Pheromones - what are they? Perfume with pheromones. Sex pheromones What are soul pheromones

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Smells play an important role in nature, because smell is an indispensable sense that helps living beings perceive and appreciate the world around them. At the end of the last century, the secret of natural sexual desire was revealed: the human body produces special volatile substances that help attract the opposite sex. Based on these chemical compounds with a subtle odor, perfumes with pheromones were created, which act on the principle of natural aphrodisiacs - they enhance the sexual attractiveness of a woman in the eyes of the male half of humanity and vice versa.

What are pheromones in perfumes

Chemicals synthesized by the human body to transmit sexual signals to members of the opposite sex are called pheromones. Although they help increase sexual desire, they are not produced by the gonads - their secretion occurs in inconspicuous areas of the skin of the human body: in the armpits, in the groin, on the nasolabial folds. Thanks to natural “perfume,” a person “smells” in a special way to members of the opposite sex, which stimulates the latter’s production of sex hormones and the emergence of sexual desire.

Based on this natural discovery, a unique toilet water with pheromones was developed, which creates an additional supply of substances attractive to the opposite sex on the human body and forces individuals located at a short distance from the smelling person to be interested in him in an intimate way. Most pheromone perfume products use synthetic pheromones or animal scents to replace the natural sexual scents of the human body.

How do perfumes with pheromones work?

Pheromone-containing perfumes are far from the composition of classic perfumes used to emphasize the image. Special love scents are designed to awaken the natural sexual instinct, so they are sharp and rich, but at the same time unstable and disappear in a matter of minutes. When purchasing such a miraculous remedy for attracting close sexual attention, do not hope that you will be able to become desired by the entire opposite half of humanity, because pheromones act on individuals in close proximity.

For men

Men's perfumes with pheromones are made with the addition of the natural sex hormone androsterone, which helps a man become more attractive, more expressive, and sexier in the eyes of the fair sex. Often men's perfumes with pheromones smell like “Triple Cologne”, but the bold and sharp aroma does not repel, but strongly attracts women. The answer to the riddle lies in the subtle notes of masculinity that have an exciting effect on girls. In addition, pheromones for men are recognized as an excellent way to increase self-esteem.

For women

Pheromones in perfumes for women are combined with synthetic or natural musk, because in an alcohol base, volatile substances irreversibly disintegrate and lose their original properties. “Magic” women's fragrances enhance natural sexuality, arouse interest and sexual desire in men, but do not guarantee the emergence of high feelings. Using eau de toilette with the addition of pheromones, you should not count on strong love - a pheromone-containing product will help arouse passion, and love will have to be developed through your inner qualities.

How to use perfumes with pheromones

It is recommended to apply pheromone perfume to the body, a couple of drops on open areas of the body. You need to “dress yourself” in such a scent on occasion, and not mindlessly water yourself from head to toe. Nature acts on all males, regardless of health and financial situation, but in a crowded bus or crowded place your stunning aroma may be “pecked” by a less than adequate specimen. For this reason, it is better to carry a miniature bottle of “sexy” perfume with you and splash it when you need to attract the attention of a certain subject.

Perfume with pheromones

If you decide to get eau de toilette with a pronounced effect of attracting the opposite sex, choose perfumes with aphrodisiacs from well-known brands - this way the risk of purchasing a fake is small, and the quality of their perfumes is usually high. Buying perfume with pheromones in a store is almost impossible; you will have to visit a sex shop or order the option you like from a specialized online store. Check out a quick overview of popular types laced with chemicals that stimulate sexual desire.

Secret Key Midnight

The Korean brand Secret Key, which produces high-quality cosmetics, has created two opposing perfumes with the addition of sexual pheromones - for men and women. The female version is based on white musk with the addition of bright citrus notes, delicate violet and sensual jasmine:

    name: Secret Key Midnight Pheromone Parfume Secret White;

  • price: 1450 rub.;
  • characteristics: volume 27 ml, top notes – mandarin, lemon, bergamot, middle notes – violet, jasmine, Bulgarian rose, base note – white musk;
  • pros: delicate, sensual scent that attracts the attention of men;
  • cons: unstable, high cost.

Men's fragrance with pheromones Secret Key Midnight - tough, powerful, passionate. A perfume based on the strongest plant aphrodisiacs will help attract the attention of any girl:

    name: Secret Key Midnight Pheromone Parfume Secret Black;

  • price: 1590 rub.;
  • characteristics: volume 27 ml, top notes – juniper, lemon, bergamot, middle notes – anise, ginger, cardamom, base notes – sandalwood, amber, musk;
  • pros: pronounced sexy aroma;
  • cons: small bottle, high price.

Sexy life

Fragrances containing pheromones from the French brand Sexy Life are wildly popular all over the world. This manufacturer produces oil perfumes in a convenient format - in small bottles with a roll-on dispenser. Sexy Life sells a whole line of men's and women's sexy perfumes:

    title: Sexy Life No. 18 Bright Crystal;

  • price: 350 rub.;
  • characteristics: woody-floral aroma, volume 10 ml, oil-based, top notes - pomegranate, middle notes - peony, magnolia, lotus, base notes - musk, amber, mahogany;
  • pros: convenient, economical bottle, alcohol-free, long-lasting;
  • cons: unstable aroma.

This manufacturer has a wide selection of men's fragrances with pheromones - there are fresh, calm scents, and there is also a strong perfume for strong, brutal men. They produce a light but expressive masculine scent with pheromones under the name “Aquamarine”:

  • price: 350 rub.;
  • characteristics: volume 10 ml, bottle with a roll-on dispenser, oil-based, top notes – grapefruit, middle notes – nerole, poseidonia, rosemary flowers, base note – white cedar;
  • pros: fresh aroma with marine notes, convenient travel bottle;
  • cons: not very durable.

Desire Pheromone

Desire Pheromone, a love perfume with a high concentration of pheromones produced in Poland, has a pronounced effect in attracting the sexual attention of the opposite sex. They have a convenient pen perfume that will fit both in a miniature handbag and in a man's jacket pocket:

    name: Vamp Desire Pheromone;

  • price: 170 rub.;
  • characteristics: feminine, volume 8 ml, floral aroma, top notes – mandarin, middle notes – peony, base notes – praline;
  • pros: inexpensive, easy to use, pleasant sweetish aroma;
  • cons: none.

There is also a perfume with pheromones on sale in the usual format - in a bottle with a spray. If you are not sure about the effectiveness of a pheromone-containing sexual product and do not know whether the scent will suit you, take a chance and order a mini version to try:

    name: Desire Pheromone No. 1 Dior Jadore Mini Blister;

  • price: 250 rub.;
  • characteristics: feminine, spicy aroma, volume 5 ml, top notes – hyacinth, middle notes – violet, base notes – cedar;
  • pros: attracts the attention of the opposite sex well;
  • cons: relatively expensive.

How to choose perfumes with pheromones

Perfume containing sexually odorous substances is not in short supply these days; many sex shops and online stores successfully sell such a popular product. You can often find pheromones for women in pharmacies, but before you buy this specific product to enhance your sexuality, pay attention to important points regarding the choice of pheromone-containing perfumes:

    First of all, choose the scent that best suits you and will not irritate you when you use it.

    Before purchasing, carefully study the composition of the perfume you like, ask about the concentration of pheromones and whether the selected item contains alcohol, since ethyl has a destructive effect on odorous love substances and neutralizes their effect.

    When choosing “magical” sexual perfumes, give preference to products based on artificial pheromones and plant aphrodisiacs, because natural odorous substances of human and animal origin can cause sexual addiction and the appearance of psychological disorders.



Modern people, accustomed to the bright aromas of perfumes and the smell of deodorants, have almost completely lost the ability to sense the aromas of the human body (to which unpleasant odors have nothing to do). However, the body of each of us has a unique aroma, which is not so much felt as a smell, but is felt on a subconscious level by individuals of the opposite sex. These scents are called pheromones.

What are "pheromones"

Pheromones (translated from ancient Greek: “fer” - to carry, “orma” - to encourage, excite) is the general name for substances that are products of external secretion of some types of living beings, including humans, with the help of which chemical communication occurs between individuals. Interestingly, plants also synthesize pheromones. Simply put, pheromones are volatile chemical signals, biological markers of a certain type of living being, actively influencing the process of their development. Pheromones have no effect...

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People have almost lost the ability to sense body aromas, obscuring them with perfumes and deodorants, and completely in vain. The smell of each person is unique and is perceived by the opposite sex at the subconscious level.

Human sexual behavior is ensured by many complex processes. Its implementation involves various organs and systems of the body, social factors (sexual education, cultural characteristics, religion, etc.) and psychological characteristics. Much attention is paid to the study of the effects of various chemicals on the sexual sphere. What is new in understanding the mechanism of sexual behavior is the study of sex pheromones.

What are pheromones?

Pheromones are special volatile substances that are released by men and women as a signal of sexual activity, attractiveness and arousal. A person's smell is as individual as his voice or fingerprints. Androsterol is considered to be a male pheromone, and...

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Most animals secrete special chemicals - pheromones - that attract individuals of the opposite sex. The response to pheromone chemical signals was first observed in moths. Here and further in the article there is a photo of I. Konstantinov.

Some plants produce substances that mimic insect pheromones to attract pollinators.

Some derivatives of steroid hormones claim to be human pheromones. For example, androstenol and androstenone, which can be formed from the male sex hormone testosterone.

Rabbit milk contains a low molecular weight substance 2-methylbut-2-enal (2MB2). It is this that serves as a pheromone that helps newborn rabbits find their mother rabbit’s nipple.

Pheromones play an important role in the relationship between mother and cubs.

In the animal world, acquaintance usually begins with sniffing.

Ill. 1. Vomeronasal organ (VNO)

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Imagine that you are hungry - not like that...

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Many of us have experienced an inexplicable attraction to a member of the opposite sex. “It was as if a spark had jumped between us” - is this a familiar phrase? Why does this happen? It's all about pheromones, these mysterious “love hormones”. Today we are talking about how to increase your attractiveness in the eyes of men and become even more sexy.

Pheromones: the way to a man's heart
A private collection of historical documents belonging to the Austrian jurist Albin Schram contains a letter in which the French commander Napoleon Bonaparte wrote to his beloved Josephine: “... I am returning to Paris, without washing tomorrow evening.”

Where is the key to a man's heart? In 1942, the future Nobel laureate, Swiss chemist Vladimir Prelog, discovered androstenone, a substance that the male body produces to attract female attention.

The discovery of pheromones confirms that love literally begins at the “first smell.”

Pheromones are volatile substances...

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This article is a continuation of the article “Aphrodisiacs: how to increase your sexuality”

The “calling card” of each person is his appearance, voice characteristics and non-verbal behavior. And the special charm of this unique “business card” is given by the scent of its owner, which frames and completes this “business card” and emphasizes the bright individuality of its owner.

In the animal world, one's own scent is a widely used tool for communicating with oneself in detail. They use their own scent to mark their territory and thereby protect their interests. The smell of oneself attracts an individual of the opposite sex. For example, everyone knows that cats mark “their” territory. Or they rub their muzzle or body against corners, objects, or the owner himself. These are ways to designate your territory, “your farm”, i.e. indicate that it is “his”.

And vice versa, when you need to hide your presence, for example, while hunting, then very often animals “bathe” in dust or...

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Follow me!

Pheromones are biologically active substances that cause sexual attraction in people of the opposite sex on a subconscious level. Once in the air, they are perceived by olfactory receptors, which send a signal to the brain that excites the sexual instinct.

When we say that a woman captivates men with her scent, we are talking not only and not so much about the perfume that she uses. “Magic” volatile substances are produced in the body by special glands and are released through sweat. The more pheromones are released in a person's body, the more sexually attractive he will seem.
But it also happens that pheromones repel. This happens if, for example, two people have a similar immune system or a common genotype. In this way, nature takes care of the heredity of future generations.

Natural pheromones of the body are secreted, as already mentioned, by the sweat glands. They are especially actively produced in the armpits and other...

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"Scent of a Woman"

Scientists soon found that female pheromones influence the behavior of men with a more pronounced effect. It was assumed that the so-called fluids are of a biochemical nature.

It turns out that a woman, in a strong emotional state called love, is able to send unusually powerful chemical signals to the man she likes and at the same time suppress the desire of other competing friends.

“Human pheromones attract sexual partners just as they do in the animal kingdom,” says Dr. Winnifred B. Cutler, “these chemosignals are very effective in relationships between the sexes. At the same time, new research shows that women also suffer from the pheromones of other men and women who are negative towards them.”

In addition, thanks to pheromones, you can even intuitively imagine what your partner looks like. It is believed that it was not without the influence of these publications that the film directed by Martin Brest was released in 1992...

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It is so arranged by nature that the human body releases into space a wide variety of odorous components. Scientists call this process chemical communication. The most odorous discharge is associated with the love sphere of a person’s life. Already in ancient times, women noticed how much their smell had a strong effect on a man. The smell of a woman is unique and affects the opposite sex at the subconscious level.

In contact with

Each representative of the fairer sex has an individual aroma, which the “owner” herself is not able to smell. There are especially many glands that secrete pheromones in the body of the human embryo, but when a child is born, most of the glands are lost, and those that remain lie dormant in the body until the onset of puberty.

When the time comes, the ducts of the glands open. Most of them are found in the armpits, near the nose and mouth, around the nipples, in the area...

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This morning I found an interesting article in the newsletter.
I'll put it in full here:

What smell attracts men?
What smell attracts men

Since ancient times, people have known that the smell of our body can attract and repel others. For example, in African tribes, the magic of aromas was passed down from generation to generation, with the help of which a woman forced an unloved man to abandon her, and to drive the desired one crazy. In Athens, the hands of a beautiful girl were supposed to smell like mint and her face like palm oil. It is also known that in Greece, Serbia, and Macedonia, during folk dances, men put handkerchiefs in their armpits and then offered them to women, thus inviting them to dance. The French women turned out to be even more inventive! They wore handkerchiefs in their private parts and then wiped their chests and necks with them. Even alchemists experimented, mixing various potions in search of a scent that would give power over people.

Mysterious volatile substances released...

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Imagine that you are hungry - not very hungry, but the thought of food comes to you more and more persistently. And suddenly there comes a delicious aroma of something fried. Instantly, as if someone pressed an invisible button, your mouth fills with saliva, your stomach “gives voice,” and the feeling of hunger becomes unbearable. In this case, it is not difficult to trace the connection between the smell and the physiological reaction (salivation, secretion of gastric juices), but as soon as you remove the smell (or rather, the conscious registration of the smell), everything that happens will become completely incomprehensible.

Probably everyone can remember cases when smells influenced our decisions (for example, whether to eat or not eat cottage cheese that has been left in the refrigerator), moods (oh, those smells of spring), preferences (the smell of sweat or stale clothes negates all the charm of the interlocutor ) and even well-being (headache from the smell of flowers). Meanwhile, until recently, scientists paid little attention to research into the sense of smell in humans, considering the nose...

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Pheromones are the best that modern science can offer today for bringing the sexes together, harmonizing interpersonal relationships between men and women of all ages and social categories. When released into the external environment, they subconsciously influence a person, arousing sexual attraction and desire in him. Depending on the type of substance, they affect either a woman or a man.

Pheromones are not a chemical invention of science. These are organic compounds that are secreted by special glands located in the skin of any animal, including humans. It is pheromones that are responsible for sexual attraction, arousal,...

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Let's say you're hungry and suddenly the fragrant smell of food appears. Immediately you begin to salivate, your hunger intensifies. Various smells have their effect on us. .The fresh smells of the forest lift our spirits, the smell of the sweat of our interlocutor irritates us. Only relatively recently has science begun to pay attention to the study of human smell. Very few people believed in the existence of special chemical substances that control human behavior. These substances are called pheromones. It was believed that in the course of evolution, pheromones lost their significance for humans, and they exert their effect on animals to attract individuals of the opposite sex. But the role of human pheromones is now being examined more closely. Back in the 19th century, it was noticed how a female butterfly can attract dozens of males. It was assumed that the female secretes some substances that humans cannot detect. And only in the middle of the 20th century were the secretions of butterfly glands isolated. It turned out that...

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Imagine that you are hungry - not very hungry, but the thought of food comes to you more and more persistently. And suddenly there comes a delicious aroma of something fried. Instantly, as if someone pressed an invisible button, your mouth fills with saliva, your stomach “gives voice,” and the feeling of hunger becomes unbearable. In this case, it is not difficult to trace the connection between the smell and the physiological reaction (salivation, secretion of gastric juices), but as soon as you remove the smell (or rather, the conscious registration of the smell), everything that happens will become completely incomprehensible.

Probably everyone can remember cases when smells influenced our decisions (for example, whether to eat or not eat cottage cheese that has been sitting in the refrigerator), moods (oh, those smells of spring), preferences (the smell of sweat or stale clothes negates all the charm of the interlocutor ) and even well-being (headache from the smell of flowers). Meanwhile, until recently, scientists paid little attention to research into the sense of smell in...

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And aphrodisiacs? They were known about in ancient Greece, but in the modern world they began to be used relatively recently. These are certain smells and substances that affect the olfactory organs, stimulating the activity of the body, increasing tone, filling with energy and, as a result, increasing desire and potency.

At a subconscious level, a person tends to be attracted to one or another partner’s scent. But each person perceives the same smell differently. and women are very different from each other. Therefore, women are more affected by certain odors, and men by others. Human pheromones are most secreted in the axillary region, in the genital area and mammary glands. Natural pheromones can either attract or repel and be unpleasant to another person.

Very often you can notice this oddity: a not very handsome man or woman has many admirers. This is explained by the fact that their bodies produce more pheromones, which attract others. From this we can conclude that beauty is not always the key to success with the opposite sex. Human pheromones are most noticeable on a clean body. Applying perfume or antiperspirant to the body eliminates the smell. Men secrete a huge amount of pheromones (about 10%) through sweat.

Lately, you can increasingly hear about perfumes, soaps, and shampoos containing pheromones. Along with products containing pheromones, many skilled housewives use foods rich in aphrodisiacs in their cooking to increase sexual desire. Here are some of the foods that contain "love" substances and have stimulating properties: almonds, marzipan, asparagus, avocado, bananas, coconut, mango, dates, bergamot, honey, eggs, parsley, dill, aloe, seafood, in particular shellfish and shrimps.

So what are human pheromones - the truth or perfume manufacturing companies? Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. But it has been proven that alcohol contained in perfumes destroys pheromones. However, if alcohol was not included in the perfume, then some effect can still be observed. The smell of pheromones is not felt through the nose; these substances are felt on a subconscious level. By the way, it is human pheromones that are not present in perfume products. Male pig pheromone - androsterone - is usually added to perfumes. But there is no indisputable evidence of its stimulating effect. Most likely, when buying perfume with pheromones, people succumb to self-hypnosis and convince themselves that it is the perfume that will help them gain attention. It is only known that androsterone calms the fair sex and gives them self-confidence. The smell of neroli, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, musk, jasmine can be described as exciting and exciting.

Where to buy pheromones, you ask? Perfume with pheromones can be purchased in perfume stores, sex shops, or ordered online at any intimate store.

Few people think about the fact that our sympathies are born not after we look at a person, but after we smell their scent. Moreover, we feel the aroma, even if we don’t realize it, much earlier than we evaluate a person with our eyes.

Why do we like certain people of the opposite sex? The fact is that they secrete certain substances to which our receptors react. These substances differ in men and women. They are called pheromones.

How do pheromones work and how do people use them?

History of pheromones

What pheromones are and how they work has interested people for a long time. Back in Ancient Egypt, noble Egyptian women bought special substances for a lot of money that had a truly stunning effect on men. Cleopatra, the famous conqueror of men's hearts, was a big fan of such perfumes.

Interesting! Directly natural pheromones were first discovered by the German scientist Adolf Butenandt. He conducted research on female silkworms. This happened in 1962. Since then, people have been discovering new species, classifying them and studying the process of how these substances work.

Pheromones, what they contain and how they affect others are just a few questions to which not all answers have been found.

Pheromones - what are they?

Pheromones are special attractant substances that are produced by all living beings to attract individuals of the opposite sex and inform them of their readiness to reproduce. Many people confuse them with aphrodisiacs. These are different substances.

Pheromones attract a partner and influence his behavior, they can also warn or inform about something, and aphrodisiacs affect sexual arousal.

The action of pheromones is determined by a signal that comes from the olfactory receptors directly to the brain, or more precisely, to the hypothalamus. This department is responsible for the reproductive instinct, as well as aggression and fear. A special organ, the Jacobs organ, is responsible for capturing and recognizing receptors. At this point in human evolution, it is less developed than in animals. This is why people are not able to find and distinguish odors, like, for example, a dog.

The glands that secrete human pheromones in nature are located mainly in the armpits, nasolabial fold, as well as on the head and groin area.

In some, these glands are less developed, while in others, on the contrary, they are stronger. Some scientists suggest that girls with red and blond hair are therefore considered more attractive to the stronger sex.

Classification of pheromones

Pheromones vary in their composition and also in where they are found. They are divided into male and female. Ladies and representatives of the stronger sex emit different volatile compounds, since their glands work differently.

In addition, such components are classified into:

  1. Releasers. These are substances that affect behavior at a given moment in time. They are usually used to attract a sparring partner or as an alarm signal.
  2. Primers. By influencing the olfactory receptors of others, they push to a certain behavior.

Natural pheromones are used to warn of danger and can even help an animal pass itself off as another species. They are also divided into organic, which are obtained by extracting from plants, and synthetic, which humans have learned to produce in production. It is worth noting that human pheromones still cannot be produced. Perhaps because their chemical formula is too complex.

Among the compounds that are produced in humans, the following are known:

  1. Androsterone. This substance is secreted by men, and the smell is not pleasant. Despite this, the female sex is very attracted to the one who secretes such a pheromone. A man in a woman’s eyes becomes a protector and a knight without signs of aggression.
  2. Androstadienone. Also produced by men. Women who catch it immediately become more sociable and gentle. This component can even bring order to the menstrual cycle.
  3. Androstenol. Stands out for both sexes. It encourages others to communicate and makes a person appear younger in the eyes of others.
  4. Copulin. A feminine substance found in female vaginal mucous secretions.

Note! Synthetic ones include osmopherin and osmopheron. The first is an analogue of copulin, and the second is an analogue of androstenone.

What are they used for?

Pheromones are attractants of sexual desire. For women and men who want to be popular and exude self-confidence to the opposite sex, humanity produces various kinds of perfumes with the addition of synthetic or organic substances. These can be perfumes, as well as shower gels, eau de toilette, and shampoos.

Now on the market there is a large selection of this kind of products, which are most often made on the basis of oil. This is because alcohol can destroy volatile compounds, and then there will be no desired effect.

It is important to understand that such perfumes should not be used for work and everyday life, but specifically for a romantic evening or in the evening.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition. If it states that a perfume contains natural human compounds, then you have a fake on your hands. It is also advisable to use artificial musk instead of natural one. In addition to stimulants and musk, ginger and other components that attract the opposite sex are added to such perfumes.

(aphrodisiacs) are an important means of sexual attraction and communication in all animals, including humans. They largely determine the sexual attractiveness (sex appeal) of women for men, and vice versa. Most sex pheromones are produced in humans in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, breasts, anal-genital area and armpits. These pheromones have virtually no odors, but act in very small quantities on the receptors of the vomeronasal organ, and through it on functions that are controlled by the hypothalamus (sexual desire, sexual readiness, deep emotions, hormone levels, fertility, caring for children, maturity, aggression or humility, etc.).
Pheromones are quickly destroyed in the air; they do not penetrate clothing well and their effect is easily inactivated by cosmetics. A clean body is the best “supplier” of sex pheromones.
About 10% of men have a sex pheromone in their sweat that makes them especially attractive to women - androsterone. Those of them who secrete a lot of androsterone are much stronger than those who secrete little. Androsterone is produced by the adrenal glands of both men and women; and perhaps also the ovaries. One study found its presence in smegma, a substance secreted by the sebaceous glands of the foreskin of the penis and the labia minora of the vagina. In smegma, androsterone performs a signaling function, attracting the opposite sex. What is not known is how the attraction effect works and who exactly is attracted. A reliable fact is that men who secrete a lot of androsterone are more attractive to women than those who secrete little. Although this does not cause true sexual arousal, it helps to form love couples.
The female pheromone is called copulin - it is a mixture of vaginal acids that are secreted by women in large quantities during ovulation. Dr. Alex Comfort suggested that this pheromone is released especially intensely by blondes and redheads.
Sex pheromones are actively exploited by the perfume and cosmetics industry (adding so-called attractants, odorous synthetic substances similar to natural sex pheromones) to cosmetics. Experience shows that the use of such means often enhances attractiveness to the opposite sex on an unconscious level.
Useful information for men in the field of smells
Some sources indicate that the most powerful olfactory stimulants of the parental instinct of care, which works flawlessly on women, are baby powders and some other cosmetics for babies. This is due to the fact that in the first months of life, physical contact dominates between mother and baby and the olfactory component certainly plays a significant role in it. Men can try to increase attention to themselves with children's products. However, you must take into account that they may treat you with strange tenderness and have maternal feelings for you.

(Source: Sexological Dictionary)

See what “Sex pheromones” are in other dictionaries:

    SEX PHEROMONES OF INSECTS- substances secreted by individuals of the opposite sex to attract insects and sexual arousal... Pesticides and plant growth regulators

    - (from the Greek phero I carry and hormao I set in motion, excite), biologically active substances released by animals into the environment and specifically affecting behavior or physiol. the condition of other individuals of the same species. One of the first in pure... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    Biologically active substances released by animals into the environment and specifically affecting the behavior, physiological and emotional state or metabolism of other individuals of the same species. As a rule, F. are produced... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (Greek fero to carry, hormao to encourage) these are biologically active substances that animals secrete into the environment in very small quantities by special glands and cells. Pheromones are released into the external environment and have a signal... ... Sexological encyclopedia

    Chemicals produced by the exocrine glands (or special cells) of animals; released into the external environment by some individuals, pheromones influence the behavior and sometimes the growth and development of other individuals of the same species. To pheromones... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    In va, inserted by animals into the outside. environment and are means of intraspecific signaling. Physics are classified as sexual (sexual attractants that attract males to females during the mating period), stimulants (afrodisiacs), collecting (aggregation), ... ... Chemical encyclopedia

    Pheromones pheromones. Biologically active substances secreted by animals and specifically influencing the behavior of other individuals of the same species (sexual attractants, alarm substances, aggregation substances, etc.). (


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