar horoscope of hairstyles is of great importance for girls, especially during the New Moon and Full Moon, which, according to the lunar calendar of haircuts for August 2016, fall on the 4th and 19th.

The lunar calendar of haircuts we offer for August 20126 will help women in the process of determining the most suitable time to perform hair coloring and cutting, and will also advise how to correctly perform various manipulations with hair coloring, cutting and perm of curls.

August 1– waning Moon in Cancer. A good time to change your image. You will receive energy recharge, and you will be able to find a solution to every problem.

August 2- new moon in Leo. If you want to improve your curls, choose another day. Today, a haircut will not have any effect on improving their health and appearance.

August 3rd– growing Moon in Leo. Today's visit to the master's chair can lead to deep depression and even a nervous breakdown.

August 4– waxing Moon in Virgo. If you decide to get your hair cut on this day, be prepared for your hair to grow very slowly.

5th of August– waxing Moon in Virgo. Today it will be successful to visit only your regular master. Experimenting with changing a hairdresser who is stable in their work can be disappointing.

August 6– waxing Moon in Virgo. Don't get your hair cut today if you don't want a series of unpleasant surprises to begin. Moreover, on this day you can “cut off” your attentiveness.

August 7– waxing Moon in Libra. Even if you have an appointment with a hairdresser, cancel the visit. Otherwise, you will collect a lot of negative energy on yourself.

8 August– waxing Moon in Libra. Trust only yourself - do your styling, hairstyle, curls, but leave the trip to the hairdresser for another date.

August 9– waxing Moon in Scorpio. After the salon, your hair will be lush and beautiful, and subsequently take on a healthy appearance, the problem of split ends will disappear.

10th of August– waxing Moon in Scorpio. A haircut today will bring financial well-being. Moreover, the money will come into your hands in a “deserved” way - a promotion, an increase in salary, a bonus.

11th August– waxing Moon in Scorpio. A haircut will help you gain self-confidence and harmony.

12th of August– waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Looking for a soulmate? Then today is the time for you - a new hairstyle will attract the opposite sex.

August 13– waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Pay attention to the health of your hair: it is useful to make a mask or dye it with henna. The master will do the job efficiently - you will like it.

August 14– waxing Moon in Capricorn. To avoid causing illness or exacerbation of a chronic illness, refrain from cutting your hair today.

August 15– waxing Moon in Capricorn. A new haircut will have a beneficial effect on the health of your hair, and you will make new acquaintances.

August 16– waxing Moon in Capricorn. If you have recently noticed a loss of energy or irritability, remove the negativity by simply trimming the ends.

August 17– waxing Moon in Aquarius. Your curls will become healthier and acquire an attractive shine - you will be satisfied with the result, even if you do not go to your regular hairdresser.

August 18- full moon in Aquarius. Trimming your hair will strengthen your nervous system - nothing can throw you off balance.

August 19– waning Moon in Pisces. Give up the new image today - it will most likely not bring satisfaction.

August 20– waning Moon in Aries. The time is bad not only for a haircut, but also for making any important decisions. Go calmly with the flow.

August 21– waning Moon in Aries. Give up the idea of ​​visiting a salon. Even a professional to the core will not make a haircut so that you like it today.

August 22– waning Moon in Aries. The procedures will only weaken your immunity. Even trimming the ends or bangs is not recommended.

August 23– waning Moon in Taurus. The most unfavorable date of the month for hairdressing procedures. Don't ruin your mood.

24 August– waning Moon in Taurus. There will be health problems if you cut your hair. The hairstyle may turn out to be unsuccessful.

25-th of August– waning Moon in Gemini. Today's visit to the master's chair will be beneficial. Painting it the color you like will attract good luck.

August, 26th– waning Moon in Gemini. One can only envy your bold decisions. The opposite sex will be delighted with your new hairstyle.

August 27– waning Moon in Cancer. A good time to start a new life. With cut hair, all worries, fears and financial problems will go away.

August 28– waning Moon in Cancer. Don’t rush to change your hair color, but now is the time to visit a hairdresser to shape it.

August 29– waning Moon in Leo. One negative thing is what today’s visit to the barber will bring. Conquer your desire for change.

August 30– waning Moon in Leo. Hair is the power of a person - today’s manipulations with it will attract energy vampires.

August 31– waning Moon in Leo. Today's haircut will not bring satisfaction - you will pour out your dissatisfaction on others.

To preserve color for a longer period of time, it is recommended to dye your hair on the waxing moon, in August this is from the 5th to the 17th. A favorable time for changing hair color is when the Moon is in the constellation Libra - 7.8, and Capricorn - 14,15,13.

Color stretching or two-tone dyeing are the latest trends in hair coloring. Ombre, degrade, bronde - what will make your hairstyle stylish and fashionable. This method of coloring represents a smooth transition from dark to light color or vice versa. The colors here can be varied, natural with lightened or, conversely, darkened tips. A very beautiful effect is achieved by painting in bright and rich colors - chestnut and red, black and white.


Only color your hair when it is in good condition. Porous, dry hair absorbs dye faster, which can result in staining. After changing the color, you will need to choose suitable products to care for colored hair.

With the help of beautiful curls you can create a spectacular styling even on a not so successful haircut. In addition, curls are an excellent solution for those who decide to grow their hair. And short hair no more than 5 centimeters long looks very stylish with curled ends.

Hair can be curled using curlers, curling irons, or chemical treatments. You can also make curls with a straightener. Despite the name, it not only straightens hair, but also curls it. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to create clear graphic strands, but you will definitely get soft and voluminous curls with the help of a straightener. This method of curling is more gentle than curling with a curling iron, saves time, and also allows you to style your hair on damp hair. But do not forget that the iron is a thermal effect on the hair; its frequent use can make the hair brittle and dry.


When curling your hair with special devices, use heat protectants. Before using the straightener, you must wash your hair. When curling the strands, you do not need to pull them too hard; it is also not recommended to curl the same strand several times.

Short haircuts are back in trend. Striving for equality, women won the right to short hair, and the smartest representatives of the stronger sex were immediately at one with them, because a haircut that complements the depth of the eyes, opens the ears, and emphasizes the line of the back of the head and neck is very sexy. Ladies' short haircuts are very diverse, suitable for any type of face and satisfy any taste.

Hair accessories - headbands, barrettes, decorative combs, headbands, flowers, light hats - will add special charm to a short haircut. Thanks to various styling products, you can create many styling options.

Another type of hairstyle that allows you to look ultra-fashionable is avant-garde short haircuts. This is a combination of strands of different lengths, as well as creative coloring. However, such a haircut requires special care and frequent trips to the hairdresser, because if neglected, it does not hold its shape and loses its attractiveness.

Get your hair cut in August from the 5th to the 17th during the waxing Moon and your hair will grow back faster. A favorable time for a haircut is when the Moon is in the constellations Leo - 2,3,30,31, Virgo - 4,5,6 and Libra on the 7th, 8th.

Full Moon and New Moon are considered unfavorable days for haircuts. In August, the Full Moon is on the 18th and the New Moon is on the 4th. It is recommended to refrain from cutting hair on days when the Moon is in the signs of Cancer - 1st, 27th, 28th, 29th and Pisces - 19th, 20th. Don't forget to take care of your hair!

To rinse your hair, it is recommended to use a mixture of milk and lemon: add lemon juice to boiling milk, stir quickly and remove from heat. Then, when the milk separates into whey and curd, separate them using gauze. Rinse your hair with this serum after washing. If you add a decoction of burdock root, the use of the mixture will be even more effective. This procedure has cleansing and nourishing properties and is beneficial not only for the hair, but also for the scalp.

When to cut your hair according to the lunar haircut calendar for August 2016
The lunar calendar has long been used to determine the days on which it is preferable to cut, curl or dye hair. Naturally, the health of your hair depends on proper nutrition and care.

The use of vitamins for hair growth, strengthening masks and special care products cannot be replaced by cutting hair. But guided by the lunar haircut calendar for August 2016, you will be able to increase the effect of proper hair care and be able to enhance the positive results of hair care procedures.

The influence of the moon phase on hair cutting in August 2016

Lunar haircut calendar for August 2016 and the influence of the moon phase on haircuts
The phases of the moon in August 2016 primarily affect hair growth. A haircut on a certain lunar day can speed up hair growth or slow it down. On some days, you need to refrain from going to the hairdresser to maintain healthy hair: the tendency to hair loss may increase or, for example, dandruff may occur. This affects not only hair cutting, but also other procedures: hair coloring, perm, etc.

If you have a penchant for changing your hairstyles quite often, then it is obviously very important for you that your hair grows quickly in August 2016. In this case, for cutting your hair, it is better to choose the date when the waxing Moon is located in the first or second quarter.

If, on the contrary, you prefer to rarely visit the hairdressing salon, choose a favorable day when the Moon is in its waning phase. A haircut on the waning moon will strengthen your hair roots and prevent hair loss, but they will grow back quite slowly. On the new moon, you should stop cutting your hair, because cutting your hair on these days shortens a person’s life.



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