What to wish your enemy for his birthday. A wish for the enemy

Collection title: Birthday wishes to an enemy. When I first met you, you inspired my life! Made it magical, rich! I didn’t know what it was to soar to the clouds, to soar above the ground - you taught me this! You are an angel who appeared in my life! I never lived before you! And on your birthday I want to say, my love, marry me!

Happy birthday to a wonderful woman. I wish you constant accompaniment, good luck on your journey, good happiness and bright love.

Take today’s honor for granted, believe me, you, more than anyone, deserve kind words. I want to add to everything a basket of good wishes and light joy.

I would like to wish you an unlimited number of true friends, sincere love, immense happiness, good health, and restless good luck.

For you, my star, my tender, affectionate and at times prickly flower!

Dear boss, on behalf of our entire team and personally on my behalf, we would like to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you spiritual satisfaction, family well-being, material wealth, optimism in everything you have started, success and good luck. Happy holiday to you!

May your innermost desires and aspirations come true, may all the good things in your life be preserved and may the moments of joy, love and optimism multiply.

Let problems run away, let there be love every night, let separations fly away, let there be no barriers in life! My man, an unearthly angel, let only friendly and honest people surround you! Happy birthday!

I wish that she spoils you with pleasant gifts and sudden surprises, and not only on your birthday, but much more often.

A sea of ​​cornflowers and marigolds, many true friends and one love! Happy Birthday!

Darling, happy birthday! You are beautiful, amazing, charming. I wish you only immeasurable happiness, kindness, warmth and tenderness. I want to see your smile and feel your touch every minute. Let the sun shine for you, the birds sing, the flowers bloom.

When a star falls, they say it is good luck. I want to drink so that there will be a shower of stars in your life.

Happy birthday to you today! We wish you to always be in the center of attention. We wish you to achieve everything you dream of.

Let your birthday be incredibly fun and magical! Congratulations, brother-in-law! Always be honest, considerate, kind and patient. I wish you that your life will be spread out with a colorful carpet, so that you draw only fabulous and beautiful patterns on it. I wish you a good character and harmony in everything with the world around you.

We have gathered here to drink... So let's drink to the fact that we have gathered here!

Our dear sun, your mom and dad wish you a happy birthday! You are growing so fast, becoming an adult and making us happy! There are so many interesting things ahead of you, the whole world is waiting for you! Enjoy every new day, meet people with a smile and be happy!

I wish you that the years, flying and whistling by, take away the bad and bring good!

I propose a toast to black. Let's drink to the birthday girl having a husband in a black suit with a black diplomat, to going on vacation to the Black Sea in a black Volga, and to eating black caviar and drinking black coffee!

All the gifts, fireworks and bouquets are for you today. Let the house be crowded with guests, let the table be rich and the glasses full. Let it be hot from the wine and dancing. Happy birthday!

My beloved friend, I congratulate you with all my heart on your birthday! I am very grateful to you for having me, for your attention, care, and devotion. Thank you for always being with me in all circumstances of life. I can always trust you with all my secrets, open my heart.

What is 30 years? This is the heyday for a woman! The mind is clear and the distance is bright, and there is a lot of warmth in the soul. Even though sometimes anxiety flashes in your eyes that so many days have passed, but you, dear, don’t be sad. Believe that most of the journey is still ahead of you. There is light of luck ahead and so many bright years! May the years give you a tender look, cheerful laughter, good luck and great success in the future!

Happy holiday! I wish you to go through any life tests in order to fulfill your dreams and desires. Let the world around you not be rude to you, but find a place for you where your abilities in creativity, study, and personal affairs will reveal themselves and bear fruit.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! May God grant you and all your family and friends the best health. May your life be filled with harmony with yourself and the world around you, and most importantly, may you receive only pleasant surprises from each new day!

A little math: a dacha is zero, a car and garage are zero, an apartment is zero, money is zero, health is one. So let's drink to the fact that the birthday boy's entire life will be one with a lot of zeros.

Why is birthday only once a year? Because we have to prepare all year to congratulate you to the fullest. Congratulations!

Today is the birthday of a man who once was a very little boy, pulled my hands and affectionately called me my mommy! Yes, my dear son, may your whole life be as cloudless and happy as your childhood! Happy birthday!

Sister, happy birthday to you. Always be confident in yourself, remain irresistible and happy. May every moment give you joy and pleasure.

On his birthday, we would like to wish our dear boss happiness, luck, optimism, and respect. Peace, prosperity, big deals, long-term partnerships. Love, kindness, care - at home, new experiences, major achievements in hobbies. We appreciate you very much!

I wish you to burn like a star and every year more and more brightly, so that there are enough warm and bright rays for all your loved ones whom you would like to warm and protect.

Always remain the same soulful person! Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list only grows. I wish you Love with a capital L - mutual, pure, beautiful and happy!

Happy birthday, sister. I wish you to catch the lucky feather of the firebird, successfully realize your dreams and be the standard of goodness and beauty.

Happy birthday to a wonderful woman! We wish you eyes sparkling with joy, prosperity and prosperity, sincerity and warmth, fulfillment of all your innermost desires. Be happy!

Live in a constant sense of harmony with yourself and with the world, and refute the statement that happiness is just a moment. Let your happy moments be measured in years!

In turn, I expect from you reciprocal courtesy and the same, albeit prosaic, but sincere congratulations on my birthday. I also propose to give up verses for birthdays in the future - both as an appendage to a gift and at the level of toasts.

We are happy to congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you prosperity, success in your hard work and endless patience. You are a wonderful person with the kindest soul. We love you very much. Thank you for what you do.

Young is the one who still knows how to be surprised and carried away. Our dear birthday boy is young, despite his years. Look how much youthful enthusiasm he has, how much sparkle there is in his eyes. I wish you health for many years and inexhaustible optimism! Happy birthday!

On your birthday, I wish you clarity of thoughts and ease of feelings. More carelessness and fun, bright sensations and spiritual vigor. Let life energy bubble in your blood more every day.

Dear mommy! Everything in this world today is for you! The sun is shining in the window, birds are singing and flowers are blooming in your honor, on your wonderful birthday! Be happy, my dear, and may joy and harmony always reign in your soul. I bow to you for the kindness and affection that you always give me.

I thought it was your holiday? It's hard to understand at first glance, because you're always in a festive mood. I wish you to remain as cheerful, joyful and friendly! Congratulations!

I wish you more joy than worries, more rest than work, more sunshine than bad weather and great, great happiness! — Birthday wishes for an enemy

Congratulations on your birthday, we wish you many bright days in your life, love, dreams come true, the joy of discovery, harmony and faith in the best.

Congratulations on your birthday! On this day I want to give you a huge bouquet of compliments, and all of them will be true. Your sharp mind, beautiful appearance, wonderful character and sparkling humor can be the envy of many.

Dear birthday boy! On your birthday, I am very happy to express our best wishes to you. May you always feel good, may you be appreciated at home and at work, may you have iron health, may you be surrounded by the kindness of your neighbors and colleagues!

There is an old New Year's custom: how you greet it is how you spend it. For the birthday boy, a new year of his life begins today. So let it be as fun as tonight!

Happiness, kindness and green dough!

We wish that a beautiful, life-affirming melody always sounds in your soul, and that your heart echoes it, beating the right rhythm. Let there be no gray everyday life - let every day shimmer with bright multi-colored colors!

Hello! Congratulations! Today is your birthday, which means that I have a huge holiday. Why, you ask, and I will answer: how could it be otherwise? Can anyone imagine you without me?

Happy birthday to an extraordinary woman. May the road of life be bright and smooth, happy and beautiful, interesting and successful.

King Khosrov was asked the question:

Which person would you wish to wise up first?

He replied:

To my enemies. It has been noticed that smart people, having planned evil, very rarely go on a campaign. Nothing stops stupid people from doing reckless things.

One day Hing Shi talked with Young Li about an important skill for a person - to subdue anger in the heart, not allowing oneself to stoop to revenge. After listening carefully to the Teacher, Young Li embarrassedly admitted that he was not yet able to forgive his enemies, although he sincerely strives to do so.

“I have an enemy,” the student complained, “and I would like to forgive him, but I still can’t get the anger out of my heart.”

“I’ll help you,” said Hing Shi, removing a cracked clay teapot from the shelf, “take it...

Love your enemy

- Enemy.

Ten Commandments

Moses descends from God and says:
- Jews, I just visited God, I have two news for you: good and bad - which one to start with?
- With a good one!!!
- Well, that means we agreed that there are only ten commandments!
- Hooray!!! Which one is bad?
- Adultery is on the list...

Pastor on...

Love your enemy

Father, is alcohol an enemy to health?
- Enemy.
- Why do you consume it?
- And as the scripture says: “Love your enemy.”

Formula of the World

Albert Einstein died and went to God. God says to him:
“You have lived your life very well, and for this I will fulfill one of your wishes.”
- Write me the formula of the World.
God begins to write, write, write... He wrote a huge formula and looks expectantly at Einstein.
- Oh my God! Yes, you have a mistake here...

On the eve of the “Day of Unity” (which in my heart I would rather celebrate as the feast of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God), I receive from a business partner a huge cake for the whole “team”, in the chocolate decoration of which a note was skillfully “embedded”: “IF YOU THEY SPIT IN YOUR BACK, MEANS YOU ARE AHEAD.”

This is the “answer to Chamberlain”!...

I believe that no one, except the confectioner who made this miraculous creation, might have known about the presence of a surprise message (And what kind of invention does a human being go to...

Friends and enemies

Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate


An intellectual is a person who uses more words than necessary in order to tell the interlocutor more than he himself knows.


Men! Get married! Women! Take heart!

Don't put your contribution into anything other than your own business!

Family status

To the survey question “Marital status:...” I proudly wrote “Above.”

To tell the truth

The inability to lie is not yet a reason to tell the truth...

Every new day and year is a new path “to God knows where.”

“Seek and you will find” and accept Life as it is.

Be patient, learn to be patient!
Those who are patient and inquisitive achieve more.
Learn to understand and you will achieve reciprocity

Trust your intuition.
Listen to your heart and never tire of believing in the best.

Love and rejoice here and now!
Don't let despondency darken your heart and soul.
Happiness is you, your life today and in every new day!

What is a curse (damage, evil eye, etc.)? I think in our time everyone can answer this question. Damage is a negative program that can affect health, luck, family relationships, work affairs and other areas of a person’s life and activity. In order to punish an enemy, you don’t have to be a magician; it’s enough just to wish something unkind at an inopportune hour.

There are certain planetary hours during which a powerful negative program will find its victim and cause harm to her. Of course, a magician (or, if you prefer, a sorcerer) has a much greater chance of achieving success in “inducing damage”, i.e. sending a negative destructive program, because he knows how to use his power.

Unlike an ordinary person, a sorcerer will not waste energy on anger, hatred and other useless emotions, but instead will concentrate his intention on the task at hand - cursing his victim.

Methods of damage described by Gerard Encausse (Papus)

1. You need to get the water that was used to wash the deceased. They pour this water on the door of their enemy and splash it on his back. Those around you will treat the spoiled one coldly and unfriendly, and avoid meeting with him. For the same purposes, soap is used, which was used to wash the deceased. You need to smear it on the doorknob of your enemy’s house, and also make sure that he washes his hands with them.

2. Volt - a figure representing the enemy. It should be made of wax in such a way that it is as similar as possible to the one who needs revenge. It is advisable to dress this figurine in a dress of the same style that the enemy prefers, as well as have his hair, nails and another mummy. Pieces of prosphora or a few drops of St. are added to the volt. oil The made figurine is baptized and named after its enemy. Then it is pricked, cut, burned or buried. Since the figurine is brought into rapport with the person, all damage it receives will be reflected on the subject. There are others

3. On the day of Venus (Friday), you should get the hair of your enemy and tie one knot on it for nine days. To punish the enemy, on the ninth day he should be wrapped in virgin parchment (a blank sheet) and struck. The enemy will receive the blows.

4. In the case when it is not possible to get the mummy of your enemy (hair, nails, blood, etc.), you can use the following method. Having noticed a mark left by an ill-wisher on the ground or in the snow, drive four nails into it in the shape of a cross. When hammering nails, you should focus on wishing the enemy various disasters. Another way of spoiling is to remove the trace left from the ground with a knife, take it home and burn it with appropriate wishes. The success of this operation depends entirely on the ability to focus on wishing the enemy illnesses, etc.

5. Damage to the wind. You should stand at an intersection (the intersection of two paths) so that the wind blows towards the enemy’s home. The sorcerer takes a handful of dust, earth or snow and throws it into the wind with the appropriate spell. There are many formulas for such spells, but success depends on the concentration of your intention, and not on the spoken words.

6. Damage caused to trade. Between the doors or on the threshold of your enemy’s store or office, you should sprinkle salt with a cross and say the following spell:

The mechanism of damage - how it works

Unlike the spectacular rituals of black magic, which can be observed in almost any second-rate horror film, the induction of damage is not accompanied by explosions and flashes of light, nor by the sacrifice of human victims. Very often the sorcerer (or witch) does not manifest himself in any way at all - he does not need to intimidate the victim and communicate his intentions.

To perform some rituals, it is necessary to use a kind of “binding” - a material object with which the victim will come into physical contact. Another way to punish an enemy is to leave the object in the house (or on the doorstep) of the victim. Nails, needles, soil from a cemetery, photographs, salt and other objects that carry a negative program are often used as binding. More complex methods of damage involve making a volt (voodoo doll), which is first brought into rapport with the victim, and then pierced with needles, burned or buried in compliance with all rituals. The last method brings the most.

Why does damage work? To answer this question, you must first understand what type of energy impact belongs to. Depending on the “qualification” of the magician, an astral or mental attack can be carried out on the victim. Astral influence includes the work of village sorcerers and sorceresses who enter into an agreement with “evil spirits,” or, more simply, with astral entities capable of providing minor services to the person who called them.

The disadvantages of this method of corruption are obvious - firstly, the magician has no real power over the entities he has summoned, and secondly, such assistants will require their payment. Of course, they won’t take your soul, but they will take a lot of energy. Mental influence requires higher qualifications. The magician performing it understands that the ritual of inflicting damage in itself does not have an effect on the victim, but serves as a means of concentrating his intention.

The mechanism of action of the curse is extremely simple - first the magician creates a stable thought form, a negative program (a wish for illness, death, etc.). This program is created at the stage when a certain ritual is performed - the text of the spell is pronounced, a doll is made. Then the thought form is released, for which the magician must completely throw out the image of the one whom he cursed from his head. If the sorcerer does not manage to quickly get rid of the mental image, then there is a possibility of “pulling” part of the negative program onto himself. However, magicians usually play it safe - in case of a backlash, they always charm an animal or a person who will take the blow upon themselves.

How to punish the enemy. Other methods of damage

Magic provides many opportunities to take revenge on your offender and enemy. We present to your attention several ways to damage a person.

1. To make the offender sick and suffer, you should take a new needle and drip wax on it, reading the following text of the spell:

The needle should be inserted discreetly into the clothing worn by the offender.

2. If a blood relative is killed, or an enemy has caused you a serious offense, then you can resort to the following method of damage. To punish the enemy, they wipe away their tears with a handkerchief and say something like this:

3. Some methods of damage allow you to cruelly punish the enemy. If you want to seriously ruin the offender’s life, then you can use this method. On the eve of the full moon, seven candles should be lit at midnight and arranged in such a way as to form a circle. Seven nails are placed in the center of the circle, over which you need to pronounce the spell seven times:

After the candles burn out, you need to wrap the nails in black cloth and throw them under the threshold of the offender. Only nails are left on the threshold, and the fabric itself is buried at midnight near the cemetery fence on the inside.

4. A simpler way of damage, allowing you to punish the enemy. You should wait until the offender passes, and then whisper a few witchcraft lines into his back:

Words must be drawn out, like the hiss of a snake. You can replace the words “his” with “her”, “offender” with “offender”.

5. There are numerous ways of damage sent by the wind. To punish the enemy, you should read the black magic plot into the wind:

What is the danger of casting a curse

Even if we ignore the ethical side of this issue (after all, attacking with the help of magic is quite vile), there is a certain danger for a magician who causes damage. Firstly, there is always the possibility of a backlash that could hit the magician himself. A beginner does not always manage to transfer it to an animal or other victim.

A backlash can occur in two cases - if the damage is removed by a stronger sorcerer or if the negative program is reflected from the victim. Special talismans, and sometimes a simple mental attitude, can protect against the effects of damage. If a person does not believe in energetic influence (i.e. magic), then he creates a reliable mental block that prevents any astral attacks. In this case, all the negativity is reflected and finds the one who sent it. But the mental block only protects against the influence of low-skilled magicians.

In most cases, there will be no backlash (not everyone will look for a magician who can remove the damage), but the energy attack will not go without retribution. According to the law of cause and effect (in India it is called), sooner or later you will have to answer for your actions. The consequences can manifest themselves in different ways; these can be health problems, troubles with loved ones, and the complete collapse of any financial endeavors. Resort to such mental influence as damage only in the most extreme cases.

Loving-kindness meditation or Mattha Bhavan - like other famous self-development techniques - has several varieties. Moreover, supporters of one or another sect may even defend the opinion that other techniques are incorrect. This can be discouraging, but this is actually typical for yoga teachers, and for Buddhist, and any other teachings - after all, it seems that the “correct” technique is the one you do yourself, and which actually works! At the same time, it is clear that different people get completely different results, and sometimes diametrically opposite ones... The truth is that you need to try different options, and then choose the one from which you personally have the greatest return. And it is better to refuse criticism of other teachings and directions.

Basically Matt's meditation technique goes something like this:

  1. You sit down, make yourself comfortable, and take one of the meditative yoga poses.
  2. You tune in to the feeling of happiness, the thought of happiness. First, imagine yourself being happy. It could be a feeling or a picture, an image. As it turns out, that’s how we present it.
  3. Then we need to wish happiness to our loved ones, and those who love us - and imagine that they are happy too.
  4. Then wish happiness to those who do not know you, and whom you do not know either - to all other beings on the planet and in the Universe!
  5. Finally, wish happiness to your... enemies! Remember that if your enemies were completely happy, they would not have the slightest reason to interfere with you, or even think badly of you - in fact, they would not be your enemies. You could even become friends if both you and your enemy were completely happy - right? When a person is happy, he cannot be an enemy to anyone, “he won’t even hurt a fly.” Only deeply unhappy people inflict suffering on others, and these actions will bring them even greater suffering in the future... Unfortunately, the path to happiness is not always straightforward, but we try to cause as little suffering as possible - to ourselves and others. The more happiness there is around us, the more comfortable we are to practice yoga and simply live. So let everyone around us be happy, and let our enemies become friends. It is very important not formally, but sincerely to remember these truths, and to sincerely wish that the situation in the lives of our enemies will change for the better, then they will have no reason to hate us and we will have nothing to divide.

(Points 4 and 5 are sometimes swapped, but this is not important - do what seems more logical and convenient to you).

Practice Tips:

Sit down not in a way that is most beautiful, but in a way that is most comfortable! You don’t do this practice for selfies, but for an inner feeling of comfort, kindness, and joy. Do not let your legs become too numb - this defeats the purpose of this practice.

If extraneous thoughts appear, simply return your attention to the feeling of happiness (the easiest way is to the feeling of wishing happiness to yourself, and then to what is needed during the meditation, for example, wishing happiness to your enemies).

If you are distracted by scratching, coughing, sounds from the street, etc., try not to get irritated about it. Any distraction will pass very soon.

This meditation is a skill that can and should be developed. Just because you didn’t feel anything special on your first try doesn’t mean you won’t experience the deepest peace or even special states of meditation on your fifth or tenth try! Try it and everything will work out!

This meditation is good to do at the very beginning and at the very end of the day, then the whole day seems to be framed by peace and quiet, you are less nervous during the day and sleep better at night. When combining practice with yoga, you can do it in the morning before starting all practices, including before warming up, or after Savasana, and in the evening, best of all, after Savasana (or all those practices that you did in the evening).

If at first it is difficult to do this technique, especially to wish happiness to enemies, then the first few times do this meditation in a calm environment, for example, at the dacha on the weekend (i.e., when it is much easier to achieve a feeling of happiness!).

Alexey Sokolovsky is a teacher of classical Hatha yoga (“according to Satyananda”), who has been practicing yoga for more than 15 years. Leader of outdoor yoga seminars.


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